Barcelona Preferences [DISCON...

By mtndewsbaby

371K 8.9K 964

Short mini preferences of soccer players from the FC Barcelona Team (in progress) -Lionel Messi -Neymar Jr. ... More

| 1 | How You Met
| 2 | His Nickname For You
| 3 | Your Nickname For Him
| 4 | How He Reacted When You Told Him You Were Pregnant
| 5 | Your Favorite TV Show To Watch Together
| 6 | Your Favorite Food Place To Eat Together
| 7 | When You Give Birth
| 8 | Your Favorite Place To Travel
| 9 | What You Get Him For Christmas
| 10 | What He Gets You For Christmas
| 11 | Your Daughters Name
| 12 | Your Sons Name
| 13 | How He Proposes To You
| 14 | Who You Ship With Him From The Barça Team
| 15 | Your Guy Best Friend From The Barça Team
| 16 | Favorite Song
| 17 | Your Favorite Futbol Team Other Than Barça
| 18 | You And His Favorite Animal
| 19 | Your Favorite Thing About Him
| 20 | His Favorite Thing About You
| 21 | Your Favorite Christmas Movie Together
| 22 | You Non-Barça Friend
| 23 | What He Teaches You
| 24 | How He Reacts To Tito's Death
| 25 | Your Favorite Activity To Do With Him On Your Free Time
| 26 | What You Teach Him
| 27 | Your Favorite Board Game To Play With Him
| 28 | Your Wedding Day
| 29 | Your First Barça Match
| 30 | You Soccer Friend That He Gets Jealous Of
| 31 | What He Does When He Gets Jealous
| 32 | How You Injure Yourself
| 33 | Why You And Him Breakup
| 34 | How You And Him Get Back Together
| 35 | What You Do While He's Gone For Training
| 36 | How You Celebrated Your Childs First Birthday
| 37 | Your Hidden Talent That Only He Knows About
| 38 | Your Stupid Fights
| 39 | You Matching Tattoos
|40 | Your Favorite Snack With Him
| 41 | Your First Night With Your Child
|42 | How You Celebrate the New Year
| 43 | Your Job
| 44 | How You Meet The Team (Barça)
| 45 | How He Makes You Laugh
| 46 | You're Proud Of Him For
| 47 | How you make him laugh
| 48 | Your Favorite Homemade Meal With Him
| 49 | Your Lock Screen
| 50 | His Lock Screen
| 51 | Your Favorite Christmas Tradition
| 52 | You're Most Know To His Team By
| 53 | You Came Home With Him...
| 54 | He Came Home With You
| 55 | How He Comforts You When You Have A Bad Dream
| 56 | How He Acts When He's Around You
| 57 | Who You Hang Out With At The Barça Matches
| 58 | You And His New Years Resolution
| 59 | How You Tell Your Family You Were Pregnant
| 60 | How He Met Your Family
| 61 | How You Met His Family
| 62 | He Gets You Tickets To A Concert With Him
|63 | Song Lyrics To Decribe You (From His POV)
| 64 | Funny Moments
| 65 | You And His Favorite Book/Series
| 66 | What He Does For You During Your Time Of The Month
| 67 | Your Celeb Crush He Gets Jealous Over
| 67.3 | Ballon D'Or
| 67.9 | Marc Bartra (Birthday Special)
| 68 | Your Favorite Disney Movie
| 69 | Favorite Thing To Eat At The Movies Together
| 70 | Your Favorite Video Game To Play With Him
| 71 | Your Fear
| 72 | His Fear
| 73 | You And His Favorite 5SOS Song
| 74 | Your Brother From The Team (Barça)
| 75 | You Have A Pet
| 76 | Your Wedding Date
| 77 | You Tweet About One Another
| 78 | Your Pets Name
| 79 | His Favorite Scent On You
| 80 | His Favorite Color On You
| 81 | What He Gets You For Valentines Day
| 82 | Your Favorite Shirt Of His
| 83 | He Finds Your Old Account
|84 | He Finds Your Tattoo/Piercing
| 85 | Your Son Is Gay
| 86 | You're On Your Period
| 87 | Your Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant/Son Got A Girl Pregnant
| 88 | He Takes Care Of You When You're Sick
| 89 | You Give Birth To Your Second Child
| 90 | You're A Famous Youtuber And He Meets You
| 91 | His Reaction To You In A Bikini
| 92 | He Meets Your Parents
| 93 | How You Annoy Him
| 94 | How You Turn Him On
| 95 | How He Turns You On
| 97 | His Goodmorning Text To You
| 98 | You Get Your Period In Public
| 99 | The Instrument You Play
| 100 | He Finds Out You're A Virgin
| 101 | His Pickup Line He Uses When He Meets You
| 102 | Your Favorite Reality TV Show
| 103 | What You Do As A Family For Easter
| 104 | What You Two Do For The Summer
| 105 | How You And Him Die
| 106 | Your Favorite Sound To Listen To
| 107 | You And His Favorite Guy Youtuber/s
| 108 | You And His Favorite Female Youtuber
| 109 | Your Favorite Color On Him
| 110 | Movies You Like To Quote From
| 111 | Your His Celebrity Crush
| 112 | How You Work Out Together
| 113 | Fifa 16 Game Irritations
| 114 | Favorite Lipstick Color On You
| 115 | He Moves To A New Club
| 116 | Least Favorite Singer/Artist
| 117 | Who You Hate On The Barça Team
| 118 | How Long You'd Both Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
| 119 | Your Favorite Twenty One Pilots Song
| 120 | Your Favorite American Idol Contestant This Season
|121| Your Favorite Sidemen Member
|122| Your Favorite Member From The Pack
| 123 | Your Favorite Characters From Skam (Boy and Girl)
| 124 | Your Least Favorite Member Of His Team
| Q and A | Answers
| 125 | Your Celebrity Best Friend
| 126 | The Stupid Item He Buys Online For You
| 127 | Your Favorite Waterparks Song
| 128 | Your Favorite Professional Male Snowboarder
| 129 | Your Summer Adventure

| 96 | He Teaches You How To Kiss

2.5K 68 3
By mtndewsbaby

Sorry I didn't write these due to the fact I've never been kissed before

Lionel Messi-
"Leo stop!!" You screeched, as your best friend tickled your sides, leaving you a giggling mess. "I mean it Messi, stop tickling" You gasped "Stop or I'll leak embarrassing photos of you"
Reluctantly, Lionel dropped his hands to his side, and sat up on you.
"You're no fun" He pouted.
"And you're heavy" You laughed, pushing him off you. Lionel grinned, before pulling you on top of him, and ruffling your hair- knowing how much you hated it when he messed it up.
"Leeeeeeoooo" You groaned, trying to sit up. "Oh." You said quietly "I- I think my necklace is stuck in your..." You mumbled, desperately trying to untangle the chain around your neck from the buttons on his shirt. You frowned, once you realised how stuck it was, and looked to Lionel for help- yet you suddenly became shocked at the close distance between your faces. You glanced at his dark brown-coloured eyes, and saw him slowly leaning into you. Panicking, you untied the necklace from the back of your neck, and sat up, moving away from the poor confused boy. Lionel yanked at the silver chain, and pulled it off his shirt, before looking at you,
"W- what is it? Did I do something wrong? Don't you like me that way? I just thought-" You quickly cut him off,
"No, no, I do, I just" You sighed, looking into your lap, "I've never kissed anyone before. I don't know what to do." Chuckling, Lionel slowly sat upright and held your hands in his,
"Let me teach you then" He whispered cautiously before leaning into you, and gently pressing his lips against yours.
You smiled once he leaned back, and licked your lips, touching them with two fingers as if trying to capture your first kiss with your best friend, and trying to convince yourself that it was real. Laughing at your reaction, Lionel leaned forward and kissed you softly, "Are you sure you've never kissed anyone before?" He asked when you pulled back a second time, making you giggle and bury your head into his chest.

Neymar Jr.-
"So tell me girl if every time, we to-u-u-ch, you get this kinda ru-u-ush, baby say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..." You and Neymar sang awfully loud in his kitchen. As his parents were out, he had invited you over to play a ton of video games and eat a ton of junk food. Right now, the two of you were singing along to the radio whilst attempting to make pizza. However, as soon as the song 'Kiss You' had come on, the two of you had dropped your ingredients and begun dancing around the kitchen.
"If you don't wanna take it slow" You sang loudly,
"And you just wanna take me home" Neymar sang back, spinning you around. You giggled before singing the next line to him,
"Baby say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah-"
"And let me kiss you" Neymar sang softly, pulling you towards him. You smiled, as his lips delicately touched yours, and when he realised you hadn't pulled back, he continued to kiss you,
"Do something" He mumbled against your lips, and you pulled away, sighing,
"I- I don't know what to do Neymar. I've never kissed anyone before." Neymar gave you a small smile, before whispering,
"It's okay, just follow my lead" He gently pressed his lips against yours, and you felt yourself kissing back, until you felt his tongue slip into your mouth- you pulled back.
"Y- your tongue" You mumbled, watching as his face went from confused to relieved.
"Sorry" Neymar smiled slightly at your innocence "I won't do it-"
"No no no, you can do it, it feels pretty damn good when you do, I was just shocked" You told him, making him chuckle, before you reached up to kiss him again- and you didn't pull back this time when his tongue found yours.

Marc Bartra-
"Truth or dare Y/N?"
You looked up from your spot on the floor, where you were painting your nails, and gave Marc a confused look.
"Who said we were playing?"
"I did. Now come on, truth or dare?" You smiled, and rolled your eyes, but answered anyway,
"Aw you're no fun" Marc pouted, obvious that he had already thought up some obnoxious dare for you. You laughed, sticking out your tongue,
"Give me my truth then"
"Okay, okay- Who did you lose it to?" He asked, causing you to smirk slightly,
"I haven't got that far yet Marc"
"You haven't? Oh, okay ahh... Who was your first kiss?" You stayed silent, closing the top of your nail varnish, and placing it on the coffee table.
"I- I haven't got that far yet, either" You mumbled. A look of shock settled on Marc's face,
"Y-you haven't?"
"Don't act so surprised, w-why would someone want to kiss me?"
Marc looked up at you briefly, before shaking his head,
"What?" You asked, annoyed at how the atmosphere had quickly changed from carefree and nonchalant to awkward and silent.
"I would" Marc whispered carefully.
"You what?"
Silently, Marc stood up and came over to you. He sat in front of you and gently cupped your cheeks in his hands,
"Just- just do what I do, okay?" You nodded slowly, feeling yourself practically turn to mush by his touch. Marc leaned forward, and just as your noses touched, his eyes flickered up to yours searching for any signs of hesitation.
And just like that, his lips touched yours. It was a very soft, very feathery sort of kiss, and even though you were new to this sort of thing, you caught on, silently pressing your lips against his too, moulding them together.
Marc soon broke away, and you looked up at him to see his reaction,
"W- was I good?" You asked quietly.
"Perfect." He breathed, before slowly leaning in again.

Sergi Roberto-
"Do they hurt?" Sergi asked sympathetically, watching as you studied your reflection in the mirror.
"Kind of" You sighed "Jordi said they hurt more the day after though"
You and Jordi had been best friends since you were six, and when he joined the team then you had instantly clicked with the other teammates- especially Sergi. The two of you seemed to have the same music taste, fashion taste and food taste. Today, Jordi had taken you to the orthodontist to get your braces on, and when the two of you had got back, he said that he needed to go somewhere. Bored in Jordi's hotel room alone, you had wandered down the corridor and into Sergi's room, who was just as bored as you were, and had suggested that the two of you hang out in his and Gerard's room, whilst Gerard was out.
"I hope he doesn't mind" You mumbled to yourself, although Sergi heard.
"Who doesn't mind?" He asked.
Sighing, you looked at his reflection behind you, in the mirror, and spoke,
"I have a date tonight- some friend of Jordi's. How am I suppose to turn up at a date with metal fences on my teeth?"
Sergi's eyebrows furrowed,
"If it's a first date, then it shouldn't matter whether or not you have braces. You don't like a girl for her teeth. If he turns you down because of your 'metal fences' then he'll be in the wrong"
You gave Sergi a small smile,
"That's sweet Sergi. But what do I do if he wants to kiss me? Is it even possible to kiss with braces?"
Sergi shrugged, digging his hands into his back pockets,
"There's a certain way, to kiss when you have braces, so you don't make it awkward. You sort of have to... ugh..." He trailed off, unsure and embarrassed.
"Show me" You said simply, turning around to face him.
Sergi nodded, then slowly came over to you, and pressed his lips against yours. He took it slow and chaste, yet still managed to leave you breathless.
"Forget Jordi's friend" You whispered, before he smirked and kissed you gently again.

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