false confidence. [original]

By shayslater

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EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SECRET Everyone has great confidence in themselves... but what really is the truth beh... More

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By shayslater

At lunch, the Lovers Club were at the Library." Hey let's take pictures. Since we didn't have the chance to post our pictures last night." Louis said." Sure." Natalie said.

" I volunteer. Go do a pose." Liv said. Louis and Natalie did couple of posts." Picture perfect couple. Not gonna lie." Liam said." And so are you guys." Natalie said referring to Liam and Liv.

" I'm gonna go post our pics last night and then today." Louis said." I just wanna ask. What's the purpose of this whole one week photos together thingy?" Liam asked.

" To tease the fans." Natalie explained." Makes sense." Oliver said.


* both Louis and Natalie sitting on grass in a relaxed tuck position, one picture of them smiling and one picture of them fierce. *

Tatemcrae: Blonde and Brunette 

Louishayes: Best duo
Tatertoast: Tate in blonde?! WTF!! 

TatskiiLOML: WOAH! Never knew we need Tate in blonde
Louismcrae: Is my username coming true?
tatertots: Y'all saw Louis comment "Best duo"? They're so cute

view 244,769 comments


* both Louis and Natalie sitting on grass in a relaxed tuck position, one picture of them smiling and one picture of them fierce. *


Louishayes: Happy and Fierce

tatemclouis: I ship this too so hard
hayesxmcrae: This matching captions and photos is just killing me rn
AngelicTate: They keep blessing us with this kind of pics everyday!

view 123,464 comments


*sitting next to each other, book covering their face except for the eyes, then picture of them looking at each other while holding a book, and a picture of them sitting across, smiling, and looking at each other.*


Tatemcrae: In the LibrarY

Phrogtoad: The caption: I. L. Y. Caught in the act! I ain't stupid my love

tatertots: 2 posts in one day?!
\tatestoast: I think the first pictures were meant for last night bc they didn't post last night

MRCRAESUPREMACY: Please- Someone said the caption says ILY
Louismcrae: My Heart!!!

view 832,129 comments


*sitting next to each other, book covering their face except for the eyes, then picture of them looking at each other while holding a book, and a picture of them sitting across, smiling, and looking at each other.*


Louishayes: In the LibrarY Too Much

Phrogtoad: Bitch- The caption ain't slick 
Finnieboo: This is getting suspicious every single day
lovelyTate: Stop teasing us
weirdokaycee: Why can't you guys admit like Sean and Kaycee?

view 56,402 comments

After posting they continued with reading the books and the whole class. The whole week, nothing really happened much except for Natalie and Louis posting pictures and Elise being sassy the whole week with comebacks whenever Kalani or Kendall or the Elites come across her way.

Example, Tuesday after they went to the Library Elise came across Kendall." Get out of the way ugly bitch." Kendall said." Too bad you can't photoshop your ugly personality." Elise said and everyone's jaws dropped.

Saturday, Natalie and Louis's first week being together, they decided to announce it.


*compilation of their pictures the whole week and a picture of them kissing from the after party*


Tatemcrae: Well Strawberry, we've been official for one whole week now

Louishayes: Strawberry with Nutella is such a perfect match
Brynnmcrae: Finally you guys admitted it

Maxanderson: Perfect match

Livpatterson: Credits to moi for every pictures in here

Kayceemcraeofficial: Adorable beans!

Seanlew: Woohoo

Phrogtoad: They kissed! They kissed!

Finnieboo: I knew the whole week was so suspicious

tatertots: OMG my baby have a boyfriend

lovelyTate: I'm not crying, you are

MCRAESUPREMACY: In the middle of having existential crisis, Tate has a boyfriend

tatestoast: This friendship into a relationship!

view 1,235,352 comments


*compilation of their pictures the whole week and a picture of them kissing from the after party*


Louishayes: First official week and counting to forever

Tatemcrae: Strawberry and Nutella forever

Oliverpatterson: NUTBERRY

Liamhayes: My best friend and my cousin!!
Kenzie:  Future cousin in law

Louismcrae: OMFG my surname came true! AAAAH
tatertots: Congrats to the best couple!!

view 824,829 comments

After posting they looked at each other and smiled." The secrets finally out." Louis said and Natalie nodded with a smile.

" You ok?" Louis asked noticing Natalie was a little sad." Aren't you happy we finally got to tell everyone?" Louis asked." No. I am happy Louis. Very much." Natalie said reassuring him as she held his hand.

" Then why do you look so sad?" Louis asked concerned." I just remembered my friends." Natalie said." You mean the Lovers club? They're right there." Louis said pointing at the Lovers club playing basketball with the Harpers.

" My other friends... I lost them because of suicide." Natalie explained." Oh... I'm sorry to hear that." Louis said." Do you want to talk about it?" Louis asked placing his arm around Natalie and held her other hand pulling her closer to him as they sat down down at a bench.

Natalie leaned her head on his shoulder." I really miss them." Natalie spoke." They were like my sisters... My soul sisters... and I blame myself for not spending so much time with them when they were struggling with their problems. I was too busy with Sean I forgot about them." Natalie said.

" Nat, please don't blame yourself." Louis said kissing her hands and forehead." I'm pretty sure your friends would tell you not to blame yourself. Everything happens for a reason. It's not your fault." Louis comforted.

" I tried to give support. I tried helping them but it wasn't enough. And they ran away... didn't even said a goodbye... then they came back at the open mic night.... I was so happy that time... It felt like cloud 9 seeing and reuniting with them." Natalie said, making her smile a little.

" But I didn't knew it was the last time I would see them. My happiness turned into deep sorrow." Natalie said." That's why I'm scared being happy... I'm afraid the sadness comes after."

Natalie looked at Louis's eyes."  I don't want this happiness to end, Louis.... I feel happy around you and I don't want it to end." She said. Louis smiled still holding her hands.

" I will never break your heart."

" I'm going to protect you at all cost..."

" And I'll make you happy all the time....I promise."

" Because I love you." He said kissing her hands then looking at her with a smile. Natalie felt butterflies in her stomach, thinking how lucky she is to have him.

" Always remember that." He added and Natalie nodded smiling. Natalie hugged him tightly as he kissed her head.

Elise smiled to herself as she looked at Natalie and Louis hugging." What do you think they were talking about?" Avery asked standing next to her sister.

" Her soul sisters... Natalie gets that look of sadness whenever she talks about them." Elise said." You really know a lot about Natalie." Avery said.

" Of course.... she's my sister. I should know every single detail about her whole life and personality." Elise said and Avery smiled.

" And I know everything about yours too." Elise said turning to Avery." And I know both of you all too well. Even by your scents I know which is which." Avery said and Elise chuckled.

" You're like our second mom. You took care of us since mom and dad died." Elise said." Thank you for everything Avery.... For staying strong when we were at our lowest point in life... you gave me the reason to live and continue my life." Elise said facing Avery.

" Stop, you're gonna make me cry." Avery said wiping her tears hugging her sister. Elise hugged Avery back." I wasn't informed we're having a sisters group hug." Natalie said walking towards them.

Avery and Elise chuckled opening their arms for Natalie to join."  I love you both." Avery said smiling at them." Best sisters in the entire world." Natalie said.

" I would trade everything in the world for you guys." Elise said making them smile even wider." Room for more?" Alex asked as he, Elio, and Nick stood behind them smiling.

" Always." Avery said. The three joined them and gave them the biggest hugs." Cassie!" Elise called. Cassie came towards them confused until they pulled her in the group hug.

Cassie smiled hugging them." Dinner's ready." Laura called everyone. Natalie linked arms with Louis, Avery held Sean's hand, Elio with Chloe, Cassie with Oliver, Liv with Liam, Nick and Alex noticed Elise watching them go inside.

Alex looked at Nick who knew what to do. They head over Elise standing both sides of her, she looked at them confused." Since your boyfriend isn't around for awhile, we'll be your chaperone to the table." Alex joked that made Elise laugh.

" Shall we?" Nick asked positioning his arm waiting for Elise to link arms with him. Alex did the same as well, Elise smiled and linked arms with both of them before going inside.

While eating dinner and talking as usual." So, how's Max?" Erik asked." He's doing great. He's getting out of the hospital tomorrow." Elise said." That's good to hear." Enzo said.

" I just can't help think that Louis is like the male version of Chloe." Lizzy said.

Everyone looked at her confused.
" What do you mean?" Louis asked.
" Favorite In Law." Chloe said and they finally get the point.

" No offense to Max, Sean, and Oliver." Mace said." None taken." Sean said.

" It's just kinda ironic." Jade said.
" Yeah. Like Elio is the second born son of Uncle Lorenzo. And Natalie is the second born daughter of Uncle Lorenzo. And their girlfriend and boyfriend are like the favorite in laws. If you get what I mean." Lucas said.

" Exactly." Logan said.

After dinner, they all head upstairs. Louis was about to enter Natalie's room but Nick called them." Hey, No." Nick said stopping them.

Natalie stepped out of her room and held Louis's hand." We're not gonna do anything." Natalie said." Better sure than not." Nick said throwing them a box of condoms.

They both blushed hard as Natalie caught it wishing herself she didn't have fast reflex." Nick what the fuck!" Natalie yelled throwing it back to him." And why the hell do you have a box of condoms?!" Natalie asked embarrassed.

" I got it on Elio's drawer. He doesn't need it anymore." Nick defended.

" Go away! We're not doing it." Natalie said." I'm just making sure Tata." Nick said smiling at her then turning to Louis with a very intimidating look.

Louis gulped, scared." Promise, we're just gonna sleep and not anything else." Louis blurted out and Nick nodded." Good. Keep that promise." Nick said before leaving.

Natalie and Louis looked at each other awkwardly." Uhm... let's go to sleep?" Natalie said awkwardly." Y-yes. Yeah." Louis said as they head inside Natalie's room and cuddled until they fell asleep.

Alex checked on Oliver, Cassie, Liv, and Liam at Cassie's room. Cassie and Oliver where cuddling on the bed with Ivy while Liv and Liam cuddled on the bean bag as they were watching a movie.

" Boys are sleeping on the floor. Got it?" Alex asked entering Cassie's room in an intimidating look." Yes sir." Liam and Oliver said a bit scared." Great. Just making sure." Alex said then turning to Cassie with an innocent smile.

" Enjoy the movie sunshine." He said before leaving the room. Everyone in the room looked at each other." Is he always like that?" Oliver asked.

" All my cousins are. I'm their youngest cousin slash sister." Cassie explained." Makes sense." Liam and Liv said.

Nick burst inside Avery's room where Sean and Avery were cuddling as they watch a movie. He threw the box of condom to them which startled them and quickly blushed as they saw the box.

" Thought you might need it." He said." How did you know?" Sean asked playing along with Nick. Nick and Avery looked at him in surprise.

" Sean." Avery said hitting him." You what?" Nick asked walking towards him." I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding!" Sean repeatedly said scared.

Nick stopped." You better be." Nick said." Goodnight Munchkin." Nick said to his sister before leaving.

" He left the box." Sean said grabbing it and placing it on the nightstand before turning to Avery.

Avery looked at him and knew what he meant." No." Avery said giving him a peck on the lips then smiled at him.

Elio came into Elise's room." What are you doing here?" Elise asked." Just came to say goodnight." Elio said then Alex and Nick came into her room as well.

" Goodnight Brubbles." They all said in unison. Elise just looked at them and chuckled." You guys are weird. But goodnight." Elise said before they left.

April came fast, second week, Natalie wasn't really herself, remembering it's the month her friends ran away.

And April 16, that specific date was the day they all ran away. Natalie sat with the Lovers club, Amari, Jake, and her brothers except for Elio who's with Chloe and the Elites.

Jake noticed Natalie wasn't really eating." Nat, are you ok?" He asked making everyone in the table turn to her." Yeah..." She said.

" There's got to be something that's bothering you." Louis said worried about her. Max looked at Elise busy on her phone. Elise looked at him and smiled.

" You ok?" She asked." Yeah, I just noticed you're on your phone and haven't touched your food." Max said." Oh, yeah. I was just talking to a friend." Elise said.

" Oh ok." Max said smiling at her before continuing to eat." If I found who killed Avery's brother... and proved Emma wasn't guilty... would I stop them from running away?" Natalie asked.

" That's 50 percent chance that you would." Nick said." Whoever killed Avery's brother are still on the lose. They could be anywhere." Elise said.

" What was the cause of his death?" Louis asked." He was burned in an old treehouse. So whoever the killer is, might be a pyromaniac." Avery said.

" Pyromaniac?" Amari asked." It's a person who can't resist destructive urge or impulse... can't resist starting a fire." Natalie explained. Liv looked at Oliver, Liam, and Max.

" Connor? He's an arsonist." Liv said." He only did it because of Jayden." Elise said." Then who do you have in mind?" Max asked then everyone received a notification from FC.

Talking about this specific date, how could we forget the day 4 of Quinton's students ran away all of a sudden. No one knew what was their reasons. To specify them, as a sign of respect they are Sophia Lucia, Avery Gay, Emma Hellenkamp, and Bella Klassen. May they all rest in peace.

They all had obvious reasons but everyone was too blind to see. They've told their stories but everyone was deaf to hear. No one believed them. And that's the reason they left.

They left without a goodbye, came back only to have say their final goodbyes to their closest friends, before leaving forever. We lost them because of suicide. I hope whoever caused their reason of suicide gains conscious about how they affected not only them but the closest people around them.

Body shaming, Bullying, Abuse, and accusing false information lead them to it.

It's time to finally expose this people. We already know Bella's reason. She was abused by her parents. Sophia was bullied and body shamed by one of our old students Autumn Miller. I hope she felt guilty for what she did to Sophia.

And now.

How could I forget? I took months finding out who or should I say caused Avery and Emma's suicide.

You seriously thought you could get away with this. It's such a shame I never knew from the start. Maybe because you guys were the least expected. The unexpected.


Or should I say SOCIOPATHS.

You're gonna get what you deserved a long time ago.

You're not smart enough to outsmart me. You don't look innocent enough to fool me.

Riley Lewis. Sofie Dossi. Brooke Butler.

- FC

After reading what FC said, Everyone were in disbelief. Natalie and Jake could not process everything from what they just read.

They finally found out who caused Avery and Emma's suicide. Riley, Sofie, and Brooke looked at each other, getting up from their seats and trying to get out of the cafeteria.

The cafeteria door opened revealing Officer Anderson and other police men went inside the cafeteria and stopped them.

" You're all under arrest for murder." Officer Anderson said." Cuff them." He told the police men he's with.

" NO! There's no proof!" Riley refused." We have enough proof Ms. Lewis. Believe it or not." Officer Anderson said." NO! That's FALSE CLAIMS! LET US GO!" Riley screamed as they were dragged out of school.

Natalie didn't said a word the whole day. Everyone couldn't process everything. It was so unexpected." I can't believe we go to school with sociopaths." Nadia said to the Elites.

" I agree. I never expected them." Jordyn said. Bostyn and Chloe looked at her before turning to the Harpers at the parking lot.

" Can you please take Jake and I to where Officer Anderson took Riley, Sofie, and Brooke?" Natalie asked her brothers, still upset about everything.

" Of course." Alex said. They said their goodbyes to their boyfriends before going to the West Brook Prison.

" Harpers, Jake. What are you guys doing here?" Officer Anderson asked." We came to talk to Brooke, Sofie, and Riley." Jake said.

Officer Anderson nodded, understanding their situation." Follow me." Officer Anderson said leading them to the visitors Area.

" Wait here, I'll just call them." Officer Anderson said leaving them. 3 minutes later, Officer Anderson came back with Riley, Brooke, and Sofie this time around.

" Well if it isn't Jake and the Harpers. What do you want?" Sofie asked rolling her eyes." You know what, I actually thought you were nice." Cassie said.

" Well here I am." Sofie said." Let me guess. You're here to know the truth." Brooke said." Did we look like we came here for anything else other than that specific reason?" Natalie asked.

" We're not here to play. We want to know everything." Jake said. Riley, Sofie, and Brooke looked at each other before sitting down in front of Jake and Natalie.

" So where do you want us to start?" Riley asked." To the beginning till the end." Natalie said taking a deep breath, glancing at her siblings on the other table waiting patiently and listening to their conversations.


February, Riley was in a relationship with Tayson. The relationship was doing ok. They were a great couple actually. But the relationship flipped upside down.

One night, Tayson and Riley got into a huge fight. Riley walked away mad leaving Tayson. He stayed back for awhile thinking about everything they argued about.

After calming down he decided to followe Riley but when he saw Riley in the middle of night alone. He saw her killing a stray cat with a stone. Hitting it in the head, dead. He could not believe on what he just saw.

The poor cat only wanted to find a new home but because of Riley's uncontrolled behavior, she killed it.

Tayson was so sure it was Riley. He stepped back, scared, finally deciding to run away. All week he tried to avoid Riley. He could not sleep because he kept thinking about her killing an innocent cat.

He stayed up all night researching, finding out some clues that his girlfriend might be a sociopath.

" Is... my.. girlfriend... a...sociopath?" He typed on his laptop as he sits down on his bed in the middle of the night. There he saw lists of clues on what a sociopath acts.

The next day, Tayson saw Riley with Sofie and Brooke. Riley saw him but he ignored her and walked away.

" Tayson. You've been avoiding me all week. I know we had a huge fight but we never went into this kind of situation." Riley said coming up to him.

" I'm breaking up with you." Tayson blurted out shocking her." Break up? No! This is ridiculous. I'm not breaking up with you." Riley said.

" I said so. We're done! I don't want you around anymore." Tayson said walking away from her." What is your problem?!" Riley asked yelling at him.

Tayson stopped from walking and turned around to face her." You're a sociopath! That's why!" He yelled before running away.

Riley's hands balled into fist. Shaking with anger all over her body. Gritting her teeth. She turned to her friends who knew exactly what to do.

Tayson met up with his best friend Jack, Avery's brother at S&N." She's crazy." Tayson said." Crazy? What do you mean crazy?" Jack asked.

" I literally saw her killing a cat at night. I searched it up and that's one of the personalities a sociopath has." Tayson explained." And you believe the internet for that? Dude, you know fake news are spread around the internet." Jack said.

" Jack, I'm serious. That's why I broke up with her today." Tayson said." So that's the reason you called me. Don't worry man, I got your back." Jack said.

" Cheers." He added raising the can of beer. Tayson smiled a little drinking the beer, but still bothered about Riley.

Riley sat at her backyard, sitting in front of a bonfire with her pictures with Tayson. She looked at every single one of them with a glared then lighting it up on fire, throwing it to the bonfire in front of her.

She was filled with anger and planned out everything in her head.

3rd week of March, late at night he opened the door to his apartment as he lives alone because his parents were away from him.

He was surprised when he saw Riley, Sofie, and Brooke." W-what are you guys doing here?! How did you get here?!" He asked scared.

Riley flashed a mischievous smile holding up a key." You're not going to get away from me." Riley said slowly walking towards him.

" I told you! We're done!" Tayson yelled." SHUT UP!" Riley screamed grabbing a vase and throwing it into his head.

Tayson dropped down to the floor. Groaning in pain. The girls came towards him and started kicking and punching him.

Tayson tried to fight back. He was about to run out when Riley grabbed a brick that fell from the brick wall as they were fighting and threw it to his head knocking him up, blood dripping out from his head.

Sofie walked towards him and checked on his pulse then looked at Riley and Brooke." Is he dead?" Brooke asked." He's dead." Sofie confirmed.

Riley could not believe what she had done but there's no backing out of it." Help me hide his body." She quickly said. Brooke went to his room and grabbed blankets.

" Wrap him around." Brooke said giving them the blankets. Sofie and Riley quickly wrapped his dead body with the blankets while Brooke went into the kitchen, grabbing a mop, bucket of water, bleach, and garbage bags.

She starts cleaning the mess and checked everything to make it seem like nothing happened. She threw away everything she used including the bucket full with the blood from Tayson's head.

They put Tayson's body with huge garbage bags on each half of his body. They then helped each other carry his body, getting it inside Sofie's trunk and drove to the bridge.

It was late at night so no one was passing by. They carried the corpse and threw it to the river. What they didn't notice was the car that passed by, was Jack going to Tayson's house to check on him.

Jack saw them threw something to the river but didn't notice it was his friend's body. When he got to Tayson's apartment, he found no one. Not a single trace of him.

He never suspected anything as he knew Tayson comes late at times. So he just shrugged it off and left. The next morning he found out Tyson was missing.

" Jack, you did check Tayson's apartment right?" Avery asked her brother." I did. But his place was clean... way too clean to be honest." Jack said turning to his sister.

" Last night! I saw Riley and her friends throwing something in the river!" Jack said stating a point." Don't... do you think it might be Tayson?" Avery asked.

" Don't be negative Avery! Tayson is still alive."  Jack said in denial." Jack, what if it is him?!" Avery asked." We don't have proof Avery. So we can't accuse them with anything." Jack said.

" The Harpers are willing to help." Avery said. They heard a knock on the door and Avery opened it." Harpers. Hi." Avery greeted.

" Officer Anderson found Tayson's body at the west Brook river." Avery H. confirmed.

" No. No. That's false. Tayson's still alive." Jack said." We went to the morgue and checked. It is him." Natalie said.

" Sorry Jack. I know you and Tayson were great friends." Elise said. With all that news, Jack could not process everything.

At the funeral, Jack stood in front and watched Riley crying over the casket.

He observed her. Not believing her act. She stopped crying and stepped back looking at Jack.

When everyone went home, Jack stayed with Riley. He flared at her.
" I know you killed him." He spoke.

" I don't know what you're talking about." Riley said." Man you're such a good liar. You made everyone believe you're innocent. But you can't fool me." Jack said.

" You're a sociopath. That's why Tayson broke up with you... You're crazy." Jack said mad at her before walking away.

The next day, Jack came to the tree house he and Tayson use to hangout.

He looked around the place as he gets his old stuff. Knowing he's not gonna use the tree house anymore.

As he was busy, Riley, Sofie, and Brooke was downstairs, holding gasoline and a lighter.

They knew Jack was there as they were stalking him, following the plan they made.

They poured the gasoline around the tree house. Riley looked at her friends with a smile on her face, lighting up the lighter, staring at the small flame.

She had a sinister smile on her face before throwing the lighter to the ground.

The gasoline around the area lit up as they ran away. Jack smelled something burning. He looked around and saw flame everywhere.

Even if he tried to escape there's no use. He was trapped." HELP!" He screamed panicking, trying to find a way to get out. But the window was too high to the ground.

The only exit was the ladder up to the tree house but it was already burnt to dust.

He started suffocating from the smoke until he fainted. No one rescued him.

He died burning without anyone trying to help. But then there was Emma.

She saw the tree house burning but she was too afraid to do anything. Everything couldn't process in her head. She saw the 3 people burn down the tree house but she couldn't recognize them.

She was in fear if she yelled for help. Her body was trembling in fear as she stood there.

Now people would ask why she didn't call anyone or even helped. Like if you were in her situation, you wouldn't know what to do witnessing murder.

When people started coming she quickly ran away. Only to make it the biggest mistake of her life.

Emma ran to her room and locked herself. Bursting into tears, shaking and panicking.

Avery and her family received the news of Jack's death. Avery couldn't help but cry.

It was her brother. The person she's really close with. The one who understand her more than her family.

She cried as she went inside the morgue. A horrible sight seeing Jack's body, burned, you couldn't even recognize it was him.

Its just brutal seeing your brother, dead in front of you.

When she stepped out of the morgue, her friends were there, except for Emma.

" We're so sorry for your loss Avery." Bella said as they hugged her." Where's Emma?" She asked noticing Emma wasn't with them.

" We tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up." Sophia said.
" And I went to her house but no one was answering." Natalie said.

" I've spammed her messages and calls but I couldn't contact her. Usually she would answer right away." Jake said.

Avery nodded. They hugged her again and comforted her. The next day, Emma kept quiet while she was with her friends.

They were all quiet. Avery could not get over Jack's death." Emma Hellenkamp, come with us." Officer Anderson said entering the cafeteria.

Everyone looked at her." For what?" Emma asked as she and her friends stood up." For murdering Jack Gay." Officer Anderson said and everyone were in shock.

" No! I DIDN'T MURDER HIM!" Emma refused to go." You have the rights to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you." Officer Anderson said.

" No! Please! I didn't do it!" Emma cried holding onto Natalie's hand.
Natalie held her hand never wanting to let go.

" Emma, I promise I'll do everything I can." She said as Officer Anderson took her away.

Jake hugged Natalie." Avery, you know Emma. She didn't do it." Natalie spoke.

" I know, but we can't defend her without knowing the truth." Avery said.

Sophia hugged Avery as they all sat back down. After school. They went to the jail and saw Emma.

Emma quickly stood up and went over to them." Please let me out of here. I didn't do anything." Emma pleaded.

" I didn't kill your brother." Emma said to Avery." I know you didn't. I trust you." Avery said holding Emma's hand as Emma burst into tears.

Officer Anderson let Emma and they quickly hugged her. After the hug, they looked to the side and saw Lorenzo, Amelie, Avery, and Elise.

Emma looked at Natalie." I told Mom and Dad. I asked them to help you out." Natalie said.

Emma's and Avery's parents then came." Avery stay away from her." Avery's parents said pulling Avery away from Emma.

" Hey, don't you treat my child like she's a killer." Emma's mother said defending Emma.

" Isn't she the killer?!" Avery's mother said." You have no right to accuse my daughter." Emma's dad said.

" She killed my son. That's why she's here." Avery's dad said." Mr. Gay, I'm not trying to be rude or anything but Emma is saying the truth." Natalie defended.

" Natalie, stay out of this. You don't know what you're talking about!" Avery's dad yelled.

" Did you just yell at my daughter?!" Lorenzo asked walking towards them." Stay out of this Harper! You shouldn't have helped them." Avery's dad said.

" I know you've lost your son and all that but I've known Emma since they were kids. And you know her too. Emma wouldn't do anything like it." Lorenzo said.

"Maybe we can settle this without the kids watching us." Amelie said.
" I would not settle anything. Emma's a killer." Avery's mother said.

Emma felt sharp pain, it felt like she was a stranger to them. As if she never grew up with their daughter.

" From now on, I don't want to see you hanging around with her. And Natalie." Avery's mom told Avery.

Natalie and Emma looked at Avery.
" Mom, you can't do that. They're my friends." Avery said." I said what I said. Let's go." Avery's mom said dragging Avery out with Avery's father following behind.

Emma cried and Sophia, Jake, and Natalie hugged her tight. The next day, Emma came back to school.

The judgement on everyone's faces as she walk pass them makes her want to disappear.

Then she saw Avery." Avery." She called. Avery turned to her as she slowly comes closer.

When they stood there, they didn't say anything but quickly pulled each other into a hug.

" I can't avoid you even if I try." Avery said as she hugged Emma." I don't know what I'll do if I lose my friendship with you." Emma said.

Natalie, Sophia, and Jake came as they let go. Avery then hugged Natalie as Natalie hugged her back.

They all tried to make their friendship lowkey so Avery's parents wouldn't find out.

As days goes they couldn't handle everything." Someone told me you were still friends with Emma and Natalie. Did you not listen to me?! I told you to end your friendship with them!" Avery's mother yelled.

" I can't lose the friendship I kept for years. I will never let go of them." Avery defended.

" The friend that killed your brother and the friend who defended her?! You're seriously going to choose them over us?! Your parents?!" Avery's mother asked.

" Yes! YES I WILL." Avery said running up to her room and packed her stuff. She left the house and went to Emma's house.

" I'm glad you're here." Emma said.
" Always." Avery said. They both went to Sophia and Bella's house and ran away all together.

Their friendship is more important than anything else in the entire world.

End of flashback

" Now you know everything." Riley said." They ran away without you. That just mean they don't really care about you." Riley said.

" No. I know my friends better than you. They cared about us." Natalie said.

" I'm not going to force you in anything. I mean I'm here now." Riley said.

" You truly are a sociopath. You planned everything so well." Jake said.

" I'll take that as a compliment." Riley laughed." You deserve to go to hell." Natalie said grabbing her bag and walking away.

The rest followed behind as Natalie teared up. Jake comforted and hugged her as she cried.

Now they know everything.

Wow.... Just wow.
This made me sad......
FC's biggest revelation??

Maybe Yes, Maybe No

phrogtoad we did amazing with this one. I had to go back to our conversations to get this idea back.

Alrighty, few more chapters till the finale. PEACE!

Stream SOUR

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