Red Moon | Kim Taehyung

By twilight414

5.2K 315 461

it was my first fic so its lowkey cringy so please ignore the cringe worth parts TvT - You lived in a small... More

Introduction to the characters! (and me)
Rumors (Part 1)
Rumors (part 2)
Bad Decisions
If BTS were children of Greek Gods
Oh my gosh
Late Night
No More
Kidding me
If BTS were greek gods
BTS as girls
Memes, Pics and Videos
Crystal Snow
Sleeping in waking
To the End
Scare me
Pretty girl
I cannot do this anymore...
Thank y'all & enjoy this dump truck for a while
Angel or Devil?
Bonnie and Clyde
Oh my god
Deja Vu
You die
Legend: 1/2
Legend: 2/2
She's evil, most definitely
@ my worst
Hype boy!

Fairy Tale

85 8 25
By twilight414

I kept that as the header for education purpose

I seriously want this as an entire song and not a commercial.


Few hours later, your dad came. "Daddy!" you yelled and jumped on him. He chuckled and hugged you back. Wendy came downstairs and smiled. "Hi, uncle."

"Hello, Wendy."

"Hi uncle!" your friend enthusiastically waved, and he frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"Uhh... I came here yesterday and there was a small blizzard, so I had to stay here. Even few of our friends had come here before and they were stuck here."

"Oh. Where are they then?"

"They left a few hours ago with their father."

"Who were they?"

"Umm ya know, those people who just moved here a few months ago? They are our friends."

"Hmm, why didn't you go along with them then?"

Your friend looked like she might flip a table on him. Her patience was being played with here. You didn't know if your dad liked to piss her off intentionally or it was just by accident. To be honest, he also did that to you a lot.

"Uhh my parents said that the snowplow hasn't still come there, so they told me to stay here." she smiled, but it said she was going to lose her patience and temper soon.

"But you can go by yourself there, right?" now you were losing your patience with him. "Dad, she literally just said that her parents can't come here because the snowplow hasn't come to their neighborhood. Can't you understand that?!" you gritted your teeth, and he finally looked like he understood it.

"Oh. __, you could've said it that way then I would've understood."

Wendy forced a smile onto her face. "Uncle, she just did explain it to you and-"

"Whatever. I'll go take a bath and come down for breakfast later! Okay?" you nodded, and he went upstairs. Your friend gritted her teeth and stomped her foot. "What's up with your dad!? Why does he always piss me off!?"

"I don't know. I get pissed at that too."

"I know right! Does he do that because he likes it when I get mad or does he do that unintentionally?!"

Wendy nodded. "I don't know. Anyway..."


While your dad was having breakfast, on the way, Kenta was talking to his sons. "Your sister has come here."


"Which bitch has come here?! And why did she come here!?"

"Jungkook, language."

"Sorry uncle. Which one came here?"

"Somi did."

Both of them sighed in relief. "Somi came, that's fine. The others are just annoying as fuck."



"Why is she here, though? Did you invite her here?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh yes."

"Why!? She's going to be pulling my cheeks and call me a chubby bunny! I'm a fricking adult!" Jungkook whined and pouted.

"You are sixteen."

"And a half! I'm nearly old as you hyung!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and asked. "Why is she coming here?"

"Your birthday is coming soon!"

"Ugh, not that shit again."

Kenta smacked the back of Taehyung's head. "You idiot. Even though i may have stolen you from your original family, I'm still going to take care of you like my son. So we're going to be celebrating your birthday!"

"I don't like having birthdays, what's the point in celebrating them, anyway?"

"You were born that day."

"So? I was just born that day."

Kenta shook his head. "This kid," he muttered. "Anyway, your brother's conversion day is coming soon, and I've invited all of your siblings. So they are coming here whether you like it or not!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, thinking what kind of siblings he had. All of his siblings were a bunch of fucks well except for Jungkook and Somi. he got along well with them and had fights with the others. Somi, Jungkook, and Taehyung thought of their other siblings as bitches and chickens.

Somi was a fae and was older than Taehyung and Jungkook by a century and the only sibling they got along with.

See, his sire, uncle, dad, whoever he is, had a lot of lovers who were human, fae, sirens, vampires, werewolves, fairies, and even had a lover who was a fucking banshee. When they found out he was an important person in court, they'd dump their babies to him and leave.

Most of their half-siblings were either vampires or the species their momma was, while some of them were weird mixtures of their parents. Somi was one of the weird combination siblings. She was a fae with vampire-like characteristics.

At least she was an okay combination. The others were just plain weird. They had twin siblings who were banshees with vampire characteristics. Imagine some bitch screaming into your ear while they suck off your blood.

"Anyway, why are you suddenly into ___'s sister?" Taehyung decided to tease him a little bit.

"Uhh, I... uhh..."

"Yeah! Tell us, why are you into Wendy noona all of a sudden?" Jungkook went along with his teasing, and Taehyung didn't know if he should start crying. Every time Taehyung tried to tease their sire, Jungkook would roast the hell out of him.

"What kind of questions are you asking?! I'm your elder and that means you can't ask these kinds of questions to me! Also, when we go home, you two are going to shovel the snow off the porch!"

"Why! What did we- you're evading our question!"

"Yeah!" Taehyung made a fish face, and Kenta hit the back of his head. "Shut up, brat!"

Taehyung pouted. "Okay~"


Somi was sipping on hot chocolate while watching TV when the door opened. She turned around and smiled. "Ya! You two bloodsucking brats are here!"

"Hello noona." both of them said in defeat as she pulled them into a hug. "You two have gotten even more chubbier than the last time I saw you two!" she said as she pulled their cheeks.

"Ya! Noona, I'm not a toddler, okay!" Jungkook said as he rubbed his cheeks.

"But in my eyes,

you two are my baby brothers! Two small cuties!"

"We're nearly six feet."

"But you still are my baby brothers!"

"Fine, whatever you think. I'll go take a bath."

"Okay! But you two babies have to come into my room!" she yelled as both of them climbed up the stairs.



Somi was unpacking her stuff when she heard a door knock. She opened the door to be invited by her brothers. "So what do you want from us, noona?" Jungkook folded his arms and both of them came in.

"I didn't even tell you to come inside."

"Okay, noona, can we come inside?" Jungkook sarcastically asked, but Somi didn't notice. "Yup you can."

"Okay. what do you want from us again?" Jungkook asked while Taehyung closed the door and leaned against it.

She cheekily smiled, and Taehyung was sure he saw something sparkling in her eyes. "Did you meet them?"

"Who?" both of them asked at the same time.

Somi rolled her eyes. "Your soulmates! Duh!"

"Oh, I did! I met him last year!"

"Not that short bitch Jimin, special boy! I'm talking about your romantic soulmate."

"Oh, I've met mine! And now she's my girlfriend." Jungkook smiled at the thought of your friend.

"Nice! Bloodsucker no. 2! Did you meet yours yet?"

Taehyung slightly smiled while blushing, but he shook his head. "Nope, I didn't meet my romantic one yet."

(a/n: uhh the number of soulmates you have can be determined from this stone. It changes colors for the number of soulmates you have. Most of the time, one soulmate is shown. In some cases, two soulmates. Rarely, three soulmates are shown and they can be your romantic ones as well as platonic soulmates)

Somi frowned. "What?! That stupid stone said you have two soulmates! How can you not meet yours yet!?"

"You're a century-old than us yet you still haven't met yours yet."

Somi nodded in defeat. Jungkook frowned. "He's lying! He has already met his!"

"What?! Show their picture!"

He unlocked his phone and showed the picture of his brother's soulmate. Somi gasped. "Wow! They're gorgeous! Why did you lie to me?"

"She's not my girlfriend yet."

"That's ut? I can make her your girlfriend." she smiled like a villain and both of them sweated. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I exactly mean."


new character!

Name: Jeon Somi

Age: 117

Date of birth: 9/04/XXXX

Species: Fae (With vampire-like characteristics)

-an extrovert

-has a baby fever every five seconds

-a living meme

-the annoying older sister

-a protective pomeranian

-a bit of a player too (she's 117, how can she not be in a relationship)

-has broken a lot of hearts btw


jungkook appreciation!

if jungkook wasn't kind, didn't call himself kookoo, didn't drink banana milk, didn't have a bunny smile or had any other cute ass behavior then I would've thought he's a bad boy

also I love suffering by the way

also jungooooooooo! why did you do that?!

bitch go fucking eat or I will fucking feed you until you die so go eat you little bitch!

anyway aries is totally accurate

also rauqelle's a queen


SpongeBob narrator: one week later


I'm back motherfuckers

also this dropped

they're being themselves 

someone, please collect these children

BTS is being chaotic again

Also Kim Taehyung has changed!! I repeat he has changed!

He just became more chaotic like what the hell is going on through his head?

also I found this meme, and I'm pretty sure it sums up my bisexual ass

yup sums up my bisexual ass 

jk falls in the category of boys with long hair

seulgi falls in the fuckboy lesbians' category

don't change my mind 

taetae falls in the category of people with big curly hair

we got some huge noodle hair

jennie is in the goth gfs category

like if she gets mad at me, my ass would be turned on

namjoon in the tits category

like I'm sure he has big tiddies bruh

tao a former member of EXO falls in the dudes who look like they haven't slept in 6 years

like I'm pretty sure he looks like them no offense

idk if I've ever seen a dude with a dad bod

but I'm sure I would have a small crush on them

okay my k-pop boys, become dads right now I want to have a crush on y'all dad bods

wait Chen from exo is a dad

I'm gonna get a new dad bod crush bitches!

I'm pretty sure namjoon would be in one real quick 

*whispers* and we know he has a hidden wife and a kid as well

*continues whispering* but how is he not having a dad bod yet?

*whisper yells* please have a dad bod already!!

*continues whisper yelling* also I'm pretty sure in a decade or so, BTS gonna be having dad bods

*excitedly whispers* my ass will be crushing on them then!!

*imagines their dad bods and smiles then whispers* yay dad bods

*me to me* oh my god, sis stop! you're exposing yourself here!

*me to me* nah! 

*me to me again* stAAAAAAAAAAAHP!

*me to me* nope! nah! bye bitch I don't listen to you! I don't know you! bye!

anyway have this 

my feelings are fully described and shown here

also we got new memes!!!

yup he's a meme 😆

also, when is HYBE gonna show the new girl group!? same with YG?!

I want to see my new queens, kids, or girlfriends whatever the fuck they gonna be to me!

I'll be okay

also, I just wanna see dad bods

*me to me again* oh my fucking god shut the fuck up!

yaasssssssss! you sassy bitchass

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