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Draco's POV
Make sure my best friend comes back alive" Ginny screams to me as I runs out the great hall. "No promises" I reply and run after her. "BELLA SO GOD HELP ME WHEN I CATCH YOU!" I shout, slowly getting on her tail. "Mate what are you doing?" Blaise asks. I looked back at him for a split second and when I turns back, she were nowhere to be seen. "BELLA!" I search for her and then hear a cute, high pitched giggle. I smirk when I spots her hiding behind a pillar and I go up behind her without her noticing.

I leans on the side of the pillar and puts my hands in my pocket while watching her try to catch her breath. "Boo!" I whisper in her ear making her jump and turn around to see me with a sly smirk plastered on my face. She try's to run away but I pick her off the floor while she's trying to get free. Eventually she stop trying. She Huffs and relax slightly into my body.

The 'golden trio', Ginny, Holly and the twins all come over to were the screaming is stare at her. "Are you gonna help me then?" She ask while  I'm still carrying her. "Malfoy put my sister down" Ron says while the others are just watching us. "this is not over" I utter in a dangerously low voice and walks away after placing her down on the floor.

Bella's POV
"Thanks Ron you are my new favourite sibling" I say out of breath with my hands on my knees. "HEY!" Ginny shouts. "Did I see you helping me?" She looks at me with puppy dog eyes and crosses her arms. "Awww don't worry dear twin you can win me over by buying me food" I smile and walk of my first class. Ginny runs up to me and links her arm with mine. Dinner comes quickly and before we know it, we are at quidditch practice. "Hello everyone so you are gonna be in two-" Oliver was cut of by the Slytherin team coming up to the field.

"What are you doing here?" Oliver asks the captain of the slytherin team. "We just thought for try outs we could have a nice friendly match" he says with a smirk on his face. Oliver just scoffs and goes to walk away. "Unless you to scared" Oliver turns around. "1 match" and they both shake hands.

We all get in position and start the game. Me and Gin are the chasers. I then see the snitch and I look over to see Harry and Malfoy arguing. I wave my hands in the air to try and get Harry's attention but he can't see. I fly over to him and whisper in his ear and he goes flying in the direction of the golden ball. Malfoy just stares at me blankly. "Oi MaLfOy, DoN't, FeEl EmBaRrAsSeD WhEn We BeAt YoU"
"Or Do, I dOn'T rEaLly CaRe" and with that I took of on my broomstick. Harry caught the snitch and we won. "I still need to get you back for that prank you pulled" Malfoy whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine, and walks of. "Ok so if I call your name, your on the team. George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Harry Potter, Angelina Johnson, Ron Weasley, Alicia Spinnet, Kate Bell, Cormac McLaggen, Ginny Weasley and Bella Weasley" Me and Ginny fist bump and then walk back to the common room.

The next day, I was on alert all the time, getting prepared for the prank Malfoy was going to pull on me, but I didn't come? "Good afternoon Bella" Malfoy said behind me, making me jump out of my skin. "A bit jumpy there are we?" Malfoy said with a smirk. "Can you just get the prank done with so I can relax?" I ask while we approach the great hall. "Who's to say it hasn't already been done?" He whispers in my ear
and walks of. My mouth swings open realising what the prank was and I just stand there in shock. He tricked me to thinking he was going to put a prank on me to get me on edge. Smart man.

"Bella are you alright" Harry asks as the whole group approaches me. I nod my head and turn to look at Malfoy (with my mouth still hung open) to see he's already looking at me with a smirk on him face. We all then walk to the Gryffindor table and start to eat. After we ate we all went to the common room. "So Gin, Bel, it your birthday in a couple of weeks. What would you like?" Fed and George said. "Let me sleep in" I smile and everyone laughs. "Can I have some quidditch stuff since I made the team" Ginny replied with a cheesy grin. "Sure"
They replied then we all stayed up to 1am until me and Ginny fell asleep cuddling. Sister love. Gotta love it.

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