For Everything(on pause)

By AveriaThern

2.4K 93 8

First I wanted freedom, but who am I? Quickspark, hunted by decepticons and too dangerous to join the autobot... More

Chaper 1 - How It All Began
Chapter Two - Rehabilitation
Chapter Three - Foster Sister
Chapter Four - Perfection is an Illusion
Chapter Five - Miko. Need I say more?
Chapter Six - So, I'm an Idiot Occasionally
Chapter Seven - But, I can usually fix my mistakes... Usually
Chapter Eight - Wheeljack is a stalker
Chapter Nine - Wrecker's gotta Wreck
Chapter Ten - Wrecker's Gotta Bail
Chapter Eleven - Being Human
Chapter Twelve - Everyone is Stupid Sometimes
Chapter Thirteen - To Ask For Help
Chapter Fourteen - This isn't easy...
Chapter Fifteen - Friend or Foe?
Chapter Sixteen - The Choice of a Lifetime
Chapter Seventeen - Home.
Chapter Eighteen - Out of my Mind
Chapter Nineteen - Mind Trap
Chapter Twenty - Plagues don't die
Chapter Twenty - Neither do Cures


53 3 1
By AveriaThern

Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for reading For Everything! It really means a lot. I'm sorry for the lack of warning, but as of today I'm going to be taking a break from Wattpad. I have a lot going on and I'm just overwhelmed with it all. I don't know how long until I'll start updating again, but hopefully it won't be too long! It just depends on when things calm down. Again, thank you for reading this! I hope you'll be here when I come back! (Hopefully sometime in August) I'll see you relatively soon!

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