Another Weasley (Draco Malfoy)

By kiwi_dino_lover

437K 8.8K 1.6K

What if a Weasley fell in love with a Malfoy? Bella Weasley, twin to Ginny Weasley, is going into her first y... More



5.2K 125 21
By kiwi_dino_lover

Bella's POV
"Why didn't you LISTEN TO ME!?" Draco shouts at me when we get into his room. I jump and move backwards a bit. "D-Dray, I'm
so-sorr-" I stutter out but get cut off. "YOU SEE WHAT HAPPEND!? THAT..." he points to the door. "...IS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED!" He shouts again and walks closer to me. I walk backwards with every step Draco took towards me. "Why didn't you listen to me?" He whispers while sobbing, tears streaming down both of our faces.

He brings his hand up to stroke my cheek but I jolt away by accident. "Are-are you scared of me!" He gulps and lowers his hand. I don't respond and just stare at him with tears in my eyes. "Bella, please. Are you scared of me?" He says. "N-no" I whimper. He bring his hand back up to meet my cheek and this time, I don't jolt away. I lean into his touch and close my eyes. "I'm sorry" I cry hardly above a whisper. "So am I" he matches my tone and kisses my lips.


"BABE, WAKE UP" I hear a voice yell and pull the covers up over my head. "Babe is not here right now, please try again later" I reply in a sleepy voice. I soon feel the cold air brush against my skin. "Mum, 5 more minutes" I cuddle into the pillow, half asleep. I hear a low chuckle and weight on me like someone's sitting on my back. "Come on, I let you sleep in for long enough, wake up" the voice says and pokes my cheek. "I'm cold" I whine. "I'll give you my jumper if you wake up" I raise my head off the pillow and finally open my eyes. I see Draco taking off his hoodie and I prop myself up.

We both walk down the stairs, me in Draco's hoodie, and we go into the living room. We see Narcissa and Lucius sat on the sofa, Lucius reading the daily profit and Narcissa drinking a cup of tea while reading a book. "Merry Christmas" I say and lace my fingers with Draco's. They both look up and Narcissa smiles while Lucius has a plain look on his face. "Merry Christmas" Narcissa comes up to me and hugs me then Draco. We all sit down and start to open presents.

After opening all of them, I stand up. "I'll be right back" I kiss Draco on the cheek and run upstairs to get their presents.

Draco's POV
"She's very lovely" my mother speaks up when Bella leaves the room. "I know" I smile and look at farther. "So you decided to go for the Weasley girl?" He spits. "LUCIUS!" Mother slaps his arm. "I take it she's in Gryffindor?" He asks and I go quiet. "I asked a question. Son?" He repeats himself. "Does that really ma-"
mother gets cut off by farther. "TELL ME"
"Y-yes" I stutter.

Then Bella comes down the stairs with three presents in her hand and hands one to me, mother, and farther. "Oh, there lovely darling" mother gasps. I turn to see her holding some silver earrings. I decide to open mine and when I do, it almost brings tears to my eyes. I stare at it and spot the writing on the inside.

In the past, present, and future, my heart will always beat for you

"Do you not like it, because I can-" I cut her off by jumping on her and hugging her. "I love it" I whisper in her ear. I hand her my presents and she opens it. In the progress, she puts some tape on my nose and giggles. This girl is gifted. Her mouth parts as she looks at the present and she gasps. "Do you like it?" I ask. "Dray, I love it" she smiles and kisses me.

(Promise rings)

She grabs my hand and slips it on my ring finger and slips hers on too.

We went upstairs and Bella got showered and dressed because she was too lazy to do it when she woke up. She came out the shower in my quidditch hoodie, some leggings, and a beanie. We went down to the garden and sat on a bench. Bella looks up and a snowflake lands on her nose. She looks adorable.

"Where are you going?" I ask when she stands up from the bench. She bends down and gets a handful of snow. She looks at me innocently and moulds the snow into a ball. "Bella, don't you dare" I jump up and back away. She throws the snowball at me and it lands right in my face. "Your on" I smirk. She runs away and I run after  her with a handful of snow. "GET BACK HERE" I yell. "YOULL HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST" she laughs. I walk around but don't spot her. "Acho!" I look in the direction of the sneeze and she looks at me. "Stupid nose" she mumbles and tries to run off. I quickly grab her jacket and shove a handful of snow into her face. She squeals as the snow slides off her face and huffs.

We both then get into a huge snowball fight.

"I win" she smiles and throws one last snowball at me. "Only because I let you" I smile back. "Your such a sore loser" she giggles and I stick my tongue out.

We both get back into the house and take a shower then go to dinner. Farther keeps staring at Bella in an emotion I don't understand and mother keep telling him to stop.

Me and Bella go to bed tangled in each other's arms.

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