I Need You (SasuNaru)

By limv3000

58.7K 1.5K 1.6K

Sasuke and Naruto have been friends since childhood, they were inseparable and loved each other. Unfortunate... More

Charcter things~


4.6K 71 82
By limv3000

This will be in basically any POV I put it in, there will be NO Sakura or Hinata bashing (for you haters). This is my first story and my brain doesn't work well, so yeah ( yes I take criticism ) give me your opinion.
(Btw I love every Naruto character, and they're may or may not be some hating, but it's only for the story)
I'll also be putting some ships in here that I think are cute such as Kiba and Hinata. Yeah.

~Naruto's POV~
I love Fridays. Because it means school is off for two days and I get to hang out with my best friend Sasuke. Me and Sasuke have been friends since basically birth, I don't even remember the first time we met, but I do remember thinking he was the coolest person alive, I still do.

My parents and Sasuke's parents are friends from childhood, they are now working together in this company, but I don't really understand all of it. Sasuke has an older brother, Itachi and he is wayyyyyy older than us, so he rarely hangs out when we ask since he has his own friends, but that's expected from a high schooler.

I am an only child, I've never been sad about it because I like to think that Sasuke and Itachi are my brothers. I call Fugaku and Mikoto my aunt and uncle, even though we are no where near related, but I've known them for so long and they treat me as family too.

Me and Sasuke are currently in the 6th grade, which means we will be going into middle school (7th grade) next. We are a small town so the grades are spilt differently k-6 is elementary and 7-8 is middle school while 9-12 is High school. I can't wait until me and and Sasuke are in high school ! It will be so fun.

It is Friday and currently 5:30pm, Sasuke will be here soon. I hurried to get some comfy clothes on, since I was still in my school clothes from today. My house isn't near the town, we are kinda secluded and in the woods, we got a nice big two story house and three bedrooms, two on the top and the master bedroom on the first floor. Obviously my parents got the room downstairs and I have my own upstairs, the extra room is for storage, my bathroom is right across from my room, and my parents have their own. We have neighbors of course but we're all spread out so no one is really close, but luckily for me Sasuke is only a 10 minute walk from here.

Everyday after school he comes at 5:40pm almost exactly on time everyday, he hates being late.
we are always doing something fun too, wether it be going on trails, swimming, gaming or just anything it's always fun with Sasuke. Summer break is getting closer ! Only a week left of 6th grade before Middle school. Summer break is always so fun, we go on trips, relax, do whatever which is fine because we're not the type of family to plan things out, unlike Sasuke's.
Sadly Sasuke won't be here for the first two months of summer break. TWO MONTHS!!! I will be miserable. He said they were going on a trip to see their family, me and him both tried convincing Auntie and Uncle to let him stay but, they wouldn't budge. I was starting to feel sad again, but then I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly ran downstairs, through the living room, and straight towards the door. I opened the door to see Sasuke standing there, breathing like he just ran a marathon.

"Uh- Sasuke? Are you ok?"

"....Yeah.... I was- almost late"

I let Sasuke in and ran to my kitchen to grab a cup of water. Sasuke was already walking into the kitchen by the time I was done filling his cup, he then sat at our dining table and took a really long and deep breath. Talk about dramatic. I walked over and set the cup right in front of him, then took the seat next to him. Sasuke drank his water and I sat there thinking about what we were going to do.

"So Sasuke? What should we do?"

Sasuke set his drink down and look towards me, a bit surprised. I knew why he looked like that, it's because I always had something planned for us but my mind was doing other things, so I didn't have the time to think about it.

"We can go down the creek or go on one of our trails"

Sasuke then leans and whispers into my ear...

"Or go to the treehouse"

"Yeah, ok"

The treehouse was me and Sasuke's secret hideout, we built it with our dads a really long time ago, but it's still standing and in good shape. It was quite a walk from my house to there but we didn't mind. Me and Sasuke packed a bag of snacks and drinks before I went and told my mom that we were leaving. my Mother, Kushina was a stay at home mom but still worked for the company, just over a computer. My Dad, Minato would leave for work everyday at 6:00am to leave, he doesn't come home until 8:00pm though, which is also fine.

The walk was about 20 minutes, and if we ran it was almost 10 but we're slow and we like to take breaks. On the way there Sasuke was complaining about how the girls in class would always crowd him, obviously I knew because they would always push me out of the way. Sasuke would always ignore them and hang out with me instead, Me and Sasuke aren't dumb, we know when there are fake friends around, like Ino. Honestly most the kids in our class have their own little groups, but me and sasuke were a duo, never to be separated.....

Sorry for the Extremely long chapter, but get used to it because that's how they all are.

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