You Betrayed Me

By vanesaa_75

3.4K 120 2

Nina Morgan is a quiet person, she's experienced the loss of a loved one. Three years later she is still stuc... More

Town Girl
Small town
Town Boy
Friday Fun
Anger Issues
First time
Old Memories
Old Ties 2
Dear me
Too deep
A Promise
A Date
A kiss
Nothing now
The dress
The ball
The dance
After party
Three words
Life With Him
You & I
Never hurt
Proper meet
Death talk
Her Letter
One last time

Something New

100 2 0
By vanesaa_75

Nina's POV.

A/N: Music on top make sure to play it once the time comes up. Don't forget to vote🤍✨
I am not an active person on social media, I just check it out from time to time in a while. I come across my Instagram seeing that I got two more new followers.

𝐼 don't even post, why do they follow me?

To my surprise, one of them ends up being Chase. Chase added me on Instagram, for what?

"I knew you'll be here," a voice says behind me.

I don't need to turn around to see who it is because it's him. He's the only person besides the teachers who is interested in talking to me.

"Not this again," I mumble, he ignored my comment and sat down beside me, leaning back onto the tree.

"So, what are you having for lunch?"

I don't respond.

"You don't like the food here?"

No answer-back.

"Do you want to go somewhere to get lunch Pizza, sushi, or a burger?"

I stare at him him, poor Chase, he seems desperate to get a word out of me, but why? I continue to stare at him for a few seconds before I speak.


"The food here isn't that good-" He starts but I cut him off.

"I mean why are you asking me? Why not some other people? Like your friends." I narrow my eyes.

He stays quiet for a minute before he speaks again. "Because they're not you."

I stay still for a minute. "Okay,"

He stands up. "Come on, princess." He holds out his hand, helping me up.

We're currently in his car, eating pizza we got from this take-out place. 'Come as you are' playing on the radio.

"Tell me something," Chase speaks, turning down the volume of the radio. I look at him confused. "Something nobody knows about you."

"I don't see why you would need to know that." I huffed.

If nobody knows it's because nobody is supposed.

"Oh, come on! I'll tell you something too." He smirks.

I tried to think of something, maybe something that's not too personal. That would throw him off track and leave me alone.

"I hate social media." I sighed.

Lame and all, but I know it's worth a shot.

"Then why do you have them?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know, I guess it's a way to see how false everyone's life is," I say taking a sip of my drink.

"Explain," he seems confused.

"Social media is fake. Full of people who lie about who and what they are. Bullying other people. It's just such a toxic site." I say. "Your turn."

"I like to paint, but I always destroy them after I'm done with them." Chase speaks so nonchalantly about it.

"Why?" I'm genuinely curious now.

He shrugs, "All my paintings have a meaning. I guess that's what I hate, having to look back at what I've done."

"Dark," I mumbled, making Chase laugh.

There's silence for a minute before he speaks again. "What about your dad? You haven't mentioned him."

My stomach flopped, suddenly  all of the memories from that night came floating again. I swallowed the lump in my throat and composed myself.

"He's dead," I say simply.

He looks a bit taken back, his eyes wide for a brief second before it's replaced by a soft gaze.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I cut him off by placing my hand in front of him.

"I don't want your pity," he keeps quiet. "We should be heading back anyway, I don't want to be late."

He nods and starts the car.

We arrive at school on time, I jump out of the car as soon as he pulls into the school's parking lot and practically run towards my next class. I hear him shout my name a couple of times, but I didn't dare to look back.
The bell rings so I took my stuff, putting them away in my locker.

Walking outside I felt my phone vibrate, I take a look at the contact but I already know who it is.

My mom.

Who else did I expect to call me? Probably many of the four people that are in my contacts.

'Hey, honey! Luca and I had to go out of town for a couple of days. Ask Jacob for anything, take care!'

I let out a sigh and stop walking to text back.

'𝑌eah, okay.'

"Nina!" Someone shouted behind me.

It's not necessary for me to look back to see who it is, but the feeling of everyone's eyes on me as he calls for me makes my eyes wide and walk faster.

"Nina!" He called again.

I exit the school gate and cross the street when I turn around to see if he was still looking for me. I saw him running.

Why can't he leave me alone?

"Why are you running away from me?" He asks breathlessly.

"I wasn't," I lied, turning around to leave.

"Wait!" Chase says grabbing my shoulder.

"What?!" I groaned like a child. Almost wanted to stomp my foot too.

"I'll walk you home."

"I'm fine, thanks." I shake his hand off my shoulder but he rolls his eyes as I do.

"Come on!"

I sigh, in no mood to argue. We both begin walking in silence until he spoke.

"So, what are you doing Friday night?"

I see him staring at me from the corner of my eye.


"Good, we're going out."

I scoffed and make eye contact. "Yeah, right."

"Oh, come on! It will be fun!" Chase insisted.

"I don't like fun."

"Think about it, we can go to the mall and have fun in the arcade." He tries convincing me but I hope he gives up.

"Whatever," I mumbled and we kept walking.

Once we reach my house, he grabs my shoulder and I look back at him.

"What do you say then?" Chase smiles.

"About Friday night?" I ask.

The smile turns into a smirk. "Is that a yes?"

I slightly smile looking down, I heard him chuckle. I shrug and walk inside my home closing the door and leaning against it.

Should I go?

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