The Fire

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Jia is organizing her desk when you walk in, as happy and jolly as ever. In your hands you carry a cup tray with three cups and a box of donuts, on top was a big paper bag with three smaller ones inside.

"Long night Y/N?" Jia says with an attitude.

You carefully take one cup and settle it on her desk alongside a smaller paper bag. "Coffee with cream and extra sugar. They also sell these delicious strawberry and creme biscuits so I brought you one. Sweet like you." You wink.

Jia softened her stare and chuckled. "I can't even stay mad at you when you're being so sweet. Thank you."

You smile back. "Sorry, I got caught up in some paperwork with the Chief. Maybe this week will be like that too."

The blonde woman frowns and nods slightly.

"But! I'm free saturday. We can go get some drinks or try the new restaurant downtown. Heard from the other officers they make some fine dumplings."

"I'd love it!" She says excitedly. 'So it's a date' was left unsaid.

"Awesome! Give me your address, I'll pick you up." You were happy things were mended with Jia. You like her very much and don't want to lose her friendship over something silly.

"I'm gonna head up. Have a long day and want to make the most of it. I'll see if we can catch lunch together." You say walking towards the elevator.

Jia follows and opens the elevator for you, pressing the floor button. "Let me know."

You nod as the door closes, the elevator rises and you reach your level. Stepping out you can see some hungover cops and a few tired faces. Setting the paper bag and cup holder tray on your desk, you take the donut box and open it.

"Hey! Get your donuts while you can!" You yell.

In less than a second, men and women are stumbling with each other to get to you and the treats. You were glad you brought the bigger box. The room seemed more cheerful and bright as everyone ate to their content.

Ok, now the last one in my route, Chief Beifong.

You take one of the coffees and one of the smaller paper bags, you walk towards her office and firmly knock.

"Come in!" She barks.

You walk in as happy as a dog with two tails. She seems to relax seeing you.

"Officer Y/N." She says blandly.

"Chief Beifong." You smile. "Brought you something to get your day started." You place the food on her desk, noticing the new pile of paperwork she had to fill.

"Man, they don't give you a break with those papers." You say looking at the pile.

She shakes her head opening the coffee lid. "No, crime doesn't sleep Y/N. Thank you... for the treat."

You nod. "You want me to stay and help you clear it?"

She looks a bit dumbfounded but recovers quickly. "What? No, go do your job. I'll do mine."

You smile. "I mean, it is part of the job to do paperwork so..."

She looks at the pile and back at the clock. Did she want to deal with it alone as the first thing in the morning? No. Did she want to ask for help? No.

"If you think you're getting on my good graces for helping me, you got the wrong idea. I don't do pets in my station and you won't be the first."

You shake your hands. "No! No! I just, I want to help. I'm not trying to have some favoritism."

The Transfer Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon