The Transfer

By cherrych0nk

42.5K 2.1K 1.1K

Y/N is a firebender officer that has been transferred from Ba Sing Se to Republic City PD. Can she and her ne... More

First Day
First Day part 2
The Mansion
The Fire
The Hospital
Back Home
Getting Better
The Beach part 1
The Beach part 2
The Beach part 3
Something Blooming
The Festival
Her Place

Cold Case

2.1K 103 37
By cherrych0nk

TW: Graphic descriptions of crimes line s*xual assault, murder, torture etc. (starts at ***___*** and ends at ***______***)


It's been two weeks. Two weeks of filing paperwork and cleaning people's desks. The chief would only allow you to patrol with Mako on random occasions, otherwise you were on desk duty. The only thing keeping you at bay was the new found friendships with your fellow officers and Jia. That woman would sneak in juicy gossip notes that kept you at the edge of your seat. So far two officers were having an affair with each other, the baker down the street was in a food battle with the new coffee place owner and the latest celebrity plastic surgery failure.

You had finished your latest work, it had taken you hours to fill with the correct information. A lot of things didn't make sense so you had to do a lot of investigating and digging to find the answers.

"Hey Mako, I'm done. Can you give this to the ch-" You stop when you realize that not only is Mako not there but you're completely alone in the bullpen. Looking up at the clock you almost gasp. Your shift had ended three hours ago and you didn't even notice people leaving.

"Monkey-feathers" You muttered. When you look up you aren't surprised to see the light in the Chief's office still on.

Might as well hand it myself. You pick up your coat and paperwork, walking over her door. You knock on it gently. "Umm, Chief? I just finished some paperwork. Can I hand it to you or...?"

She doesn't respond so you knock again. No response. "Well Chief, I'll leave it on my desk. Good night!"

You start walking towards your desk when you do a full one eighty and knock one more time. "Chief, are you okay?"

You place your hand on the handle. You shouldn't do this... But what if she's hurt? Your mind floods with worry as you open the door.

And there she is, the big bad Lin Beifong asleep, head on her desk and drooling a bit. She looks so tired and relaxed that you don't want to wake her. Placing the pile of papers on her desk you stare for a moment before grabbing your coat and draping it over her, tucking her in, you tuck some stray hairs sticking to her face. She doesn't react, the only sounds are gentle snores. The raising and falling of her back keep you at ease.

"Night, chief." You whisper as you walk out, closing the door behind you.

You get to the parking lot getting on your satomobile, it's an older model but takes you where you need to go. As you drive home you can't seem to get the chief out of your head. How adorable she looked sleeping like a baby in her office.

Finally you can have a hot shower and shed all the layers of clothing. You wash your hair and lay in the hot bathtub water humming as you relax. Many tattoos littered your body, yet there was more than enough space for a lot of more ink. Your most recent was this little headshot of a badger-mole on your bicep, a little boy had given you the art piece and you liked it so much you got it tattooed. You still remember how shocked and happy he looked.

You finish your shower and put on all your piercings back on, not wanting the holes to close up. You prepare tomorrow's uniform and get under the covers after drying your hair. Tomorrow would be a long day.

It was bad. For the first time in years you woke up later than you should. As you glanze at the clock on the wall your eyes go wide.

"FUCK I'M LATE!" You yell sprinting from the bed and starting to get dressed as fast as a lighting strike.

Running to the bathroom you don't even look at the mirror just quickly brushing your teeth and barely spitting the paste as you wipe your mouth with your arm, you put your hair in a ponytail and continue on. With your uniform and boots on you run down stairs to your satomobile and bring the engine to life.

You were on the speed limit, maybe a few miles more but you made it on time. You clock in seeing Jia's shocked expression.

"Morning!" You yell as you run to the elevator.

"Y/N!" Jia yells back in a worried tone.

"See you at lunch time!" You managed to get out as the door closed.

You get weird stares walking to your cubicle. The other officers kept looking at you and laughing or whispering. You look at your clothes, they were fine. Your hair felt fine. Everything seemed fine. You see Mako trying to signal some to you, he has a panic expression on his face. But before you can ask him you hear a booming voice.

"Y/N MY OFFICE. NOW!" The Chief yells.

Fuck. You were on time, so it couldn't be that. You look back at Mako as you stand up. The utter look of pity makes you angry but terrified at the same time. So you start walking and with every step you take your anxiety rises. You knock, she orders you in.

"Good morning Chief I-" The first thing you notice is your folded coat on her desk. The second is her angry face, getting redder and redder as she looks at you. She slams the door shut with her bending.

"What did I tell you on your first day, officer." She says in a cold angry yet quiet tone.

"N-not to go into your office without your permission..."

She inhales and grips the back of the chair so hard it seems to bend. "THEN WHY DID YOU ENTER MY OFFICE LAST NIGHT!" She yells

You look at her, she looks like she's about to rip you a new asshole in the next five seconds. You sigh, this is going to be your last day and you know it.

"I finished my reports and Mako wasn't there so I went to take them to you. I knocked a few times and when you didn't respond I got worried something might have happened to you so I let myself in to check on you."

Lin's anger didn't seem to go down at all.

"Your coat." She spat, throwing the cloth at you. "Why leave evidence you idiot?!" She barked.

You tried hard not to smile remembering her sleepy face. "You looked cold."

The Chief stared at you for what felt like minutes before sitting at her desk chair.

"I want to fire you Y/N, I'm not even going to shy away from saying it. Your behavior of testing my patience is getting on my last nerve-" She looked at you. "AND WHAT THE FUCK IS ON YOUR FACE?!"

Your hands flew to your face and in your horror you could feel all the piercings. Fuck!

"You never said piercings were a no." You try to be a smart ass.

Lin punches the desk and it's about to yell at you when you interrupt her.

"Wait, let me explain!" You beg. "I always put them in before bed so they don't close off. I forgot to take them out this morning." You start to gently take them out one by one as she stares you down. The last one being your tongue, as you are taking it out you look up to find her staring at it with a light blush. She coughs covering her mouth with her fist as she finds you staring back at her.

"Done." You muttered as you placed them all on a handkerchief and into your pocket.

"Do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?!" She says annoyed.

"Chief I'm trying, things are just different here. So many things were acceptable back home that aren't here and vice versa. I swear to the spirits I'm not doing this on purpose." You sigh. "I've been in the force for almost a decade and I've never sat behind a desk for more than three days. This isn't my environment. I have to be outside catching and tracking bad guys, not here cleaning officers desks and filing their paperwork. I have so much to give if you give me a chance, Chief. I promise not to let you down."

Lin relaxed in the chair massaging her temples. "You can't even follow the most basic of orders Y/N. I will not send you to the streets where I know you will disobey everything I tell you."

You got closer to her desk, your eyes locking with her. "Please, give me a chance. I can do this, let me prove myself to you. If I fail then I'll leave for good and hand you my badge. No more police work for me ever again."

The Chief stared at you, she was looking for something in your eyes, maybe she found it. Silence covered the room for a few minutes before she sighed. "I'm going to give you ONE chance to prove me you aren't a complete idiot. Things will be done by the law. Got it?"

You beamed with joy. "Yes chief!" You can't even control your smile.

The Chief opened a drawer and pulled out a large file, she placed it on the desk in front of you. "This is a cold case, it's been open for around five years. It's incredibly graphic, if this is too much for you than I can give you-"

"I'll do it! I'll take it!" You almost yell.

"Very well then. Y/N, if you can solve it not only will I allow you to stay-" She folded her arms and exhaled. "But also...MAYBE- I'll allow some things in the dress code." She huffed.

"You got it, chief!" You said grabbing the file. "I won't let you down!"

You give a small bow as you head out, a huge smile plastered in your face. The officers around you look at you like you're crazy but you don't care one bit. You finally got the chance to prove yourself and you wouldn't let your Chief down. You seat at your desk opening the file and scanning it over.

"That went well?" Mako asked in a whisper.

You chuckled. "I almost got my ass whooped but the spirits decided to give me a break. She gave me a chance to prove myself." You return your focus to the page. "Now hush, I need to concentrate."

Mako rolled his eyes and went back to his work.

"Good luck" The detective muttered.


Case File Num B-5246: The Akuma Family Massacre

Reporting Officer: Shiro Zen

Crimes: First degree murder, Arson, Robery, Assault, organized crime, torture.

Scene description:

Officer Shiro Zen and Officer Chen Hun arrived at the scene at the Akuma mansion on Avatar Yangchen street 935, house number 17, United Republic of Nations.

The first thing the officers noticed is the sign of a dying fire. Under Chief Beifong's permission, the officers continued towards the house, weapons drawn. The first thing noticed was the broken handle on the front door indicating forced entry. After continuing inside the first body was discovered, now identified as Annie Akuma, the mother of the two children and wife to Kane Akuma. The victim had her hands tied behind her back and multiple stab wounds on her torso. Later the medical examiners would find traces of sexual assault premortem during autopsy. Cause of death, stab wounds.

Walking further in the next victim, later identified as Hiroto Akuma the younger son, was gagged with a rag. A rope was tight around his neck and he exhibited multiple burns to the face, torso and legs. Medical examiner found large traces of 'fairy dust' drug in his sistem. The young boy had one arm cut out clean with medical precision. Cause of death, overdose and blood loss.

The next body was tied to a burnt metal chair. The horror of it's torture plastered on their face. The body was later identified as Kane Akuma, the father and businessman of the family. Later on it was discovered that all his fingernails had been pulled out, his back had been broken in three places, multiple stab wounds littered his body and all of his toes had been cut out along with his crotch area. Cause of death is undetermined.

The last body was found in the living room tied to the sofa and gagged was the body of a young girl. Lea Akuma, she had multiple bruises as well as signs of severe sexual assault. Her back had deep scratches and her neck had deep bruises where circulation was cut from being choked by rope. Cause of death asfixia.

The perpetrators covered their tracks, the only DNA retrieved from the scene were the ones from the rape kits done on the two female victims. The DNA has not been matched to any person to date. Motives are still unknown, the Akumas had been known to be a respectful and kindhearted family. Some possessions seemed to be missing yet most remain intact...

You stared at the file for a minute. The pictures inside were incredibly graphic, enough to make a grown man cry and puke. You had read a few pages now, the more you read the angrier you got. The only names in the entire file were those of the police personnel or the family. There was not a single name of any suspect, you didn't even know where to look.

You wrote down all the names you could find. All descriptions of schools and workplaces, places the family frequent and even the coffee shop the mother used to go to. With nothing more than a file filled with grousome descriptions of murder and other horrible things, you mentally prepared. This would be no easy trip to the park.

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