Worthy of Sin | Nas

By OfficiallyJayx

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When he first seen her, he knew that she was what he wanted; Too bad he didn't know how to handle it once he... More



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By OfficiallyJayx

Zola 'Slim' Monroe || That same day...

"Can I drive?" I asked as we walked towards Gina and he stopped in his tracks to look at me like I was insane.

"Hell no! Absolutely not," He says and my mouth dropped open in complete shock. The only time he's ever told me no is when I asked for a key to his car. He was really being extra as hell for no reason.

"I don't know what you lookin' like that for," He says. "First of all," I paused, putting my finger up. "Did you just tell me no?"

He started to laugh, but I was so serious. This man had me so spoiled that I couldn't even take no as an answer from him without feeling genuinely offended. I was used to getting spoiled, it had became a bit of an expectation.

"Yo' spoiled ass will be okay. Now come on,"

I smacked my lips and sighed heavily, following him to the car. When we arrived to the car, I stared across at him, trying my hardest to get him to notice that I was pouting and it definitely worked.

"Come on, don't even act like that. Why you so pressed to drive all of a sudden?" He asks and I bit the inside of my cheek. "Because after driving today, I wanna drive some more. Pleeeeease?" I asked, poking out my bottom lip and he sighed heavily.

He stood there and contemplated for about 30 seconds before walking over to my side. "Zola, I swear if you mess up my car again..." He trailed off

"I — why you gotta bring up old shit, man?" I asked, reaching for the keys, but he pulled away so I couldn't grab them. He stared at me with a stern gaze, despite the smirk on his face.

"I'm so serious, Zo," He says and I smacked my lips. "Okay! I promise I won't mess up your car,"

"Again?" I rolled my eyes hard as fuck, and it made him laugh. "Again, Sincere. Now, will you please give me the damn keys?" I reached for them again and he snatched away.


He chuckled, "Gimme a kiss and I'll hand 'em over," I smacked my lips. "Are you serious?" Instead of responding, he closed his eyes and puckered his lips. I couldn't help but to laugh at his antics, but I still leaned in and quickly pecked his lips.

"What was that?"

"A kiss! That's what you asked for and you got it. A deal's a deal," I signaled with my hand for him to cough up the keys but he was still playing.

"Sincere, I'm not about to do this with you, bro," I laughed and he smirked, licking his lips. "I'm not either, sis, now gimme them lips," He grabbed my face and continuously pecked my lips, which made me laugh and whine.

"Babe, stop!" I grabbed onto his shoulders to keep my balance and he kept on before pulling away briefly to say,

"Aww.. I'm still yo' baby?"

He resumed pecking my lips and I continued to giggle as he planted another one on my lips. "Hm? I'm still yo baby?"

I really didn't even mean to call him that. I guess it was really just a force of habit.

"I guess, Sincere, now come on!" I whined before accepting one last kiss from him and he finally handed them over. "Promise you'll be gentle with her,"

Gosh, he was so damn dramatic.

"I promise," I kissed his cheek before making my way to the driver's side. I unlocked the doors before sliding in and getting comfortable. He followed suit and watched my every move as I adjusted my seat and adjusted the mirrors.

I then proceeded to stick the key in the ignition and I started it before putting on my seatbelt. "Buckle up. We follow all safety guidelines around here," I teased and he smacked his lips, mumbling something as he put the belt on.

"What was that?" I asked, resting my hand on the gear shift before turning to look at him. "Nothin', yo. Go left then make a right on that corner,"

"Mhm, that's what I thought," I backed out of the driveway and I followed the directions he'd given me.

"Aight, go straight then make another right," I nodded and continued on. While I drove, I could feel him watching my every move and it made me chuckle.

"Why you keep staring at me?" I asked as I made a halt at a red light. I looked over at him and he was just smirking. "You look sexy when you drive,"

"Is that what it is or are you actually nervous with me being behind the wheel?"

"It's really both. I'm not even finna hold you— go straight, then make a left at this second light then hop on the freeway,"

I followed the directions he'd given me and soon, silence filled the car and it was driving me crazy. "Can you put some music on?"

"No." I scrunched up my face in confusion. "No?"

"Yeah. No,"

"Man..." I trailed off, glancing in the rear view mirror briefly as I continued to drive. "You getting real comfortable with this no word. What the fuck is no, Sincere?"

He started to laugh like something was funny, but I was so serious. "You take me as a joke?"

"Yo, relax! Spoiled ass baby— who made you like this?"

I chuckled, "Between you and my only child syndrome, what you think?"

He shook his head and continued to glance out of the window. "Sincere, this silence is killing me. Like, forreal. Please play some music and stop acting an ass," He sighed heavily and reached into his glove compartment for some CDs.

He ejected the current disk before sliding in another and skipping to the song he wanted to hear once it loaded.

A few moments later, the opening notes to Voyage to Atlantis started to play and while I drove, I glanced over at him and he nodded his head to the beat with his eyes closed, poorly singing the lyrics.

"Sincere, you can't sing!" I laughed and he turned the radio up louder to drown me out. I don't know why he was acting like that was gonna change the fact he still couldn't sing.

He grabbed the arm that rested on the center console and held it up to his lips like it was a microphone.

"Can we go all the way together? Woah, let it be slow... So we'll say our last goodbyes and we'll make it this time—" He loudly sang the note that came next and I shook my head, laughing loudly as I tried to take my hand out of his grasp.

"Atlantis is back to you, I'll always come back to you," He sang poorly, getting closer to me and kissing my cheek. I smiled a toothless one and glanced over at him as he stared straight ahead out of the windshield, interlocking my fingers with his as he kissed the back of my hand.

One thing I couldn't take away from Sincere, no matter what he's done in the past, is how much of a lover he is. He loved to give and receive affection, and he loved to do cute little shit like this to put a smile on my face. He did it effortlessly, too, and that's what made me fall for him in the very first place.

"Get into the far right lane. The exit is comin' up," I turned on my blinker and I glanced out of the rear view mirror and back windows to ensure nobody was  around before making my transition into a different lane.

"How long you been drivin'?" He asks and I shrugged, "Since I was like 15 or 16? Yeah, 16,"

"Do you even have a state driver's license?" I glanced over at him, "Yeah... a California State Driver's license,"

"Nah, we need to get you a New York one. And besides, it's about to start gettin' cold and I don't want you takin' cabs and subways and shit to wherever you need to go,"

I shrugged, "I still don't have a car, sir,"

"Don't worry about all that. I'll get you a key made and you can push mine,"

I smacked my lips, "I asked for a key to Gina before and you said no,"

"Who said you was gettin' a key to Gina?"

I smacked my lips, "You so irritating, man, oh my goodness,"

He shrugged, "Make a left right here then keep going straight,"

I continue to drive before stopping in front of a gated estate and I looked over at him confused. "Lean back right quick," I sat back in my seat and that's when his goofy ass leaned over and reached out of the window to input a code so the gate would open.

"Nice rack," He says as he sat back in his seat and I hit his arm and I accelerated forward.

"Sincere, I thought we were going to get food?"

He sighed, "We are...just not from a restaurant," I stopped at a stop sign and looked over at him in confusion. "Boy, where the hell are you taking me? Better yet, where the hell am I taking you?"

He started to chuckle and he reached over to grab my hand once again. "We goin' to my mom's crib,"

My eyebrows furrowed and I maneuvered my hand out of his. "Wait— what the hell? Sincere, you taking me to meet yo' mama? You little fucking con-artist!" He laughed as I hit his arm, chuckling a bit but this shit wasn't funny.

"I ain't con you,"

"You might as well have! How you gon' set me up like that?"

"Set you up, how, Zo?"

"Nigga, you know we not together so what am I supposed to do? Sit up here and front and pretend like I'm still your girlfriend?"

"Ain't nothin' to front and pretend about. You still my girl, we just hit a rough patch. That's all,"

"I'm not your girlfriend, Sincere,"

"Then what are you? An ex that just so happens to still be in my life?"

I wouldn't happen to be the first or the only...

I opened my mouth to speak but I quickly shut it and bit my tongue. He definitely wasn't gonna like what I was about to say and for the sake of it being his birthday, I decided not to vocalize those thoughts.

"Call it what you want, but being in your life still doesn't make me your girlfriend, Sincere. What the fuck?"

"Do you still wanna be my girlfriend, Zola?" He asks and I smacked my lips. "Sincere—"

"Just answer the question, Zo, it's simple,"

"Duh, Sincere! If I didn't then I wouldn't be here with you; However, I refuse to jump back into any situation with you, with blinders on,"

He furrowed his eyebrows and instructed me to turn left then stop at the house that rested right in the cul-de-sac of the block. His Mother lived in a beautiful neighborhood. The houses were huge

"What you mean wit' blinders on?"

I sighed as the car came to a halt and I put it in park before turning the vehicle off.

"Meaning I don't wanna be ignorant to the shit you obviously have going on. I mean, I knew from the gate you were still fucking your ex but I couldn't do anything about it because we weren't official. Then I figured with a title, all that shit would be laid to rest, but it wasn't,"

"It wasn't. Now, here we are a few months later, dealing with this shit. So, if I did decide to be your girlfriend again, this is some shit I have to know I won't keep dealing with,"

The both of us made direct eye contact, and it ensured me that I had his undivided attention and that he was paying great attention to my words.

"But you won't, Zo,"

"Yeah, you said the same thing at the start of our relationship and look at where we are now? Words ain't enough no more, Sincere, so how am I supposed to know you mean the shit that you say?'

He sighed heavily, looking away from me for a cool second before he reached over and grabbed my hand out of my lap. He gently rubbed his thumb over the top of it and he gently kissed it before speaking again.

"Look-- I know there's nothin' I can say to make you feel otherwise, and I understand that. I'm the blame for it-- I get it. But, these past few weeks have made me realize that I can't have you outta my life. I'm ashamed that it took for all of this shit to happen for me to realize that, but sometimes you really don't know how good something is until you lose it."

I stared at him as he paused for a second before he continued to speak, "I know it's my fault we are the way we are, and I'm sorry for that. I don't know what I expected the outcome of my actions to be, but I never had intentions on breakin' your heart and pushin' you out of my life. I said it before and I'll say it now, I'll do whatever it takes to have you back in my corner, Zo. I need you, baby,"

He was making this a lot harder on me than I intended.

When he asked me to spend the day with him, I didn't expect us to be taking a road to recovery, but here we were. I'm glad that he was taking accountability for his actions and wrongdoings-- it's not like he had much of a choice-- but, it was going to take a lot more than some words and a trip to his Mother's house to win me back.

I sighed heavily, "I'm gonna be honest, Sincere. As much as I miss you and do want us to be together, I don't know if I'm ready to jump right back into a relationship and have all of this pick up where it left off. I mean, it's obvious that the foundation we once had wasn't the most solid one--"

"What you mean our foundation wasn't solid?" I could tell by his tone that he was about to start getting defensive, and that was bound to lead into an argument; but if he wanted to piss his own self off on his day, then he could do that. The only thing I was doing was disclosing my truth and keeping it all the way hot with him.

If he couldn't respect or accept that, then maybe we shouldn't be together.

"I mean, at the very beginning, it started off as solid but then you stopped being honest,"

"That don't mean our foundation wasn't solid. I told you-- the way I feel for you and the love I have for you is all real. That's 100%,"

"Okay, but your motives and intentions weren't, Sincere and that's the issue. If our foundation was so solid, it wouldn't have crumbled the way it did, especially in the amount of time it did," He sighed heavily.

I could tell from his demeanor that he was getting fed up with the topic at hand, cause for some reason he hated to be reminded of his own actions.

I was getting tired of it my damn self, but he can't just expect for all of this shit to be swept under the rug just because I was showing him a little bit of love now.

"Okay, so what is it that you wanna do?" He asked, finally turning to look at me.

"I think that we should start over and try again, but take things slow and do it right this time," I could sense his defeat and see the disappointment in his eyes. It made me feel so bad and I hated it. Not only because I didn't want to disappoint him, but also because I was the one done wrong, yet I still had a soft spot for him.

I smacked my lips, "Sincere, please don't do that. Look at me," I reached across the console and gently grabbed his face so he'd look at me.

"This isn't a rejection of our relationship and your feelings, Sincere. I promise it's not. It's just that— It's hard to put your needs in front of my own right now and I feel like we owe it to ourselves and each other to do it the right way, you know?"

He nodded and I continued to speak. "I don't like doing this breaking up and making up bullshit-- I've been through it too many times and I'd much rather just be with you instead of doing the back and forth,"

I paused, "I just-- I just want us to do it right this time so the both of us don't lose,"

"Lose what?"

"Each other."

He inhaled and exhaled heavily before nodding, "As much as I hate it because I want you as my girl, I respect it. You deserve the best out of me, and I told you that I'm willin' to do whatever to get you back. So if startin' over is what you wanna do, I'm wit' it,"

I smiled and nodded, "Okay, good," I held his face in my hands and kissed his cheek twice before removing the keys from the ignition and grabbing my purse.

We both exited the car and I locked the doors before tossing his keys over to him.

"Do this mean we can't kiss and get down no more?" He asked, draping his arm over my shoulder as we walked towards his Mother's door step. "Mmh—let me think about the kissing but we're definitely not having sex,"

He smacked his lips and groaned, "Yo, it's my birthday— you can't make an exception just this one time?"

I chuckled and reached into my purse for a piece of gum.

"You think your mom is gonna like me?" I asked, trying to change the subject. He picked up on my deflection tactic and he side-eyed me as he looked on his key ring for the key to his Mom's door.

"Yo, answer my question," I shoved the piece of gum into my mouth and stared at him with a smirk. "I'll think about it now answer my damn question— the most important one,"

We both knew I was gonna end up giving it up before his birthday was over, so he didn't have a reason to be so pressed.

"Yeah she gon' like you. She like everybody," I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes as he stuck the key in the door. "I'm not everybody, Sincere,"

He glanced over at me as he unlocked the door, "You gon' be fine, babe. She'll love you, I promise. You know how I know?" He asks, leaning a bit closer and I stared at him, still doubtful and anxious about meeting his mother.

It's been years since I've had to meet someone's parents. It was nerve-wrecking then, but the intensity of that seemed to increase. I don't know if it's because maybe despite our circumstances, my relationship with Sincere was probably the most serious one in my lifetime

I also didn't know what to expect, especially since he and I weren't officially together.


"Because I love you," He pecked my lips. "Come on," He got the door open and he grabbed my hand so I'd follow behind him as stepped inside. "Go ahead and take ya' shoes off,"

The smell of cinnamon and apple danced within my nostrils and the warmth of the home gave it a very welcoming feeling, so maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

"Mama!" He calls out and moments later, a mid-aged appeared from the kitchen with a spoon in hand and an apron wrapped around her obviously expensive garments.

His mother was absolutely gorgeous.

She couldn't have been any taller than 5'2, with a cute, petite little frame to suit her height. Her skin was of a beautiful Brown mahogany tone and by the glow of it and lack of wrinkles, it's obvious she took great care of it and just her overall being.

"Hi, my baby! Happy birthday!" The two of them hugged each other and I stood back and just watched the interaction with a smile. It was blatantly obvious he loved his mother and she loved her son just as much.

"Thanks, ma. What you got cookin' in there, it smell good,"

"I'm making your favorite— Uh-oh! Who's this, Sincere?" His mother's attention averted over to me and I smiled shyly.

"Ma, this is my friend Zo. Zo, this is my beautiful mother, Gloria," He introduced us and I smiled, extended my hand but she looked at me like I was crazy. "Uh-uhn, I give hugs, baby. Get over here," I smiled and leaned in for a hug and she brought me into her warm embrace.

"You are gorgeous! Sincere, is this the girl you've been talking about since Summer?" His mother asks and just the fact she said that had me over the moon.

I cheesed harder at the thought of him raving about me to his Mother.

"Aww! Forreal, Sin?" I asked with a smile and he smacked his lips, fighting off a smile as he waved both me and his mother off. "Yeah, whatever. You know what it is," He says and I shook my head while his mother looked at the both of us with a smile.

"Ms. Gloria, it is a pleasure to meet you,"

"The pleasure's all mine, sweetheart. So, tell me, where are you from?"

"Oakland, California,"

"Oh, okay! West coast girl! What made you come all the way out here?" The both of us began to walk towards her kitchen as we conversed, leaving Sincere behind.

"I actually transferred from UCLA to NYU," She raised her eyebrows, obviously impressed with what she was hearing. "Gorgeous and educated? Hey, watch out now," I smiled bashfully and thanked her.

Meeting his mother was an experience. She was the sweetest, most entertaining woman I've met in a long time. She was very smart and she had a lot of depth to her, and that woman could throw down!

She made Pepper steak with rice, corn and also some bread rolls. Then to top it all off, she baked Sincere a cake in a Bundt pan with two candles on it- 27.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Sincere! Happy birthday to
you!" We sang to him and he sat there, shaking his head as that cute, bashful smile displayed on his face.

"Go ahead and make a wish, old man," I joked and he glanced at me, bringing laughter to both me and his mother. "You got jokes,"

He closed his eyes for a brief moment and I could see him mouthing something before he finally blew his candles out.

"Alright, who wants cake?"

I put my hand on my stomach. "Ms. Gloria, if I eat anymore, I might explode,"

"That's okay, baby, I'll just send some home with you. Sin, baby, you want some cake?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I'm good, mama. Thank you,"

He started to stretch within his seat at the table and he put his fist up to his mouth as he yawned. "Uh-oh, he sleepy," His mother says and he chuckled.

For her to know her son so well was beautiful. As grown as he was, she knew him like the back of her hand and I loved that.

"Whatever," I laughed as he waved her off and that's when she swiped her finger against the edge of the cake and swiped it across his nose and mouth.

I cracked up at the expression on his face. He looked up at his mother who laughed too. "Aww! I love you, bookie!" She kissed his temple before heading back into the kitchen.

I just stared at him with a smile and he reached for a napkin so he could wipe his face. "That's funny?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Y'all have a good relationship,"

He shrugged, "It's definitely gotten better over the years, but that's my mama. I love her and appreciate her beyond words,"

I nodded, "As you should— let me see this," I grabbed the napkin from him and wiped the frosting from the side of his nose, since he seemed to miss that part.

"Have you thought about it?" He asks and I furrowed my eyebrows as I started to play dumb. "Thought about what?"

He smacked his lips and smiled, "Word? You gon' play like that?"

I smirked and shook my head, "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and he nodded. "Aight, bet,"

I chuckled to myself, reaching into my pocket to grab my pager that was buzzing. I flipped it open and saw that Kori was paging me, inquiring about her vehicle. Apparently she was going out tonight and she needed her car back ASAP.

"I gotta get Kori's car back to her," I informed Sincere and he nodded. He stood up and went into the kitchen where his mother was and a few moments later, his mother came back into the dining room.

"I hate you have to go so soon! I didn't even get a chance to show you Bookie's baby pictures," She teased and I laughed. Just as she finished her statement, he walked in the dining room with his shoes and jacket on, with two plastic bags in hand.

"Nah, you've embarrassed me enough, old lady."

She glanced at him, "Negro, you better watch that word,"

I chuckled before finally responding, "Maybe we'll get around to it next time. Thank you so much for your hospitality, Ms. Gloria," I smiled and she returned it.

"Of course! I like you so far, Ms. girl! Here— take my number and we'll chat, okay?" I nodded and grabbed the piece of paper from her before we both hugged again.

While we hugged, I saw Sincere watching us with a smile and I flipped him off.

He nodded with a wide smile and he started to rub his hands together and I did my best to hold my laugh in.

After saying his final goodbyes to his mother, I slipped my jacket and shoes on before grabbing my purse and we were out after that.

"You wanna drive?" He asked as we approached the car and I shook my head.

With that, he unlocked the doors and I got inside before getting comfortable and strapping myself in.

He handed me the bags his mother had given him and I set them on the floor in between my legs so he could get comfortable.

"Damn, you got my seat all the way pushed up,"

I smacked my lips and squinted my eyes, "You acting like it was pushed back hella far in the first place?"

"What you tryna say?" He asked and I laughed, "What you think? You're not that tall, Sincere,"

He smacked his lips and waved me off, "Yeah, whatever. What I lack in height, I make up for with the size of my dick and I ain't heard no complaints from you, so," He shrugged and backed out of his mother's driveway.

I sat in my seat, speechless as hell but the smile on my face was telling enough of my thoughts. "Alright then,"

I shook my head and crossed my arms, "Whatever, nigga,"

He chuckled and reached over to grab my thigh. "What you doin' this weekend?"


"What time you get off on Saturday? I wanna take you to Mooreland's," I inhaled deeply and shook my head, "You sure make it hard to say no,"

He only smiled and continued to drive while he chewed on the piece of gum I'd given him after dinner.

"I get off at 6:30, so come get me at 8,"

He nodded, "It's a date then," He stopped at a red light and that's when he turned his head in my direction so he could look at me. "What you lookin' at?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked over at him.

"My future," I smacked my lips and that's when he squeezed my thigh, causing me to jump a bit. "That tickles, stop,"

He chuckled and accelerated his car once the light turned green and he massaged my thigh gently the entire way back to his place.

He definitely was not slick with those actions of his. He put me in the exact mood he intended for me to be in, but that didn't mean he'd be getting it so easy.

As soon as we got in his house, he flicked on the light and he set the bags on the counter before coming over to me and pulling me closer to him.

"I gotta get ready to go— Sincere," I breathed out as he swiftly eased my turtle neck down and kissed and licked the spot on my neck.

He knew exactly what spots to target to make me go weak in the knees and forget about anything that didn't involve him at the particular moment.

Being pressed up against him allowed me to feel the bulge in his jeans that only continued to grow as he kissed and felt all over my body.

He pressed me up against the nearest wall and he kissed my lips as he unbuttoned my jeans and eased his hands into my panties and I instantly moaned against his lips once I felt him tease the most sensitive part of me.

"Sincere, I gotta go," I whispered and he just continued on with his actions, going faster with it and it made me moan out and my mind went blank.

I could to my focus on the pleasure he was giving to me at this moment. His actions were so subtle but they had me on edge. Sometimes less was more because this was one of the greatest acts of pleasure and intimacy.

"Promise me you'll call when you get home so I can come see you," I could feel his lips against my ear and that's when he started to suck my earlobe.

This was insane.

I hated how he had made it so easy for me to be so low on self control. But, I guess I also had to take some accountability because I didn't even have to let him get to this point; yet we're here.

My back arched as the sounds of his actions started to echo through his silent home. "I promise, baby," I bit my lip and after a few moments, right as I was about to reach my peak, he stopped.

I could never deny this man even if I wanted to.

"Sincere! Wait—" He pulled his hand out of my pants and looked at me with a smile.

"Go take Kori her car,"


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