Slicing My Flesh

greenmarisa द्वारा

38K 2.1K 1.2K

Book 5 of the Gun To My Head Series 2nd Book of Zena's story I recommend reading the other books before this... अधिक

Character List
Question Timeeee
Bonus Chapters
Acacia's POV: 1
Acacia's POV: 2
Acacia POV: 3
Acacia POV: 4
Acacia's POV: 5
Acacia's POV: 6
Acacia POV: 7
Acacia POV: 8
Acacia POV: 9
Acacia's POV: 10
KIKI's book
Next Book to Read in Series


520 28 35
greenmarisa द्वारा

I smiled when I finally woke up. My eyes were still closed as I stretched. I then decided to open my eyes. I screamed when I saw Acacia sitting at my desk. Acacia rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at me.

"What are you doing here?!" I hissed.

"I'm mad."

"And you decided to quietly sit in my room?!"

"Yeah. You were the first person I thought of to vent to." She fixed her hair in the mirror. Okay, that was kinda cute. "Now, get up! You're gonna be late to class."


I rolled my eyes and threw my covers off. I stretched some more and heard Acacia take a sharp inhalation of air. I arched a brow at her reaction. What was she- fuck! I forgot I sleep topless. Her eyes were wide and her face was flushed. I was frozen because I didn't know what to do. It seemed that Acacia was focused on my breast and not my eyes.

"Damn, is that a preview or post?" Hailey swung the door open. Acacia quickly ripped her eyes away while I pulled the covers over my chest. "Don't be shy, Z." Hailey flicked my head. "Anyways, got you some food since I knew you'd be late after dealing with..." She nudged her head at Acacia.

"Thanks... you can leave now." Hailey chuckled at me and then left.

"You're gonna be late if you don't get ready." Acacia refused to meet my eyes.

"Gotcha." I stood up, causing Acacia to blush. I smirked when I saw her staring at my thong. I then skipped to the bathroom and got ready.

I quickly got dressed and exited the room to see Acacia holding my bunny. She smiled at my plushie. When she saw me, she quickly put it down.

"His name is Thumper. My parents got him for me when I was a baby." I put it back in her hands. "He's the most precious item I have." I smiled.

"He's really cute." She smiled at me. "Are you alright with me holding him?"

"Yeah." I leaned my head on her shoulder. "You're actually the first person I've allowed to hold him." She turned to me with tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" I giggled.

"I-I'm just honored." She smiled and handed Thumper back to me. "We should get to class." I rolled my eyes, but nodded.

She interlocked our arms and we walked down the halls together. I was taken aback by her boldness. Other students whispered about us since Acacia rarely gave people, besides her friends, the time of day. Most importantly, she always rejected anybody's advances, so it was a shock to see her being affectionate.

We entered the class to see our teacher. Nico's eyes widened, but he then smirked at us. We rolled our eyes and went to our desk. Acacia and I weren't paying attention to the lecture. She had received a text that made her stressed.

"What's wrong?" I whispered when the teacher was correcting another student's form.

"My parents are refusing to budge. I think they're making a big mistake. Many people will be affected by their choices." She sighed out. "My mother is refusing to negotiate. She's more like demanding than communicating." She turned to me.

"Is it business related or..." I suspected it had to do with picking sides in the war, but I was wondering if she'd tell me that.

"I'd more say it's a social responsibility and they're neglecting it out of ego." She sighed. "They won't listen to me, no matter how hard I push back. My mother dismisses my voice even though I'm the heir. It's like they gave me the title as a prop and have no intention of ever utilizing me." A sad look fell upon her face.

"Don't be sad." I rubbed her arm. "You just need to be persistent. It's kinda hard to ignore you when you're determined." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Are you two able to perform the spell?" We turned to the teacher. Acacia quickly turned to me in a panic. Neither of us were paying attention, so we had no clue what spell to perform. I glanced around and saw some students failing to pronounce the spell for an illuminating spell. "Were you two lovebirds a little distracted?" He quirked a brow with a sly smile.

"No we were just-"

"We can do it." I grabbed Acacia's hands in mine.

I then said the spell, resulting in a bright light appearing in our hands. Acacia brightly smiled at seeing the light become even brighter. The teacher smiled and took a picture of the beautiful rainbow that formed.

"Was the rainbow a way of coming out?" He whispered.

"Go away!" He laughed at Acacia.

"Alright. Alright. You two get an A." He then left to help some other students.

Acacia and I spent the rest of the class talking about different stuff. It more consisted of me questioning her about elven customs. Her eyes lit up when she began teaching me about her heritage. She excitedly told me that her mother was a Grey elf while her father was a High elf.

She proudly told me she was proficient in the sword. She also appeared to be a daddy's girl, based on how she kept talking about her dad. He was the one to teach her how to fight with a sword and use a bow and arrow. They had weapons teachers, but he insisted on teaching her himself. It was a bit of a taboo for a woman to fight, but he broke the taboo with her.

Her mother was more stuck with traditions, so Acacia was only allowed to use weapons at the castle grounds. She also wasn't allowed to touch the items if guests were over. She then told me how much she loved a dish that was similar to roast lamb. The way she described the fairy realm made me want to visit it. It sounded so mystical and beautiful.

"Have you always been this good with magic?" I inquired.

"Yep." She smugly said. "I'd have to spend hours slaving away with teachers. My mom wants me to be the best and be perfect. Unfortunately, perfection is unattainable, so I must keep practicing." She rolled her eyes. "I was the one who was cursed to be the magic prodigy." She scoffed. "Because of that, I'm the heir... but I don't want to be." She sighed. "It should be one of my brothers or my older sisters. I shouldn't be the one getting the title."

"Guess that's how my maman felt." I mumbled.

"What?" She didn't hear me.

"I'm saying that it sucks that your life has already been chosen for you." She gave me a sad smile. "And you're destined to be with Jethro." I bitterly spat.

"How do you know his name?" She arched a brow.

"Tatia told me." I muttered, causing her to laugh. "I swear I didn't ask! She just-"

"I believe you." She touched my arm. "Tatia can be very direct." She looked down and smiled. "Would you like to sit with us at lunch?" She shyly asked.

"I would, but I don't want to abandon my friends-"

"Cool! We'll sit with you." She smiled and turned to the front.


Class finally ended, so we stood up. Nico gave Acacia and I a salute. We rolled our eyes and walked by him. I did turn and give him a wave. He smiled even wider and waved more enthusiastically. I swear he was one of the people who shipped Acacia and I.

We walked into the lunchroom together. Like usual, people were staring at us and whispering about how I managed to break through to Acacia. She ordered some fancy concoction while I just grabbed some pasta. I missed Italy and desperately needed something to remind me of my home.

I turned to look at Acacia's regular table, only to find it empty. I then glanced around to see them at Inara's table. Even though I wasn't there, I could tell it was incredibly awkward and tense. When Acacia had been satisfied with her deluxe meal, we walked over to the table.

We sat down to see all eyes staring at us. Acacia ignored them and casually ate her food. I was awkwardly trying to avoid the silent questions of my friends. I then turned to Acacia's friends. Cara was the only one who found the situation to be humorous. Nat looked bored and Tatia seemed irritated.

"Umm..." I looked at Jordan. "Not that we don't accept everyone here, but why-"

"I wanted to sit with her and she didn't want to leave you guys." Acacia swallowed her food. "This is called compromise, Jordan."

"You know my name?" He had heart eyes.

"Duh, stupid." Tatia rolled her eyes.

"Don't call him stupid." Xav defended him.

"Or what, cutie?" Nat mocked.

"She'll beat your ass." Lizzie and Cam said.

"With squirting water at our faces?" Cara smirked.

I facepalmed when they began arguing. I turned to Acacia, but she didn't pay them any attention. She was more focused on her phone. I saw Eris had messaged her about their parents meeting with the dark elves. Acacia sighed and looked melancholic. When she saw me watching her, she locked her phone and tried to give me a smile, but I could see right through it.

"I hereby state that they leave our table." Inara announced. "All in favor?" All of their hands went up, even Acacia's friends.

"We'll be leav-"

Tatia was cut off by boisterous chatter. I saw the doors open and their rivals entering the room. Tatia hissed, Cara scoffed, and Nat rolled her eyes. Acacia's features hardened as she watched the baddies enter. I was completely disinterested since my attention was focused on Acacia. I was about to ask her if everything was okay, but a familiar scent entered my nose.

I closed my eyes and desperately prayed that I was wrong about the scent. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I then slowly turned to watch as Naomi strutted inside the room. Her arms were around a girl's shoulder. The girl smiled and turned Naomi's face to deeply kiss her. I felt my heart break. I watched as Naomi visibly stiffened.

Shit! She sensed me! I watched as her eyes scanned the room. I slowly sank in my chair and hoped her eyes would pass over mine. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side. She gasped when our eyes connected. The girl tried to kiss Naomi again, but Naomu shoved her off. The girl whined and stomped her foot in anger.

I felt Acacia stare daggers at Naomi. Naomi's eyes flitted over to Acacia. Her features hardened as she glared at the elf. I really wished the ground would open up and swallow me. Thankfully, the bell rang. I bolted up and quickly walked out the room.

Why the hell is Hailey not here?! I really need her right now! I can't believe I had to deal with seeing Naomi! The girl that broke my heart and left me! Oh, and she's the reason I was tortured for years and years! I can't believe-OW!

I rubbed my forehead. I looked up to see Naomi. Oh, shit! Curse her for being effortlessly beautiful! Her eyes softened and were filled with sadness. I guess she never expected to see me again. Well, clearly based on her moving on and sucking that whore's face! She opened her mouth to say something, but a gust of wind knocked her to the ground.

I turned to see Acacia angrily walking towards us. Naomi stood up and walked to Acacia. I had to step in the middle of them or they'd blow each other's heads off. They wanted to have an edge over the other, but they were the same height.

"Leave my girlfriend alone." Acacia said through gritted teeth. Wait! We're girlfriends now?

"Girlfriend?" Naomi scoffed, but I could hear some hurt in her voice. "Since when?" She directed her comment to me.


"None of your business, whore!" Acacia shoved Naomi away from me.

"Okay, submissive princess." Naomi shoved Acacia back.


"Racist family!"

"They're not- ugh!" Acacia then conjured up a sword.

"Woah! Calm down!" I stepped in between them. "Acacia, dismiss the weapon! Naomi, cool it." I sternly said.

"How do you know her?" I turned to Acacia.


"She's my ex, princess." Acacia's jaw dropped at the revelation. "And she's my mate, so back the FUCK off!" Naomi yanked me behind her.

"Well, her and I are bonded so go FUCK yourself, skank!" Acacia used magic to push Naomi away from me. She then pulled me towards her.

"She's mine!" Naomi grabbed my right arm.

"No! She's mine!" Acacia tugged on my left arm. "Let her go!"

"No! You let her go!" Naomi countered.

"You guys are hurting me!"

"SHUT UP!" They yelled at me. I sighed and allowed them to continue tugging on me.

A crowd had formed around us. They were videotaping the two most popular girls trying to claim ownership over me. I thanked God when Bridey and JoJo arrived. They broke up the crowd and tried to remove Acacia and Naomi. Unfortunately, they were having a tough time since neither girl had any intention of freeing me. It wasn't until Franni arrived that they were able to release me.

Acacia gasped when she realized she dislocated my shoulder. Naomi wasn't bothered by the damage she inflicted since she knew I'd heal. Franni quickly popped my arms back in the socket and motioned for us to follow her. Ugh! Please don't be another chore!

Naomi has returned! Can't wait to write more interactions amongst Naomi, Acacia, and Zena. Important question: Team Acacia or Team Naomi?

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