More Than Magic

By tilldoomsday

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First star to the right, straight on till dawns light. In a magical world filled with stars, magic, unicorns... More

More Than Magic
Chapter 1: Ya I'm a bad ass wizard what's up?
Chapter 2: Could he be any gayer?
Chapter 3: Lost Girl
Chapter 4: Is it disrespect your Queen day?
Chapter 5: Resembling my biggest nightmare.
Chapter 6: How about not touching the Queen?
Chapter 7: One word. swoon
Chapter 8: Neverland of course!
Chapter 9: When did we get a pool?
Chapter 10: Remember I'm blonde
Chapter 11: In your bed?
Chapter 12: Worth growing up for
Chapter 13: Messing with Mr. Smee?
Chapter 14: Powerless
Chapter 15: Sure buddy ;)
Chapter 16: I am really worried
Chapter 17: Caution to the wind
Chapter 18: BloodShed?
Chapter 19: You love Tigerlily?
Chapter 20: I can't remember
Chapter 21: Chloe is here
Chapter 22: Mr. Pirate dude
Chapter 23: Tragic
Chapter 24: Just our General?
Chapter 25: Hypocritical
Chapter 26: Not your date
Chapter 27: Her amusement
Chapter 28: Princessa!
Chapter 29: Sparkly and Shiny?
Chapter 30: Apology accepted
Chapter 31: Feared the words
Chapter 32: Allergic to water
Chapter 33: To Kiss You
Chapter 34: I wasn't asking General
Chapter 35: Will you marry me?
Chapter 36: Queen Athena?
Chapter 38: Tell us! Tell us!
Chapter 39: A slow torture
Chapter 40: I was in love
Chapter 41: Everyones so happy
Chapter 42: Last breath
Chapter 43: I wanted to apologies
Chapter 44: Tinkerbelle
Chapter 45: We are the island
Chapter 46: Darling? Darling.
Chapter 47: Excuse me WIlliam?
Chapter 48: You were dead!
More Than Myth

Chapter 37: Not your place

76 6 1
By tilldoomsday

“Anything you feel like telling me before I meet your Queens?” I ask subtly as Knox and I enter the ballroom. Currently the Queens have their backs towards us as they listen to Wilfred go on and on about some cute bunny he saw in Wonderland.

Knox tenses behind me but covers it up with a smile “It’s not like your meeting my parents,” He jokes probably trying to distract himself as we approach the table everyone is sat at.

“Well how would I know one of them isn’t your mother? It isn’t like I actually know anything about you,” I sass and Knox looks defeated from my statement. I knew he didn’t want to be in here but Chloe practically through him in with her demands.

“Just remember how much I care about you.”

His statement worries me so I stop and go to turn towards him but that’s when Wilfred notices us and stands up to make introductions. If this didn’t involve learning more about Knox you can bet that I wouldn’t be here, I hate these things. That is after all why we need to do this today, we kind of ignored Wonderland for a while.  

“Queen Mackenzie, Queen Tess, allow me to introduce Queen Lilly?” Wilfred announces my name in a questioning tone because he is shocked to see me but quickly composed himself “And Doomsland’s General Knox.”

    Mack and Tess turn towards us and without their attention on him, Wilfred winks at Knox in a flirty manner. I really need to talk to him about that, this guy is like a rabbit for Disney’s sake!

    As soon as the Queens saw me Tess gave me a genuine smile and Mack, well she gave me a smile that seemed to say ‘I know more than you’. The red and white Queen’s everyone! Then their eyes shifted to behind me where Knox stood uncomfortable and their expressions seemed to change entirely. Tess was in pure shock but Mack looked as though she wanted to kill him.

    Well this is a great start! We should do this more often!

    Ignoring their reaction to Knox I smile and move aside to sit with the group, grabbing a tea on my way there. I need to relax and fast!

    “Knox?” Tess looked around at Wilfred and me as if waiting for an explanation.  I gave her a blank look as if to say ‘I have no idea what she’s inquiring’.

    Eventually we were all seated at the table, I was distracting myself by putting spoonful’s of sugar into my tea while the other Queens stared bluntly at Knox. Wilfred looked immensely confused but went along and told a story that no one was paying attention to.

    I’m not going to lie, the Queens of Wonderland were crazy weird and completely opposite from each other. Mack, the red Queen had wavy hair that was blonder than mine, with bright blue eyes to match. Her skin was tanned, her figure was thin and what's the perfect person without chiseled cheekbones that were sharper than Aurora’s mothers. Now, never be fooled! She may look perfect but her personality kills. She may smile at you but on the inside she's judging you with every fiber of her being.

    Then there's her sister Tess, entirely different. Everyone usually assumes that the white Queen would be blond hair blue eyed one but actually that isn’t true. Tess honestly looks like the dead haunting person in a horror movie. Her long black hair is as straight as a whip and her grey eyes make her look like she’s looking into your soul. Where Mack had a thin figure Tess was small and brittle. She also had a rounded face and skin so milky pale she could blend in with the clouds. She looked extremely frightening but her personality could make a flower grow. Tess was so kind it made me hate her, she respected everyone and everything without a second thought, is you had made a wrong she would see it as right.

    Both Queens were true to their names, Tess wore a white gown as if she were to attend her own wedding when she left here and Mack was dressed in a gown that looked as if she had killed someone on the way here and used their blood to color the dress. I know disgusting but I wouldn’t put it passed her, she has this weird thing with taking off peoples heads.

“Wilfred that’s enough,” I tell him as he starts talking about how attractive and lickable Peter Pan is, you can imagine why I had to stop him. Tess was staring at him with wide, innocent eyes and I almost felt bad for her. If only she wasn’t human.

“Now Knox don’t get me wrong I would totally bang-”

    “Wilfred!” I yelled to silence him once more. I swear if anyone can make an awkward situation any more awkward than it already was, it was for sure Wilfred.

    “For some reason I don’t think Knox swings for that team,” Mack whispered seductively as she leaned in closer to him. That’s when I realized how much he probably hated his seat. It was a round table and I sat in between Knox and Wilfred, beside him sat Tess and beside Knox sat Mack who went from glaring at him to giving him the bedroom eyes.

    Am I missing something?

    “I don’t swing for you either,” Knox said harshly causing everyone’s eyes to practically pop out of their sockets. You can’t just say that to the most feared Queen in all the worlds!

    “You sure about that?” She bluntly flirted. Mack moved closer to him and he immediately tensed and jumped out of his seat.

    “Anyone want more tea?” He asked looking around at everyone. Mack smiled proudly and went back to giving him those freaking eyes! Knox looked at my tea and took it over to the set up of hot water and different assortment of teas even though it was so full that it was over flowing from the amount of sugar I put into it.

Okay this conversation needs to change “So how are things in Wonderland?” I put my focus on Tess because deep down the jealous side of me wanted to pretend like Mack didn’t exist.

“Things have been swell but it seems my hatter has been forced to retire, after so many years with him the castle seems lonely with only the rabbit and the hare,” She explained solely. I felt a pang of sympathy, that mad man was like the heart of Wonderland, what could have possibly happened?

“What happened to him?” I asked, genuinely concerned.

“He fell ill and his son left him so there’s no one to care for him,” Tess explained, I was listening intently until a crash sounded on the floor behind me. Everyone quickly looked towards Knox who held my crushed teacup between his gripped hands. Well then…

“Knox!” I yelled as I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed a rag from the tea table and wrapped it around his hand trying to remove all the shards of glass without cutting him.

He seemed pained but not from the glass. What was Knox hiding from me?

“Lilly just stop,” He pleaded in a weak voice. I looked up from his hands and stared into his grey eyes. They seemed so different from what I was used to.   

In the beginning I knew this would be awkward but I never even guessed that it could possibly break whatever it was that we had. Thinking about whatever we had started yesterday ending it gives me a queasy feeling that I can’t quite identify. I knew I couldn’t really tell him but I really did care about the annoying jerk. He may be a complete intolerable ass but there’s something about him that draws me to him. Besides lets be real here, the guy is freaking gorgeous!

“Well look what we have here,” A voice identifies.

Knox and I both turn to Wilfred who is smiling and winking at us. Knox looks back at our hands and quickly moves away causing all the glass and the towel to fall onto the floor.

“What is wrong with both of you!?” I yell at the strange General and the overall creepy royal advisor. Worrying that I drew attention to us I glance at the Queens through my peripheral vision and they were both analyzing the situation. How important did Knox have to be for both Queens to know who he is?

    “No what is wrong with you?” Mack argues standing up out of her chair and walking over to us. Knox noticed her walking closer and pushed me back towards Wilfred, which happened to be away from her and away from the sharp pieces of glass. Oh right he’s all about my safety!

    “Excuse me? I asked. I watched her glare sharpen, what is wrong with people from Wonderland?

    “It’s either you're trying to deliberately anger us or you’re more stupid than your Royal Advisor,” Mack sneered and I glared back at her, I’m done with pleasantries and people for that matter.

“Mackenzie this is not your place,” Tess warned, standing up as well and joining us.

“I think it’s time you all leave,” Knox suddenly demanded, the first real time he’s conversed with them.

“Really Knox? I thought you would be happy to see the girl you ran away from your father for?” My breath hitched at her words as everything started to piece together “Or are you already onto your next Queen?” Mack strutted over to him and seductively ran her hand down his chest. His jaw clench out of anger, or was it resistant? She leaned in closer to his ear and whispered something into Knox’s ear that I couldn’t decipher, but for some reason I knew I probably wouldn’t want to know.

I watched lamely as all my worries of falling for someone come to light. I really did care about Knox, I let him in, we talked, we laughed, he saw my wings, he knew my secrets… we kissed. I felt so stupid right now. I was just another Queen on his hit list, if it hadn’t of been me maybe it would have been Athena? Disney I even knew he was from Wonderland but did nothing about it!

I tried my best to hide my feelings, Mack may have been the most evil of Queens but I was supposed to be the most emotionless so I looked away from them and tried to put all my focus on Wilfred but couldn’t.

“Wilfred, Mack, Tess, I’m sorry but I must excuse myself for important business.”

Offering my fakest smile and purposely-leaving Knox’s name out because I didn’t trust my voice with it. Wilfred was looking around at everybody, mainly at me and then Mack and Knox. Knox looked at me with sorrow in him eyes and stepped away from the clingy evil Queen. He looked like he wanted to argue but didn’t and I knew I couldn’t standing another second of being in the same room as him.

Knox was the Mad Hatters son, he ran away from his father because of his love for Mack, the red Queen of Wonderland. As soon as I was out of the ballroom I started running through the main hall heading off to the stairs as fast as I could before anyone could see the tears starting to form in my eyes.

“Lilly?” A voice yelled and deep down I had hoped it would be Knox coming to give me an explanation  but when I turned to look who it was Chloe was giving me a weird look, probably confused as to why I looked so upset “Are you okay?”

“Um- Yeah- I- Sure, can you just go and deal with the people in the ballroom I’m just going to go for a fly, but don’t worry I’ll be back for the ritual,” I blabbed and without waiting for a response from a worried Chloe I ran up the stairs to our bedroom.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device your using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

Picture ^ or > is of the tea in Doomsland, I was thinking that since it was just hot water with herds the colour obviously had to be awesome and I just happened to find this picture on my sisters instagram so I decided why not!

Also if you missed the pictures of our awesome Wonderland Queens go back and look on chapter 34! I just tagged their pictures to it!

Also for not being such a ghost! A shout out to...


Any way stay classy

TDD <3

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