Another Weasley (Draco Malfoy)

By kiwi_dino_lover

437K 8.8K 1.6K

What if a Weasley fell in love with a Malfoy? Bella Weasley, twin to Ginny Weasley, is going into her first y... More



4.5K 105 4
By kiwi_dino_lover

Bella's POV

"There here"

I stood up. "Hide" I warn them and run out the hall with Draco. We run to the bottom of the astronomy tower and there are two death eaters guarding the door. Draco turns to me and takes my hands in his grasp. "Stay here baby" he whispers. "No Draco, I'm coming with you" I demand and look him in the eyes. He turns to the two death eaters and mouths something and then I feel two arms grab me from behind. I look back to see one death eaters holding my wrists. I turn back to Draco with tears in my eyes. "I can't let you see this" he whispers and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Dray, Draco. Let me go you son of a bitch" I struggle against the death eaters grip as Draco walks up the stairs.

I stomp on his foot and elbow him in the ribs. His grip tightens and I wiggle out of it. As I'm about to run up the stairs, I hear:

"Petrificus Totalus"

My body goes numb and I freeze in my spot. Then I feel myself tip backwards and come in contact with the cold floor. The death eaters walk up to me and pull me up. I try to scream but my mouth is glued shut and my eyes start to start from not being able to close them. "I don't think so sweetheart" the death eater sneers and pulls me harshly down the stairs. The spell is taken off me and I can feel my limbs moving. "Let me go" I cry and struggle in his grip but he keeps a tight hold. 

Snap walks past and stares at us. He slowly walks up the stairs and through the doorframe. I hear people talking but I can't quite hear them but one thing is clear. But it's not Draco's voice.

"Avada kadavra"

A green light shins from the doorframe in the wall and through a crack in the wall, I see Dumbledores lifeless body fall to the ground. A tear trickles down my cheek as I hear a crackle coming from Bellatrix. I run up the stairs as the death eater lets go of me and see them all at the  balcony and there's a snake engraved in the sky. I lock eyes with Draco and we both run to each other. Our body's collide and he collapses into me. "I-I didn't, I couldn't, I couldn't" he cry when no one's looking. "Shh, I know baby, I know" I stroke his hair and I slowly pull away. I wipe his tear with my thumb and entangle out hands.

All the death eaters, and me, were at Hagrids hut, Bellatrix's psychopathic laugh filling my ears. "SNAPE!" we hear and snap our heads to the voice. Harry. "HE TRUSTED YOU!" We then hear a bang behind us and snap our heads back. Draco stumbles back, pulling me along, when he sees Hagrids house set on fire. We both walk to the side and I snuggle into him, scared and col, and he rubs my arm back and forth. He shoots a speed at Snape but he blocks it. "FIGHT BACK, YOU COWARD, FIGHT BACK"  he screams. He then gets thrown on the floor as Bellatrix shoots a spell at him. "No, he belongs to the Dark Lord" Snape says and Bellatrix walks back. She looks at me and smirks then comes up to me. "But she doesn't" she grabs my chin harshly and snaps it up to meet her eyes.

Then, I feel the cold floor beneath me and I hit my head. My vision goes blurry but I can see that we're not at Hagrids hut anymore. I look up to see Bellatrix standing over me and smirking at me. "Let have some fun"

Draco's POV
One minute, Bella was in my grasp, the next she was gone from my arms. I look around frantically. No, no, no. "BELLA!?" I scream hoping to hear a response, but all I'm faced with is silence. Tear spill from my eyes as I apparate to the Manor. "Mother" I shout and she comes rushing to me. "What's wrong"
"Bella-Bella's missing" I cry and collapse into her arms. "Shhh, we'll find her" she soothes and hugs me.

Bella's POV
Bellatrix drags me to a cold room and throws me down. My head cracks as it hits the floor and blood trickles out of it. "P-please" I whisper, breathlessly. She gets on top of me and drags a dagger across my cheek. "What to do with you" I then feel my skin being split open and I let out a scream. She smirks at my pain and hold the dagger to my neck. I slowly close my eyes and open them again. She takes the dagger off my neck and I sigh in relief. She gets up and walks towards the door but turns around. "And don't even think about escaping" she cackles and walks out the room. I just lay there, exhausted, and a tear comes out of my eye. My vision is blurt and I'm in a puddle of blood. I'm hungry and tired but afraid to fall asleep unless she comes in again. I close my eyes and just lay there.

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