I Need You (SasuNaru)

By limv3000

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Sasuke and Naruto have been friends since childhood, they were inseparable and loved each other. Unfortunate... More

Charcter things~


1.2K 32 79
By limv3000

~Naruto's POV~
It was currently Sunday, the last day before Sasuke leaves and I won't see him for another month. I would've asked to stay longer but apparently everyone has work on Monday. Sasuke's parents are on vacation right now, dad has work and honestly me and mom could stay here since she does work on a computer. Me and Sasuke tried convincing them to lest us stay at the beach house alone and Itachi and Shisui could stay with us but the only response we got was 'we'll think about it', that could mean yes!

Me and Sasuke spent the day on the beach, just us two while the older people did older people things in the house. Everyone was mostly cleaning up the house and packing up to leave.

"Sasuke" I said.

It was time I've told him, if you remember about the talk I had with grandpa Jiraiya then you probably already guessed but I'm moving, to a different state. It's for the company and I guess my parents and Sasuke's parents have been planning this for awhile now. They want to make a contract with another company, and so we have to leave for a couple of....years.

"Naruto?" He asked, I didn't realize it but I was crying, I literally can't even imagine what life will be like once I leave, everything would change.

"I'm sorry" I said. I don't know why since none of it is my fault but I just felt like it.

"For what? You never did anything" Sasuke wrapped his arms around me and gave me hug, I hugged him back and sobbed on his shoulder, this was the comfort I need. I need to tell him.

"I'm moving" my sobbing was worse now and he pushed me off him, not aggressively like he was mad, more like he refused to believe it.

"What? When? For how long? How far? Why?!?" He stood up, and was now pacing back and forth trying to find the answer on his own. He does that when he's mad and confused. He stopped then looked at me with sad eyes.

"It's for the company isn't it" he knew, it wasn't a question. He quickly grabbed my arm and stomped through the sand towards the house. I couldn't do anything to stop him he was mad and pulling me, I could barely keep my balance as I tried not to trip in the sand. We reached the back porch and he slammed the door open. My parents and Sasuke's parents were already sitting in the living room, I could tell they were already waiting for us.

"What the hell !?" He yelled. No one else but us six were there.

"Son calm down!" Fugaku raised his voice, it's scary when he does that.

"What do you mean calm down! How long have you guys been planning this?! Especially after everything I've told you!" Told them? I don't know what he was talking about.

"We know son, but our company could be in jeopardy if we don't do this" Mikoto said, she kept her composure.

"What do you mean?" His voice was stern and demanding, Sasuke was still extremely angry but he knows how to control himself, unlike me.

"There is a new company that has been claiming land at an exceeding rate, their called the Akatsuki" said my dad, he stood up and looked at me. No one realized I had been crying.

"Naruto..." he said, Mikoto and Fugaku looked at me and had a pitying look. I hated it. I stood up straight next to Sasuke and we were still holding hands, which was my only comfort at the moment.

"Just tell him the rest" I said, I sounded angry which is very rare.

"Sasuke come sit down. Now" my mom said, she seemed like she wasn't in the mood to play around or make up excuses. Sasuke walked over and sat down not because he was intimidated by my mom, he wanted answers.

"We'll be leaving this next month, before school starts, and we'll be gone for around four years, maybe more if we're unsuccessful. We'll be going to a different city in a different state. We won't be able to come visit for the time we're gone, but we will come back for the last two years of high school. I know this must be extremely difficult for you to take in, but I know you Sasuke. I know how you feel and I also know how you feel about the company, if you want us to be successful in the future, if you want Naruto to be successful too, you will understand. You can be mad and you can hate us, but please try and cooperate with us"

Sasuke was in shock, he had the same reaction as me. When I first was told I sat there speechless and heartbroken, I didn't talk to my parents that whole night, or the whole car ride here. I was mad and my parents kept their distance, I cried all night and I even broke a couple of things. Sasuke won't do that much but he will be extremely pissed. He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him, he was staring at me and I could tell, he was absolutely heartbroken.

"I- but- WHY?!?" He yelled and stood up, still holding my hand.

"WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES! I had to go on a stupid trip where I don't see Naruto for two months, then you guys have the audacity to give us only a week to see each other before I leave again?!? What kind of idiots planned this? How long were you going to hide it?!? If it weren't for Naruto telling me, I bet you guys would've waited until they left! You all know how I feel and you know everything I've told you! Now you feel like betraying me?!?" He was breathing really hard, he was crying, I was crying, everyone was crying.

"Sasu-" Mikoto tried calming him down but he stormed upstairs, taking me with him. He slammed the door and sat on the bed, he let go of me and now had his face in his hands. I could hear him sobbing. I walked over and sat by him, I hugged him and we cried together.

~No Ones POV~
Itachi walked out from the kitchen.

"That didn't go so well, but it's expected" he said. Mikoto and Kushina were wiping their tears. Minato and Fugaku sat there in silence.

"We're horrible" said Kushina. They all knew very well how Sasuke and Naruto felt about each other, even if Naruto hasn't told them, they knew. They love each other, they've loved each other since they met each other, inseparable.

"It had to happen, Sasuke will calm down and he'll accept fact that he won't see Naruto for awhile. He'll treasure the time he has left with him, and knowing Sasuke. He won't give up on him" Itachi said.

He felt bad for his younger brother, he's also always known how much Sasuke has loved Naruto. When it's just the two of them, whenever Sasuke gets the chance to talk about Naruto he will, it could last hours. All Sasuke does is look at Naruto and admire him, Itachi watches closely to the both of them, Naruto does the same thing. He felt bad but what could he do? Sasuke was grieving, and Itachi knew that these next couple years.....would be rough.

"If you all want, Shisui and I could stay here for the rest of the summer and watch over them, let them have their time together. Please"

Everyone was taken back by Itach asking them, he never asks for anything unless it has a purpose. Itachi's main goal is for Sasuke to be happy and grow without any casualties. He loves his brother and would do anything for him.

"Are you sure?" We leave today and I don't think Naruto and Sasuke have clothes for the rest of the summer, you also don't have the car to take them places" said Mikoto, she looked at the ground.

Itachi knows this, they obviously have the money and he could probably just buy his own car but he never felt like it. Not until he was in college, which he now is but that was not long ago.

"I could help" everyone looked up to see Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, and Izuna standing there.

"Sorry, we know you asked us to mind our business but we couldn't help but listen when sasuke slammed the door open" said Izuna, they walked over and sat on the couch. Tobirama was standing.

"How? You wouldn't be willing to leave the car" said Fugaku. He was right, Madara loves his car.

"I could lend mine to him" said Hashirama, he gave them a smile and everyone was confused.

"But you rode here in Madara's car, I don't expect you to drive two hours there and back" said Fugaku, he was trying to be reasonable and nice.

"I will" Minato and Kushina looked surprised as the why he would risk his time for the two young boys.

"Why?" Asked Kushina, she was curious.

"I see how much those two love each other, the way their moods change in an instant when the other is around, they way they talk to each other, and especially the way they look at each other. I'm astonished at the fact that they are so young and have already found love, one has already accepted the fact the liked the same gender and is willing to risk it all and tell his family. Sasuke is a brave boy, he's very confident and strong-willed, the fact that Naruto could change all of that about him is truly beautiful. He makes Sasuke look like a softy" everyone was amazed at how much he had observed about the two in just two days.

"Thank you" said Minato, he smiled and hesitantly called down Sasuke and Naruto.

~Sasuke's POV~
I was pissed, sad, depressed and felt the world crumble at my feet. Naruto was hugging me as we both cried together. I could faintly hear everyone talking downstairs but I don't care, all I wanted was Naruto by my side. I want to tell him everything, but he still needs time.

"Naruto I-"

"I know, it's going to be horrible" he said, his voice cracked a bit.

"I- I won't be able to see you" tears fell from my eyes, they couldn't stop. I looked at Naruto and his cheeks were red and I could see tears falling also. I faced him and wiped his tears with my thumbs, then held his face in my hands. He leanded his head against my hand and started at me, we stared at each other. I wanted to kiss him again, but still just wasn't the right time.

"I know" he put his hand on my mine, then used his other hand to grab mine and intertwine them. It was normal for me and Naruto to touch each other like this, we do it a lot. We hold each other like we've been a couple for years, we hold each other like we're fragile items that if you set it down wrong, it'll shatter. We're fragile.

"What can we do"

"We'll have to enjoy each other while we can, Sasuke" he grabbed my head and pulled me close so our foreheads were touching.

"We have so little time though"

"Like I said, we'll have to enjoy it" he slowly leaned in and just as we were going to make contact, Minato called us.

Naruto stopped and pulled away, he looked at me and grabbed my arm. I didn't want to fight with him, as much as I don't want to see any of them, we walked down stairs holding hands, our faces red and wet from tears.

"Sit down, both of you" said my father, we walked over and sat down. I noticed that all the older adults were in the room.

"What" I said in a rather cold voice, I didn't care that everyone seen us holding hands or if I was being disrespectful.

"We decided you two are going to stay here at the beach house for the rest of the summer" said Minato. my face lit up, I looked at Naruto who's face also did the same, he looked at me and smiled, a sad smile. I'll talk to him later.

"Really?!? With who?" Yelled Naruto.

"Itachi and Izumi" said Kushina.

Izumi? Why not Shisui?

"What about Shisui?" I said, I looked at Itachi and he just stood there staring at me and Naruto.

"He has a job interview and college interview coming up, he needs to prepare and Izumi volunteered to stay with us" he said in a very unfazed tone. I could tell he was probably jumping with joy on the inside that his crush will get to stay with him for the rest of the summer.

"I suggest you thank Itachi and Hashirama, they are the ones who planned this" said Mikoto. Hashirama?

"Hashirama has volunteered to lend Itachi his car so you guys could be able to go places" said Kushina

"Thank you!" Naruto let go of me and ran to hug the two of them, Hashirama smiled and Itachi almost fell backwards but hugged him back.

"Thank you, brother and Hashirama" I said

"It's no big deal! I'm glad I can help you" Hashirama gave me a wink and my face grew red.

"AYE!" I heard Obito yell from the top of the stairs.

"No one asked me if I wanted to stay?!? How dare you all!" He yelled, everyone laughed.

"IM NOT JOKING YOU ASSHOLES" he stomped his foot and crossed his arms, like a child. He really does remind me of Naruto.

"Calm down!" Yelled Rin, she walked up behind him and smacked the back of his head, making him fall and roll down the stairs.

"Riiiiiinnnnn" he whined as he laid on the ground.

"Don't 'Rin' me!" She said carrying her suitcase down, Kakashi and Gai following behind her.

"Awww come on! I just love you!!!" He yelled.

"Oh shush it!" She yelled.

Everyone laughed and things felt ok. But I was still pissed.

"Alright!" Hashirama stood up.

"Me and Madara will go and get my car now!" He said.

"Wait! Who will me and Deidara ride with?" Said Shisui coming downstairs with his bags also.

"Fugaku and Mikoto!" Madara yelled and gave them a smile, they were not expecting that but didn't argue.

"Oh yay! Partay with Auntie and Uncle!!" He yelled slapping Deidara on the back making him dramatically fall onto the ground.

Everyone was soon packed into the car and it's been about 3 hours since Madara and Hashirama left, me and Naruto still didn't speak to our parents. After learning that we would be together the rest of the summer, we went into the room and cuddled on the bed. Yep, you heard right. We cuddled, and it was allllll Naruto's idea. He wanted to hug me while we went to sleep. His face was buried into my chest and I could hear his small snores. So cute. I rubbed the top of his head, and as spiky as his hair looks, it's extremely soft and fluffy. I rested my head on top of it and slowly fell asleep.

About an hour later I heard a knock at the door, I slowly opened my eyes and Naruto was still laying there I shook him up and he moved to the other side of the bed.

"Come in" I said

Walked in was Itachi, Shisui, Madara, Hashirama, my father, and Minato.

"You were sleeping?" Shisui asked as he walked over to Naruto and shook him awake fully.

"Yeah" I said blankly

"Mnnn, Shisui?" Naruto said as he woke up, he looked around and sat up.

"We're leaving, I wanted to talk to you real quick" he said and Naruto followed him out the room.

"Sasuke" said Madara.

"What?" I had no reason to be mad at Madara but I was in a bad mood.

"I know you're kids but please wear prote-" My father slapped him on the back of the head.

"No!" He yelled, Minato and Hashirama laughed.

"But- they need to know!" Madara yelled.

"THEY ARE KIDS!" My father yelled again, I was confused.

~Naruto's POV~

"What is it?" I asked Shisui

"I think you should use this to tell Sasuke how you feel" he said, my eyes widened and I stood there in thought. Tell sasuke?

"What about my parents?"

"Tell Sasuke first, believe me it'll be better that way" he said and he seemed serious.

"How?" I asked

"Because then, he'll be right by your side when you tell them" I stared at him and nodded. He gave me a quick hug and we walked back upstairs. I looked at Sasuke who was completely red, Itachi looked like he just seen a ghost, Madara was on the ground and looked like he just died and my dad and Hashirama were on the ground laughing. Fugaku looked pissed.

"N-Nar- Naruto" said Sasuke he looked stiff and scared.

"Naruto" said Fugaku as he whipped around and glared at me. What did I do?

"Father stop!" Yelled Sasuke, Fugaku stopped and sighed. Itachi looked at me and turned red.

"I can't believe you'd tell him that Madara!" Yelled Fugaku. No reply, I'm pretty sure Madara died.

"Oh Fugaku! He had to know someday" my dad said and kept laughing.

"Sh- sha'll we g-give Naruto's the same talk?" Itachi said, he was stuttering and me and Shisui looked confused. Shisui walked towards Itachi and let him whisper into his ear. Suddenly Shisui's face was red and he slapped his hand across his face. He looked at me and then looked away.

"What is it?" I said.

"Sasuke can tell you~" Madara was suddenly standing up.

"No!" Yelled Fugaku, my dad just laughed.

"Anyway, Naruto we have to leave so this is goodbye" Hashirama got up from the ground and walked towards me to give a hug. After everyone said their goodbyes and left, I walked to Sasuke and he just looked speechless.

"Sasuke?" I stood in front of him and he just was in a whole different world. He started to mumble something so I got close to his face and listened.

"Two guys.......top......bottom.........na-naked" he was mumbling, and still didn't seem to notice me. I don't know what he's talking about and so I slapped him. He quickly snapped back into reality and then jumped when he seen me right in front of him.

"Ah! Naruto what the hell! You can't get too close!" He yelled, for some reason that made me sad. I frowned and stared at him, he immediately calmed down and then pulled me into a hug.

"I'm- uh I'm sorry" he said

"It's fine, what was that all about?" I asked, I'm not that curious if it has to involve naked people.

"Someday Naruto, you will know" I shrugged and slipped into the blankets, me and Sasuke fell asleep and everything was ok...

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