College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]

By WandaUK

88.1K 2.3K 1.1K

Follows the story of two university students one being Lizzie Olsen. #3 - Maximoff 20/5/21 #3 - Elizabeth Ols... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 35
Book 2

Part 21

2.6K 77 57
By WandaUK

Wednesday Afternoon soon came around, the day of Lizzie's drama society Christmas do which I really wasn't the most enthusiastic about going to. It wasn't that I didn't want to do something for Lizzie because I did everything I could for her, It was more the fact that it was a formal event which I always felt awkward and never mind the fact I only knew Lizzie who was going.

We had both decided to get ready in my room after having a chilled morning to ourselves watching a series that Lizzie had found. After a good binge session we began to get ready, As I gazed into the mirror that leant against my wall, I couldn't help but wonder just what kind of a party it was going to turn out to be.

'Hey what are you getting yourself worked out about?' Lizzie walked out of my bathroom after having a shower after me.

'Nothing I am just a bit tired' I smiled, Lizzie continued to walk over to me in a robe we had brought together for her to keep in my room for the amount of time she stayed over. Lizzie continued to walk over to me as the whole time she was in the shower all I had done was dry my hair. She straddled my lap as I sat in my desk chair.

'Ing, I can tell there's something, when we normally go out you are ready before I get out shower' She played her fingers through my freshly dried hair as I held her by her hips keeping her on my lap.

'New people and it being formal, I think I am just getting nervous' Admitted as I lead my head on her shoulder.

'Hey the formal bit only for a couple of hours and then we will be going out like a normal night out, you normal enjoy them' She cupped my face making me look up at her as she gave me reassurance. I turned my head so I could kiss the palms of her hands before picking her up to start getting ready.

The two of us sat onthe floor in front of my mirror doing our hair and make-up. Lizzie brushed my hair and carefully straighten it with a flat iron, each part she did she carefully laid the hot hair back on my skin. We occasionally shared glances and smiles as we silently continued to get ready. Once hair and make up was sorted we both changed into out outfits. Lizzie looked perfect in a fitted black dress that showed everything off perfectly, the black of her dress coordinated perfectly with my dark green jumpsuit.

'Can you zip me up?' I asked as I turned my back to Lizzie to do my outfit up.

I turned back around to see Lizzie biting her lip through her smile as she looked at my finished look. This look is what I imagine I look every time I see Lizzie, even when she has just woken up. In awe.

'Is this the look I was meant to go for?' I questioned as I straightened the trouser part of my jumpsuit out.

'You look amazing, My beautiful girlfriend' Lizzie announced which gave me a sense of confidence about this event.

'Are we ready to leave then?' I asked knowing the event started soon but the drama society were meeting in where they have have their weekly meetings first before going to the venue.

'Yes I just need to grab my phone from the kitchen' Lizzie replied as we headed out my bedroom door and towards the kitchen.

'Wow Lizzie you look amazing!' I heard the girls exclaim as Lizzie walked into the kitchen first I trailed behind her slowly as I was checking I had everything I needed in my little clutch.

'And who the heck is that?!' Naomi joked as I walked in, it wasn't very often I went all out with make up and a nice outfit. I rolled my eyes at her before I received compliments from my other two flatmates.

'Are you guys coming to meet us later when we go to the clubs?' Lizzie asked which gave me a slight feeling of relief as I knew if I wasn't settling around Lizzie's drama friends then my flatmates would be there for the second half of the evening. They all agreed to meet us later on once I have texted them when the formal part finishes.

Me and Lizzie left the block of flats and headed to where she normally meets every week with the rest of her drama group. When we entered there was a big fuss when Lizzie walked in from lots of different people that I struggled to remember the majority of the names to because there was so many. I felt special as I was introduced as Lizzie's girlfriend which even after a few months makes me feel great.

After waiting a few minutes on of the first guys me and Lizzie talked to announced it was time to leave and head to the restaurant they had booked. The restaurant was only in the city centre so not far at all. I had Lizzie's arm proudly linked with mine as we spoke to a small group of her friends following the rest of the group. In the group we walked with, there were two girls called Trian and Florence, and two boys called Ethan and David. I was familiar with some of this groups names from times where Lizzie had spoken about the drama society.

As we all walked into the restaurant, it looked as if the drama society had booked the whole place out as the place was empty. Lizzie took my hand as we followed the group that we had walked down with as we all sat together around one of the tables. The man from the beginning makes a few announcements about the evening before leaving everyone to talk amongst them selves as we waited for the meal. I decided to get the drinks for the table and as I stood up, David also stood as he announced that he would help me.

'So do you go to drama society or a plus one' I asked David as we both leant against the bar waiting for a free bartender to finish serving other people.

'God no I am Florence's boyfriend' He confessed.

'Same Lizzie's girlfriend' I replied.

'So you not into drama?' He questioned

'I mean it's never been my cup of tea. I remember in high school the theatre people were really odd so I never really gave it a chance.

'Oh god my school was the same! but most of these people seem normal' He chuckled agreeing with my statement.

'Lizzie promised this formal bit only lasts a couple of hours and then its off out' I assured him.

'Florence said the exact same thing. It's the only reason I agreed to coming is going out after' He admitted which earnt a smile from me.

'What can I get for you guys?' The bartender was finally free.

'Me and Lizzie will have two large glasses of Sauvignon please, I think Trian wanted a arches lemonade and ...' I trailed off hoping that Ed remember the rest of the order.

'and two pints of ale and large red wine. There's a certain type give me a second' David tried to remember what the type of wine was.

'Shiraz?' I suggested and he clicked his fingers to my answer as I guessed it right.

'A large one of those please' He turned to the bartender that had already started preparing the drinks.

'A women that knows her wine' He chuckled

'Not really, I am a waitress when I am home and that's the red wine people go for most' I smiled.

'A waitress, how humble of a celebrity's girlfriend' He joked and I just rolled eyes in response. Soon after the bartender started placing full glasses in front of us and we picked them up and returned to the table. I place Trian's glass in front of her first before placing my and Lizzie's down as I had balanced three glasses between my hands from the bar to the table.

The conversation ran smoothly luckily I was sat in between Lizzie and David so if there was ever drama talk on the table me and David soon found something else to talk about. The meal soon began to get served and it was lovely. It was nice to see Lizzie social with people who she had a hobby in common with and even when I had no idea what technical drama stuff she was talking about I could just enjoy sitting there admiring her.

'Right so this year for the drama society has been a big one with lots of new projects planned for the next couple of months.' The man from the beginning of the evening stood up as the meal finished in order to say a few words.

'But the drama society board would like to finish the evening off by congratulating one of the most honourable members of the society, Elizabeth Olsen, who will be appearing in her debut movie next year' Everyone began to clap for Lizzie who had started to blush as she looked down at the table.

'So if can all raise a glass to congratulate Miss Olsen and to also celebrate the achievements of this year' The man finished as he raised his glass in the air and everyone followed suit with the noise of clinking glasses filling the room. One our table had all clinked glasses and took a sip from our glasses. I turned to Lizzie and shared a quick kiss to finish off her moment.

After finishing off our drinks, Lizzie went around the room saying her goodbyes as I stood talking to David. Not long after both Florence and Lizzie walked over talking to each other until they reached the two of us.

'So are you guys ready?' Florence asked as she took David's arm and tugged it so he wasn't leant on the bar. We both nodded as our girlfriends led us out of the restaurant and we began walking towards the clubs. I reached in my bag to text Naomi when I noticed I already had a message of her.

Ed got us to come out earlier, We will see you when your finished I read before sending her the the thumbs up emoji and placing my phone back in my bag. We waited a couple of minutes in the line as the bouncer checked our ID and we got in. Me and David ushered our girlfriends to the bar. Once I had got the bartenders attention I brought a couple of rounds of shots for the four of us.

'INGRID INGRID INGRID' I heard Ed chant as I through back my last shot of neon liquid. I turned around to see an extremely wasted Ed dancing towards us.

'Ed how do you do this every time we go out' I laughed.

'Ingrid how don't you do this every time we go out' He drunkly raised his eyebrow making the other three laugh.

Ed then took my hand and began to lead me to the dancefloor, as soon as I felt he was pulling me away I grabbed on to Lizzie's hand and she did the same with Florence and the Florence to David. Ed had lead me to my housemates that were all dancing with his housemates. The six girls all cheered when they noticed me and Lizzie had arrived. They made the circle bigger to let the four of us join as Ed wondered off again.

We all danced together until Ed returned with a massive tray of shots again. No one questioned how he managed to get so many so many shots but instead everyone received two and then began dancing again. That was until My Love by Jess Glyne came on which reminded the majority of us of Lizzie's and Ed's flat party in fresher's week. Naomi came to dance next to me as me bounced our heads to the beat and sang along. Ed then pushed Naomi out the way as there was a slight beat drop where me and him had always done a certain dance to. Lizzie just watched giggling as she continued to dance.

The next song to come on was Levitating by Dua Lipa. As soon as the first few notes of the song began me and Lizzie locked eyes and gave each other a massive grin from across the circle at each other. I began to sign along to the song.

'You want me?' I sang as I pointed at her from the opposite side of the circle.

'I want you baby' She pointed back whilst she giggled. As the song continued I walked over to her and took her hand so we could dance separately from the group. Our dancing started by linking our hand and moving about but we continued to get closer and closer as I held Lizzie's hips as I admired how her body moved to the music. Every so often I would pull her in for a kiss and as soon as we parted we continued to dance.

After a few more drinks and song, Lizzie's actions began to be very similar to Mary-Kate's when we were in the London party. The alcohol was beginning to take over her. I decide that now is a good idea for the two of us to take a seat at one of the booths for Lizzie to have a moment. As we sat down she slumped into my side as she got her phone out of her bag. I noticed the others from the group we were dancing with and I waved as they were heading over.

"Hope your looking after our sister ingrid" I heard Mary-Kate's voice come from Lizzie's phone, she had drunk facetimed her sisters who were now back in America.

'When don't I' I smiled before placing a small kiss on her head.

'Did you guys get back alright?' I asked as it was the first time I had spoken to them since the breakfast.

'Yeah great thanks' Mary-Kate replied but Ashley reminded quiet in the background.

'Oh stop talking boring' Drunk Lizzie interrupted our conversation and then began introducing everyone to her sisters. Once Naomi noticed who was on the phone she wiggled her eyebrows towards me earning a eye roll back from me as I knew exactly what she was implying.

I decided to stand up and head to the bar as I knew Lizzie was safe on facetime with her sisters and everyone around her. I lean against the bar waiting for a bartender to be free, I ordered myself a couple of shots which I did before ordering a water that I took back to Lizzie as I could tell that we weren't going to last much longer in the club.

I walked back over and sat back next to Lizzie who was still talking to her sisters with Ed. I held the water towards the screen making a joke about how Lizzie is similar to Mary-Kate, another attempt to include Ashley into the conversation however it was another failed attempt as Mary-Kate again took over the conversation.

'I'm going to go and drink my water' Lizzie slurred as she waved to her sister's before she ended the call. As the phone call ended Ed found another face he was familiar with and left me and Lizzie alone.

'Is it time to go home baby' I asked as Lizzie lad her head on the table in front of her after drinking some water. She lifted her head and looked at me then nodded.

'Right come on then little one' I slid of my chair and then held her hands to usher her down. We left the club without saying goodbye as they would be bad influences and make Lizzie drink more. I called a taxi to take us back to my flat as I knew I wasn't going to be able to help her all the way back by walking.

After a very short taxi journey Lizzie had some what sobered a little but not an awful lot but enough so she could walk without having to lean completely against me. We entered my room and she sat on my bed. I bent down to undo the buckles on her shoes as I knew that would prove too difficult to a drunk Lizzie.

I then sat next to her both of heads rested again the wall. I began to close my eyes as the tiredness was slowly catching up with me. My eyes opened as Lizzie had climbed on top of my extended legs with a leg each side. I held her hips to steady her as she was slightly swaying.

She lent down and began to kiss me passionately, her fingers got tangled in my hair as she began to get more aggressive with the kiss. My hands wondered from where they previously were on her hips and roamed up her back all the way down to her thighs, I could feel her hum as grabbed her by the bottom of her thighs lifting her slightly so our bodies were closer. She slowly began to grind again my legs and I knew if I didn't stop now, we wouldn't.

'Hey baby, we have to stop there' I pushed her back between the kisses.

'What? but when do we ever get a flat to ourselves' by that comment I could tell that she was still controlled by the alcohol she had been drinking all night.

'Lizzie you are drunk' I sighed as she began to kiss my neck again, again I held her hips as I thought she could topple off me at any point.

'No I am not' she slurred as she looked up from kissing my neck with an offended look on her face.

'Wanted me to order you some food' I asked the pouting face that faced me.

'Chicken Kebab' She replied,

'Exactly you are drunk then' I teased as Lizzie rolled off me, I ordered some food for us both and then helped her out of her dress placing dedicate kisses on her skin before covering her body in one of my oversized t-shirts. I then ruffled my pillows around on my bed making somewhere comfy for her the sit up right ready to eat. My phone pinged to get me know that the delivery man had arrived, I placed a kiss on Lizzie's cheek and she still looked down hearted about the lack of action she had received which made me laugh.

I was as quick as I could be running down to collect our food and then running back up the stairs with it. I entered my room with the familiar dundun of Netflix starting on my laptop. I place the food down on my bed as I gave Lizzie the carboard box with her food in and a smile appeared on her face as she opened the box and instantly started to eat. I watched one hand flick through the films as the other was feeding her mouth with fries. I could even find beauty in this drunken mess.


Another chapter for you guys!

I hope you enjoy!

See you in the next chapter :D

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