I Need You (SasuNaru)

By limv3000

58.7K 1.5K 1.6K

Sasuke and Naruto have been friends since childhood, they were inseparable and loved each other. Unfortunate... More

Charcter things~


1.2K 35 81
By limv3000

*Time skip because I'm lazy and have no imagination*

~Naruto's POV~
It was August and there was six weeks before school started up again. I'm leaving on the first week of school, Sasuke is getting more and more sad. Throughout the time we've been together, my feelings have only became stronger and I'm ready to tell him, it's just hard to find the right time. My parents have already packed up most of the house with the help of my grandpa and grandma, they call me almost everyday either saying their apologies or asking how me and Sasuke are. I decided when I get back that I'm going to tell them, and hopefully have Sasuke there with me. I've already forgave them, but Sasuke.......he's taking his time.

Everyday I can tell, Sasuke WANTS to kiss me. So many times he's tried and tried but I always push away, why? Because I like seeing him actually try for something. I'm not as dense as I used to be, I get the signals now, how? Well because Itachi told me. Speaking of Itachi, him and Izumi have gotten extremely close. At the beginning they both had separate rooms and now they share one. On some days they even go on dates, they're so cute. Even though they do that much, I don't know if they're dating, they've never specified anything. I want to go on a date with Sasuke.

"Itachi!" I yelled, he was sitting outside alone. At the moment it was just me and him at the house, Izumi and Sasuke ran to the store to get snacks. They've also gotten close, we all have.

"Yes?" He turned around and looked at me.

"Are you and Izumi dating?" He looked shocked then smiled.

"Yes, I'm surprised you haven't noticed" he chuckled.

"Wow! How long?"

"About a year"

"What?!?" He chuckled again.

"We kept it a secret" he said

"Why?" I was curious, everyone knew they liked each other.

"Her parents didn't like me at the time, so we waited until they got to know me"

"Wow....." I was shocked, how can someone NOT like Itachi.

"What about you Naruto?" He asked.

"Me?" I was confused.

"Yeah, are you and Sasuke dating yet?" He smiled at me and my face just turned red. Like always.

"No! Well not yet..." I looked down and started to fidget with my fingers.

"Yet? Do you plan on telling him soon?" He got closer and kneeled down to my height and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, maybe tonight if posssible..." I looked up at him and he looked really happy, tears were coming to his eyes.

"Woah! Don't cry!" I yelled, he quickly wiped them away and stood up.

"I'm glad" he said and opened his arms to give me a hug. After that he said he would support me and help me if I needed it, but I think I got this.

Soon after that we heard Izumi and Sasuke pull into the he driveway, I sat in the living room waiting for them to walk through the door, but they never did. I walked outside and seen the car, but no Sasuke or Izumi. I walked inside and asked Itachi where they were and he said he hasn't seen them. We both walked outside and looked through the car windows but no one was in there, I was getting worried. I went around to one side of the house and seen if maybe they took a different way, but there was no one. I walked to the other side and seen them both sitting there on the chairs on the side deck.

"You guys almost gave us a heart attack" said Itachi walking up behind me. They both looked at us and just laughed.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked walking to Sasuke and sitting by him.

"We just wanted to enjoy the outside, is that so bad?" Said Sasuke, I looked at him in confusion and then at Itachi who just shrugged his shoulders.

"You're being suspicious" I said narrowing my eyes at them, I then looked around to see if they were trying to prank me or something, but there was nothing.

"Well Naruto, we got you a present but you can't see it. Sasuke our plan worked" Izumi said as she smiled at me. Now I'm more confused, then I noticed Itachi was gone and went into the house.

"Whaaaat?!?" I yelled.

"Shhhh, don't be hasty you'll see it tonight" Sasuke said pressing his finger against my lips to shut me up.

"Hmph!" I said getting up and walking into the house. Sasuke quickly following behind me. I walked in and seen Itachi on the couch watching TV and then Izumi walked in from behind us.

"Itachi?" She asked

"Yes?" He turned around and looked at her.

"Let's go on a date, these boys can handle themselves right?" She said, Itachi quickly jumped up and ran upstairs. Not 5 minutes later he was downstairs, smelling good and in a suit.

"This ok?" He said smiling at her, she giggled and nodded. She eventually went up and then came back downstairs with her hair neat and a beautiful dress on. These guys were fast.

"Ok you two, we'll be off! Have fun!" She said walking out the door, me and Sasuke watched out the window as the car pulled out of the long drive-way and soon was gone.

"That was weird" I said, but then again this is the perfect chance for me and Sasuke to talk! I looked at him and he was staring at me, my face immediately turned red. I looked away and walked towards the kitchen.

"Yeah. Now we're all alone" said Sasuke following me and watching me grab a cup of water.

"Aha, guess so" I was nervous, extremely nervous. Me and Sasuke have been here alone before but we would usually just play games and watch movies, this time felt different. I looked up and he was standing right in front of me, really close. It was currently 8pm and the sky was getting dark, my heart was racing and everything just felt......perfect.

"Sasuke" I said looking him in the eyes.

"We need to talk" I said with confidence. I was finally going to tell him how I felt, we both have been waiting for this day, I know it. I was going to tell him about my feelings towards him, the way I want to hold hands all the time, the way I want to kiss all the time, the way I want to be with him forever. I'll tell him everything I've told Shisui, I'll tell him how I want to try new things with him, how I want to be closer and more than what we are now. I'll ask him to stand by me when I tell my parents that I'm gay, we'll ask for both our parents blessings to date, I don't want to hold back.

"Yeah" he said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs. We walked into the room and I seen a bag on the bed, Sasuke quickly moved it aside and patted the bed down, telling me to come and sit. I walked to him and were sitting in the edge of the bed right next to each other. I wasted no time.

"Sasuke I like you, a lot" I paused and looked at him, his eyes widened and before he could say anything I continued.

"I've always had this attraction to you, since like 3rd grade. I've always wanted to be more than friends with you but I thought you'd never like me back, I thought because I was a guy you would never have those feeling towards me. The only person I've ever liked was you. Every time we've hugged my heart always races and I get really happy. When we kissed, I've never felt more alive, kissing you was a lot to me. Everyday I want to kiss you and hug you even more, more than we already do. I love cuddling in bed with you and I love just being around you. I've always wanted to be more with you because every time I look into your eyes it feels as if we are the only people in the world, I feel like I could do anything with you, you've helped me conquer my fears and become a better person. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me"

I did it and I was scared. Terrified to look at him, what is he doesn't like me that way? Maybe he thought I was weird? Disgusting. He was quiet for a minute, then I heard a sniffle. I looked at him and he was crying his eyes were red and watery, his face was also red and wet. I gave him a smile and wiped his tears off.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Naruto I- I'm so happy" he said, I looked at him surprised, he was happy?

"I've always felt the same way about you, you just described my feeling towards you perfectly, except I loved you since I laid my eyes on you. You've been my sunshine, my light guiding me in the right direction. Your the reason I'm not a spoiled brat. The first time we kissed I cried because I never thought I'd be able to do such a thing with you, I thought you'd only see us as friends and nothing more. I was afraid of you rejecting me, I've always been confident in my feelings towards you so I told my family how I felt about you, that's one of the reasons they wanted to meet you so badly. That's why I get mad when I'm away from you, you're my everything"

I could feel the tears going down my face, I bet I looked just as bad as him. I pulled him into a hug, his face rested on my shoulder and he hugged back pulling me in closer. I've never been so happy.

"Sasuke" I said, I pulled us apart and looked into his eyes.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him and smiled, his eyes lit up and he jumped on me.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He yelled and hugged me really tight. I pushed him off of me and we laughed, then cried again. After calming down I decided to ask about our parents.

"So, I haven't told my parents and I want you there when it happens" I said he grabbed my hands and held them.

"Of course I'll be there and together we'll push through" he said giving me a smile.

"Thank you, what about your parents?" I asked

"Oh them? They already know everything" he said

"What!?" I was shocked, Sasuke already came out to his parents?!?

"Yeah haha, I didn't tell them. More like they found out" he chuckled

"But I did tell everyone else, that's why they came on this trip. They wanted to meet you"

"Wow....." I was shocked so this whole time everyone knew Sasuke was gay except me. I really am dense.

"I'm surprised you're the one to confess first, I always thought I'd be the one to tell you" he said

"I'm surprised I even got your hints" I said and laughed.

"Me too, I bet you could tell I've been trying to kiss you all summer" he laughed with me.

"Yeah....." I looked at him, his eyes, then his lips. I leaned in and kissed him. At first you could tell he was a bit shocked but immediately started kissing me back. We kept kissing and kissing until then he was pushing me down, almost on top of me. Just as we were going to go a bit further we heard Izumi downstairs. Sasuke quickly jumped off of me and I sat up. We looked at each other and we were breathing harshly and blushing.

"Wait what time is it?" I asked, sasuke looked at the clock in the room and it read 10:39pm. That took us 2 hours?!? How long were we talking it all seemed so fast.

"Boys we're home!!!" Yelled Izumi. We both walked out of the room and downstairs to see them standing in the kitchen.

"We got you guys some Pizza!" Said Izumi, they turned around and looked surprised.

"Why are the two of you so red?" Said Itachi.

"No reason" said Sasuke. I looked at Itachi and smiled, I grabbed Sasuke's hand and held it up intertwining our fingers. Itachi widened his eyes and looked like he was about to cry.

"No way.... You did it!?" He yelled. Izumi turned around and smiled at us. Sasuke looked confused as his face grew more red.

"Yep!! We're dating!" I yelled, sasuke was already too red to turn more red and Itachi came and hugged us both.

"I'm so glad" he said, I smiled and so did Sasuke.

"Wait- you knew?!?" Sasuke yelled, pushed us off then he looked at me and Itachi.

"Uh... yes" I said

"Itachi and Shisui knew I liked you..." I said giving him a nervous smile.

"Since when did Shisui know?!?" He yelled.

"Uhhh about 4 years ago, when I first met him..." I laughed nervously and he looked shocked.

"I- ugh nevermind" he said pouting, I walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek, he was surprised and so was Itachi and Izumi.

After me and Sasuke ate, we walked upstairs to the room. We passed Itachi's room and could hear giggling from Izumi, we ignored it.

"Naruto" said Sasuke as he pulled me into the room and closed the door, he turned on the light and he grabbed the bag that was on the bed. I looked at him confused as he sat next to me.

"About the present I told you about...." He pulled out a box and a camera. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Since you'll be leaving, I got us this camera to take photos, for each of us to keep" he said handing me the camera and film to it, I immediately opened up the box, put the film in and took a quick picture is Sasuke. It was a good picture since he looked up at the right time. The photo came out of the camera and I shook it until the picture was visible. I smiled and kissed the picture, I looked at Sasuke and he was pouting.

"What?" I asked

"The real me is right here and you want to kiss the picture?" He looked down. It's so cute when he's jealous, I scooted towards him and kissed him, he smiled and continued.

"And this.... Well they are promise rings" I looked at him confused.

"Izumi told me about them, apparently they are rings that signifies to take the relationship seriously and hope for the relationship to develop, as much as I wanted engagement rings, this'll do" he said and smiled at me, my eyes lit up and I felt like I could cry again. I didn't and I just hugged Sasuke.

"Sasuke, thank you so much" he hugged back and then I looked at him.

"Let's get married some day" I said then quickly slapped my hand across my mouth, I didn't mean to say that I was just thinking it. He smirked at me and piled me down on the bed, he sat on top of me and whispered into my ear...

"We could also have kids, and a nice house" I quickly pushed him off causing him to fall into the floor making a loud noise. My face heated up and my heart was racing, he just sat there and smirked at me. Cocky asshole!

"I was kidding!" He laughed as he stood up and pulled me into my feet, he grabbed the box and opened it up to show to beautiful rings placed in there.

"Wow... Sasuke they're beautiful" I said and smiled at him, he grabbed one and slipped it onto my ring finger and after admiring it on me, I grabbed the other and did the same. I hugged him and we stood there for awhile, just us.

After that, me and him took pictures on the camera. The film only had 10 so I kept five and he had five. We took 8 together and I had one of him, so he took one of just me. I was happy, me and Sasuke were still aware that I would be leaving for a long time but that won't stop us from ever forgetting each other. We slipped into bed and cuddled all night. The best day ever.

(Sorry if I went to fast again, I was in the moment 😩)

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