Slicing My Flesh

By greenmarisa

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Book 5 of the Gun To My Head Series 2nd Book of Zena's story I recommend reading the other books before this... More

Character List
Question Timeeee
Bonus Chapters
Acacia's POV: 1
Acacia's POV: 2
Acacia POV: 3
Acacia POV: 4
Acacia's POV: 5
Acacia's POV: 6
Acacia POV: 7
Acacia POV: 8
Acacia POV: 9
Acacia's POV: 10
KIKI's book
Next Book to Read in Series


510 28 14
By greenmarisa

Tae and I passed through the portal to enter this training realm. It was a shocking sight to see the entire realm pure white. Even the small 2 story building was entirely white. Tae led me to Kiki and another woman. I can't believe Kiki's here!

"Oh, hi!" I waved at the stone face woman. "Or not." I mumbled.

"Play nice, Gello." Kikimora addressed the woman.

"Jello? Like the desert?" My eyes widened as I thought about the food.

"No, Gello as in the demon that won't hesitate to sever your flesh from your young bones." The way her voice was level made her even scarier.


"Uh... Kiki." I turned to her, but she was laughing her ass off.

"Kiki do you love me? Are you riding?" Kiki rolled her eyes when Ken entered the realm.

"I'm confused." I scratched my head.

"You know the song by Drake?" I shook my head. "The TikTok challenge?" I shook my head again. "I swear the only thing you get are 80s references. We really need to update your pop culture teacher." Ken huffed.

"Enough." Ajax walked inside the realm. "We'll be taking turns training all of you." Ajax ran his eyes over us. "You three will need to work together if we are to defeat Lilitu."

"First thing to do is control your anger-"

Kiki interrupted Gello by kicking me in the shin. I yelped and jumped up and down on one foot. I groaned and held my aching shin. Gello glared at Kiki, but she shrugged her shoulders.

"Zena didn't go all crazy vamp on us, so we're good." I glared at her reasoning.

"You will also need to be able to practice fighting as one." Tae stated.

"As one?" He nodded at Ken. "Like as in we will be merging?" He nodded again. "How?"

"You really ask a lot of questions." Kiki groaned. "Is this what I'll have to deal with when we are sharing one body?" She turned to Ajax who rolled his eyes.

"You can't possibly think three people can cohabitate in one body." Ken pointed out.

"Well, I have three consciousnesses in my body." I shrugged.

"Even better... 5 people occupying one body!" Kiki sarcastically said.

"Quit it." Kiki immediately stiffened at Gello's tone. "Taemin, instruct them on how to fuse."

"This is stupid." Ken grumbled.

Tae started to demonstrate how we had to choreograph our movements. Kiki scoffed at the dance, but Tae sharply told her it was an ancient ritual and to show more respect. Kiki dubbed it the ultimate abomination dance. Ken rolled her eyes and used her ice powers to freeze Kiki. She then asked Tae to continue.

I sat down and began to scroll through my phone. I was hoping Acacia would've texted me, but she still hasn't. My shoulders fell at the realization that she was afraid of me. Ajax told me to get up, so I sighed and tried to mimic Tae's movements, but I couldn't seem to follow them.

Kiki groaned and lied on the ground. Ken was still trying to perfect the movements, but she was the only one who actually gave a damn. Kiki closed her eyes and began to whistle a tune that distracted Ken. Ken slipped up and then marched over to kick Kiki. Kiki responded by flinging Ken away from her. Ken used her wings to catch her midair. She then glared at Kiki, who allowed her devil eyes to glow.

"Stop fighting."

Gello walked into Kiki's line of sight. Kiki immediately backed down and walked away. Ajax did a similar thing to Ken while Tae walked over to me. He gave me a soft smile while I reached into my pocket. Still no word from Acacia?! This is utterly hopeless.

"You guys need to work together!" Ajax's voice snapped me back to reality. "How are you planning on beating her if you guys can't work together?! You're acting like children!" Tae and Gello nodded along.

"Face it, Ajax. There's no hope for us. She is heartbroken and can't think of anything besides Acacia." I looked down because it was true. "And she doesn't give a damn and can't take anything seriously." Ken directed the comment at Kiki.

"And you think your uptight ass is helping?" Kiki challenged.

"At least I give a damn to actually try and learn the teachings. I care about my people and doing everything I can to save them. What are you doing for your kind except exploiting them?!" Ken's hands sizzled with lightning.

"I give a damn! It's your fault-"

"And I'm trying to make up for it, but you're doing nothing but being a major obstacle in my way! Maybe you should just go to Lilitu's side since your toxic energy can damage her from the inside!"

Kiki said something back, but I was tuning them out. I was more distracted by my phone than whatever the hell they were arguing about. Vera had texted me, so I was informing her about the total catastrophe that was this training session. I then began mourning my relationship with Acacia and wondered if she'd ever give me another chance.

"Zena!" Kiki and Ken yelled at me.

"Huh?" I didn't know what they had asked me.

"I bet she's texting her failed love." Kiki rolled her eyes.

"Can you focus for 5 minutes on anything else but Acacia?!" Ken walked over to me.

"Her record is 20 seconds." Kiki rolled her eyes.

Ken yanked my phone out my hand and crushed it. I screamed and shoved her away. That was totally rude. I felt my eyes glow and my nails elongate. Ajax walked in front of Ken while Tae approached me to calm down. How can I calm down when she took away my only means of communicating with Acacia?! What if Acacia tried to respond to me?! I won't be able to reply to her!

"I think you just pissed off our calmest member." Kiki taunted Ken.

"Shut up!" Ken quickly glanced at Kiki. "Z, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"I'm gonna kill you!"

I raced towards Ken, but Tae wrapped me in his arms. I harshly bit down on his arm, but he didn't budge. I then injected my paralyzing venom into him. Tae stumbled a bit, so I used the opportunity to fling him across the room. Ajax then unsheathed his sword, but I used my magic to propel it out his hands. He then tried to charm speak me, but I blocked him out and ran at him. He resorted to using sound manipulation to throw me across the room.

I flipped onto my feet and stared at him. He dodged my punches, but I used my magic to knock his feet off the ground. I then swiped at his face, clawing his flesh apart. I was about to bite his head off, but Gello flashed in front of me. I growled, but she held her hand up. I howled in pain as I felt a migraine come on. I peeked to see her completely exposed, so I used my magic to inflict the same pain on her. She stumbled back, so I got up and was about to rip her head off.

I looked to see Kiki flying at me. I caught her and threw her into the ground. I then began pummeling her face. I was about to bite her with my teeth, but Ken ripped me off her. I stared at Ken with hatred. She was the reason I couldn't talk to my love. I'm gonna make her suffer! She sped towards me and threw me off balance.

She then turned in the air and swung her sword at me. I surprised everyone by holding my hand up. Their eyes widened when the sword shattered against my skin, not even leaving a single scratch. Ken gulped when I grabbed her by the throat. I was about to sever her head off because how could she-


I turned at the gentle voice of the elf I've come to love. I immediately released Ken and returned to my natural form. I smiled and ran up to her.

"Acacia!" I smiled and embraced her. I could feel her smile back and hug me just as tight.

"I'm so sorry. Can we talk later?" I rapidly nodded at her and nearly cried.

"You've got to be kidding me." Kiki groaned and stood up. "We just needed to bring her here this entire time?!"

"Well, she did say she missed Acacia." Ken coughed out.

"I can't believe we could've saved all this trouble by just bringing the girl here." Gello commented.

"How did she get here?" Tae sat up.

"Lara kidnapped me and had me on standby in case something like this happened." Acacia smiled and kissed my cheek. "Now, why weren't you behaving?" I gulped at her voice. I awkwardly laughed and hid my face in her neck. "Pupu, you need to listen to them and do what they say." She softly told me. "Okay?"

"Okay." I mumbled.

"I'm gonna go back inside, but I'm close by. Listen to them." I rapidly nodded at her.

"Whipped." I heard Kiki say. "And you allow her to call you poop? You guys sure have an interesting relationship." She smirked when I glared at her.

"It means bunny!" I screamed at her. 

I then turned and excitedly waved at Acacia as she left the room. I was all smiles when I turned around. I was shocked to see everyone glaring at me. Why were they- oh, I kinda went apeshit on them.

"Sorry." I chuckled out, but they were still angry. "So... the abomination dance tutorial?" Tae shook his head and started to show us the movements again.

"This is literally like dragon ball z." Ken muttered.

"Dragon who now?" I turned to her.

"What references do you understand?" Kiki questioned me.

"Uh... the yolo... hi, I'm dory and I have short term memory loss... um-"

"That's embarrassing." Kiki stated.

"The yolo?" Ken arched a brow. "You call it the yolo?"

"There's no hope for her." Kiki sighed.

"Are you guys even paying attention?" Gello snapped at us.

"Yep!" We all said.

"Good, now recreate the dance." Ajax took a step back.

We looked at each other and gulped since we weren't paying attention. I took a deep breath and motioned for them to do the dance. I think we were doing well, but Ken slipped, so our pointer fingers didn't align properly. Nevertheless, there was a blinding light and I felt a force pull me towards the girls.

The three teachers watched as the light brightly shined. Tae and Ajax shielded their eyes while Gello was undisturbed. When the light finally returned to normal, I saw the shocked expression on their faces. Their jaws all dropped, but I could see a hint of a smile on Tae's face. Somehow Tae is the most laidback of the three (and he's not laidback!). Ajax sighed and gestured for Gello to conjure up a mirror.

I then gasped when I saw the sight reflected back at me. It seemed that I wasn't the only one horrified over how we shrunk and then blew up. I was fatter than-than ... I was fat!

Kennedy, your weight is dragging us down. Kiki spoke through our mouth.
Excuse me! Ken retaliated.
This is all your fault! Kiki spoke again.
My fault?! How so?!
You messed up aligning our fingers. I said.
No way?!
Yes way. Kiki and I said.
How long until we can-

We were then split back into our counterparts. I stumbled a bit while Ken and Kiki fell. They quickly got up and began glaring at each other. Tae then came over to correct our forms. He wanted us to do it again, but I just wanted pasta and to see Acacia. However, I couldn't do what I pleased. I redid the movements, but I was distracted by Acacia's beautiful face in my mind. I didn't realize that I skipped a move before touching our fingers together.

The light blinded everyone again, but quickly settled. Gello looked horrified at our figure, Tae was confused, and Ajax looked slightly concerned. Gello was too in shock to raise the mirror, so Ajax did it instead. We screamed at our gaunt look staring back.

Z, was this how frail you were after you got rescued. Your boney look is gonna make us snap like a toothpick! Kiki commented.
I wasn't that skinny! I stated.
Well, it's not like you're all muscle now... Ken trailed off.
Are you guys saying I'm-
Too mauger, yes. Kiki chuckled.
So you think I'm skinny! Ken screeched in a high pitched voice.
Ow! That's so loud!
You really don't get the reference? Kiki sounded so disappointed.

We were then thrust out our merged form. We all fell down this time. Tae came over and flicked my forehead. I glared at him, but he told me to stop thinking about Acacia and to actually focus. I asked how he knew, so he pointed at Ajax, who told me my emotion for love was so profound. I blushed and took Ken's offered hand.

We did the dance one last time and I think it worked. Gello and Ajax looked impressed. Tae gave a smile and a nod of approval. He held the mirror up for us to see-

We look badass. Ken commented.
Yep, this is definitely my genes coming through. Kiki spoke.
With the stupid hairy arms? I questioned.
Or is it the unkept eyebrows? Ken spoke.
I don't have bushy eyebrows or hairy arms! Kiki yelled.

"This is the form you guys should try to always be in." Gello walked forward. "Incredible." She admired our appearance.

"We should train them in this form, next." Ajax spoke.

"Yes." Tae looked at us. "Also, you guys will be able to retain this form for longer since it's the correct form."

"How long can we sustain this?" We spoke at the same time.

"Let's test it." Gello stated, so we nodded.

"Go for a test drive." Ajax smirked.

We didn't need to be told twice. We immediately shot up into the air and sped away.

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