My Little Prince (Reader x Ki...

By KilluasPerfect

114K 2.2K 5.2K

You've been watching anime for a while now. Killua Zoldyck in Hunter x Hunter has always been your favorite c... More

All x About x You
Seeing x Him
Running x Away?
A x New x Friend
All x About x Gippy
Running x From x Cops
We x Found x Him
The x Hunter x Exam
On x The x Blimp
The x Trick x Tower
Fighting x With x Prisioners
Stuck x In x A x Room
Leaving x Trick x Tower
Bonding x With x Killua
Kiss x With x Killua
Searching x For x Killua
The x Testing x Gates
Rescuing x Him
Arrival x At x Heavens x Arena
Getting x Your x Rooms
Trouble x With x Killua
Gon's x Fight
Who x Is x Kastro?
Hisoka x Versus x Kastro
Zushi's x Kidnapping
Killua's x Hoodie
The x Water x Test
Going x To x Whale x Island
Meeting x Aunt x Mito
Gift x From x Ging
Stealing x And x Stars
Dressing x Like x Hisoka
Yorknew x City
Gippy's Escape
Making x Money
Phantom x Troupe
Dress x Shopping
I x Caught x The x Bomber
Chimera x Ants
Palm x And x Biscuit
Gon's x Date
Octopus x Or x Squid
Fathers Day Special!
Gon x Versus x Y/N
The x End
PART TWO + HxH memes

Hotter x Than x Fire

1.6K 29 129
By KilluasPerfect


You guys walked over to the auction room and you fell asleep halfway through. You woke up by someone shaking your shoulder. It was Killua. You opened your eyes and he whispered to you, "Wake up. They're talking about Greed Island." You woke up fully and saw people raising their hand.

You looked over at Killua and he was staring at something. You followed your eyes and saw Milluki sitting there. You looked at him and asked, "Piggy?" Killua nodded and scrunched his face up.

Milluki kept raising the price and you eventually dozed out and fell back asleep. When you woke up, Killua was staring at you. You asked, "Kills, is something wrong?" Killua looked away from you and asked, "Hm?"

You sat up and said, "You were staring at me."

"No I wasn't..."


"Hey, Y/N! There's the guy who bought Greed Island. Let's go ask him if we can play it."

You smiled and said, "Okay!" You, Gippy, Killua, and Gon walked up to him and said, "Pardon me sir, but we're actually Hunters, and we'd like to volunteer to help clear Greed Island."

The man's guards walked in front of you and said, "Funny. Now go home." You shook your head and said, "No, it's true. I'm a professional hunter. I walked for four hours straight, risked my life to cook an egg, killed someone, and went through hell and back." You raised your voice a little bit. "So if you don't let us play, we're gonna have one hell of a problem."

Mr. Battera walked up to you and asked, "Do you have a license?" You nodded and handed him your Hunters License.

Mr. Battera examined it for a minute and handed it to you. He cleared his throat and then said, "It appears that you are, young lady. Though, I cannot hire any of you at the time. There's a limit to the number of players that can go in the game. We can only bring ten people in per console."

You thought to yourself, "Wait... in the show he said eight. It probably got changed since me and Gippy aren't supposed to even be in this reality. I'm assuming it has to do with the butterfly effect."

Mr. Battera called over one of his security officers and said, "It appears these four are capable of consideration." The security officer walked up to you guys and said, "Obviously, you guys know Nen. Show me your Ren."

You, Gon, Gippy, and Killua all stood side by side each other and flexed your aura. The security officer looked at Mr. Battera and said, "They're hopeless. Hiring them would just be a waste of time."

The security guard faced back at you guys and said, "Put more work into your Nen kids." Gippy and Gon suddenly got really mad and Gon said, "Come on guys, let's go!" Gippy flicked the security guard off before leaving.

You guys left the building and went back to an apartment you guys found. Killua starting plotting and said, "We should plan our special attacks, like what you mentioned Y/N."

You jumped up and said, "Dibs on doing fire!" Killua looked at you and said, "That's a good idea, Y/N." Killua looked at Gon and Gippy and said, "You guys are enhancers, right? Try thinking of a power that enhances something."

Gippy shot up from the couch and said, "I can use my gun! Enhance the bullets right?"

Killua looked at Gippy and said, "That could actually work. Alright, imma go practice my special attack." You ran up to Killua and said, "Killua, I need your help."

Killua looked at you and asked, "I thought you already knew what you were doing?"

"I do! It's just that like I need help becoming immune to fire."

"Really? You need help with that?"

"Not all of us was raised inside of a house full of assassins."

"Fine, I'll help you. Though, it might become difficult to learn in one day."

"It's fine. I can do it!"

"Alright, let's get started."

You and Killua walked into a separate room and Killua grabbed a lighter from inside of a drawer. He grabbed your arm and burned you with the lighter.

You quickly pulled away your arm and said, "That hurt!" Killua put his hands on his hips and said, "If you don't learn how to do this now. You'll never learn it. The fire won't burn you, if you don't let it. Just keep remembering that."

You took a deep breath and nodded. You turned on the lighter and held it under your arm for a good three seconds until Killua said, "Now visualize your aura infused with fire."

You kept holding your arm underneath the fire, for at least a minute. Killua nodded and then said, "Now try to visualize the fire being discharged while refining your Nen."

You used your Ren and flexed your aura. Tiny flames came out of the palm of your hand. Killua stared at the flames and said, "They're not good enough. They're too small. I'll be right back."

Killua left the room and came back holding a bottle of hairspray.

You looked at him and shook your head. He slowly nodded and smiled. You said, "No way I'm doing that. That'll hurt like hell!" Killua put the hairspray down on the desk next to you and said, "Trust me Y/N, it'll be worth it."

You looked off into the distance and smiled. You looked back at Killua and said, "Let's do it!"

You lit the lighter in front of your chest and Killua sprayed the hairspray on the flame, creating a makeshift flamethrower. As the fire bursted onto your chest, you visualized it going into your Nen, and felt it flowing throughout your body.

After about twenty seconds, Killua let go of the hairspray tab and placed it on the desk next to you. You took a deep breath and then used Ren. Suddenly, both of your hands lit completely on fire

(Looking kinda like that but with both hands)

You stopped using Ren and stared at your hands. You looked up at Killua and he was smiling at you. Suddenly, you and Killua heard a loud explosion come from outside and you both rushed out of the front door.

Gippy was standing in front of a tree with a giant hole throughout the middle of it holding her gun.

She looked back at you and Killua and smiled. Suddenly, the tree started to tip over and the top half of the tree completely fell off and landed into someone's car.

You, Gippy, and Killua quickly rushed back inside before anyone saw you guys. Killua looked at you and said, "Alright, imma go practice now." You smiled at him and said, "Thank you for everything today." He glanced at you and walked into the bathroom where he started to practice.


"Gippy wait up!" You yelled chasing after her. She ran up the stairs and sat next to Gon and Killua. You were up all night last night practicing your special ability, and you know it paid off because you caused the fire alarm to go off two times.

You sat next to Gippy and a man at the front of the stage said, "We will now be selecting players to take the test."

Everyone stood up and formed a line to take the test for playing Greed Island. You, Gon, Gippy, and Killua stayed sitting down. You decided to go first out of Killua, Gon, and Gippy.

You felt a knot in your stomach as you walked up to the room to do the test. Your legs were shaking, and sweat was beading your forehead.


You walked up to the guy doing the tests and he said, "Okay, show me your Ren."

You took a deep breath and used Ren more than you ever had before. Though, nothing was happening. You looked at the guy and he was speechless, staring at something above you.

You looked up and saw a big ball of fire above you, it was as big as a jumbo beach ball, and it just kept on growing.

Here's a comparison for everyone who didn't use these in elementary school

"Time to top it off!" You thought to yourself. You visualized the ball hurling to the right of you, and it worked. The ball of fire flew to your right, and hit a wall causing the whole wall to light on fire.

The sprinklers went off, extinguishing the fire. You crossed your arms and asked, "Need to see any more?"

The guy taking the test shook his head and said, "No, you pass."

You smiled and walked over to the door leading to a waiting room. The man stopped you and said, "It would take years to become immune to fire like that. How?"

You looked back at him and said, "Me? I'm a friend of Killua Zoldyck. Best friend privileges."

You then opened the door and sat down behind a very petite girl with blonde pigtails. Bisky.

After about two seconds, you heard a loud gunshot and it echoed throughout the whole building. Gippy then walked through the door and sat next to you.

After about a minute, Killua walked through the door and sat on the other side of you, and then the whole building started to shake.

The door opened and Gon walked right through. He sat next to Gippy and you laughed and said, "What a coincidence that we all made it through!" Killua chuckled and said, "Yeah, that is pretty cool."

Gon smiled and said, "Of course we did! We're awesome!"

The man from the other room walked into the waiting room and said, "Congratulations on the twenty-three people who made it through. Please sign the contact before Five PM."


You stuffed your mouth with a strawberry flavored cupcake. Leorio pat you on the head and said, "You kids be careful, alright?" You licked the frosting off your fingers and said, "We will! Oh, and good luck on your exams."

You guys said your goodbyes, and Leorio left Yorknew. Gippy clutched her stuffed penguin and said, "Alright, we need to hurry up and leave so we can make it to the game on time."

You nodded and said, "I believe that there's a train nearby that can take us there almost immediately."

You guys boarded the train and made it to Mr. Battera's house. A man took you guys into a basement and opened a door filled with computers.

The man handed you a memory card. You were number eighteen to go up. You put the memory card into the game and it teleported you to a white floating space. A woman was sitting there and said, "Welcome to Greed Island. You must be Y/N L/N."

You nodded and said, "Yeah." The woman explained how the ring and the book works, even though you already knew since you watched the show multiple times.

After a while of the woman talking, she finished and finished with, "I wish you the best of luck. Now please walk down the stairs."

You walked down the stairs and it led you to a grass field with the sun shining in your face. You walked around and saw something green in the corner of your eye. You walked over to it and it was Gon. He smiled at you and said, "Hey Y/N! Have you seen Killua or Gippy anywhere?"

You scratched your hip and said, "No, not yet. Do you feel that? It feels like we're being watched."

"Yeah, me too." You turned around and Killua was standing behind you. You smiled and said, "Killua! Have you seen Gip anywhere?"

Killua shook his head but then a penguin plushie was thrown in front of you guys. You stared at the plushie and looked over to see who threw it, but nobody was there.

You felt someone grab your sleeve and you looked down and saw Gippy standing next to you. She picked up Jay from off the floor and smiled at you.

You guys then started walking around and started looking around for a town. You guys stopped walking and looked up. Something fell down from the sky and exploded in front of you guys.

When the smoke disappeared from the explosion, a man was standing there. He put a card into his book and then said, "Gippy, Gon, Killua, and Y/N huh?"

He then picked up another card and yelled, "Trace on! Attack Gippy!" A beam of light shot at Gippy and she stood there faced to the ground. She then looked over at him, and bloodlust was surrounding her.

"What. Was. That?" Gippy dropped her stuffed animal. "WHAT. WAS. THAT?" She took her gun out of her dress pocket. The man gasped and took out another card and disappeared.

You ran over to Gippy and asked, "Gip, are you okay?" She shrugged her shoulders and returned to normal. She picked up her stuffed animal and put her gun back in her pocket.

You guys kept walking and found a town. Gon and Killua got hungry so you guys went to a restaurant where a cat was serving you. You all ordered big plates of spaghetti and finished the plate in less than thirty minutes, earning you each a card.

You guys heard a loud explosion outside and ran outside. A dead man was laying on the ground. Apparently, his body exploded. Suddenly, his body turned into dust and disappeared.

A man offered to help you guys, and you guys followed him to hear more about the spell that was casted on Gippy and how to get more cards.

There, a few players explained The Bomber. You looked around and saw The Bomber. You nudged Gippy and pointed at him. Gippy looked at him and put her hand over her mouth to try and cover her laugh.

She whispered in your ear, "What if I touch him and say I caught The Bomber?" You laughed and rolled your eyes.

Killua looked over at you and The Bomber proposed to you guys the idea of you guys joining him. Before anyone could speak, you spoke up and said, "No! We're not playing with you. Never in a million years." You gave a dirty look to Genthru before walking off.

Killua ran next to you and asked, "So why'd you say no?" You side eyed him and said, "They shit talked Gon's dad's game, and that made me mad. This game has so much more potential than just killing. Besides, that guy had weird vibes to him."

That was all a lie. You just didn't wanna be on the same team as The Bomber. You stopped walking and looked back. You saw Bisky sitting on a stair well railing watching you guys.

Bisky gasped as she saw you look at her. You smiled at her and put up the peace sign. "Y/N! Hurry up!" You ran over to catch up with Gon, Killua, and Gippy.


Gon punched the stairs under him. You guys stood up and walked over to a store to buy a map of Masadora. You guys were about to go to Masadora but then you heard a high pitched voice yell, "Please! Wait!"

You looked behind you and Bisky was running to you guys. Bisky put on a fake voice and said, "Please let me join you!" Gippy stood in front of you and said, "Look, we all know the voice is fake, and no. You can't join us."

Bisky put on puppy eyes and asked, "How come?" Gippy crossed her arms and said, "You'd be a nuisance and slow us down."

You guys walked away from her until she started chasing you guys and started pleading again. You guys made it to the forest and she kept following you. You guys kept ignoring her, but she was pretty fast.

A couple of bandits jumped in front of you guys and started coughing. They took you guys to sick little boy and explained how he has two or three days to live and how they needed eighty thousand jenny.

Bisky pitched in and said, "I have eighty thousand Jenny." Gippy turned around and said, "Pardon me, but can you just shut the hell up for at least a second?" Killua turned around and said, "Yeah. You haven't stopped talking since we met."

Bisky clearly started to get mad and you guys agreed to give them the eighty thousand Jenny and Gon's clothes.

You guys kept running, but Bisky kept following you guys. When you guys made it to the mountains, you came across multiple monsters like giant cyclops, a giant frog lizard, and even fast jumping black fur balls.

You guys came across a knight and Bisky told you guys to use Gyo. With her help, Gon got a card. Bisky jumped down and introduced herself as Biscut Kruger. She explained how she learned Nen forty years ago.

Killua laughed and called her a hag, meanwhile Gippy looked at her and said, "You guys couldn't tell? I thought she was at least sixty years old with all the wrinkles on her face."

Bisky punched Killua and Gippy. She explained how Mr. Wing was her student and how she would be training you guys from here on out.

Bisky bent down and said, "Pretend we're chatting. There's an enemy behind me. You guys go north, and I'll go south and go to that pillar and then come back. Okay?"

You guys followed her instructions and spied on the enemy and Bisky. Him and Bisky started to spar and of course Biscut won.

Bisky talked to the man that she fought and arranged for you guys to try to fight each other, though he had to try and dodge your attacks.


Benoldt, the guy you were fighting, gave up on the tenth day. You guys finally made it to Masadora and then went back to the rocky area, and then she made you guys dig a whole tunnel back to Masadora. The same night, she made you guys hold onto a rope connected to a big rock. If you let go of the rope while you were sleeping, the rock would fall onto your head.

You guys did that every night until you guys made it to Masadora, so about three days. Of course, Bisky made you guys go right back to the rocky area. Back at the rocky area, she taught you guys how to fight monsters and strategize.

A month later, she taught you guys combat training and different ways to protect yourself using your aura.

Biscut told you guys about where Rock Paper Scissors originated from, and that's when Gon's face lit up and he got an idea. You stared at him and smiled.

Gon was always so joyful. He was always so positive. Even in the worst of situations, he could light up the room with just a laugh or a simple smile at that. You could definitely see why he was the main character.

Gon then made his own technique. He could use Rock Paper Scissors as a special ability. Killua then cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, then showed off his electricity powers.

You then raised your hand and said, "Oh, I can do this." You stood in an empty space away from the others, and shot fire out of both of your hands, while making a circular shape around you with both hands. When you stopped using Ren. There was a ring of fire completely around you.

Gon gasped and said, "That's so cool! You're like a living and breathing flamethrower. Gippy then walked in front of a large rock and pulled out her gun out of her pocket.

She then used Nen to visualize that the gun was part of her body. She pulled the trigger, shooting the rock, then the rock shattered into a million pieces just because of one bullet.

You put your hands in your hoodie pockets and said, "Never use that gun on a person again." Gon suddenly burst out and said, "The deadline for the Hunter Exam is coming up!"

You all went to Masadora and Killua fought a guy for a leave card. Killua used the card and left the game completely. Bisky turned to you and had you guys form numbers with your aura while running.

A man suddenly appeared in front of you guys and explained how The Bomber's identity was revealed as Genthru. As the man left, you stood up and got right back to training.

You guys went to Masadora and bought sixty different card types per person. You all decided to practice your special abilities. While practing, you even managed to lift yourself a few inches off the ground using fire to lift you up.


"Y'know Gip, I'm really starting to miss him." Gippy looked at you and raised an eyebrow and said, "Miss him? You spent nearly your whole life without him. How do you miss him?"

You sighed and said, "You really start to grow attached to someone after being with just them for a whole year." Gippy stopped walking and said, "Speaking of Killua, he should be back now."

"Y/N! Gippy! Wait up!"

You guys turned around to see Gon chasing you and waving his hand in the air. He caught up to you guys and said, "Bisky said that we should go back to the center of the game, where players spawn, so we can see if Killua has returned."

You nodded and said, "Yeah! Let's do that. Except, where is Biscuit?" Gon raised a finger in the air and said, "She used an accompany card to go see if Killua arrived yet."

You raised your finger and said, "Book. Then let's go and see for ourselves. Accompany on! Biscuit!"

You all teleported to Bisky to see Killua walking down the stairs of the starting area. You yelled, "Killua!" and ran up to him. Killua smiled and said, "Y/N! It's so nice to see you again!" You laughed and said, "You too Kills."

Bisky pitched in and said, "Take a look at these spell cards we got." Killua gasped and was pretty impressed. Killua was scrolling through the players names, you guys saw Chrollo's name on the player list.

You guys then found out that he stole Kurapika's nen to enter the game. Killua left the game to call Kurapika and let him know what was happening. Killua came back and found out it's not the real Chrollo.

You guys decided to try to beat the game, and the second mission you guys did was try to save the golden dust girl. Though, you were pretty scared about that one. In the actual show Killua had a crush on her, and you didn't want to see him flirt with another girl. It would be heartbreaking.

When he came out of the mansion holding her, he wasn't all googly eyes for her. While walking to the next mission, you pulled him aside to have a talk with him.

"Hey Kills, did you think she was pretty?"

"Yeah, she was cute for sure."

"Oh... so why didn't you show that you liked her?"

"Because I already have my eye on someone else."

"Oh? Really? That's great for you, Killua! I just wanted to ask because I could tell that you thought she was cute."

"Heh, yeah. Anyways we should go do another mission."

On the sixth card, Gon's book started speaking and it said, "Another player had cast Contact on you." You guys heard a voice say, "Hey. It's been a while, Gon. It's the guy who took the sword of truth from you."

You all gasped. Gon leaned into his book and asked, "What do you want?" The voice responded, "Up for a trade?" Gon turned to you and asked, "So, what do you think?"

Gippy shook her head and said, "It sounds risky. Remember how many guys that guy had on his side? What if we get robbed, or worse killed!"

Gon looked back at his book and responded, "Okay, we'll trade with you. Gippy threw her hands up in the air and said, "Now what the hell?"

You guys traded and surprisingly didn't die.


"Another player has cast Contact on you." Gon asked, "Hey, who is this?" The voice responded, "This is Kazsule! I'd like to talk to you five. Could we meet in person? A three-man team led by someone named Genthru is close to clearing the game."

You all looked up at each other and agreed to meet up with them and multiple people.

Killua raised his hand and asked, "How do you check the ranking?" A woman pitched in and said, "You don't know how to do that? If we answer all their questions, we'll be here till dawn!"

Gippy looked up at her and flicked her off. Another man said, "Don't be mean. They might have information you don't." She crossed her arms and said, "Impossible. Those kids are amateurs who don't even know how to use the Trade Shop."

You looked over at her and asked, "Did you know that you're a complete bitch?" She stuck her nose in the air and flipped her hair.

She explained it to you guys and then said, "Do you feel a little smarter now, little boy?" You put your hand in the air and said, "Actually I have another question. If I throw a stick, will you leave?"

She stuck her tongue out at you and continued to pay attention. You guys learned at Team Genthru already had seventy-five cards and everyone had to contribute.

The same lady pitched in again and said, "I don't see how these kids can contribute anything." Killua looked at her and said, "You're the one being uncooperative."

You put your arm on Killua's shoulder and said, "Look, I'd love to see things from your point of view, but I can't stick my head that far up my a-."

You got cut off by her again. She said, "At least you're a big talker. Show me some proof you can be useful."

You smiled and said, "Wanna know what else is big? Your hip-" Gon cut you off and said, "We know Team Genthru's abilities."

She gasped and Killua pitched in and said, "We have one of the three cards they're missing."

You spoke up and said, "And I can shoot fire out of my hands, so be careful around me. Plastic melts."

Gippy held on tighter to her stuffed animal and said, "Still dissatisfied?" She put her head on her hand and said, "I guess that's pretty interesting. Show me these abilities of yours."

Killua spoke up and said, "Before we do that, show us some proof that you can be useful to us, because I doubt it."

She brushed a piece of hair off her face as said, "We have seventy-one types of specified slot cards. That's a hell of a lot more than you have. I'll give you an A-rank in return for the information. Is that good?"

You put your hands in your hoodie pockets and said, "We can easily get those ourselves. Keep your cheap cards. Though, it's a deal if you can give us two S cards."

She clenched her teeth and said, "Don't press your luck, you little piece of... Hear that everyone? These kids won't be of any help. They want two S rank cards from each team. They want ten cards from us."

Killua laughed and said, "She just meant your team. We're fine giving information to the other four, but for you..." You finished his sentence and said, "You guys get nothing unless you give us what we want."

She handed you guys two S rank cards and you guys told them how to disable the bombs and his abilities. You all agreed to go to Soufrabi to find a card that nobody else had.

You guys found out about Razor and his fourteen devils. They run the whole island, and were very powerful. You all decided to go to the Pirate's Base. As you guys walked in you saw some strange looking people. Though you noticed they all had on purple jester hats. Kazsule spoke up and said. "We don't want to fight. We're just here to talk, but will you guys leave this town?"

They all looked at him and laughed. You took your hands out of your hoodie pockets and said, "Well, we tried. Let's go." You turned around to leave, until Killua put his hand on your shoulder.

The biggest pirate made a ring of fire around him using beer and a lighter and said, "Whoever can knock me out of this ring, then I'll take you guys over to see our boss.

You yawned and said, "Let's just get this over with." You stepped up to a nearby bottle full of whiskey and threw it on his head before you gave him any time to react. With that, you walked in front of him and shot a bit of fire out of the palm of your hand, to his head causing his head to burst into flames. He started screaming and fumbling around. Killua walked next to you and gave him a small shove, causing him to fly out of the ring.

You smiled at Killua and said, "Thanks, but I had it handled." Killua chuckled and said, "Yeah, sure you did." You fully turned your body to face him and said, "Really! I totally had it handled." Killua put his hands behind his head and said, "You might've, but I wasn't gonna let you take my spotlight that easily."

The pirate that had crashed into a wall turned back to look at you guys and mumbled, "You little brats... You guys are dead!" He came running at you guys, but another pirate flew towards him and kicked him in the face. The pirate looked at you guys and said, "Follow me. This way."

You and Killua smiled at each other and the pirate led you guys to a gym. The boss looked at you guys and said, "Let's have a contest, shall we?" It was Razor. One pirate stepped up from behind Razor and said, "Whoever fights me, has to box me. Who's up for it?" Gippy stepped up and said, "I have the upper hand on this one."

The pirates laughed and said things like, "Seriously?" "A little girl?" "Is she gonna kill him with her power of playing Barbies?"

Gippy frowned and walked up to him. They went into the boxing arena and Razor said, "You guys can use items with Nen in them." Gippy gasped and said, "Oh. Then this will be super easy then."

When the battle started, Gippy reached into her dress pocket and grabbed her gun. Before she even had time to grab it, the pirate created a small portal aiming directly for her chest. The pirate punched through the portal, meaning Gippy got thrown back at rapid speed. Her eyes we closed, and she wasn't talking.

Without even thinking, you ran up on the arena and checked her pulse. She was alive, just unconsious. Razor stepped up and said, "One point for our team." You turned back and looked at him and said, "Nobody gives a fuck about points right now. Look at her! She's only eight years old." 

Razor looked down at you and said, "That's kinda her fault. She shouldn't have volunteered if she couldn't take the punch."

You picked up Gippy bridal style and said, "Even if that were true, she didn't know his hand would teleport. Nobody could've guessed that would happen." 

Killua called out to you and said, "Y/N! Just let it go. We have to carry on."

You looked at Killua, then at, Gippy, then back at Razor and said, "If this wasn't a game, you'd already have 3rd degree burns up your ass by now."

You carried Gippy over to a space away from where all the sports would be held and carefully laid her down.

When you walked back over to the rest of the group, you, Gon, Bisky, and Killua all made a plan to keep on losing every single game so you guys could just gather information instead of wasting your energy. When the pirates won, you guys left the gym building, you carrying Gippy in your arms.

The girl that kept on insulting you and Killua said, "My team's dropping out since we fulfilled our original goal. A few more players dropped out of the comp, so that didn't leave you guys with a  lot of people. While going through a list of all the people in the game, you guys decided Chrollo would be the strongest. While Gon and Killua were arguing, you felt something moving in your arms.

You looked down and Gippy was finally waking up. She looked up at you and asked, "Why are y-" She got cut off by you hugging her. Killua looked at you and said, "Y/N, Gippy, we're gonna teleport to this Chrollo guy to see who he is."

You nodded and then you all teleported.

You came flying down and you guys were all surrounded by mist and fog. When the fog started to clear, you guys saw a figure standing behind the fog. You all gasped and Gon yelled, "Hisoka!"

You gagged and covered Gippy's eyes with your hands. You gagged again and asked, "Why are you..." Hisoka was naked.

Gippy moved your hands away from her eyes and squinted. She looked up at him and laughed at him. She turned back around to you and asked, "Are you seeing this? It's so tiny. Haha!"

Hisoka smirked at you guys and you were all just filled with pure disgust. Hisoka pointed at Gon and said, "You've matured quite a lot haven't you?" You broke the awkwardness between all of you guys and said, "Put on some clothes Magic Mike."

Hisoka got out of the lake and got dressed and asked, "What do you guys want with me?" Gippy looked at the lake water and said, "Good job Hoe-soka. You probably contaminated the water with like STD's."

Hisoka then explained how he came to Greed Island to look for Chrollo. You all decided to go to The City Of Love. On the walk there, Gippy walked up to you and said, "Hey Y/N, maybe while we're at The City Of Love, you could try to pull Killua."

You nudged her shoulder and said, "Shut up. I'm not gonna do that." Gippy smiled at you and said, "Are you suuuure? You guys could maybe even swap saliva." You started blushing and said, "Gippy! That's not gonna happen, like at all."

You, Gippy, Killua, and Gon then started to feel... weird. Like a certain part of you guys was being watched. You all looked at each other because you all felt it. Killua looked behind you guys at Hisoka and said, "You walk in front!"

You guys kept on walking and made it to Aiai, The City Of Love. 

As you guys stepped inside of the gates, a boy your age bumped into you and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry about that! I should've watched while I was going." You backed up and said, "Oh no, It's okay. My name is Y/N."

The boy smiled at you and said, "My name is Ryder. Ryder Wilkins." You scratched the back of your neck and said, "My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N." Ryder had light brown hair, with dark brown eyes and light toned skin. He had freckles, and thick black rimmed glasses. You guys were the same height and his hair was messy.

He was wearing black and white checkered converse, paired with black jeans and a dark red hoodie. He smiled at you and said, "So, wanna be friends?"

You chuckled at him and said, "Of course!" He grabbed your hand and kissed you on the lips.

Suddenly, he started foaming from the mouth and fell onto the ground, blue bolts of electricity flying off his body. You looked over at Killua and there was bloodlust completely surrounding him.

You smiled at him and said thanks, but he didn't even reply. There was still lots of bloodlust around him. He didn't even look at you, but instead continued to stare at Ryder's body on the floor.

SORRY FOR THIS LONG AZZ CHAPTER I PROMISE ILL MAKE IT SHORTER NEXT TIME. Oh btw, do you guys want a Q&A? Cause if so just reply to this paragraph with questions 

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