Broken 💔

By ItsFirewind

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(two new chapters added) Elias's life has never been perfect. His own parents abused him at the young age of... More

Chapter One - Please
Chapter Two - A Nobody's Birthday
Chapter Three - Don't Leave Me
Random Gacha's I made
Mini Comic
Chapter Four - Why?
Why have I not been updating
Corrupt Elias - Comic
Corrupt Elias - Comic pt 2
Corrupt Elias - Comic pt 3
Corrupt Elias - Comic pt 4
Chapter Five - New Home
Corrupt Elias - Story 2 pt 1
Corrupt Elias - story 2 pt 2?
Corrupt Elias - Story 2 pt 3
Corrupt Elias - Story 2 (behind the scenes)
Chapter Six - Not Anymore
Chapter Seven - Memories
More random Gacha's I made
Blow my whistle
Fire'sPlan - Pt. 2
Fire'sPlan - Pt. 3
Chapter Eight - A Broken Bond
I gotta tell you something
Meet the kids!!!
Chapter Nine - I'll Protect You
Chapter Ten - Friends
Chapter Eleven - Trust
I have a new book!
Inspiration? pt. 2
Chapter Thirteen - Loved
Chapter Fourteen - Choose Your Ending
Ending - You Chose Joseph
Ending - You Chose Daniel
Will there be a sequel?
Ending - You Chose Jay

Chapter Twelve - Safe

79 2 5
By ItsFirewind

Ajay's pov

I was sitting on the couch just watching tv. It was Saturday and I had nowhere to be and nothing to do so I was just having a bit of a lazy day. Daniel then came down the stairs wearing a white sweater, jean shorts, and his favorite rainbow socks and sat on the couch beside me. "Hey, Ajay. What are you doing?" "Nothing much really. Just felt like being lazy today."

"Oh, okay" Dan said before grabbing the light blue blanket on the arm of the couch and pulling out his phone quickly ending the conversation. I turned back to the tv but got startled when I felt him lean up against my arm. I looked back towards the greenette still staring down at his phone.

I couldn't seem to look away from him. Those bright green eyes, the way the light lit up his hair. Even his body which he'd always kinda hated. In my eyes, he looked perfect. Dan then looked at me and I realized I'd been staring. "What?" "Nothing. Sorry" I said, my face heating up a bit. Thankfully, Dan's attention then went to Jay who just came out of his bedroom which was connected to the living room.

"Morning, sleeping beauty" Dan said jokingly. "Hey, Dan- what the hell are you guys doing?" he asked after noticing Daniel kinda cuddled up to me. "Nothing, I was just a bit cold." Jay then glared at me a bit before heading to the kitchen. He'd always been protective of Elias and Daniel though he thankfully calms down pretty quickly.

Dan then got a smirk and he walked up behind Jay and took his phone. "Wha- Daniel!" Dan just stuck his tongue out like a 4 year old and bolted to Jay's bedroom with Jay right behind him. I followed them and right as I got in, Dan slid Jay's phone under his bed. Jay smacked him annoyed and went to retrieve his phone. "Why'd you do that?" I quietly asked walking over to Dan. "You'll see in three.. two.. one..."

Suddenly, Jay's bedroom door opened revealing a male with fluffy red hair that was shaved down on the back and sides. It was a lighter red on top but faded to an almost crimson red near the bottom. His eyes were a bright minty green and he was wearing a green hoodie with the sleeves rolled up enough that the tattoos on his arms could just barely peek out from under them.

"Hey, Jay. Nice ass" he teased which was immediately followed by a loud thud from Jay banging his head on the bedframe. Trevor tried not to laugh at what just happened as the blond popped his head out from under the bed, his face red from embarrassment. 'Well at least he got his phone' I thought.

"Uh heh. H-hey Trevor" Jay said nervously. It was still weird to see him like this. Not only is it not like him but you'd think he'd be over this at least a little now that they're dating. "Smooth Jay" Dan said. Jay turned his head towards Dan looking like he was about to murder everyone in the room. That was when I decided it was time to go. I grabbed Dan's arm and dragged him out of the room with me.

Thirty minutes later

Dan and I had been spying on the two lovebirds for a couple minutes. I was really only there to keep Dan from doing anything too stupid. Jay was cuddled up to Trevor and kinda shivering a bit. Trevor noticed and grabbed his hoodie which was now tied around his waist.

"Here, your freezing" he said putting the green hoodie on him. "Th-thanks" Jay said with pink splattered across his cheeks. Trevor chuckled at how nervous Jay was before pressing his lips against the blond's making him blush more but quickly leaned into it as Trevor cupped his cheek with his hand. Dan snapped a quick pic and we left before getting caught.

"I'm telling you Ajay, that man is definitely a bottom. There's no way you're turning THAT around in the bed." "I never said he wasn't a bottom because he one hundred percent is right now. I'm just saying if it were anyone other than Trevor, Jay would be top." "I bet Hosuh could top him if he wasn't with Stephen." "Hosuh!?" "Yeah! He could probably top every one of us if he really wanted to!" "Hosuh Lee?" "Yup." "Our Hosuh?" "For the last time Ajay, YES!!" "You're crazy!" "We'll see."

We laughed a bit but then I got curious and checked the time. I remember seeing Dan's little brother, Elias, going out the back earlier but I wasn't sure if he'd come back yet. "Hey Dan, did you see Elias come back at all?" I asked. "No, I didn't even know he was gone. Why?" "Nothing. I just looked at the time and figured he'd be back by now. I'm gonna go look for him if that's okay with you." "Alright. Oh and remember if I text 'rainbow'-" "Keep him away from the house. I know. See ya" I said running out the door.

A small puff of gray smoke formed behind me. The smoke soon cleared revealing my demon wings and seconds later I was high above the trees being careful not to stray too close to them. It was always such a freeing feeling all the way up here. The feeling of the wind blowing through my hair was something I'll never forget. I didn't even mind the cold anymore. I loved it. Every part of it.

Once I got high enough, I switched to mostly gliding to conserve energy as I looked around for any sign of Elias. After a bit, I started to get this weird feeling. I just felt like something wasn't right. That's when I smelled the blood. Human blood. I could tell it wasn't too much so maybe he just fell but I couldn't shake that feeling and I sped up following the scent.

As the smell got stronger, I started to hear voices. They were faint but I could hear the fear in them and I knew something was wrong. Finally, I had reached where the voices were coming from and I perched on a tree branch to see what was going on.

"Would you fucking STAND STILL!!!" Robert yelled yanking Elias by the arm way too aggressively especially towards a kid. Elias looked back at him more scared than I'd ever seen him. It didn't feel right at all. It didn't feel like a kid just getting in trouble, it felt like he was scared for his life.

"I'm sorry! Please just let me go! I won't do it again, I promise!" he begged, tears in his eyes. 'Won't do what again? What did he do?' "I have told you time and time and time again what happens when you do that! You'd think after last time you'd start behaving! Do you want me to take him there too!?" "NO!! Please, don't hurt him! I'll do anything!" "How about you tie a fucking rope around your neck and jump! You'd be doing everyone a favor!" he shouted scaring Elias more.

At that point, there was no excuse for what I was watching, not like there was much of one before. I felt my blood begin to boil as I continued watching this. Elias was a little kid and meant the world to Daniel and Jay. He meant a lot to me, too. He was family to me. Elias started trying to get away again and Robert had had enough and grabbed a large knife. I finally stepped in using my fire to create this sort of barrier between the two males.

Robert was completely caught off guard and quickly backed away from the growing red flames. I flew over protectively standing over Elias still keeping the fire high. "Ajay!" Elias screamed burying his tear stained face in my turquoise and viridian hoodie. He clung to me so tightly that his nails would probably be digging into my skin if it weren't for the hoodie I was wearing. He was that scared and it broke my heart. I thought the world of him just as I did the others and I hated seeing any of them get hurt in any way.

I looked over to Robert still visible through the smoke and flames and he looked pissed. I picked Elias up wrapping his arms and legs around me and raised the fire so high that I could get us out of here without Robert seeing which way we went. I took off as fast as I could being careful not to let Elias get too close to the fire and flew far away. After a bit, I looked around before landing high on a larger tree just as an extra precaution.

"Elias, are you okay!?" I asked worried. "Please, don't tell the others! You can't tell them!" "Elias, that sort of behavior was not okay. You know that, right?" I asked trying to calm him down. "I know but-" "Look, I know you're scared but they have to know." "HE'LL KILL THEM!!" My eyes widened at that. "What!?" "My parents will kill them if they ever found out! The only one they won't hurt is Daniel in which they'd kill me instead! Please, I can't lose them! I can't!"

I was at a loss for words. I knew what they were doing wasn't right but the thought of losing Jay and Elias and the others, that's not a risk I'm about to take. Then I realized. "Wait but.. I-I just-" "Your powers should be enough to keep them from trying to attack you. As long as you stay quiet and play along, they'll hopefully leave you alone."

"Hopefully" I said, my mind trailing off. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and I checked to see Dan had texted me the thing. I smiled and turned back to Elias. "Well, it looks like we'll be out here a while if you wanna talk about it." Elias took a deep breath and told me everything.

One hour later

Elias and I had finally made it back home figuring Jay and Trevor should be done by now. "We're back!" I said walking through the door. "Hey boys, I was wondering where you two went." Elias tightened his grip on my hand when he heard his father's voice. I tried not to think about everything I'd learned about him.

Being a Bloodwing demon, I had to be extra careful mainly when it comes to my eyes as they'll change depending on our mood. Our pupils may change shape or size, our sclera (whites of the eyes) may turn black, they can even start glowing and that's just the eyes. It's all kinda complicated but the guys have known me long enough that they'll realize something's up.

"Elias, what happened to your leg?" Dan asked noticing the cut on his leg. "Oh, I fell on some rocks. I'm okay" Elias explained technically not lying as he did get thrown down on some rocks which was why I was smelling blood. "Well we still gotta get it cleaned up. We don't want it to get infected, do we?" Dan took Elias to the kitchen and I went back to the living room.

Jay was sitting on the couch still wearing Trevor's hoodie. "Hey, Jay. You have fun?" I asked getting a glare from him. "Like you don't wanna do the same with Daniel" he whispered. "Like you'd ever let me. At least I ain't a bottom though." "You little-" Jay said before cutting himself off and smacking me five times. "Fuck you!"

I laughed a bit at his reaction. Trevor then popped up out of nowhere and stood behind Jay. "Well he's not wrong." "TREVOR!!!" Jay screamed as I started laughing even harder. "Uh oh! Someone just got told on!" Dan said coming over with Elias right behind him.

"Hey, Ajay!" "Hey, kid. How's your leg?" "It's fine" he said climbing up with me. "Well, guess I better be going. Bye, Jay" Trevor said making the younger male face him and they shared a quick kiss. "Eww." "I know, right? Disgusting" I said getting a laugh out of the 12 year old.

Trevor went to leave when Jay remembered he was wearing his hoodie. "Oh wait! You forgot this!" "You can keep it if you want. It looks better on you anyways." "Oh, o-okay. Thanks" Jay said shyly. Trevor chuckled and left.

"You do look good in green." "Really?" "Yeah, you just gotta change that now" Dan said pointing to the red highlight in his hair. "No way! I just got it done!" "Too bad! Come here!" "No!" Jay screamed and for once, he was the one getting chased. Elias and I laughed a bit before he hugged me. "Thank you for everything" he whispered. "No problem, kid. You can come to me anytime and I promise.."

"...I'll always keep you safe"

Hope you guys enjoyed that. Now if you'll excuse me, my cat thinks he's gonna die if I don't pet him. Hope you have a great day. Bye~!🗡️❤️💛💚💔🔪

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