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Bella's POV
I run to the hospital wing and slam the doors open. "Miss Weasley? Are you ok?" Madam Pomfrey asks. "Um-I-I need to talk-I need to talk to y-you abo-" I stutter. "Dear why don't you sit on the bed and I'll be right over" she smiles and I nod, getting on the bed with my legs crossed. "So why are you here?" She asks "um well something happened today and I don't know what it was." I bite my lip. "Go on"
"W-well..." I started to tell her what happened when I went into my dorm while my eyes filled with water.

"Sweetheart you had a panic attack" she says. "N-no I don't have-I don't have panic attacks" I gulp. "It's nothing bad dear. Why don't you tell me what made you have one"
"Um I-I don't know" I stutter. "Ok then talk me through your day."
"Ok so I got up and had breakfast. Then me and Ginny went to find Hermione and Ron but we couldn't. We asked Harry but he was mad at me so I walked off. Then me and Draco went to the second task. U-um, then I went to my room and had the 'panic attack' and went to dinner." I gulp and take a breath. "Why was Harry mad at you?" She asks. I pick something off the bed side table and start to play with it. "Umm I went to the ball with someone he didn't like" I fiddle with the object in my hand. "What did he say when you asked where your friends were?"
"He-he said um, well he walked away from me and when he stopped I asked him where they are. He ignored me-me and umm started to talk to G-Ginny and I walked off" I look down. "Ahh thats why you had a panic attack" she speaks. "B-but that's silly. Why would I have a panic attack over something so dumb?" I laugh
"Panic attacks happened if your stressed out or over something so little as a friend ignoring you" she smiles "ok thank you Professor" I go to walk out. "Bella?" Madam Pomfrey calls back. "Yeah?"
"Leave the toy" she points at the thing that I picked up from the table. "Right" I sigh and put it down.

Next morning

"Good morning" I say, walking downstairs. "Someones in a good mood" Ginny speaks. "Why not, it's a lovely day and it's the last task" I smile. "Let's go eat I'm hungry" Ron groans. We all walk to the great hall and the boys walk away. "They still mad at me?" I ask. "I tried to talk to them" Hermione sits down and we all sit down next to her. 

The champions were standing at the front of the maze and we were all sat down. I was sat next to Ginny and Draco. Hermione was next to Ginny and then Ron. Blaise was next to Draco and then his two 'bodyguards'. They all went into the maze and we all started to talk. I decided to talk to Draco since the girls were talking to Ron and I'm not his favourite person right now. "They do realise we can't actually see them...right?" I ask and he laughs. I lay my head on his Draco's shoulder and we start to talk and laugh about random things.

Fluer came back out of the maze a while ago followed by Krum, so that leaves Harry and Cedric in the maze. "Who do you think will win?" I ask Draco, tilting my head on his shoulder to look at him. "Cedric so I can see the look on Pottahs face when he loses" he smirks.

We were cut of by a deadly scream as the band was playing. We looked to see both of them back. "HES BACK, HES BACK. VOLDERMORTS BACK. CEDRIC, HE ASKED ME TO BRING HIS BODY BACk. I COULDN'T LEAVE HIM, I couldn't leave him" Harry cries as Dumbledore tries to pull him off. The music died down and people were gathering around them. "Keep everyone in there sets, a boy has just been killed" I hear someone say. I look closely to see Cedrics lifeless body and Harry clutching onto it. I grab Draco's hand and interlock our fingers but I don't cry. I can't cry. My eyes feel dry. When I see his dad go up and find him dead, I squeeze Draco's more. Harry gets dragged off by mad-eye-moody and we all go back into the castle with me still holding Draco's hand.

"Today, we acknowledge...a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know...exceptionally hard-working...infinitely fair-minded...and most importantly...a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know how he died. You see...Cedric Diggory was murdered...by lord Voldermort! The Ministry Of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain....we all feel of this dreadful loss reminds  me, and reminds us...that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues...our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events...the bonds of friendship will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that...and we'll celebrate a boy who was...kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end."

We all split ways to our common rooms and we stayed up talking about Cedric and then we all went to bed.

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