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Draco's POV
It has been a little over a week now and we still can't find Bella. We've been searching for her non stop but it's like she walked of the face of the earth. My aunt hasn't come home in ages ether. It doesn't take a genius to find out she has Bella but we don't know where.

Ginny has come up to me asking about her. When I told her, she freaked out slapped me, Granger too. Weasel tried to kill me but Potter held him back and they all told me her brothers wedding is coming up. She's going to miss it and it's all my fault. I'm going to keep looking for her until I find her.

Bella's POV
I've been here for god knows how long and I'm exhausted. I only get one meal a week and she brings me a cup of water every other day. Bellatrix alway comes in once, or twice a day to ether cut me, cast a spell on me, or hit me. My body is covered in cuts and bruises and I can taste blood in my mouth. I stay in the one spot, lay down on the floor, eyes closed, scared of when she will come back. If I scream because of the pain, she will torture me more. Draco, please find me.

Draco's POV
It's been a few weeks now, Bella's brother got married and Potter, Granger and Weasley haven't been seen since. Ginny sends me a letter every week asking me if I've found her because she's stuck at Hogwarts.

I walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen. "Are you going to look for her today?" My mother asks, worrying. She always thinks I'm going to get hurt but I'm not giving up. "I have to find her" I say and eat some toast. "Ok but we have a meeting with The Dark Lord at 6:00, so be home by dinner" she hugs me and kisses my head. When she lets go, I walk out the door and walk to any possible place she could be.

I get home after a couple of hours, I go back home, empty handed. I couldn't find her, yet again. I open the door to be greeted by my mother. "Come. The Dark Lord will be here soon" we both go to the dining room and sit down. We stay silent till The Dark Lord comes and sits down at the head of the table. They all start talking about the death of Harry Potter and what will happen but I space out, thinking of Bella. I miss holding her hand, cuddling her, kissing her and holding her as she sleeps.

All the death eaters get up, so I get up myself and as I'm about to walk away, a death eater stops me. "I know where your little toy has gone" he smirks. "Meet me here at midnight" and he walks off. It's 9:00 now. I go up to my room and put some more comfy clothes on.

The 3 hours pas by slowly but by the time 11:55, I walk to the dining hall. The clock strikes 12:00 and the death eater emerges from the shadows. "Follow me" he smirks and starts walking to the door. I quickly follow him and before I know it, we're at a abandoned house. "She's in there?" I ask and the death eater nods. I rush in and see Bellatrix sitting there, sharpening her dagger. She snaps her head up to meet my eyes. "Ahh, wondered when he would tell you where we were" she stand up and walk towards me. "You told him to tell me?"  I question. "Ahh, clever boy" she grabs my shoulders and suddenly we're in a freezing cold room. I look around and see a body slumped in the corner and immediately know who it is. "BELLA!" I shout and try to run over to her. "Not so fast" she tuts and slaps my cheek lightly. She goes over to Bella's tiny body and grabs her arm. "Get up" she demands and pulls Bella to her feet. They both get closer to me. She has cuts and bruises everywhere and she's more skinnier. She looks up to meet my eyes and smiles slightly. I run to her and pull her to my arms. She leans into me and her whole weight is now on me. Bellatrix drags me away from Bella and she falls on the floor. "What did you do?" I shout. She face pouts and harshly picks Bella up by her arm. "Stay there" she demands again and points her wand at me. She takes her dagger out and holds it to her arm. "Please" I beg but she just smirks. The dagger splits Bella's skin and ruby liquid pores out of it. Bella's face has got pain written on it but she doesn't make a noise. I run up to her but Bellatrix holds her wand up and I take a step back.

"Stop, please" I cry. The cut is now deep and her arm is covered in blood. She lets go of Bella's arm and pushes her to me. I stumble back and rap my arms around her. "Your ok, your ok baby, I promise" I whisper and kiss he head. I look up to look at Bellatrix but she's already gone. "Let's go back to the Manor" I smile slightly and start walking slowly to the door with her limping, putting weight on me.

We get to the Manor and go trough the door. Bella collapses but I quickly catch her. "Just a few more steps baby" I say and walk her up the stairs. "Omg, what happened?" My mother whisper-shouts as she comes out her bedroom. "I'll tell you tomorrow" I reply and walk Bella to my room. I bring her to the bathroom and turn the shower on. "Are you ok to have a shower?" I ask and she nods. I help her take he clothes off and take mine off too. I step in the shower and help Bella in then start putting shampoo in her hair. "Is this ok?" I whisper and she nods.

We both get out the shower and I change her into my baggy hoodie and some shorts. I guide her to my bed and lay her down. She turns to me as I crawl in next to her and brings her hand up to my cheek. "Why are you crying?" She wipes a tear away with her thumb. I didn't even realise I was. "Get some sleep baby" I stroke her hair as her eyes drift shut. Finally, I have her back in my arms.

Another Weasley (Draco Malfoy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum