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You wake up the next day disoriented and confused. Your eyes still puffy from the night's weeping and your arms still clinging on to the badgermole plushie. Looking at the large window you see the sun already out and proud which disoriented you even more, it felt like you slept a lot but also woke up the same day. You sit up and carefully get off the bed, walking towards the bathroom. The walk wasn't as painful as it was before but it was very draining and when you arrived you had to sit down on the toilet's lid until you regained your strength.

"Y/N!" Your name being called startled you.

"You shouldn't walk alone! You could've fallen!" Kya said exasperated as she reached for you.

You chuckled and allowed her to lift you and gently walk you to the shower. Gently undressing you and turning on the water.

"Kya, I got it. I can walk, I'm not an invalid. I'm sure in a few days I'll be good as new." You say as you wash yourself, hearing her moving and taking things from the room.

"You may look and feel better but inside there's a lot of healing to do still. You have to be careful and you need to ask for help until your bones are fully healed. That and after I send you home you need to start doing physical therapy."

"I'm fineee-" You say as you dry yourself. Doing simple things like that made you tired faster than before so after getting dressed you sat on the closed lid again.

Kya entered the bathroom and gently helped you get dressed before guiding you back to your bed. The sheets were changed and cleaned and your new friend rested near the pillow.

"Who got me the badger-mole?" You asked as Kya hands you a tray of food.

"An officer, she visited every day but you were unconscious until recently. She left you that along with some chocolates."

Your mind instantly went to Jia, she was someone that would definitely do something like that. You smiled hugging the animal as you ate happily.

"Was it Jia? The officer that had lunch with me?" You asked expectantly.

Kya smirked. "I won't say who it was Y/N." She chuckled, clearing your dirty clothes. "But, you know, a lot of your fellow officers have come to visit you and left gifts and other things too."

You smiled. "They are so sweet. I'm going to miss them, didn't even get a chance to know them well before I got fired." You chuckled.

Kya looked at you and smiled softly before laying a hand on your shoulder. "Everything is going to be okay."

You smile back and nod. "I know. Thank you, Kya."

"I'm going to fetch you some breakfast, don't go anywhere."

With that Kya left the room and you sat in your bed petting the stuffed animal.

You fidget around in your bed, grabbing the stuffed animal and raising it up to eye level. It's eyes looking at you. "We have to give you a name, little one." You looked at the black button eyes. "Molly? No, too childish. Badgy? Nope, too weird. Browney? Nope, not my favorite..."

You kept looking at the animal and thinking of names when a soft knock interrupted your train of thought and you looked up to the door. The Chief was standing there in her metal uniform. You instantly felt your face pale. Were you getting arrested? Fuck-

"Chief..." You feel your breath hintch as she stares at you. She keeps waiting for something and it hits you, she's waiting for you to invite her in. So you do.

"C-Come in." You hesitated.

She walks towards you and drags a nearby chair to sit by the side of your bed. She sighs and gets comfortable before looking at you, she instantly looks down to your chest where the stuffed animal laid as you hugged it. She looked back at you with an eyebrow raised.

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