Bright Side | SOPE ( Book 1)

By kim_Chiisdelicious

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~You bring out my bright side~ ♧__________________________________♧ Min Yoongi, the basketball captain wh... More

Happy introduction
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Self promo
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
self promotion- 2
chapter 42

chapter 17

153 9 0
By kim_Chiisdelicious



"You should have seen Yoongi's face."

Jin laughed. Talking to Namjoon had been a necessary part of Jin's daily routine now. No matter how much his face shows unwillingness, he still talks to Namjoon like they are best friends.

"I guess he was just mad because, Taehyung would spend more time on Hoseok than on basketball."

Namjoon being him, tried to reason with the situation or 'scene' as Seokjin described.

"Hell no. If we don't practice much, Yoongi makes us wait for hours without mercy. He doesn't care where you spend the rest of your time, dating a new person each week or lounging on your bed."

Jin said with so much confidence like he was talking about himself and not some other person.

"I know him since the day he joined college. I am his senior. The day he came for the basketball trials and straightaway told us "i am the boss" when the guys tried to bully him a little by asking how good he was. It's been two years now. He might never agree but he is my closest friend. I know him well enough to know what it is without asking him what it is."

"Oh- i never realised."

Namjoon trailed off. He wasn't expecting Yoongi to be close to someone other than him. Or more importantly, with Jin. He didn't really wanted to say it out loud, but he felt jealous. Not because his roommate had another friend but because his roommate's 'another friend' was his crush.


Jin asked. He could see the distress on Namjoon's face. He wasn't good at hiding whats on his mind.

"Nothing. Since you both are so close- i mean- do you like him or something? You talk too fondly of him."

Namjoon was desperately trying to sound normal. But if you know Seokjin well, you would know he's the school heart throb and one of the smartest students to exist. Well, it wasn't for nothing. He could see right through you.

[Ci]"Ofcourse I like him. Kim Seokjin doesn't talk to people he doesn't like."

He smiled. Namjoon being Namjoon didn't take the hint. His mind spinning at the first sentence. So, Seokjin does like Yoongi.

His mind started spinning geometric diagrams of all the connections that have taken place. So, Hoseok is dating Taehyung( apparently) but Yoongi likes Hoseok( according to Jin) but Jin likes Yoongi while he likes Jin.

So whats the possibility of him confessing to Jin anytime sooner or in coming 2 years of college. No, just one year. Seokjin will graduate next year. Right now, its 0%.

The question that Namjoon had was how was Jin okay with Yoongi liking Hoseok and making fun of it like its nothing. But he was the Kim Seokjin. His acting major had to be used somewhere-

Jin kept blabbering something but Namjoon's mind was too into his own statistical parameters to pay attention. He couldn't think properly as if the world had turned foggy.


Its had been whole 4 days no one had mentioned anything about Hoseok and Taehyung's 'out of the blue' relationship. It isn't like Yoongi cares. No he doesn't.. he just.. he should have known.. shouldn't he?!!

It was finally the day of the meeting for budget distribution. And Jimin and Hoseok had all set up to get atleast 3, 500 dollars for the equipmental status. It had been 2 years the club was getting paid less than 2000 and the practise room looked like a dungeon, only people in it.

"Hey.. you sure? You and Hoseok, i mean-''

Jungkook wanted the details but Taehyung wouldn't budge. He just said, 'we talked often. Plus you know i'm the sweetest guy and everyone loves me. Hoseok is pretty caring and happy soul himself. So..'

Suspicious was an understatement to what Jungkook felt. He was damn sure Taehyung was straight and this sudden fondness was new to him too. He had heard Taehyung being lovey dovey to Hoseok but thats what he does to everyone near him.

''Hey girlfriend-"

Taehyung yelled catching everyone's eye. Like "everyone's" eye. All girls looked at each other as if asking who Taehyung was talking about. That was gonna be a big talk for coming few weeks now.

"For the love of god Taehyung. I am a man, not a girl. Atleast say boyfriend."

Hoseok signed after rolling his eyes. His face flushed with the other's actions but he still wanted to stand his point to his nuisance friend. I mean- even as a joke- he did not like being called girlfriend. He liked men and he was proud of it, that didn't hurt or reduce the masculinity in him.

"Forget it."

He said as he continued to bicker with Jimin over something written on his paper. Without realising that the entire gym was looking at him like he was dipped in gold or something.

Taehyung just giggled and made his way to the other players of his team. He literally found it funny, how every one was suddenly jealous when they found out. He and Hoseok both knew it was a joke, but he did not want to correct the misunderstanding. Hoseok did not mind, so why should he?! Plus, people would literally stay away from Hoseok if they think ge has a boyfriend.. so why nottt!

On the other hand, Yoongi, Seokjin, Jimin and Jungkook looked visibly tensed. Especially a said black haired guy with pale skin who could kill a certain blue haired alien with just his eyes. It almost felt like Taehyung was marking his territory in frontof the whole gym on purpose.

So they were dating indeed. He just let go of Hoseok for a few days and he already has a boyfriend. Plus, why does it have to be this idiot that he loves so much. Taehyung is a fool but he is actually like a little brother to Yoongi. And now he couldn'teven get jealous in peace, great. It would feel like he was wishing bad for his friend.

He honestly thought they were joking until Taehyung called Hoseok girlfriend infront of everyone. Humiliating enough, but Hoseok just corrected him and shrugged it off like its a fact. He seriously had some hard competition. First Jaebum, then Jin, now Taehyung, thankgod Namjoon and Jimin are not into the race or were they? At this rate, he would end up as a serial killer.


"So you and Taehyung are dating?"

Tyler smiled at Hoseok ever so softly. Well, 'unexpected situation but not unexpected question' Hoseok thought.

"Hey Tyler."

Jimin decided to speak up after some awkward seconds of silence without Hoseok's lack of response.

"Do you mind if he dates Taehyung?"

Jimin asked. Hoseok knew Jimin was being his sassy self. He had told Jimin, the boyfriend thing is just a joke Taehyung loves to do. He thinks Hoseok is too cute to be left alone and too sweet to be included in the bro code.

Jimin certainly understood. Taehyung and him were best friends in highschool, and Taehyung certainly did the same to him quite a few times to protect him from bullying at school, but things just changed in college somehow.

But he highly hated Tyler disturbing him and Hoseok to ask foolish questions. They were having a legit fight on what should be done with the new design of the cheerleading dress.

"Not really. But Taehyung of all people?!"

Tyler said with a proud smirk as if he didn't just insult someone. He was acting too innocent for Jimin's liking. And both Jimin and Hoseok did not like where this conversation was going.

"Haha. Why do you sound like you think you are better than Taehyung? Which i don't think is true, since Hoseok clearly made a choice. And a good one at that. Everyone knows Taehyung is the best option here, and nobody is stupid enough to let him go. Now please excuse us, we have important stuff to do."

No matter how many differences, Jimin might seem like a bitchy guy but no way in hell would he allow some trash to insult his Taetae nor judge Hoseok on who he dates. The world can go to hell and he hardly cares.


Tadaaaa- thats the end of today's chapter. Well.. just wanted to ask..
Would you guys like a Royalty Sope ff??

Thankyou for reading and voting. Make sure you comment and vote for the book to show your support. And take care. Eat well, sleep well. And freaking study. If you'll stop overthinking and freaking open the book right now, i know you'll atleast complete something tomorrow.

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