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Bella's POV
"Is she ok?"
"When will she wake up?"
"Will she wake up?"
"What happened?"
"Is she dead?"
"She's not dead George"
I peal my eyes open slowly to see Ginny, Harry Hermione, Fred and George standing over the bed I'm in "your up" Ginny smiles. I sat up but then realised someone was missing. "Where's Ron?" I ask. "Aww does someone miss her big brother?" Ron shouts in a baby voice. "Aw man he's alive" you sulk, pretending to be sad and everyone laughs. Harry and Hermione stood in the middle of the room and put a necklace over them. "We will be back" Hermione spoke. "Where are y-" but before I finish, they vanish out of thin air and then, like magic (no pun intended), they came through the hospital doors. "But-you and-you-over there-how-what?" I ask confused. "What?" Hermione tries to hold in a giggle. I look over at Ron to see he has the same expression as me but Fred and George are smirking. "Is it me or did you guys... disappear and then show up in a different place?" I say confused. "Must just be you" Harry laughed and I just lay down on the bed harshly while huffing.

"Can I go, I need to pull one last prank of the year" I smirk mischievously. "You can go but don't go getting into trouble" madam Pomfrey said as I ran out the wing. I grabbed Hermiones spare Gryffindor robs and ran to the Slytherin common room. I knocked on it repetitively but quietly because I didn't want to wake everyone up. After a couple minutes, Malfoy opened the door. "WHAT-omg what happened to your face?" he whisper-shouts. "Can I come in?" Malfoy stares at me for a minute then let's me in. When I look back at him, he has messy hair and is wearing black joggers with no shirt. I find myself staring at his chest. "Like what you see?" Malfoy speaks up while smirking. "Oh shut up. Anyway, do you know were Parksons dorm is?"
"First what happened to your face?" He stare at the big scratch across my face.
"Not important right now anyway where's her dorm" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "No, no, no. We're not doing this again"
"Oh pleaseeeeee. I won't make her fall in love with you I promise" I hold out my pinky for him to rap his around mine. He slowly raps his pinky around mine and realise how big his hand is. "Wow you have big hands" I gasp. "Do not. You just have tiny hands and I'm a year older than you" he smiles sarcastically. "So what's her room?" You ask. "Depends"
"Depends on what?"
"If I tell you, will you tell me what happened to your face?"
"Let me think- no"
"Ok ill just go back to sleep then" And with that, he walks to the boy's dorms. "Ok, ok you I'll tell you" I give in and Malfoy turns around.

I go up to pug-faces dorm while Draco waits for me in the commo room. "Alohamora" I whisper and the door unlocks. I go in and see her asleep. Her hair is all messy and over her face and she's drooling. Let me tell ya, it's not a pretty sight. I the spot her Slytherin uniform and switch it with the Gryffindor one in my hands. I take off my robe and put Pansys Slytherin ones on. I walk out and downstairs to see Malfoy. "What are you wearing?" He whispers. "I suit green" I say. "Till next time, blondie" I salute and walk out the door but he catches my wrist. "You promised" he says pointing to my face. "Ok, ok fine. I got scratched by the whomping willow not a big deal"
"Why were you near the whomping willow?"
"Ummmm- long story"
We've got all night, darling" he says and leans against the back of the sofa. "Fine, so when Buckbeak was getting executed because a dumbass told his father because he got a tiny scrach and acted like a wuss when-"
"Ok stop insulting me and get on with the story" Malfoy cut in and I giggle. "So after Hermione punched you, which I'm not gonna let you forget by the way, we all went to hagrids hut to comfort him because his pet was gonna get his head chopped off. Then they came to do the... death..." you make a hand motion of slitting your neck as you said 'death' "And blah blah blah, he escaped, blah blah blah, he's alive, yayyy, blah blah blah, we ended up at the whomping willow, blah blah blah, I got scratched by a stupid twig, blah blah blah, Sirius Black was there, blah blah blah, Lupin showed up, blah blah blah, Snape showed up, blah blah blah, he passed out in a bed, blah blah blah, then I passed out" When I finish, Malfoy stares at me with big eyes. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine" I reply. I stood up and just before I was about to leave, I say "I like the soft Malfoy" and walk out.

Draco's POV
After Bella left, I went back to my room to see Blaise learning against my bed frame, arms crossed and smirking. "Oh wipe that smirk off your face" I say and climb into bed. "Just admit you like her man. I won't tell anyone" he sighs while jumping into his bed. "I don't like her" I whisper and turn so my back is facing him. "You know I won't stop until you say it" he replies. After five minutes after he's asleep, I whisper "ok maybe a little" He smirks "I knew it" oh god. What have I done.

I wake up to a scream coming from the girls dorms. There is a big group of people crowding the stairs to see what's happening. Everyone erupts in whispers when Pansy comes down in Gryffindor uniform. "Let me guess, Bella" Blaise asks. "Yep" I shake my head but can't hold back a smile so I look at the ground.

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