Bright Side | SOPE ( Book 1)

By kim_Chiisdelicious

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~You bring out my bright side~ ♧__________________________________♧ Min Yoongi, the basketball captain wh... More

Happy introduction
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Self promo
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
self promotion- 2
chapter 42

chapter 10

202 17 1
By kim_Chiisdelicious

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"My man..?"

Jungkook repeated after him, confused.

"My man..??!!"

Jin said to spice up the things as he let out a chuckle as he glanced at Hoseok once, who froze on spot.

"Aye, how is he your man? He doesn't like you, okay! He likes me and Jin hyung. But more, he likes me. Isn't it..?"

Taehyung continued as he smiled with expectant eyes. He looked at Hoseok but Hoseok could feel his heart almost burst out of his chest due to the pressure it was creating.

"I meant.. he is my guest today, you trashbag. I meant it in that sense.."

Yoongi specified as he scoffed hitting Taehyung's head sitting down next to him.

"Well.. Hoseok. What do you think?"

Seokjin asked as he looked at him once more.


Hoseok asked. He was relieved. Yoongi's explaination made it all clear or he might have died of an heart attack which seems to happening often.

"You, about what Taehyung said. Do you really not like Yoo-"

Jin was about test the wrong things.

"Yeah.. yeah.. i like Taehyung and you as well."

Hoseok said as he got up. He knew where things were going and he deliberately was trying to get out of this situation. He couldn't just say- ' i dont like Yoongi' when Yoongi was about to help him. But its not really like he hated Yoongi. It was just somewhere in between.

"I'm gonna leave. I've waited for too long. I missed my practise and thats not good."

He explained as he was about to walk away.

"No.. wait..! 5 more minutes.. i'll be back.."

Yoongi said and ran towards the changing room.

"Nobody leaves before 9. Okay?! And who's gonna be the incharge? How about Taehyung. If anyone goes wrong.. you can tell them off if you want-"

He smiled at Taehyung and Taehyung couldn't be more happy. Yoongi never really trusted Taehyung. Mostly it was Jungkook, the vice-captain.

Not like he never did, but he never showed any signs that proved it. But Yoongi knew quite well what Taehyung was. Now that Yoongi has given him a responsibility and that involves complaining about others, no one could be extra alert than Taehyung to find someone else's mistakes.

He was childish like that and would take a revenge on people who make fun of him usually. As long as the team practiced well, it doesn't matter.

Taehyung nodded like a proud man.

"Hyung, count on me."

Taehyung said happy and Jin just signed. He knew what Suga had on his mind. They really couldn't leave early today. Even in the absence of the ruthless captain.


"So.. you wanted to say something..!?"

Yoongi was the first one to start the conversation after they walked out of the campus. The silence almost ate him. The slight brushing of their hands made Hoseok jump once as he moved almost 2 feet away from Yoongi.


Hoseok said in a daze.


Yoongi looked at him like he was stupid.

"I did? I did..! Yeah.."

Hoseok talked, maybe to himself, maybe to Yoongi.

"I.. actually. I thought about it. About what y.. you said. I am not good at music Yoongi, if i'm being honest. I am pathetic. I realised it only after taking it. And i know you and Namjoon are the ace pieces of the class. I'm not sure why you'd give me a chance, but i needed to tell you. I am a rookie. I've just started. You'll have a lot of problem with me around.. so decide by yourself."

Hoseok said. He had thought about every word he said and he meant it.
Yoongi thought for a while.

"So.. you dont wanna be in the team..?"

He asked bluntly.

"No.. thats not what i meant. I know no one would ever get a better opportunity than this.. but i dont want you to regret."

He said. He would feel terrible if his friends are at a loss because of him.

"You dont wanna learn things then?"

Yoongi asked again.

"I want to. I terribly want to. I am worried about my grades. At how terrible i am. I want to learn and get better at it everyday. I cannot live a lowlife."

He explained. That was more than enough to make Yoongi happy. Atleast Hoseok was hardworking and more than that, he was willing.

"Dont worry about the world. As long as you work hard and learn what things really are, you'd get better everyday."

Yoongi assured. He smiled too. He smiled at Hoseok. Gummy smile. Hoseok felt weird. A little wierd. Well.. okay. More than a little weird. He smiled at Yoongi too. Hesitantly.

"Lets go eat.. i am hungry."

Yoongi said and Hoseok couldn't deny.

"So.. what about the schedule? When do you and Namjoon practise?"

He asked excited.

"Well, after college i have my basketball practise. We work at night  after dinner. Why?"

Yoongi casually said.

"Umm.. now that i've joined, I too need to practise. So..!"

Hoseok said.

"So whats the problem?"

Yoongi said. God, Hoseok wanted to kill him.

"Yoongi. You and Namjoon live under the same roof. If you tell me the exact time, i can come visit your dorm."

He said sternly. And Yoongi let out a sign. He almost missed this point.

"Alright alright.. i'd message you the time. Dont worry, you'd learn fast i feel."

Placing a hand on Hoseok's, he smiled. Well.. awkwardddddd...

"Hey Hoseok..!"

Someone screamed. And it had to be Hoseok's another dance club friend who had to make Yoongi feel out of the place.

"Found someone new already? You seem different than what i heard from Jimin."

He laughed almost trying to whisper it in Hoseok's ear. And Yoongi just narrowed his eyes.

"What? What are you talking about?"

Hoseok asked scared.

"Nothing. I thought the guy you posted a photo with last time was your famous-infamous crush. But.. now..!"

Hoseok went pale.

"Dude.. can you shut up..! Jimin was just fooling around. Why'd you make an issue. I'm with a friend. Can you not bring that up? Do you wanna die?."

Hoseok glared at him glancing a few times at Yoongi making sure he wasn't listening.

"Oh.. so he's your friend. Now i understand."

The friend said out loud and laughed. Hoseok joined. Ngl, he was embarrassed af. Why were his friends like that?!

"I think you should get going.."

Hoseok insisted and the friend almost disappeared in thin air, too ashamed of making a fool of himself.

"So.. what social media do you use..?"

Yoongi asked. He didn't want to interfere but now that he heard of it, he wants to stalk Hoseok there. Well,  he's not a creepy guy like comeon. He only cares for Hoseok. Not care, no no. He is just curious. Just as a friend. You know.

"Just a few."

Hoseok brushed off the topic.

"Ah..!! Which. Few?"

He said acting as if he was casually asking about some general knowledge question.

"Just. Can we eat?! What do you want?"

Hoseok asked again. His mouth was watering with the smell of food. He stared at the direction where the smell came from. The other side of the counter stood a middle aged man to take the orders. Hoseok looked at him. Then the menu hung above the counter, pouting. Well Yoongi wanted to ask once more, but he just couldn't get his mind off of the look of a cute hungry baby looking for food, so he shrugged it off.

"How may i help you..?"

The man smiled and Hoseok ordered. He jumped back to the seat. He took out his phone to check his hair in the camera secretly. The camera was facing the opposite side before he could move the setting to look at himself he noticed a beautiful Yoongi, staring at him.

He didn't want to look at him directly so he just kept looking through the phone. Why was Yoongi staring at him like that. I mean, its not like Yoongi realised what he was doing. He just thought Hoseok was busy on his phone so he continued his admiration.

"Food for the couple.."

The man said as he smiled at the both.

"We're not a couple.."

Yoongi said shy and fast as ever. He just assumed that the man was looking at them from a distance and misunderstood their staring.

"But this young man said you are..!"

The man pointed at Hoseok and he just looked Jungshook.

"What??!! When did i ajusshiiiii.."

He extended the last word. His mind just blew with that thought. Yoongi was looking at him like he was a creep. And this man..!!

"I asked if you both were together. Didn't you say yes, son..!?!"

The man reminded. And Yoongi just hid his blush. The mere thought made his heart jump.

"I.. i thought you meant.. did we come here together..!"

Hoseok explained shyly.

"Its okay. You need not hide. I've seen a few couples like you. Its normal."

The man smiled lovingly.

"But we really aren't together..!"

Hoseok was constantly protesting.

"So were you filming a man who isn't your boyfriend.. when he was staring straight at you..?"

The man asked. He thought these two are just shy or maybe not comfortable with others knowing their relation due to some reasons, you know. Not many people accept these things well. He just wanted to show support to these lovely kids. He noticed and did not hesitate to mention.

"You were filming me Hoseok?"

Hoseok blood rushed at the mention.

"I wasn't filming him. I was just looking at him through the camera. Ajusshi, its just a misunderstanding..!"

Hoseok specified and Yoongi was dying already.

"You were watching me through the camera..?"

Yoongi gasped. Hoseok just wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out.

The man laughed as he realised their awkward attraction and left.

"I.. i didn't m... mean to. I was just.. just.."

He said. He couldn't find a reason why he was staring at the elder.

"You were staring at me too. Dont complain."

He thought this was a better comeback. And surely it was. Yoongi looked taken aback. They sat there for a quite minute untill.

"Lets just eat.."

Yoongi said as his stomach grumbled.

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Again, stay safe. Stay healthy. Work on yourself. Do good at school💜 I mean- atleast you can try. Dont just give up. Trust me- studies are not that hard. Its just mere things you need to remember and then recall- like our favourite song.

Its just that we dont like it, so we dont try to do it. The fear stays forever. Words of experience- we cry and cry for something that wasn't even worth it. And you realise it, the moment its already done and gone.

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