Slicing My Flesh

By greenmarisa

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Book 5 of the Gun To My Head Series 2nd Book of Zena's story I recommend reading the other books before this... More

Character List
Question Timeeee
Bonus Chapters
Acacia's POV: 1
Acacia's POV: 2
Acacia POV: 3
Acacia POV: 4
Acacia's POV: 5
Acacia's POV: 6
Acacia POV: 7
Acacia POV: 8
Acacia POV: 9
Acacia's POV: 10
KIKI's book
Next Book to Read in Series


472 29 35
By greenmarisa

Kikimora was obviously angry about having to cut her time with Addison. I detected their emotions and found that they were mates. I suspect that Kiki knows that, but doesn't want to publicize it. I totally understand since that could put Addison in some serious danger. We entered the training realm to see our trainers patiently waiting for us.

"You three will fuse and then fight these two." Gello gestured to Ajax and Taemin. "Fight well." She commanded and walked away.

We looked at each other and fused. We intently stared at Taemin and Ajax. We were really working as a team. It was amazing to watch how in sync we were. No one was trying to compete against the other. In fact, we were operating like a unit. I had used my abilities to fling Ajax across the room. Gello kept yelling at us to work harder.

Ken responded to Gello's command by kicking Taemin into the brick structure. He groaned and got up. We eyed both men who were speeding towards us. Kiki called hitting them and was ready to strike... but she suddenly froze. Ken and I had to act fast, but we weren't fast enough. Tae had scratched our cheek while Ajax had sliced our abdomen.

We groaned and split into our three counterparts. I held my abdomen in pain while Ken was trying to stop the blood on my cheek. Kiki had the same injuries, but she was focused on staring ahead. I looked in her direction, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. She must be communicating telepathically with someone.

"What the hell?!" Ken yelled at Kiki.

"I need to go." Kiki rushed out and stood.

"Go where? We have to train for-"

"I need to go." Kiki cut me off and ran to the exit.

Ken turned to watch Kiki race out the realm. Wonder what happened that made her flee. Something tells me it has to do with Addison. I hope the human girl is okay. Ken offered me a hand, which I gratefully took. Ken suggested we keep training, but it made no sense since our third member left. We couldn't properly fuse without her. And to be honest, my mind was filled with thoughts about Acacia. Her family abducted her, so I wanted to make sure she was safe.

"We could use a break. I m-miss my friends." I rushed out.

"Miss your friends or obsessed with Acacia?" I glared at Ken. "Well, which is it?!" She was really pissing me off with her attitude.

"It's none of your business." I brushed past her, but she grabbed my wrist.

"It is my problem when all of humanity could be dead because of your obsession with one girl!"

"Watch yourself." I growled and flashed my demon eyes. Sloane and Kimbra were begging to be released.

"You're gonna kill me? Well, go ahead!"

"You are really tempting me." I hissed, but controlled my other personas. "One thing that I've been taught is self control... and self control is not always associated with physicality, but also with what comes out your mouth." I then harshly ripped my wrist from her grasp and left.

I walked through the portal and landed back in the human realm. I then made a portal back to the campus in Croatia. I went to Acacia' dorm, but she wasn't there. I ran into her friends who were worried. I sighed and told them what happened. They were shocked by her mother's actions.

(Trigger warning ⚠️ ⛔️)

"This has to do with the bonding." Tatia gained our attention. "Before you came along, Acacia had started the ritual with Jethro." That surprised us. "They were children when he tricked her into it. Jethro almost drowned Acacia and gave her CPR, which counted as one passionate kiss. Acacia felt violated and told him that they'd have to delay completing the ritual. He was angry, but relented since his father thought it was funny for his son to be put in his place. Jethro's family found it hysterical how he got the firts kiss while Acacia' family was furious. Anyways, after you guys kissed the first time... it broke the bond between Jethro and Acacia. That's how her mother knew that you were the one who captured Acacia' heart."

"What do you-"

"Jethro complained to the King and Queen that he didn't feel the bond between him and Acacia anymore. It was obvious that she started the ritual with someone else. Jethro's family threatened to split the High elves and join Lilitu's side if the Queen didn't make Acacia break off her other romantic relationship." Tatia rubbed her forehead. "Obviously, Acacia didn't do that, so she's been taken to... she'll be give to Jethro, so he can claim her."

"By claim..." Nat struggled to get the words out. "You mean-"

"He's gonna rape her." I whispered, causing Tatia to look away. "And I've been gone for a while, so he probably has... I need to get to the elf realm!"

"We would need to get you a portal or something, but what-"

"Biquette!" The door was thrown open. "Please explain why two sexy elves demanded I bring you to them." Hailey gestured to Finn and Kai.

"Finn! Kai!" I ran to hug them. "Is Acacia okay? Can you take me to her?!"

"That's why we're here." Kai spoke since Finn looked distraught. "They handed her to Jethro and he- he-"

"HE VIOLATED MY SISTER!" Finn shouted, causing several items in the room to break. "I WILL KILL-"

"We can't." Kai immediately calmed his brother down. "We want to harm him, but we can't!" His hands formed into fist.

"She..." My eyes watered, so Hailey had to hold me.

"Acacia refused to say the vow and thought of you when he forced his way into her. Because of that, it made the marriage void. She's still connected to you... that's why you didn't feel anything break." I nodded at Kai. "But he's been relentless and is constantly forcing himself, but she refuses to give you up." He sniffled, so it was Finn's turn to comfort him.

"You must come and help us save our sister. Mother has banned us because we failed at taking Acacia and fleeing. We were caught and exiled." He sighed. "We came here because we thought you'd-"

"Where's the entrance?" My eyes darkened.

"We have a pocket portal." Kai held the device up.

"Let's go." I led them to the main room. "Not all of you guys." I addressed Acacia's friends. "I promise to return her, but you guys can't come." I bitterly smiled. "It's for your own protection." I then turned to Hailey. "Hails-"

"Let's go." Hailey spoke.

She took my hand and Finn's. He smiled and motioned for Kai to open the portal. We walked through the portal and landed in a forest. Kai and Finn instantly got their bearings and led us through the thicket. I saw Hailey walk up to Finn and speak to him. Even though Finn was saddened, he tried to appear energetic to Hailey. I quirked a brow as I watched them. Kai then fell in line with me since we were left out of their conversation.

"They seem to really be getting along." I whispered to Kai.

"He seems to fancy her." He whispered back. "I've never seen him so smitten before. Normally, he'd mindlessly flirt... but he seems to be carefully thinking about the words he uses." Kai then smirked. "Someone is in love. You can sense emotions, right?" I nodded. "Do it!" He nudged me.

I rolled my eyes, but did as he demanded. My eyes widened at sensing their mutual attraction. I couldn't help but smile at the two before us. Kai noticed tears falling down my cheeks, so he stopped and asked what was wrong.

"Th-They're mates." I whispered and wiped my happy tears. "Hails will finally be happy." He smiled back and hugged me tight. "She finally found her other half."

"I'm so happy for my brother!"

"Finn!" Hailey and Finn turned to look at us. "Why haven't your parents picked a side in the war? And why are they allowing Jethro's family to bully them into submission?"

"Our mother." The boys corrected me. "Our father disagrees, but mom calls the shots. And she's worried because Jethro's father is very charismatic and would easily convince half of the High elves to pledge loyalty to him instead of the Queen. Mother fears that if she doesn't concede to him, then he'll be the cause of our demise." Finn explained.

"Even though her actions appear sinister, she's doing it out of love for her kids. She believes that her wicked ways will protect us... even if it's at the expense of our hearts." Kai sighed and jumped over a log. "But she's gone too far with the Jethro/ Acacia incident!"

"Why did Acacia get paired with Jethro? She's not the eldest or-"

"Jethro was promised one of the princesses. He was very picky, but saw Acacia as a toddler and was smitten by her. Bear in mind that he was older... like in his early 20s in human years." Finn scrunched up his face in disgust.

"It was nasty that he had lustful thoughts for an infant!" Kai shouted. "I hate him!"

Kai and Finn traded insults about Jethro. The more they talked, the angrier I got. This guy was harassing my girl and he would pay for it! She's my wife, not his! Kai and Finn stopped and stared in horror as the plants around us lost their color and died. Hailey had to place a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I blushed and apologized to the boys.

"No worries, sister!" Finn swung his arm around me.

"And thanks for calming her down, future sister!" Kai swung his arm around Hailey.

Hailey and Finn blushed while Kai and I laughed at their embarrassed states. We walked a bit more until we arrived outside the palace grounds. I realized the journey took longer since Finn and Kai were taking us along the back trails. Hailey and I followed after Kai and Finn through the secret entrances. Kai pulled back a moss curtain that hid an entrance into the palace.

Finn walked ahead to guide us through the dark cave. The system was that Finn was in front and held Hailey's hand, Hailey then held mine, and I used my other hand to hold Kai's. Finn knew the tunnel better than the back of his hand, so we quickly entered the building. Kai and Finn slowly opened the metal cage so as to not cause any noise.

Kai took the lead this time. I quickly realized we were passing through the cellar, so I grabbed a bottle of wine and handed one to Hailey. We gulped down the liquid courage before following after the boys. Kaia and Finn turned to look at us with amused smirks. Hailey and I shrugged before urging them to continue.

We were walking down the corridor when we saw dozens upon dozens of guards outside a room. They appeared uncomfortable from what they were hearing. I focused my senses and heard Acacia crying and begging for Jethro to allow her vagina to heal. She was screaming that it hurt so much, but he kept forcing himself into her and telling her to shut up. When I heard the sound of a hit, followed by a scream, I lost it.

Kai and Finn turned to try and calm me down, but I was beyond furious. The guards heard the commotion and turned to see us. I saw Acacia's parents out my peripheral. Acacia's other siblings and another man was with them. I'm assuming the fat fart was Jethro's father.

"Shit, they found us." Finn whispered. "Kai, we need a distraction so we can-"

"Finn. Kai." I spoke eerily calm. Hailey and the boys shivered at seeing my tribrid eyes. "Occupy your family. I'll be dealing with this." I motioned to the guards wielding weapons at us.

"Zena, don't do anything st-"

"Can't make any promises." I wickedly smirked.

I walked ahead of the group and held my hands up. The guards tried to run at me, but I pulled my hands apart. The guards were then pinned to either side of the walls. Hailey groaned at my flamboyance while the others were shocked.

I then blew off the door and saw Acacia crying while Jethro was balls deep inside her. He turned in shock from the intrusion. He was about to yell, but I sped to him and grabbed his dick. Acacia and his eyes widened at the action. I then harshly yanked it out, causing him to scream in pain and for Acacia to sigh in relief. I then dragged him by the dick away from my girl.

Jethro begged for me to release him, so I used my other hand to grip his neck. I then slammed him into the wall and loudly roared in his face. Jethro was a shaking mess while my black eyes with red irises and yellow pupils glared at him. I elongated my fangs and harshly drilled them into his neck. Jethro let out an ear piercing scream as I injected my most painful venom.

He thrashed around, but I had a firm hold on him. I then squeezed his dick until it turned purple. He began wheezing and begging for the torture to stop. I was about to rip it off, but a soft hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to murder the person, but stopped when I saw Acacia's gentle smile.

"It's not worth it." She softly said. I saw her awkwardly leaning on one leg. The smell of fresh blood entered my nose, so I looked to see blood dripping down her leg. I looked past her and saw blood on the bed. "But he was so violent and d-did that to you!"

"Please don't kill anyone, Z. It's not you." She hugged my back. "You're too kind for this." She kissed the back of my neck.

"Only for you." I whispered and threw Jethro out the window. I allowed myself to return back to normal before picking her up. She let out a relieved breath. "You're in pain." My eyes watered. "I'm so sorry I was late." I cried.

"You saved me." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you, pupu." She nuzzled her face into my neck.

I closed my eyes and held her close to me. I could feel multiple people enter the room, but I paid them no attention. I walked Acacia to the bathroom, so she could freshen up. I stayed the entire time she bathed out of fear something would happen to her. I overheard Hailey negotiating with Acacia' parents. Actually, it was more like Hailey was telling them what would be happening.

I felt their regretful emotions. Her parents were ignorant to what Jethro was doing to their daughter. I could feel her father's fury and he let his anger be known. Her mother appeared sullen and regretful. She then shocked everyone by admitting to have brokered a deal with Lilitu. It had something to do with breaking Acacia and I up in exchange for Lilitu glossing over the elven realm. I tuned out everyone yelling at the woman since Acacia was more important.

"I'm sorry." My eyes snapped to Acacia. "I betrayed you by being with someone else." She sniffled. "I feel dirty and no amount of soap can clean me." She looked at me with teary eyes. "I'm forever sorry."

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for being the reason you were put through this." I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry, Acacia. I love you and I-" I covered my eyes with the palm of my hands. 'I'm sorry for being late." I cried.

"It should only be you who touches me." She cried.

"Acacia." I didn't care about wetting my clothes. I took my shoes off and stepped into the tub. I wrapped Acacia in my arms and she cried into me. "I'll do better. I promise. I'll protect you better and this will never happen again." I felt Kimbra and Sloane beg to mutilate Jethro. "Forgive me, my love... anyone who makes you cry will pay." I felt my eyes darken. "I'll make sure of it."

"And I'm sorry about accusing you of sleeping with Naomi." She muttered while I scrunched my brows in confusion. "Eris told me the truth... I should've talked to you about it instead of ignoring you." Tears fell from her eyes. "She raped you and I made it seem like it was your fault!" She began to hysterically cry. "I'm so, so sorry."

"It's okay." I kissed her temple. "I forgive you."

"I love you, Zena." She looked up. "So, so much." She kissed me.

"I love you too. And I'd die before another hand can wipe your tears." I kissed her falling tears. "You are my heart and soul. The most important thing to me and I vow to protect you, my greatest gift." I kissed her back.

I love it when Z occasionally shows how much more powerful she is. Z was like nope, not today guards. I'm not in the mood for your shit

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