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Bella's POV
I wake up to several loud knocks on the door. Come on, it's Saturday! I decide to ignore it and hope whoever it is will give up. I reach out to cuddle into Draco but it's just empty space. After a couple minutes of knocking, I get fed up. "No ones home right now" I shout sleepily. The knowing doesn't stop. I attempt to get up but I'm still weak and fall of the bed. I groan and snuggle up into a ball. "Morning ba-why are you on the floor?"
"Get the damn door. The person won't shut up" I whine. Draco chuckles and opens the door. "What the hell is that noise?" The voice asks, irritated. "YOU" I shout and try to get back on the bed but fail. I hear feet walking across the floor and look up to see Hermione. I'm still trying to get back on the bed but fail to do so. Draco laughs when he realises I can't get back up and picks me up bridle style. "Granger, what the fuck are you doing" Draco spits as I burry my head into his chest. "Can you not hear that?" She asks and looks in the bathroom. "Yeah, it's your voice" I smile sarcastically and close my eyes. I hear Draco chuckle and Hermione huff lightly. "I think your finally going crazy, mudblood" now if I wasn't that tired, I would kick his ass for using that word. But I am.

Finally Hermione leaves, she seriously is going crazy, and Draco forces me to get up. We both go downstairs. I spend the rest of the day with Ginny because Draco had to go back to his house for a death eaters meeting.

We were sat in the common room when Harry came down with Ron looking at the sealing dreamily. "What's up with him?" Ginny asks. "Come with me"

We all arrive at the Professor Slughorns office and Harry knock at the door. He opens up the peak hole. "I'm sorry sir, I wouldn't bother you unless it was absolutely essential" Harry says and Slughorn looks behind him at Ron. "What's the matter with Weasley?"
"A very powerful love potion" Harry whispers and me and Ginny look at each other, wide eyed.

He lets us in and Ron sits on the sofa while he gets out a drink. Ron then falls of the sofa and me and Ginny can't help but laugh. Harry glares at us and help Ron back up.

Ron drinks the potion and stares at us. "What happened to me?"
"Love potion-" I start "-a really bad one too" Ginny finishes. Ron complains about how bad it tastes and Slughorn gives us all a drink.

Ron falls to the floor and breaks the glass. "RON!" I shout and kneel down. He starts to foams in the mouth and I look at Harry. "DO SOMETHING!" I cry as he slowly stops breathing. Everyone else is freaking out now. Harry gets up and rustles trough the draws. He find something and puts it in his mouth. "Breathe Ron, breathe" he whispers. After a couple seconds of silence, he gasps and sits up. We all sigh and smile.

"Who would do this?" Ginny asks having no idea. I on the other hand, do. I quickly stand up and stomp to the Slytherin common room. On my way, I come across Theo and drag him by the sleeve. "Open the door" I growl and he jumps. He mutters the password and I storm up to Draco's room.

I walk up to him and start punching him in the stomach. "You.fucking.idiot" I cry and keep punching him but there weak and probably don't hurt. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you" I cry, still punching him, each one getting weaker and weaker. He tries to hug me but I slap his arm away and keep punching him. "I hat you" I keep repeating while tear slide down my face as I weaker.

Draco's POV
I had to go to the Manor to meet up with the dark Lord and he told me how disappointed he is with me. When I came back, I though about going to the Gryffindor common room to see Bella but soon dismissed that though and went up to my dorm. About five seconds later, the door opens and Bella storms in. She starts to punch me in the stomach. "You.fucking.idiot"
she cries. She keep punching me but there weak and don't hurt. I just let her punch me because I deserve it. I don't know why, but I do. I must of fucked up real bad to get her this mad at me. "I hate you" she keeps repeating while punching me, every one getting weaker and weaker. I see her getting exhausted with every punch so I try and hug her but she slaps my arm away. She keeps punching me and repeating herself. Her punches get slow and less powerful as she start to whisper. She gulps and goes for another weak punch but I stop her and pull her in for a hug. She struggles in my grip at first but when I don't let go, she melts into me. She scrunches the back of my shirt in her fists and cry's into my chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Shhh, its ok, it's ok" I soothe and stroke her hair. Her breath evens out as her muscles relax.

After a while, I hear light snoring so I look down to see her asleep. I pick her up and gently lay he on the bed. I change her into my hoodie and some shorts. I put on some joggers and get under the covers with her. Her back is facing me so I gently turn her over and see her cheeks drenched in tears. I while them off with my thumb and kiss her on the forehead. "I'm sorry" i whisper and snuggle into her.

My eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep thinking about what I did to make her so mad at me.

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