Is this real love? [Tom Kauli...

By AyoTokio

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Jazmine is a girl who lived in Halle and she had no friends. Her dad is offered a new job in a new town.. Lei... More

New Town, New school life...
New love awaits for me.
Can't stop thinking about you.
Wait, what just happened?
What is happening to me.(Tom)
Let's start a career
Talk with music managers and start recording
Jazmine, here I come.
Feels good to be home.
Goodbye Tom.. (I don't want you to leave)
Years pass, they remain in touch.. What will happen now?
This will be an exciting week.
Friday.. Day of concert, what will happen?
Is the feeling real?
Months go by...
Final moments...
My love is stronger now..
Stay with me forever.
Love is in the air.
Everything is coming together.

More great days of this week.

568 6 3
By AyoTokio

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I open my eyes. I find myself sleeping to the sexiest man I think alive. I smile and lay my head on his chest. I start thinking about all the good times we had as kids. Think about what we have become now. He is a famous musician and i'm.... i'm still living my childhood dream of drawing. I never thought I would be the one to date Tom, or anyone similar to him. Sometimes, the best things happen when your young, and they can stay with you forever.

Wearing nothing but Tom's t-shirt, I get out of bed, grab my drawing book, and sit outside. As I waited for the boys to wake up, I felt inspired to draw, a boyfriend and girlfriend laying down on the beach as fireworks fly in the sky.

2 hours later....

I went down stairs to make the guys some food. I found some pizzas in the freezer so I 'made' that.

"Hey babe."  I heard a voice say.

I turn around to see Tom standing in the doorway. He was wearing only his boxers. *-* He slowly walked to me and started kissing my neck.

"are the guys up yet? I made you all pizza." I say

"I don't think they are up yet.." Tom says.

Tom starts moving his hands down on my lower back until my butt. he squeezes hard and then he picks me up and puts me on the counter. I stroke my hands on his neck and down his back. I jump off the counter, turn off the oven and I run to my room while he chases me.

We stop at my doorway. He grabs my waist.. I turn around, pulling him in my room and I close the door. We kiss until we are at the edge of my bed. I lay down and he lays on top of me. I slide up to the pillow..

Minutes later...

"Ich liebe dich Jazmine."

"Ich liebe dich auch Tom."

We kiss more. His body is so warm. His lips are so soft. He is so perfect.

Finally, we get up to see if the guys are up yet. I'm still wearing Tom's shirt and he has boxers and his pants on. We walk down the hall to see if the guys are awake..... They were not there. So we walk downstairs and find them in the kitchen.

"We smell the food, but we can't find it." Bill says

I sighed and pull the pizzas out of the oven. I cut slices and Tom grabs the plates. I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat.

"Jazmine, why won't you eat? You have barely eaten since we have been here.. What's wrong?" Tom asks

"Nothing is wrong. I'm fine, just not hungry."

"I worry about you babe."

"There is nothing to worry about.. I love you"

"Ja.. I love you to babe."

"So is there any plans for today?" I ask

No answer until...

"ehh, I was thinking about going go-carting." Georg said

"ooh that would be fun." I said like a nerd

"let's do that then" Bill says.

Once the guys finish eating, they went upstairs and got ready. I put their plates away and went upstairs to change. I put on skinny jeans and a graffiti-ed shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and as I was walking to my bathroom to put make-up on, Tom says to me,

"don't do it. I know that your about to put make-up on.. I love you better without it."

I turned to him,

"Okay, I won't.. I'm going to brush my teeth."

I continued walking to my bathroom. When I finished brushing my teeth, I stared at my make-up bag. I wanted to put some on... But I didn't. I walked out to find the guys downstairs already. I grabbed my house key from the table and went into the car.

We drove for about a half hour..

We arrive at the place, and race for about 3 hours.

We get back into the car and drive home..

"that was so much fun. I wish I would have won though." I say

"yea it was, but no one could ever have beaten me." Tom says

"yea right! You didn't even come close to beating me Tom!" Bill says.

They argue for about 10 minutes in German.. Georg and Gustav look scared...

We get to my neighborhood and we drive past Bill and Toms old house. Fans are still sitting outside.

"unbelievable that the fans are still sitting out there." I say

"yea, we have the best fans in the world. They will do anything to see us. They are always there when we need help, or someone else needs help.. They are like family, not just a group of people that like the same band. We give all of our love to them, and they support us so much"  Bill says.

We get home and go to our rooms. I went to brush my teeth with Tom and we went off to my bedroom. Being extremely tired, I just threw my clothes on the floor and crawled into bed. Tom did the same thing. We fell asleep fast, waiting until tomorrow comes...


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today felt like a lazy day. I didn't want to go anything but draw. My stomach starting hurting. My head was spinning. I walked downstairs to grab some food. My stomach wasn't hurting anymore, but my head still hurt. Anyway, I walked back upstairs to go on my computer. I saw that I had a new email from the Universität von Leipzig.. They want to reschedule to today instead of Sunday in about an hour. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my drawing folder and ran downstairs. I asked the driver if he wouldn't mind driving to the Universität. (the driver sleeps in the extra bedroom we have downstairs) He said yes, and we quickly got to the car and drove off. 

"Thanks for.. for driving me." 

" You're welcome. I am happy to drive you anywhere you need to go."

We arrive at the school.

"Wait for me here please."

"of course."

I got out and walked to the front desk.

An older lady was sitting at the desk.

"Hallo, ms. How may I help you?"

"Hallo, i'm here for an interview.. My name is Jazmine."

"ah yes. They told me you were coming today instead of Sunday."

"Yes ma'am. Do you know why they rescheduled me?"

"Yes. The professor had a death in the family and the funeral is Sunday."

"i'm so sorry to here that."

"Don't say anything please. I not supposed to tell anyone."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything."

"Thank you ms.Jazmine. Now please have a sit over there and I will let the professor know you are here."

"Okay thank you."

I take a sit. I starting thinking if the guys are up. Wondering if they are looking for me. I think about, 'what if the professor doesn't like my art work'? What will I do then? Move cities, even the country? I think that I would do anything, to reach my dreams.

"Ms. Jazmine" I hear a voice say

I turn around to see a young man, Tall brown short hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a black suit and carrying a clipboard. I walk towards him.

"Hallo, Ms. Jazmine.. My name is Professor Wilson."

"Hallo. Nice to meet you."

"Alright, let's take a walk to my office."

I follow behind him. We walk left and up some stairs. His office is on the second door on the right. We step in and I close the door behind me. He has a great view out his window. There is a desk, computer, and two leather chairs in front of the desk.

The walls are painted green and there are a lot of pictures hung up.

"beautiful office."

"thank you. Have a sit please."

I sit down.

"Ms. Jazmine, as a look down at your school grades, I notice that you were in all honors classes and received all 1's on your note."(1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=F *note= Grades)

"Yes, sir."

"that is very impressive."

"thank you very much."

*We talk for a while.*

"alright.. Let's take a look at your drawings."

I pulled out my drawings from the folder. He intensely stares at each one.

"these drawings... These drawings are incredible, better than some of my students now. How long have you been drawing?"

"Thank you and I have probably have been drawing ever since I could write. Drawing is my passion."

"Well you definitely have an amazing skill."

"thank you."

"how about you start school here in the fall?"

"I love to. Thank you so much."

"you're welcome. I will email you the drawings and list of supplies needed for the class, and when the class will start."

"okay, thank you so much again."

I grabbed my drawing and put them back in my folder. I waved good-bye and walked downstairs.

I walked into the car, and we started driving off.

"how did it go?"

"it went great! I got in the school. I start sometime in the Fall."

"I'm happy for you."

"thank you."

When we got home, it was about 18:00 (6:00 p.m.)

We walked in the front door and saw that the guys were all sitting in the living room watching Viva. (German music channel)

"hallo guys." The driver and I say.

The driver went into the kitchen, grabbed some food and went into the bedroom

Tom jumped up and ran towards me He started hugging me.

"hallo Jazmine." They all say

"Tom missed you very much. He wouldn't stop talking about you. Thank goodness you are here now." Bill said

"Jazmine, where were you? I was so worried."

"My interview got rescheduled to today, not Sunday. So I went down to the Universität...

"What. What are you talking about?? Universität?"

"oh yea. I didn't tell you yet. The night I got your package with the tickets, I went and watched you guys on tv, which was amazing, The same night I was drawing random stuff. After that, I went on my computer and looked up some drawing school here in Leipizig. Universität was the first school that came up. I applied to it, and my interview was supposed to be Sunday, but the professor rescheduled me to today. So I went down there, and had my interview with Professor Wilson. I got in the school Tom!"

"Wow, that's amazing! Great job.. When do you start?"

"I don't know. Sometime in Fall. He said that he will email me when I start,"

"Well let's go check your email."

We walk upstairs to my room and open up my email. I read,

"Jazmine.. Great job at your interview on Wednesday, June 11, 2008. The requirements are as followed:

Printing paper, Pencils, erasers, Sketch book, colored pencils, folders, and * crayons/markers if desired. You will start classes on October 20, 2008. Can't wait to have you in class.

sincerely, Professor Wilson."

"ok, so I still have to time get all the stuff I need."

"This is just amazing. I'm so proud of you."

"Awe, thanks Tom."

We walk downstairs and the guys walk to the car. We were all hungry so we went out to eat. I grabbed the driver and we walked to the car.

We drove to a cafe place about 30 minutes away.


We got back to the car and drove home.The fans are still waiting outside.

We get inside, and we all go to our rooms. Tom and I feel asleep fast.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's finally Thursday. Tomorrow is the concert. I'm so excited for it. I got out of bed, and grabbed my sketch book. I went out to my balcony and sat down. I could the fans saying,

"Wir wollen Tokio Hotel!" "Wir wollen Tokio Hotel!" "Wir wollen Tokio Hotel!" (We want Tokio Hotel)

They wouldn't shut up! It got really annoying after a while. Anyway, I drew random stuff, Like I always do.

I hear my bedroom door open. I turn around and see Bill standing in my doorway. I wave my hand signaling to Come over here. He comes over and sits next to me.

"Hi Jazmine."

"Hi Bill. Is everything okay?"

"Yea I guess. Just nervous for the concert tomorrow."

"You shouldn't be nervous. You guys will be amazing! We will go today and check out the venue, and you guys will do a sound check."

"Yea, we should get going soon to. Everyone is up except for Tom. You should wake him up."


We went back in my room and I put my sketch book on my desk. I walked over to my bed and I jumped on top of Tom I said

"Wake up Tom. We have to go to Dortmund soon."

I kissed his cheek. Bill walked back to his room,

"Come on Tom honey, Wake up!"

I start kissing all over his face and chest.

He finally wakes up and we change spots. Now i'm laying on the bed and he is on top of me. He starts kissing down my neck and to my chest. I squeeze his cute little butt.

"No! Not now Tom, later when we come back from Dortmund."

He stops and we get dressed. We went downstairs with the guys, and grabbed a quick breakfast. Then we walk to the tour bus. Fans start standing up and screaming. We quickly ran onto the tour bus and drove away. Luckily no fans got on.

We make it Dortmund, Germany and we get to the venue. The guys grab their instruments and we walk off the bus into the place. It is HUGE. I think could hold 80,000 people. They walk up on stage and get set up. I sit in front of the stage while they practice.

Several hours later...

"alright that sounded good, Now let's work on how we are going to perform."  I hear Bill say

i'm laying on the floor almost asleep.

"Hey Bill, could we take a 5 minute break please?" Tom says

"alright. 5 minutes. be back here."

I hear foot steps walking off the stage. I look up and see Tom about to pick me up. He picks me up and we go on the bus. We walk to the back and he places me on the bed.

 I close my eyes, and he whispers,

"I will be back soon babe."

Then he leaves. I fall asleep..

about 2 hours later... (it's 12:00 a.m)

I hear the guys laughing as they walk on the bus. I hear the door open, Tom, and Bill walk in. Gustav and Georg sleep on the couch. i'm lying toward the wall and I feel Tom get in the bed. He starts kissing my neck.. I say,

"wait until tomorrow after the concert Tom."

He seemed a little upset.. Oh well, he turned away from me, and we all fell asleep.. Until tomorrow...


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