I Need You (SasuNaru)

By limv3000

57.5K 1.5K 1.5K

Sasuke and Naruto have been friends since childhood, they were inseparable and loved each other. Unfortunate... More

Charcter things~


1.7K 41 25
By limv3000

~Sasuke's POV~
My Family lived on the outskirts of konoha, about 3 or 4 hours away. Me and Naruto live just outside of konoha in a smaller town, but since our family owns a large company we have to move into the city once we're in high school. We could've already lived in the city and went to the middle school there but our parents wanted us to enjoy the quiet and the woods before we had to live by tons of people and hear cars all the time. Also the middle school we are going to right now has a much higher success rate, and really good teachers. There's not a whole ton of kids but that's because, even though they are a good school, it's not well known. We have a lot of smart kids in our class, all of our elementary school bullies will probably move to the city.

We've been driving for about 2 hours now and I already miss Naruto. There wasn't much to see when going to the outskirts, just a lot of trees or sand. It was pretty hot out today too, if I were with Naruto we would have been swimming in the creek or river by now. Both me and Naruto skipped the last day of school, he's probably extremely bored by now.

~Naruto's POV~
OMG IT'S SO BORING. Almost right when Sasuke left, I had no idea what to do. I don't want to go to the last day of school, because it's too depressing. My school planned a '6th grade graduation' party for us, we all had the gowns and caps, which was a little unnecessary since we're just going to middle school and I will be graduating high school later anyway, that's when the gowns and caps matter. I didn't towel like going to the graduation without Sasuke, so after a little bit of thinking I decided to walk to the treehouse. The treehouse holds many memories, like when I fell out and Sasuke had to carry me back since I hurt my leg. Sasuke is pretty strong and he can carry me easily, I can carry him but there's a limit to how long before my legs give out. It's not that he's heavy it's just that my legs aren't that strong, my arms are though since I do push-ups and arm workouts. I only even did that because I got bullied a lot when we were younger, usually when Sasuke wasn't there. Sasuke, unlike me, doesn't skip leg day.

There have been so many times where I felt like I was in love with Sasuke, like how my parents are in love with each other. I know it sounds weird, but believe me I've tried pushing it off but I can't.

Sasuke has always been there for me, he's always been passionate about things and he's open about how he feels. Yeah he teases me a lot but sometimes I wish it wasn't always just teasing, sometimes I wish he actually means it when he says he want to marry me, it surprised me when he wanted to kiss me. Obviously I was happy and I felt like things were lifted off my shoulders but I don't know how he felt. At first I thought he was just bored, but then he asked for more, and started crying.

I've been wanting to tell my parents but I never had the courage to tell them. I honestly don't even know what I am, I've never had a crush on a girl before, I've only felt this way towards Sasuke, not any other boys. So am I just gay for one person ? I have no idea, so while Sasuke is away I am going to try and talk to my parents. It'll be hard but I think it's going to be fine. My parents have never even acted homophobic, when they see gay couples they always say something like 'aww that's so cute' or 'I'm glad they're happy' and then they talk about how it's great that their so open about the relationship.  So I have a feeling that if I came out to them, they will be very supportive. Then again I don't know if Sasuke feels the same or if Sasuke's parents would be supportive.


Gosh that woman is so vulgar. Every time she calls us back she has to use the word 'ass', she could just yell politely like any other mother that yells at their children.

I start making my way back and slowly my house comes into view. My mother is standing on the back porch and that's when I realized how long I was gone for, the sun was setting and I could smell dinner. I walked up and for some reason I just felt ready. Obviously I didn't tell them though. It was a pretty calm night, we ate dinner, watched a movie, the. So was off to bed.

I walked into my room and stared at where me and Sasuke laid last night, where we kissed. I could feel my face heating up and my heart beating again, even though he wasn't here that memory enough makes me want to kiss him again. I quickly tried to push away the thought and got dressed into my orange pajamas. I stared at the ceiling for a long time and hugged my pillow. I miss Sasuke.

~Sasukes POV~
That ride felt like forever. We finally made it my cousins home, and honestly it was a pretty big home. They all lived in this kinda thing, it's like and apartment complex. They all live really close together and stuff. I got out of the car and everyone is waiting outside for us. My uncle Madara, he was kinda old but didn't look like it. He was exactly 37 some might say young, but he's says he's old, he has really long and crazy black hair and refuses to cut it. H always has a friend over too, his name is Hashirama, he was a pretty chill guy, nice and really respectful. Hashirama had a brother and for some reason he didn't really like us, so I never see him. My cousin, Obito had short black hair and he was like 21, young and really funny. Naruto would definitely like him, and on the bright side, Obito already knew Minato. I guess Minato was teaching him and two other students for something, I don't really know but Obito wants to work with Minato, along with his friend Kakashi. Kakashi was over pretty  frequently and Obito had a huge crush on this girl named Rin who was also one of the two students. Tim was really nice and smart, while Kakashi was just a closet perv. Shisui was the same age as Itachi, 17. both just graduated high school. Itachi had an early graduation though since he was ahead of everyone, well actually both of them were child prodigies and graduated a year early. Izuna was a pretty quiet guy, he was Madara's brother and I guess he was the only one to be fired Tobirama. Weirdly but we don't ask questions.

I think Naruto would love them all. I think they would love Naruto, we were a lovely family even though we looked scary at times. Naruto's family was never even intimidated you us, they were just the brightest family ever. Literally. Both Naruto and Minato had the brightest blonde hair and Kushina had bright red hair. All Natural.

"WELCOME" yelled Obito, Kakashi walking behind him.

"Hello Obito, it's been awhile" my mother said as she gave him a hug.

"I've missed you Auntie, you rember Kakashi right?"

"Oh yes! Of course. How have you been kakashi"  my mother asked giving him a nice smile.

"I've been good, it's nice to see you again" he smiled back, usually he wears a mask but he's trying to be respectful, so he took it off.

"Kakashi, Obito" said my father walking up behind my mother, suitcases in hand.

"Oh! Uncle it's been too long!" Obito said as he jumped up and gave my father a hug, they both had a daft spot for each other. My father says that Obito reminds him of Naruto. Kakashi walks up to my father and held his hand out for a shake, my father and Kakashi shook hands and started a random conversation.

"Hello Sasuke" I heard madara from behind me.

"Oh, hello uncle" I said shaking his hand.

"You must be sad, being away from your little friend" he said while giving me a small smile. He knew Naruto?

"How do you know Naruto?"

"Your parents tell me about him, sounds like a good kid"

"How much did they tell you?" Did they tell him about my crush?!?

"They've told a lot" he said while chuckling a bit.

"Hi Sasuke!!" I heard Izuna come up from behind Madara, he had a low ponytail, kinda like Itachi's.

"Hello Izuna, it's been awhile" I said while shaking his hand.

"Wooahh, you sound so grown up" he said giving me a good smile then turning to greet my mother and father. I looked up and Madara who had the dumbest smile on his face.

"What is it?" I asked, maybe I had something on face.

"Oh nothing, you've just grown so much, you remind me of your father" he laughed and looked over at my father who was now talking with Izuna. Madara slowly mad his way over and joined in the chat.

I looked over to see Itachi and Shisui talking, they have been best friends since they were kids. Suddenly both of them looked my way and made their way towards me.

"Hello Sasuke, it's been so long" said Shisui

"Why does everyone say that? We come and visit every year" Shisui just laughed while Itachi stood behind him.

"How's Naruto?"

So Shisui does remember him. When Shisui came over for the summer, he met Naruto and they got along pretty well, but Naruto was just a loud kid back then, he's changed and I'm pretty sure Shisui knows how I feel about Naruto.

"I'm surprised you remember him, and he's good"

"That's great! And how can I forget your precious husband!" he said a little too loud, now everyone was looking at me.

"Husband?" Obito said as everyone started walking towards me. Oh god, I hate all this unnecessary attention.

"I don't know what Shisui is talking about, I don't have a husband" I said trying to get off the topic.

"Oh really?" Said Madara as he slowly made his way towards us, he walks slow for no reason, his legs and body is fine, so I don't know.

"Yeah, really" I said in a more angry tone, hopefully they can see that I don't wanna talk about it.

"Oh son, you don't need to lie because we've been secretly telling them everything" said my mother as she giggled.

"What!" I yelled, I can't believe my parents went behind my back like that! I was planning on telling my family on my own, I wanted them to meet Naruto first. I guess it can't be helped.

"Fine, I guess most of you already know"

"Wait! I don't know" said Obito, Kakashi nodding behind him.

"Uh me neither what is going on?" Asked Izuna.

"I have a friend at home named Naruto, and I like them"

"Naruto is a pretty weird name for a gir-" Obito was saying before I cut him off.

"He's a guy"

I looked up at all of them, Obito looked a little surprised until Kakashi stepped in.

"By any chance, Is Naruto, Minato's son?" Asked Kakashi and then Obito was knocked back into reality

"Wait really?!?" He yelled

"Yea he is" Obito then looked at Kakashi and looked like he would cry.

"So our dear Sasuke will be marrying my teachers son, that's so cute!!" He yelled and hugged Kakashi.

"I'm happy for you Sasuke" said Izuna as he patted my back.

I felt a large weight lifted off my shoulders, I'm so happy that they all are supportive of us. Now the only obstacle is Naruto...

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