The Hospital

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"WEAK! THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!" Your mother yelled as she covered your bedroom floor with fuel. The smell burning into your brain.

"Mama please-" You sobbed. "I'll do better!"

She walked towards you and slapped your face with all the force an adult could use on a child without killing them. You stumbled backwards grabbing your face as you sobbed. "MAMA PLEASE."

"YOU ARE NO CHILD OF MINE!" She yelled, grabbing you by the hair and throwing you to the back of the room. She then walked towards you punching your little body as you cried, extending your hands to protect yourself.

"YOU'RE WEAK. SELFISH. USELESS!" She kept yelling, punctuating each word with a hit.

"MAMA STOP! PAPA!" You screamed for someone to help.

She stopped only to kick you one last time. You winced in pain watching the image of your mother walking towards the frame of the bedroom door.

"Your father left, because you're a pest. But you won't be after tonight. Everything I'm doing is your fault, yours only. Weak and useless child. Couldn't even do well at the academy. You're an embarrassment to this family."

Your mother took a bending stance that you knew too well. One she had used for many Angi Kai's, one that always made her win. Lighting shot from her fingers as your whole room lit up with a booming sound like thunder. You looked up in terror as she closed the door. Your dolls and paintings tainted with the black smoke as you frantically looked for a way out. You ran to the window but the height scared you, so you ran through the fire, kicking and punching the door. The fire weakened it allowing you to push it enough for it to make a crack big enough that you could crawl out of. Your home was in flames and now you were completely alone. It was like an oven, the red flames angry wanting to devour everything it touched. You managed to get out of the house, standing back to see it be consumed. The rain started to pour and not even that could calm the fire.

That night you cried, alone and scared. Just like your father, your mother had abandoned you. So you stayed and waited for her to come back. But on the third day you were hungry, thirsty and alone. So you walked along the path back to the city and away from the countryside. You made it halfway there before your small body gave out and you passed out from exhaustion.

When you woke up, you were in a bed inside a small room. There was a lady in the corner in a rocking chair. At first you thought it was your mother so like any child you ran to her. She hugged you back, but when you looked up, grey eyes stared back at you. Unlike the golden ones your mother bore. Your first instinct was to panic and run but she held you closer to her, softly talking to you and soothing you.

"It's okay child. Everything will be alright..."

You can feel yourself regaining consciousness. Ever so slowly you feel your senses come back and hear a muffled voice call you. It's so distant, yet warm and familiar.


You can't stop thinking about your parents... why now. After all these years, something triggered long lost memories that are now rushing like a waterfall. You hear the voice of a woman more clearly.

"Y/N, wake up-"

You breathe in and out and push the feeling deep inside you. You didn't have the energy to deal with this, not now.

"Y/N wake up, it's okay. Open your eyes for me love."

Following the familiar voice you slowly open your eyes, the first thing that hits you when you regain consciousness is the strong pain coming from your back and chest. Tears prickle your eyes as they start falling from them.

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