Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

648K 17K 23.6K

"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
The Party
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Keeping in touch
Harry's arrival
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
In Remembrance
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us

Summer with You

3.3K 93 197
By aFredWsimp

During the summer you hadn't really seen much of fred, he would apparate occasionally to see you at your house or invite you for tea at the burrow, but other than that he was absent.

You sat on your sofa watching some tv feeling rather lonely. You knew you were going to stay at the burrow for the rest of summer, fromthe next day- making you feel very excited to be with Fred and George everyday again.

You were sat alone feeling fairly taunting. You decided to do something similar to what you did a couple of months ago. You walked to your room and took your camera off of your dresser, proceeding to remove your top and bralette. You laid on your bed and took a couple of Polaroids. You found the one that look the best and clipped it to a letter.

I'm here all alone- waiting to be with you again. I hope you receive this letter well.

Can't wait to be with you soon lover boy,
All my love y/n Bardot x

You enclosed the letter- charming it so it can only be opened by whom it is addressed to.

You walked over to your window and called on your owl, he came up to you- you gave him a treat before giving him the letter and sending him to the burrow.

You sat back down on your sofa finishing the tv show you were watching. Your head turned at the sound of your home phone ringing.

"Hello?" You said answering.

"Y/n darling, you're being a bit risky tonight aren't you?" Fred said quietly through the phone.

"Ah, you got my letter I see."

"I did indeed. My mum tried to open it- lucky you charmed it. But now she's raising questions." You still hadn't let your relationship slip to their family.

"It's for you eyes only Fred, all of me is for your eyes only." You replied.

"God you're making it so hard for me to not come round right now." He sighed.

"Why can't you?" You asked.

"Mum has George and I doing everything for her round the house before you come over. But we will get some time alone- I promise darling." He answered with a sincere tone.

"We better, I've missed you freddie."

"I've missed you too darling- I have to go mums coming down, I'll see you tomorrow y/n." He said.

"I'll see you tomorrow love." You hung up and decided to just go to bed- as the following day will come quicker.

The next morning you woke up and got ready like normal. You ate your breakfast out in your garden enjoying the warm summer air, getting ready to get to the burrow.

You got showered and dressed, getting into a summery dress and taking your trunk from your room. It was now the afternoon, you locked up your house, got your wand and stood into your chimney, using the floo network to the Weasley house.

As you stood out of the fireplace you noticed no one was around, the back door was open. Looking out of the kitchen window you saw the family outside enjoying the summer morning weather.

You decided not to bother them and unpack your stuff in the twins room. Their floors were covered in store designs and product stock sheets. You were going to be attending the grand opening of their store, both Fred and George were being extremely secretive over what they were doing with the store, and didn't want you to see anything until it was practically ready to be opened.

You finished putting your clothes in the spare drawer and space left in the wardrobe, before taking a book and going back down the stairs, you could hear the weasleys were all still in their garden- now with water buckets and water guns. You smiled out seeing how they all were with eachother- bringing back that feeling of family love into your life.

You sat in there living room with your book and began reading- enjoying the mellow summer breeze filling their house. You thought you ought to say hello to everyone but at the same time you didn't want to intrude on their fun.

"George, that final bucket was unnecessary." You heard Fred say, pouring himself a drink in the kitchen.

"Sorry mate, but I had to come out on top." George replied also grabbing a drink.

"Where's y/n anyway I thought she'd be here by now." Fred said walking closer to where you were.

"Honestly I'm not sure, maybe she's caught up with something." You told them, standing up and walking in front of them.

"Bardot!" George almost yelled, his face lighting up with happiness.

"Hey Georgie." You smiled back.

"When did you get here darling?" Fred asked walking closer to you.

"Like an hour or so ago, you can't hug me right now." You held out your arms so he couldn't get any closer.

"It's just water." He chuckled slightly, looking down at his drenched clothing.

"I know, and this is a nice outfit." You replied, "go and get dried then we can do the big hugs and hellos, I'm going to go and say hello to the rest of your clan." You winked at Fred while walking past- he sprinted up the stairs followed by a walking George.

"Y/n! How are you dear? We heard about what happened at the ministry. Are you okay?" Molly asked.

"I'm fine, it's Harry you should be asking that question to. Have you heard much from him?" You replied.

"Not too much I don't think, you might want to talk to Ron about all of that. Anyway, I best get inside to make tea. Arthur will you give me a hand?" She got up and went into the burrow, Arthur standing up and beginning to follow her.

"Y/n we must talk about what it's like living in the muggle world at some point." He said.

As they both left you walked towards Ginny and Ron sitting on some chairs. They were both slightly wet from playing with the water but were drying out in the sun.

"Hey you two, how are you?" You asked sitting on one of the spare chairs.

"Hey y/n, I'm good thanks." Ron smiled.

"How long are you staying?" Ginny asked, standing and sitting next to you.

"Probably until the end of summer, when you go back to school I'll be off." You swiped your finger on the bottom of her nose, she laughed.

"I'm not leaving because you're here y/n, but I should probably go and change." Ron got up and left, going to dry off inside the burrow.

"So Ginny, tell me what's a pretty woman like you doing these days?" You asked her.

"I might have a boyfriend." She grinned, looking away.

"You do? Tell me more." You exclaimed, shuffling yourself closer.

"I've been talking to dean, the one in Ron's year, you can't tell anyone. No one really knows yet."

"What, dean Thomas? And don't worry I won't tell a soul." You questioned.

"That's the one." She was smiling a fair amount, "speaking of boyfriends." She nodded her head towards the burrow. You turned and saw Fred was slightly jogging up to you, with George close behind.

"That's better." You said standing up and walking closer to Fred. He embraced you in a tight hug, spinning you a little as your feet left the floor slightly. He moved his face back and kissed you as you were still in his arms.

"Come on guys, no one really wants to see that." George complained looking to the side.

"I think it's sweet, do mum and dad know yet?" Ginny asked.

"No, not yet." You scratched the back of your neck.

"Y/n here thinks mum will freak and try to keep us as far from eachother as possible." Fred scoffed.

"Yeah, and she's right. Have you met our mother Fred?" She said standing next to you.

"Anyway, hello again George." You walked sup to him and hugged him.

As you stood back and looked at them properly, you noticed they had changed their hairstyles and were a little more muscular, "I see refurbishing that store is doing you guys some favours:" you raised your eyebrows looking at the tight fit of their shirts on their arms.

"I know, one small flex and I'm ripping this shirt off easy." Fred smugly replied.

"They're not as big as my muscles though." George added.

You laughed a little, enjoying their constant need for competition, "no need to compare guys, there is no prize. I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll come back out in a second." You walked past the twins and into the house going up to the bathroom.

"Y/n, hold on." Molly was pushing her way past the table towards you.

You turned around holding the banister, "is everything okay?" You asked.

"I think I might need to have a small word with you." She raised her eyebrow.

"About?" You started to feel a little panicked.

"About you and one of my sons." She was glaring into your soul.

"Uh, which one?" You gulped.

"Fred. Now I have to ask- and I want you to be completely honest with me, are you two trying to figure something out, see if there might be something more than friendship between the two of you."

Your eyes shifted from Molly to Fred, coming into the burrow.

"What's going on?" He slowly questioned, walking over to you and Molly.

"I was just asking a question, curiosity getting the better of me."

"Why does she look so scared then?"

"Well, I just asked if she was possibly exploring something more than a friendship with you." She now faced and was raising her eyebrows at Fred.

"What?" He said, now also widening his eyes.

"You know you can just tell me." She seemed a little more unbothered.

You looked at Fred and nodded, "now depending on how you react, we may be dating." You stated.

"I thought so." She waved her hands slightly, "it's about time too." She seemed over the moon.

"You're not mad and going to try and keep us a hundred feet apart?" Fred asked.

"No, as long as you don't participate in any funny business under my roof I am okay with it, y/n you're a wonderful young woman and I couldn't think of anyone better for him." She pulled you in for a hug.

You sighed a sigh of relief and went up to the bathroom, unconditionally smiling.

After fixing your hair in the bathroom mirror and using the facilities you walked your way back down.

"Molly?" You questioned.

"Yes dear?" She replied turning.

"How did you know?"

"I saw you kissing at the platform on the last day- and he's been talking about you all the time since he's been home. Anyone could have guessed." She smiled as you blushed slightly, going back outside.

You sat back on one of the chairs with the Weasley children, Fred was holding round your waist while in conversation. There was no hiding anymore. You sat and admired Fred's laughing and enrolment in conversation while still keeping a strong grip on you.

"Y/n?" Ron said.

"Someone had a bit of a staring problem there." George chuckled.

"All because I'm the better looking one." Fred flexed.

"Right, okay." You scoffed, trying to offend him, "anyway, yes?"

"I asked if you had any plans for what you're going to be doing after summer." Ron questioned.

"Oh, I was thinking about getting a small job in one of the smaller stores in Diagon alley, just to keep myself distracted." You replied.

You stayed outside and spoke until you were called in for dinner. You all sat around the table enjoying the food Molly prepared- going back outside afterwards with the twins to enjoy the sunset.

"Should we start a small fire?" George asked.

"Arsons not really my thing Georgie." You answered.

"No, like a little bonfire." He reassured.

"If your mother is okay with it then sure."

"She lets us do it all the time, if the grass burns there's a spell to fix it." Fred told you, placing a hand on your thigh.

You all got up from the floor and collected sticks and some dried up long grass putting them together. You took out your wand.

"Incendio." You said, holding your wand above the wood. It set alight, you sat back down in front of the fire and felt relaxed at the mixture of the fire crackling and warm summer evening breeze on your body.

"I'm glad I get to spend my summer with you." You said to the twins.

"We're glad too y/n." Fred said planting a kiss on the top of your head.

You were set in between his legs, with your back against his chest infront of the small fire.

"I can't wait for you to see our store." George excitedly exclaimed.

"I think I'm more excited then you guys, when am I allowed to see it?" You asked.

"How about Thursday? We need to do a little shelf stocking before the opening and it's quite boring, you'll make it much more exciting." Fred offered.

"I accept that invitation." You smiled, relaxing your body further into his.

After staying outside with the fire for a couple of hours you all grew tired, "should we go to sleep?" George asked.

"Yeah, I can see this little ones getting a bit too relaxed out here." Fred chuckled, shifting to stand up. He stood up and held his hand out for you to take, helping you off the floor.

"Come on darling." He supported your arm into the house. Molly was still awake- sat on the sofa reading as her knitting needles got to work.

"Goodnight Molly." You said, going towards the stairs.

"Goodnight dear, I took the mattress off the floor." She smiled glancing up from her book.

"Night mum." The twins said in unison going up the stairs.

"Tell me why I was scared to tell her again." You laughed getting into the twins room, "I'll go change in the bathroom." You took off your smoke infused dress and changed into some airy pyjamas, brushing your teeth after.

By the time you got back to the room both the boys were getting into their beds, Fred holding the duvet open for you.

You got into the bed with him and felt his arms wrap tightly around your chest pulling your body even closer to his to kiss the side of your head.

"I love you." He gently said, stroking your temple with his thumb.

"I love you too." You replied, moving your face up to peck his lips- falling asleep in his arms.

"Right miss y/n Bardot are you ready to see what we done with your place?" George asked as you waited for Fred.

"More than ever, you see mr Weasley if I dislike your business proposition I will entirely remove my name from your contracts and may be forced to put the store back onto the market." You jokingly threatened.

"Then I guess we will have to impress." Fred said, walking into the room, "right let's go."
He held out his arm for you to take apparating out of the room in front of their store.

You stood in almost complete shock seeing what they had done to the once bland building.

"What is that?" You asked, pacing in front of the big moving statue.

"It's to get all the hot women running into our store." Fred joked. You turned and glared at him with evil in your eyes.

You pushed him right back using your force, following him with your eyes as you walked into the store behind George.

You were even more surprised and in awe as you stood inside the store, spinning looking around at everything.

"It's amazing." You simply said.

"There's a couple more things we have to do, but-"

"But it's perfect." You interrupted George and continued to look around. 

"This isn't it though remember darling." Fred came in rubbing his back.

He came up to you and took your hand dragging you up the stairs. He unlocked a door and showed the apartment that was above the store.

"Is this your new condo then?" You asked.

"I think we will be moving in, not sure if it will be permanent straight away." He was still leading you through, directing you to his bedroom.

"Ah and I'm guessing you've shown me straight to your room." You chuckled, playing with the multicoloured fairy lights he had on his window seal.

"I have, so you know exactly where to go." He moved closer to you. You tiptoed as he moved down starting to make out.

"Don't you have work to do love?" You reminded him before it got too intense.

"Why are you so well behaved." He huffed, starting to walk out of his room.

"I think we both know I can misbehave Freddie." You said, swinging yourself round his door frame and following down the stairs, he turned and smirked.

"So Fred, we have to just stock up this wall fully and go over everything and we should be ready for opening day." George said, directing Fred to the basement area to get some boxes.

You sat on top of the cashier counter and watched as the boys ventured up and down the basement with boxes of their products.

"Are you just going to watch us darling?"
Fred asked you, placing a hand on your hip and kissing your cheek.

"Yes, I want to see the activity that's been keeping my man in shape." You smiled, leaning forward and kissing his cheek, followed by his lips.

"Fred, I know you're all lovey dovey right now but I do kind of need you." George shouted.

Fred winked and went back down to George, helping him out. 

The rest of the day at the shop was pretty much the same thing. You did leave and went into flourish and blotts picking up a book to keep you occupied.


"Yes darling?" He replied.

"Can I go up to your room? I want to go and read my book." You questioned.

"Yeah that's fine, I'll tell you when we're leaving." You went up to his bedroom and laid on his bed, beginning the book.

"How you feeling?" You asked Fred, brushing down his suit.

"Nervous, but I'll get through it." He smiled. George walked through with a matching suit, also unconditionally smiling.

"You will both smash it today boys, I know you will. Look at the queues." You pointed out the window.

"Thank you y/n, honestly. Without you I don't know if we would even be here." George said.

"George stop, you boys deserve the world and if I can play any part of giving you that world I will. Now go and open those doors." You stepped up a couple of stairs and watched them hype up the crowds before letting them all flood in.

Change the world boys.

Welcome to the Half Blood Prince, I hope you enjoy your stay.

My updates might become a little more sturdy (not making any promises) since I'm going to go on my summer break!!

Follow the insta if you want~ @afredwsimp and feel free to ask me anything you want about anything xo

Stay safe and well loves,
-i <33

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