Bright Side | SOPE ( Book 1)

By kim_Chiisdelicious

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~You bring out my bright side~ ♧__________________________________♧ Min Yoongi, the basketball captain wh... More

Happy introduction
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Self promo
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
self promotion- 2
chapter 42

chapter 11

215 16 0
By kim_Chiisdelicious


Hoseok's heart had finally calmed a bit as he walked to his room after that series of immature awkward events which left him speechless. Yoongi was no different. Its just that he had realised how attractive Hoseok was. Well he realises that everyday, and today was no different. Every passing second made this feeling more intense. The cheery of the day was Hoseok's little act of stupidity of staring at him through his phone camera.

The next days came by very unexpected. Well by unexpected, i mean they were great. Yoongi was almost getting whipped over Hoseok. Hanging out more and more with his friends, Hoseok had to accompany him to his extra basketball practises at late nights because Yoongi kept telling him points to note and Hoseok kept trying to create stuff and run after Yoongi to give him a daily update.

If you think, thats so kind of him to do so for free, you might be wrong. Hoseok had to buy him a cupcake daily and even if Yoongi complained how bad it tasted, he was getting chubbier and sweeter like the sweet.

Namjoon was always a busy guy, with his own things though he tried to make some time for his dear friends but Hoseok had to stick to Yoongi as Yoongi showed extra interest in Hoseok's lessons than anyone. And he wanted to show gratitude by performing well.

Yoongi loved the way Hoseok sat beside his computer screen looking up at Yoongi and his will to learn new stuff.

Today was just a casual day. It was 10 on the evening. Hoseok had informed Yoongi he'd be a bit late. Much unlike his daily self, he had to practise for the upcoming fest. He wanted to excel in dance atleast. Even though his grades in Music were something you could consider too good for a rookie, but the only thing he could completely rely on was dance.

Yoongi knew, if Hoseok said 10, he'd be there by 9:50. He was very keen in that terms. Yoongi smiled to himself as his palms got a bit sweaty. He blushed a little. Just a little as the thought of a handsome guy ringing his doorbell with his bag hanging around his single shoulder with his panting self from running across the corridor of the floor. His cheeks always red and the way he laughs awkwardly everytime he looks at Yoongi.

In short, Yoongi was drooling over that boy and he knew it. Its not like Seokjin left a single chance to make the male refuse the fact.

Today was something different. Hoseok did not show up on time. It was 10:04 to be precise. Yoongi seemed patient but he couldn't help his worried self. He had this feeling of intense fear.

10: 10 p.m.

Limit of Yoongi's patience reached its peak. Namjoom knocked on his door.

"Hyung, has Hoseok been here..? When do we start the practise?"

He interoggated briefly.

"I'd call him. He's not here yet. Maybe practising some more.."

Yoongi said without any expression. He didn't really liked to show weak emotions so he played it cool.


No one would believe it might have happened. Yoongi was getting restless every passing second. It was almost half past 12, Jung Hoseok was nowhere to be found. Yoongi had called him for 40 times, messaged him innumerable. He had almost threatned Hoseok to kill him if he tests his patience like that. A little scary, but yeah. Hoseok though, did not budge.

At a point Yoongi got so mad, he thought he'd crash to his room and beat the hell of his arrogant ass for not even replying to his messages. What the hell does he think he is..!

"Jimin.. where's that punk?"

Yoongi said straight as he called Jimin at midnight.

"Who punk?"

Jimin asked. He was clueless too. He was about to sleep.. but the call was unexpected.

"Where is Jung Hoseok? Does he think we are free here? Not showing up is not good manners. Do i need to teach him that?"

Yoongi roared.

"Hyung.. he left long ago. Maybe at 9: 30 itself. He didn't reach..?"

Jimin whispered the last part. He clearly remembered Hoseok jumping from his lying down state saying he had to be there on time or he might look rude. So he smiled softly at Jimin and Jimin just waved back.

"Dont tell me he ditched both of us and went around ..!"

Yoongi thought. That was stupid. He knew. Hoseok would hardly do that. But that was the only thing he could do.

"Thats not possible.."

Jimin scoffed and Yoongi just stayed quite.

"Let me go and check his room or some of our friends  I'd call you if he's there. This guy makes me worried.."

Jimin added as he hung up. He walked down to every other room he knew Hoseok has friends in.

"Hey dude.. did you see Hoseok???"

He kept asking again and again.
No one really knew where he went. The last someone saw him was at the dance practise.

The moment Jimin returned, he made sure he calls Yoongi. Hoseok has got himself in quite big trouble. Yoongi and Jimin both were so worried they could kill him when he comes back, if they don't find him any sooner.

"Hyung,  let's wait for him. That's all we can do. "

Jimin suggested.

An hour or so passed when the room to Hoseok's door opened very quietly. A head peeped in to see all the lights switches off. He signed in relief as he walked inside. Hoseok's slow and careful steps made it obvious he wanted to keep his presence a secret. He made sure not to even breathe as it created a tone of pain but he couldn't help but let out a whimper as he sat on his bed.

Jimin sprung up from his bed as he heard that. His fingers landing harsh on the switch to turn the light on. Hoseok just closed his eyes as he knew he's been caught.

"Where were you ? It's almost 2 in the morning.."

Jimin asked. Almost yelled.

Well, Hoseok knew it was late. Not like he hadn't waited outside the hostel for 3 hours waiting for Jimin to sleep before he comes in. Jimin was an owl. It took him hours to sleep which made it harder to wait. Plus Jimin spent every minute of his extra time in Hoseok's room, even slept there for no apparent reason.


Jimin couldn't form words when he first took a glimpse at his bestfriend. Bruises all over him as he got into a fight and got deliberately beaten up. Hoseok's timid eyes kept looking at the ground knowing there stood no chance to keep Jimin quite in such a condition.

"Say something.."

Jimin whispered in fear. The way Hoseok denied to open his mouth to give any details about anything made him worry more.

"Nothing. I just.. just.."

He tried to speak but Jimin wasn't having it.

"It would be better if you don't lie."

Jimin said as he walked closer to Hoseok stopping midway to get the aid box.

"It was just some stupid fight. I mean.. just.. someone tried to rob me on the street."

Hoseok said as he removed his backpack and tried lying down. Jimin walked back and started applying the medicine.


He asked.

"And.. nothing. So I just tried to protect myself. You know."

Hoseok smiled.


Was what Jimin said he knew Hoseok was lying.

"I'll do this myself. "

Hoseok insisted trying to take the cotton from Jimin' s hand but he just pulled his hand back as he glared at Hoseok. One look was enough to indicate how mad Jimin was and he better shuts up. A tear leaving Hoseok's eye as his skin burned with the alcohol, he just hissed making Jimin more angry.

"Do you wanna tell what happened?"

Jimin tried asking for the last time after he was done.

"Umm.. I..  that.."

Hoseok didn't really wanted to tell he got beaten up from Jaebum's friends. What for ? He had no idea. No damn idea. Maybe because of the incident a few days ago. But Hoseok remembers not telling it to anyone. He promised he would not say a word and he didn't. Nor did he complain. Then why?

What was Hoseok if he didn't spill it to Jimin!? At the end of the day he had to tell him everything. He couldn't bare the sadness he felt. He never has regretted making a friend before this. He hated how that got him in trouble.

"Why did you come so late?"

Jimin asked as he tried to comfort a almost sobbing Hoseok.

"I didn't want to face you. You told me to stay away from them. I was being stupid. I didn't know what to do.. so I waited till you fell asleep."

He explained.

"Did you really think I'd believe your robbing story. We live in a safe campus. I mean.. at least from the outside world. You cannot get robbed unless you go out, or someone from the campus tries to steal your money.. which is not possible. I lived here for 2 years more, never heard someone else getting robbed. Plus.. I couldn't see how you wanted to go out instead of going to Yoongi's dorm."

He shrugged.

"Oh.. Yoongi hyung. I did not call him. He must be worried."

Hoseok said trying to sniff without hurting before finding his phone.

"I'd message him. Go to sleep. We'll complain to the office tomorrow."

"We won't. I don't want to. Don't tell hyung about this too."

Hoseok just panicked at the mention. He was sure the guys said they got suspended from the school for 2 weeks because someone complained to be a victim to their stupidity. Hoseok was afraid, them misunderstanding it again was the last thing he wanted.

"We'll see that tomorrow. Go to sleep."

Was all Jimin said. Making sure Hoseok changed and went back to sleep when he called Yoongi. Yoongi had never regretted his life more. Never. He never expected Hoseok to get hurt so bad for his mistake. How could he just not know that Hoseok was the only person Jaebum ever let go and it was obvious no one would complain about IT, if not Hoseok. He shouldn't have gone to the principal to report it without warning Hoseok to stay safe.

How could he?


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I'm thinking of posting the entire story at once but not quite sure. Let me know what your view-

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