The Beach part 2

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Special Thanks to my betas! @therealsuyinbeifong on tumblr

Lin eyed you up and down, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. She quickly shook her head when she saw you lock eyes with her and coughed to hide her now growing blush.

"Y/N... nice to see you finally arrived."

You chuckled. "Couldn't come empty handed!"

Lin eyed you one last time before taking a seat next to Kya and Amara under the umbrellas and chairs. Korra and Asami on the other hand, had started to drag the brothers for a game of volleyball. You were visibly excited as you started walking towards the net.

"Don't be thinking you'll be joining them any time soon Y/N, I haven't cleared you yet." Kya said not looking over her book.

"Awww come on! I've been doing my exercises, taking care of my body and eating healthy! I can play with them just fine! I'm ready." You groaned.

"Korra tends to play a bit rough. I think it's better for you to play with something else." Amara said, pouring some more sunblock on her arms.

You huffed crossing your arms, looking back at the rest of them playing, you came up with an idea.

"Then, I challenge you to a sparr!" You smiled at the healer.

"If you win then I'll sit here and read something or relax in the sand. But If I win, I can play with them all I want."

"Nope, not fighting you." Kya said nonchalantly.

"Scared? Don't worry grandma, I'll go easy on you." You grinned when you saw Kya frown and look back angrily.

"Ooooohhh" The krew mocked as Kya stood up to challenge you.

"I'll show you grandma. Darlin, grab my shirt." Now Kya was only in her blue bikini.

Amara smiled, grabbing it. "Ohhh you messed up rookie."

Quickly everyone got close to see the fight transpire. The air kids were cheering on and Bumi was narrating everything. Lin and Tenzin looked annoyed as always but still paid attention.

Kya was the first to attack, sending a torrent of water towards you. You quickly sent a blaze towards it forming some steam, this allowed you to move forward and behind her. Kya was
smart though and she knew what you were planning so she bent shards of ice in your direction. Some you dodge and others you punched through with fire. She was skilled but slower than you by a lot. This was your advantage as you quickly gained ground with fire kicks. Not wanting you to gain more ground she raised a pillar of ice from the ground up sending you flying through the air.

"Oh ladies, gentlemen and spirits there she goes!" Bumi narrated.

"Y/N!" Lin yelled and rushed to your side but before she could get to you, you stood up rushing towards Kya with fire daggers. You swinged a few times and so did Kya, more steam formed each time.

"Go Kya!" Amara and Pema cheered.

"Go Y/N!" Bolin and Asami cheered.

Kya formed an ice sickle and swung it at you with mighty strength. It missed you by a hair as you leaded back and out of her way.

"DAMN! That was close!" You gasped.

"Scared little girl?" Kya snapped.

"Please, of you? Bring it on grandma!"

Kya growled and launched at you again, this time you dodged and elbowed her to the ground. She quickly stood up and advanced once more with her sickle, you moved out of the way as it came down and got stuck on the sand next to you. Taking the chance, you chi blocked the waterbender and she instantly fell to the ground.

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