Door Bossforlife75

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You are the son of Vergil, the dangerous older brother of the famous devil hunter Dante. After your village i... Meer

(Definitive) Prologue.
Bio (slightly updated)
Part 1: Welcome to vale
Part 2:The Shining beacon
Part 3: The initiation
Part 4: The badge and burden
Part 5: Jaunedice
Part 6 :Forever fall, but never forgotten
Part 7 :The Stray
Part 8: Black and White and Demons awaken
Vol. 2 Part 1: Best Day Ever
Vol.2 part 2: Painting the town red, pasts can't stay buried.
Vol.2 part 3: Extracurricular Field Trip.
Vol.2 Part. 4: The Boogeyman's Tale.
Vol.2 part 5: Breach (The Showdown) pt.1
Vol.2 part 6: Resurgence (The Showdown) pt.2
Vol.2 part 7: Retribution (The Showdown Finale)
Vol.3 part 1: Round One's New Challengers.
Vol.3 part, 2: It's Brawl in the Family.
Vol.3 part, 3: Never miss a beat.
Vol.3 part, 4: Fall.
Vol.3 part, 5: Destiny.
Vol.3 part, 6: PVP.
Vol 3. part, 7: The battle of Beacon.
Vol.3 part, 8: Heroes and Monsters.
Vol.3 part, 9: The Beginning of The end.
Vol.3 part, 10: Don't say goodbye...
Vol.4 part, 1: The Next Step Is Always The Hardest.
Vol.4 part, 2: Long time no see.
Vol.4 part, 3: Two Steps Forward, Three From Hell.
Vol.4 part, 4: Against All Odds.
Vol.5 part, 1: The Menagerie.
Vol. 5 part, 2: Keep Walking The Line.
Vol. 5 part, 3: The Approaching Storm.
Vol. 5 part, 4: Don't Fear The Reaper.
Vol. 5 part, 5: Restful Reunions.
Vol.6 part, 1: Argus Unlimited.
Vol.6 Part, 2: Alone in Darkness.
Vol.6 part, 3: The Grimm's Reaper.
Vol.6 part, 4: Dead end.
Vol.6 part, 5: Something wicked this way comes.
Vol. 7 part, 1: The Greatest Approach.
Vol. 7 part, 2: Ceremonial Circumstances.
Character Bio and Announcement.
Vol. 7 part, 3: A Cordial Night Out.
Vol. 7 part, 4: The Road to Hell...
Extra Chapter 1: Tale of the Fallen Swordsmen.
Extra Chapter 2: Eclipse
Special Chapter 1: The Devil's Rose.

Vol.6 part, 6: This Is The Way.

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Door Bossforlife75

3rd POV.
Argus cliffside.

Weiss, Ren and Qrow watch as (Y/n) dodges detonating missiles strikes and occasional blasts from Cordovin's mech while it swipes at the airship Maria, Naomi and Oscar were in.

Cordovin: "You just couldn't keep this rivalry between us, could you, Calavera?! You had to rope in children to fail with you!"

(Y/n) side flips and narrowly avoids a blast from Cordovin's mech. Suddenly, his human left arm was severed as he lands on the edge of the cliff and glares at Cordovin, while the others gasp in shock at the young man's arm unexpectedly being cut off.

Weiss: "What's going on? Why'd (Y/n)'s arm get cut off? He dodged that last attack!"

Qrow: "(Y/n) must've run into trouble along the way, and it looks like the damage inflicted on him also seems to reflects the clone as well."

Watching the young man twist his body in the air as he fires Blue Rose at a pair of incoming rockets, destroying them before dashing forward again. Below, Ruby still hangs onto her scythe and sees Devil Bringer quickly fall past her, causing her eyes to widen as it fades away. Oscar and Naomi notice this from the airship.

Oscar: "Ruby!"

Naomi: "Is she okay?!"

Ruby uses Crescent Rose to scale the side of the cliff, eventually she reaches the top and regroups with Weiss, Ren and Qrow.

Oscar:*Over Comms* "Ruby, can you hear me? Are you guys okay?"

Ruby: "Are we okay?!"

Oscar:*Over Comms* "I know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen! I think I finally figured out a weakness!"

Nora: "Well, we're all ears."

Ruby and her friends notice Nora helping Jaune over to the group, as Ren was relieved that the two were okay.

Ren: "Guys!"

Running over to his teammates, Ren helps Nora with carrying Jaune over to the others.

Oscar: "The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant Dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles."

Weiss: "We noticed."

Oscar: "Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out! Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher!"

Jaune: "We could destroy the entire cannon... Oscar that's brilliant!"

(Y/n) lands on the cliff and slides back toward the group while not breaking eye contact with Cordovin's mech.

(Y/n): "I mean, of course it'd be a good idea. The kid is training under me."

Nora: "Can either of you... make that shot?"

Looking to Ruby, then (Y/n) who was still glaring at Cordovin.

Ruby: "We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon."

(Y/n): "If it weren't for this handicap.*lifting the stub of his arm* I could make that shot from here no problem."

Maria: "Well, I've got a way to guarantee that."

Maria turns and flies the ship back toward Ruby's group as she stops, Naomi opens the hatch and allows Ruby and (Y/n) to quickly jump on board.

Qrow: "Ruby what are you doing?!"

Trying to stop his niece as he and the others watch Ruby and (Y/n) head off to do their part.

Smiling at Maria, Oscar and Naomi, Ruby turns back to (Y/n), crouching and looking out of the side door at their target.

Inside of the Colossus, one of Cordovin's screens pops up the words 'ATLAS BASE INCOMING CALL' as the elderly woman notices this, her attention was drawn away again.

Maria: "Hey Cordo! I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!"

Cordovin:*Chuckles* "One missile you say? That's a shame, Maria, because I have plenty!"

The missile pod on the Colossus' arm pops out while Maria keeps flying toward the mech.


(Y/n): "Don't be such a downer kid! Stuff like this is always exciting!"

Oscar: "For you maybe!"

Maria: "Sometimes the best approach is simply the most direct!"

As the airship moves closer in range, Ruby gets in position and sets Crescent Rose on (Y/n)'s shoulder, resting her weapon on the boy as she steadies her aim while (Y/n) points Blue Rose at the Colossus as well.

Cordovin lets out a gasp as she pulls up a screen of Ruby and (Y/n) preparing to fire, noticing the two Cordovin catches onto their plan.

Cordovin: "You!"

Ruby and (Y/n) fire at the Colossus as the latter's bullets hit the formers and propel them faster, only for the missile pod to suddenly retract back into the cannon and the projectiles to be deflected.

Cordovin: "You thought you could fool me?!"

Readying the Colossus' cannon again, its arm charges with sparks and swirls of electricity surrounding it as Oscar's eyes widen.

Oscar: "Pull up!"

Maria pulls the airship away, but it still gets partially caught in the blast. The group watching on the cliff move out of the way of the blast as the airship shakes violently with turbulence, Maria screams and her prosthetic eyes close shut.

Maria: "I can't see! My eyes!"

Oscar: "No, no, no!"

Maria: "Take control!!!"

Grabbing the stick, Oscar barely regains control of the airship.

Oscar: "We're gonna crash! We're gonna CRASH!!"

The rest of the group emerge from the smoke, coughing as Jaune points to the airship sputtering in the distance.

Jaune: "Look!"

Watching the airship crash land into the forest, Qrow runs over to the edge of the cliff and jumps off, transforming into his avian form and flying in the direction of the downed airship.

At the crash site, the engines could be heard shutting down as (Y/n) groans and sits up on the ground.

(Y/n): "All things considered, that could've ended way worse."

Oscar: "We're... we're still in one piece!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, we got out of that without any serious injuries."

Looking down, (Y/n)'s eyes widen as he stares at a massive tree branch sticking out of his chest, gripping the piece of wood and letting out a deep breath the young man quickly tears the branch out of his chest, leaving a gaping hole which regenerates immediately after.

Standing up and walking over to the aircraft, (Y/n) watches Ruby stumble out and uses Crescent Rose for support before collapsing, as the girl was caught by (Y/n) who helps her to her feet. Suddenly, Oscar hears Cordovin's Colossus stomping in the distance.

Cordovin:*Laughing* "Very clever, but even the smartest apes can't compete with the intellect of man."

Leaning against (Y/n), he and Ruby limp forward with the red cloaked girl having a determined look on her face. Turning back to the airship, Ruby sees watches as Oscar and Naomi have concerned expressions on their faces while Maria tries to repair her eyes.

Maria: "Come on, come on!"

Ruby looks back to the Colossus and walks forward, as (Y/n) tries to stop her but ends up falling to his knees from blood loss, before Qrow appears and takes his niece's hand.

Qrow: "Ruby, stop!"

Staring back to her uncle, still with a determined look on her face.

Ruby: "I need you to trust me."

Qrow closes his eyes and lets go of Ruby's hand as she pulls away. Walking to the edge of the cliff and standing face to face with the Colossus Ruby looks up at Cordovin, before being joined by (Y/n) who glares up at the woman from below.

Cordovin: "Surrender for your crimes, and accept your punishment."

Ruby: "No!"

Cordovin lets out a small gasp as Ruby's friends look to her and (Y/n) standing side by side.

Ruby: "We're going to Atlas. Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our power to protect people, but you just use yours to look down on everyone!"

Cordovin ponders the girl's words for a moment as she continues.

Ruby: "We didn't want to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out."

(Y/n): "I'd listen to the girl, Cordovin, she may not be a Huntress yet. But don't ever underestimate her, otherwise she won't even need my help kicking your ass."

The battlefield was silent for a moment, before Cordovin speaks over the Colossus' loudspeaker.

Cordovin: "I've heard enough..."

The Colossus points and aims it's massive cannon at Ruby and (Y/n) with the cannon powering up it's next shot.

Oscar: "Ruby! (Y/n)!!"

Reaching his hand out toward the two, who briefly share a look together before the latter grabs and picks up Ruby by her cloak, as he spins and throws the girl toward the barrel of the cannon. Turning into roses petals, Ruby uses her semblance to fly into the arm cannon while everyone watches from the sidelines.

Cordovin: "WHAT?!!"

Nora: "They're both NUTS!!"

As Ruby continues flying into the cannon, (Y/n) teleports above Cordovin's mech and lands on top of it. Sitting down on the Colossus' head, (Y/n) leans over the edge and stares through the window at Cordovin, who taps against the glass and waves to the old woman with his bloody stump.

(Y/n): "Hey, I know this is a bad time, but what's the bounty at these days? Last I remember, it was in the hundreds of millions to low billions."

The mech reaches its hand up to grab (Y/n), only for the young man to backflip and kick away it's hand, throwing Fox into the Colossus' armor plating (Y/n) lands on the sword and balances on top of it, while watching from below Jaune has an epiphany.

Jaune: "The missile launcher springs out... but the raw dust gets locked in!"

Dodging and jumping back from the Colossus' hand, (Y/n) rips Fox out of its armor and blocks a swipe from the mech's arm, causing (Y/n) to slide across the top of the Colossus. Suddenly, the entire mech shakes as the Dust inside of the arm cannon explodes, covering it in ice and stone.

Cordovin: "What?! No! NO!!

Ruby then emerges from the barrel of the cannon, flying backwards as her Aura flashes, the giant robot falls to a knee while Ruby's descent was slowed by Weiss' black glyphs. Qrow catches his niece as Weiss collapses from exhaustion, Jaune, Nora and the others run to her side.

Oscar: "Ruby? Ruby!"

Naomi: "Aunt Ruby!!"

Ruby slightly opens her eyes and smiles to her uncle.

Ruby: "Told ya."

The airship's engines could be heard reactivating as it hovers above the ground.

Maria: "Oh, don't tell me I missed it!"

Back in the forest.

(Y/n) glares back at Adam with his hand still on top of Yang and Blake's.

Adam: "You knew you couldn't beat me at Haven. What makes you so sure you can win now?"

Blake: "I don't have a choice. I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I'd never leave them again. So I'm not dying now."

(Y/n) smiles at Blake's words, Yang does so as well before glaring back at Adam.

Adam: "You know, she made a promise to me once. That'd she'd always be by my side. Heh, and look how well she's kept it. I'm even more surprised that she made a promise to a professional killer of her own people, but what's a promise from a murderer worth anyway?"

(Y/n): "Funny. I was gonna say the same thing."

Yang: "Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to be?"

Adam just silently stares at the three, meanwhile (Y/n)'s lips curl into a grin.

(Y/n): "Ooooh, consider that nerve touched."

Adam: "So I wasn't just good enough for you?"

Blake: "You know it's so much more than that."

Adam: "I know you've made you're choice... and I've made mine."

The four combatants take defensive stances as they resume the battle. Blake and Yang rush Adam together while (Y/n) charges toward Ouroboros, the two warriors then run at each other before (Y/n) throws the hilt of Fox at Ouroboros, which moves it's head to the side watching as the broken blade nearly hits the Grimm's in the face as it passes by and causes (Y/n) to smirk.

(Y/n): "Made you look!"

Vanishing and teleporting above Ouroboros, (Y/n) swiftly draws Blue Rose and shoots a purple fireball down at the dark knight, which explodes into a huge cloud of smoke as the young man grabs Fox and flips onto his feet in quick succession.

Rolling to the side, (Y/n) narrowly avoids a slash from Ouroboros as he fires at the Grimm, only for his bullets to be instantly sliced in half and stray off into the distance behind Ouroboros.

Disappearing from sight, (Y/n) scans the area for Ouroboros and senses the presence of someone behind him. Letting out a roar of anger and throwing a punch at Ouroboros, the Grimm effortlessly blocks (Y/n)'s fist and stops his attack short, before slashing the boy across the chest twice, then grabbing (Y/n) by the neck and slamming him into the ground, cracking the stone bridge right through the middle as the young man coughs up blood and grabs Ouroboros' wrist, attempting to pry himself out of the Grimm's hold, but ultimately fails as Ouroboros pulls (Y/n) close to it's helmet, the slots in it's faceplate glowing bright red while it speaks to him in a demonic, almost raspy tone.

Ouroboros: "Yamato...."

(Y/n)'s body starts to glow red as he tightly grabs onto Ouroboros' wrist and begins to slowly overpower it's grip on his neck, twisting it's bone covered arm away from himself (Y/n) glares back into the holes on it's helmet with blood red eyes as his Aura also turns to a crimson fiery one, continuing to bend Ouroboros' arm the sounds of bones cracking and popping could be heard while the two stare at one another.

A loud snapping noise echoes throughout the area as (Y/n) breaks Ouroboros' arm and kicks the Grimm off himself, the boy jumps to his feet and starts unloading Blue Rose into the creature, each bullets strikes Ouroboros in the torso and head, splattering the black substance on the ground behind it.

Every bullet that hits Ouroboros manages to force the Grimm further towards the cliff, as (Y/n) moves forward and fires Blue Rose, the knock back from the projectiles pushes Ouroboros closer to the edge before noticing the black substance covering the ground beneath his feet.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen in realization, only to catch on too late as the liquid bubbles, the substance shoots off from the ground and heads straight for (Y/n). Leaping away, (Y/n) watches as the liquid forms a bladed arm, resembling the one Ouroboros wields, ducking underneath a swing from the Grimm appendage, (Y/n) backflips over another slash from the arm.

Landing on his feet, (Y/n) hardly had enough time to block an incoming attack from Ouroboros which moves both opponents into the forest to battle. Activating his semblance, (Y/n) conjures a blue transparent katana and rushes Ouroboros, clashing and exchanging blows as they continue their skirmish through the dense woods.

Every time (Y/n) and Ouroboros cross swords, huge shockwaves destroy and uproot the ground and surrounding foliage. Running up the side of a tree, Ouroboros follows suit and pursues (Y/n), running along side him on the tree next to the boy.

The two jump at each other and briefly clash as they switch footings, doing so until both reach the tops of the trees, (Y/n) and Ouroboros launch out of the forest at blinding speed, the two looked like they were flying through the air as they block and deflect the other's attacks.

Ouroboros' sword glows and sparks with dark, almost black bolts of electricity as the Grimm throws a large sword beam at (Y/n), who was channeling his own through the ghostly blade, before unleashing a crossed blue sword beam which clashes with Ouroboros' and cancels it out in an explosion of purple.

While falling back down to the forest, (Y/n) watches the smoke clear and sees Ouroboros also descending from the air. The Grimm Knight lands several feet away from (Y/n) and looks down at deep gash on it's left arm, the black blood-like substance runs down it's arm.

Tossing six cartridges into the air, (Y/n) dumps the empty bullet casings from Blue Rose's cylinder and lets the new rounds slide into place, flicking and spinning the revolver in his hand as the young demon points the gun at Ouroboros.

Dashing off from his position, (Y/n) fires his revolver at Ouroboros, which easily deflects the incoming projectiles as they close in on each other, Ouroboros thrusts it's sword at (Y/n), only for the young man's perception of the world around him slows to a near stop giving him time to twist his body in the opposite direction, allowing him to grab the broken half of Fox and spin into a crouching position while slashing deep into Ouroboros' abdomen. (Y/n) follows it up with a barrage of kicks and punches to the Grimm's body, before finishing his combo off by ripping Fox out of it's chest and with a powerful right hook that sends Ouroboros flying through multiple trees.

Panting heavily, (Y/n) drops to a knee and tries to stand, but fails and falls forward, using his hands to keep himself up. (Y/n) looks to where he'd launched Ouroboros and smiles when the Grimm was nowhere to be seen. Gathering the rest of his strength, (Y/n) lets out a pained grunt of exertion as he turns to go find Blake and Yang.

(Y/n): "That should keep him down for a while..."

Collapsing back to his hands and knees, (Y/n) coughs up lots of blood before dragging himself across the ground, leaving a bloody trail behind him. After a few moments of crawling, the young man manages to lift his body off the ground and starts limping in the direction of Blake and Yang.

Stopping dead in his tracks, (Y/n)'s eyes widen at the demonic presence growing stronger and even more malicious than before.

(Y/n): "There is no way..."

Looking over his shoulder, (Y/n) watches Ouroboros rise to it's feet in a supernatural manner. The Grimm Knight's helmet slots ooze black liquid, as it slowly walks toward (Y/n), the boy looks to his missing arm then to a broken Fox in his demonic hand, before suddenly dropping the fractured blade.

(Y/n): "Alright... let's just get this over with..."

Closing his eyes and preparing himself, (Y/n) accepts the next strike from Ouroboros, which fatality cleaves through the boy's chest, (Y/n) stands completely still for a brief moment before blood shoots out from a deep wound which went from the boy's left shoulder to right across his chest.

Flicking (Y/n)'s blood off of it's bladed arm, Ouroboros stands over the barely breathing young man before slashing open a portal behind itself, taking one last look at (Y/n) as the Grimm disappears through the portal, the young man rolls himself onto his side and starts to crawl along the ground again.

Blake and Yang sit on the ground and embrace eachother in a hug as Yang looks around for (Y/n).

Yang: "Where is...?"

Noticing a bloodied (Y/n) emerged from the forest both girls quickly runs over to (Y/n), the young demon hunter falls forward as Yang stares in horror at his wounds, (Y/n) lands against Yang and rests his head on the girl's shoulder with a tired grin on his face.

(Y/n): "Didn't I promise I'd never leave you again?"

Yang: "Yeah... *Smiles* I know you won't."

(Y/n): "Looks like you took care of things... you okay, Blake?"

Blake:*Tearfully* "Yes. I'm just glad you're alright."

Joining Yang in wrapping her arms around (Y/n), the boy looks at the two with a bright smile.

(Y/n): "I'm fine. Now let's go find the others."

The two girls go to his sides and begin helping (Y/n) with walking in the direction of the others. Unknowingly to the three, a small splatter of the black liquid writhes and bubbles as Ouroboros pokes it's head out of the puddle, before sinking back in and disappearing along with the substance.

Back at the cliffside.

Cordovin struggles to lift the Colossus' arm and lets out a shout of frustration.

Cordovin: "No! No, no, no. NO!!! You! You'll never reach Atlas! Do you hear me?! NEVER!!!"

Pressing a button on the controls, Cordovin opens a comm link to the Atlesian base, (Y/n) lands next to Qrow and looks at the Colossus with an annoyed expression.

(Y/n): "God damn. I should've stabbed that fucking speaker while I was up there."

Cordovin: "All forces converge on my position and eliminate these pests at once!"

Oscar: "Crap!"

Maria: "Everyone on board! We're making a run for it!"

Jaune: "What about Blake and Yang?"

Back in side the cockpit of the Colossus, one of the screens read "ARGUS BASE CHANNEL OPEN"

Atlas soldier: "Ma'am, we've been trying to reach you! Argus is in danger!"

Cordovin's expression turns into one of terror as her hearts sinks at this.

Cordovin: "What?"

Atlas soldier: "It's a Leviathan! It began its approach during your battle! We need you!"

Ruby looks back to her friends, who all equally share the same concerned expression. They then look to Cordovin's mech still attempting to free itself.

A few days ago.

In a forest clearing at the dead of night, a Mistral airship can be seen landing. When the side door slides open and reveals Neo, dropping her disguise and was wearing a new outfit, consisting of a chocolate colored jacket and a white cropped three button vest with white belted pants and black ankle boots. Neo looks to see someone stepping out of the forest, unveiling Cinder Fall wearing a cape with gold trimmings and an eyepatch that covers the Grimm portion of her face.

Cinder: "It should get us to Solitas. After that, you might want to try materializing yourself some snow boots."

Continuing to walk towards the airship, Neo rolls her eyes at Cinder's remark. She steps out of the airship and holds out her hand, stopping Cinder who had an irritated look on her face. Neo turns around and places her hand on the airship, using her semblance to transform it into an Atlesian Manta aircraft. Cinder smiles at this, as Neo retracts her hand and snaps her fingers with a smirk on her face.

Cinder: "You know, Neo, someone once asked me if I believe in destiny."

The two board the airship.

Cinder: "And I'm happy to say I still do."

The two have evil smiles as the door closes, a man could be heard laughing in the back of the airship, before Sanji steps out of the darkness.

Sanji: "The only destiny afforded to the weak is nothing but pain, suffering and futility. The weak have no rights or choices, their only fate is to be relentlessly crushed by the strong."

Cinder: "I couldn't have said it better myself."

Smirking at Sanji as they walk into the cockpit.

Back to the present.
Argus cliffside.

Manta 2-2: "We're getting slammed by hostiles out here! Where is Cordovin?!"

Ruby and the others, except (Y/n) overhear the radio chatter with horrified faces. Cordovin continues struggling to free the Colossus' arm cannon from the rocks and ices keeping it frozen to the water.

Cordovin: "This is your fault! Do you hear me?!"

Yang: "Ruby!"

Yang along with Blake and (Y/n) can be seen running over to rejoin the group.

Ruby: "Yang! Blake! (Y/n)! Are you okay?"

Yang and Blake notice the disabled mech, then to the RAY embedded into a plateau a short distance off the shoreline as (Y/n) pays no mind to either while his doppelganger standing next to Qrow disappears.

Blake: "What happened?"

The group then hears the roar of the Leviathan.

Yang: "Was that a giant Grimm?"

Weiss: "Yes... and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it..."

(Y/n): "Speak for yourselves. I'll go cut that overgrown lizard down in no time at all."

Stepping forward, (Y/n)'s wounds immediately bursts blood and causes him to collapse forward, Yang and Blake quickly rush to help the boy while he continues coughing up more blood.

Yang: "Easy. You've done enough already, just let us figure this out."

The group wastes no time at all in boarding the airship, Yang helps (Y/n) into the aircraft as it begins to fly away. Ruby watches with pity as Cordovin was still trying to free the Colossus' arm.

Cordovin: "This is your fault!! YOUR FAULT!!! This is..."

Giving up, a soldier contacts her over the radio and asks for his next order.

Soldier:*Over comms* "Ma'am, what's your status? We need an answer, over!"

Cordovin: "...your fault..."

Looking down sadly.

On the airship, Blake and Yang sit together while the others were spread out across the floor of the cabin.

Blake: "I'm sorry."

Yang: "Don't be. This isn't on you."

Blake: "But (Y/n)'s arm-"

(Y/n): "It's fine. I told all of you that I'd always come back. Even if I lose an arm or a leg, I'll always keep my promise, besides you're safe and that's what matters."

(Y/n) looks to Ruby with a slight grin as she smiles back, Blake hugs the demon earning a groan of pain from his wounds being squeezed.

Maria: "I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it, getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this."

Yang: "No way!"

Weiss: "We can't leave, not like this."

Blake: "It's like you said, a Huntress is suppose to protect others to the bitter end."

Maria looks to Ruby, who just smiles and shrugs at her. The old woman grins, turning her attention back to flying.

Ruby: "We need to head for the Leviathan. Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask the ship?"

Ren: "I think we can manage."

Jaune: "Got a few ideas?"

Ruby: "I've got one."

(Y/n): "Let's hear it."

Qrow: "Eyes up, everybody. It's back."

The Leviathan swims for a bit, before resurfacing above the water and lets out a terrifying roar.

Manta 3-4: "Argus base, this is Manta 3-4! Leviathan has hit the shallows and resurfaced! We need those shields up now, over!"

As the Leviathan approaches Argus, a hard-light Dust barrier is erected along the shoreline halting the Giant Grimm's progress.

Manta 2-1: "Target has stopped! Engaging, over!"

A pair of Manta airships are seen flying the Leviathan, firing missiles at the Grimm which completely unfazed the monster. Suddenly, the Leviathan unleashes an energy beam from it's mouth, before shifting it towards one of the shield pylons powering the barrier, destroying it while the others watch, petrified at the sight.

Oscar: "It tore straight through...!"

Argus air control: "All squadrons, fall back to evacuation procedures. Disengage Leviathan! I repeat, disengage! Over!"

Ruby: "No, wait!"

Running over to the radio.

Qrow: "Ruby!"

Ruby: "We can stop it!"

Argus air control: "Who is this? Identify yourself!"

Ruby: "I'm a Huntress. My team and I are heading to the Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack!"

Everyone, other than (Y/n), looks at Ruby in shock.

Jaune: "We can?"

Ruby: "I can."

Maria: "Ruby, when I said trial by fire-"

Ruby: "I did it at Beacon and at the farm."

Weiss: "You really think you can do it now?"

Ruby: "I don't really have a choice."

(Y/n): "I'm sure Ruby can handle this, if not Argus is fucked either way."

Argus air control: "Manta 5-1, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over."

Ruby:*Picking up radio* "Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to."

Turning back to the others.

Ruby: "We can hit it while it's stopped at the next barrier. Ren, you're up!"

Jaune rests his hand on Ren's shoulder, combining their semblances as the airship weaves between Grimm and Atlas forces. The Leviathan makes its way to the next barrier and charges it's energy breath.

Qrow: "We're too late! Pull up!"

The Manta pulls up out of the way as the Leviathan fires it's breath, destroying the next barrier and part of a building in Argus, Ren and Jaune drop to the ground from their Auras being drained.

Jaune: "Damn it...!"

Ren: "That's all I've got!"

Blake: "It's on the move again! We need to stop it!"

Yang: "What do we do?"

(Y/n): "I can run interference-"

Yang: "No, you just sit this one out."

(Y/n):*Sigh* "Fine."

Shrugging at Yang, (Y/n) reluctantly sits back down as Ruby thinks for a moment, before looking to Weiss.

The Leviathan proceeds to make it's approach toward Argus, but suddenly, the airship carrying Ruby's group opens up it's hatch doors, revealing Nora, Yang and (Y/n) with their weapons at the ready.

Nora: "Eyes on us, ugly!"

The three fires their respective weapons at the Leviathan to distract it.

Blake: "Is it working?"

Maria: "Unfortunately, yes! Hang on!"

Blake then runs over to Weiss, who was maintaining a glyph underneath her.

Outside, Ruby rides on the back of Weiss' Queen Lancer summon while talking to herself.

Ruby: "Okay, okay, you can do this... you have to do this!"

Eventually, the Queen Lancer stops in front of the Leviathan as Ruby closes her eyes and concentrates, the sounds all around her slowly being drowned out.

Yang: "Ruby? Ruby, hurry something-"

Taking out her earpiece, Ruby closes her eyes again and concentrates once more, thinking back to various memories.

She thinks of her father and sister, the image changes to when Ruby and her team were about to start a food fight, then to when they went to go get noodles after their victory in the tournament.

Ruby's thoughts turn to Penny, then to when she had first met Jaune and (Y/n), of team JNPR, then of Pyrrha.

Soon, Ruby frowns as bad memories of when Jaune was training alone with a recording of Pyrrha, before turning into images of her friends when they had been injured during the evacuation of Beacon, and when Yang had sunk into depression over the loss of (Y/n) and her arm.

Ruby whimpers as she remembers the deaths of both Pyrrha and Penny, before images of (Y/n) being killed by Sanji quickly flash inside her mind.

Suddenly, Ruby opens her eyes and finds the Leviathan standing face to face with her.

Ruby: "What?"

Yang: "Why'd it turn away?!"

Ruby then remembers the Relic of Knowledge still on her belt, which causes the Leviathan to keep it's attention fixated on Ruby.

Ruby: "No, no, no, no!"

(Y/n): "Ruby!!"

(Y/n) calls out, before jumping out of the airship and diving towards the Grimm, the Leviathan then opens it's jaw and lunges at Ruby as she reels back in fear.

Ruby: "J-JINN!!!"

While free falling toward the Leviathan, (Y/n) watches as he and everything around him freezes in place, before turning his attention to Ruby, and sees Jinn floating behind her.

(Y/n): 'Well, she's always been a quick thinker.'

Sighing in relief, as Ruby hears the sounds of Jinn's chains rattling.

Ruby: "I'm sorry... I don't have a question for you. I just... I just needed a little more time..."

Turning to Jinn, who has a stern look on her face.

Jinn: "I know... and while you don't seek knowledge, just this once, I shall give it freely. I will not allow you use me without a question again... *Smiling* Even if this was clever."

Ruby nods and looks back to the Leviathan, closing her eyes again and concentrating, time resumes as normal while (Y/n) lands on the Leviathan, rolling across it's head and almost sliding off (Y/n) stabs a broken Fox into one of the Grimm's huge eyes, stopping himself and earning a loud roar from the Leviathan as it rears back.

(Y/n): "Do it, Ruby!!"

He shouts, as Ruby thinks back to when team RWBY decorated their dorm room, Weiss handing Ruby a cup of coffee, then when Blake was cheering for Weiss in Professor Port's class, then Yang training before leaving for Beacon, team RWBY and (Y/n) celebrating their victory after saving Vale.

Ruby smiles as her thoughts turn to the Beacon dance and team JNPR again, before flashes of (Y/n) playing guitar and singing, when Qrow arrived at Beacon, talking to Oscar, and then Maria, then to Penny again.

Finally, Ruby thinks back to her mother, her white cloak blowing in the wind as she overlooks a cliff watching the sunset. Summer turns and gives her daughter a warm smile, her own silver eyes reflecting onto Ruby's.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as he looks over to Ruby and sees Summer standing behind her, blinking and turning back to the apparition when (Y/n) looks to Summer, he only finds Ruby standing alone with her eyes glowing brighter than before.

A massive burst of light engulfs the area, forcing (Y/n) to shield his eyes and turning the Leviathan to stone. Ruby's friends give her proud smiles while Maria breathes a sigh of relief.

The light retracts into Ruby's eyes as she looks back to the city of Argus still standing, then turns to (Y/n) pulling himself up onto the petrified Grimm's head and giving her an alright signal with his demonic hand. Suddenly, Ruby hears the sound of stone cracking behind her. The Leviathan's head manages to break free as (Y/n) tries to keep his balance on the Grimm, it moves it's head and tries to aim at Ruby.

Ruby: "No..."

Cordovin: "I'll take it from here!!"

Cordovin's Colossus shows up with its arm cannon now detached, everyone watches in shock at the mech's agility without the cannon, the Colossus sprints toward the semi petrified Grimm.

Cordovin: "After all, I was sworn to protect the people!"

(Y/n): "Ah, shit..."

The Colossus' left hand transforms into a giant drill, (Y/n) jumps off and throws Devil Bringer at Ruby's Queen Lancer, grabbing the tail end of the summoned creature and pulling himself next to Ruby as Cordovin's Colossus drills into the Leviathan, destroying the Grimm while it's body dissipates.

The Colossus trudges through the water and stops in front of Ruby and (Y/n), it's cockpit opens up and reveals Cordovin standing proudly with a stern look on her face.

Ruby: "Thank you. And... I'm sorry."

Cordovin: "The Atlas military can handle any stragglers."

Ruby: "What, uhh... What are you saying?"

Cordovin:*Smiling* "I'm saying I don't think anyone would notice if one more ship went missing in my lengthy report."

(Y/n): "I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, or in this case a giant robot, so let's go Ruby."

Ruby: "Right."

(Y/n): "Oh, and before I go..."

Brandishing Fox, Ruby's eyes widen as she tries to stop (Y/n).

Ruby: "(Y/n), don't!-"

Darting off from the Queen Lancer, Cordovin's expression turns to fear as (Y/n) got near her, the young man dashes past the Colossus and towards the reactivated RAY which had fired a barrage of missiles at the Revenant, leaping from rocket to rocket while destroying them, (Y/n) closes in on the RAY as it charges it's plasma cannon and horizontally slices the entire mech in half, letting both pieces of the RAY crash into the water, (Y/n) lands on the debris and turns to Cordovin, giving her a two finger salute as she looks back to Ruby with a smile on her face.

Cordovin turns the Colossus around and runs off to go join her men in taking down the remaining Grimm.

Maria swings by and picks up Ruby, then flies to (Y/n), boarding the airship the young man walks over to Maria.

(Y/n): "You mind flying by the cliffside?"

Maria: "Uh, sure."

As the airship flies over to the cliffs, (Y/n) opens the hatch door and whistles loudly, after a moment Logan comes running out of the forest and jumps inside the airship.

(Y/n): "Hey buddy, let's get going."

Logan barks to (Y/n) as the young man slides the door shut.

A few hours later.

The airship Ruby and her friends are in flies through the night sky.

Maria: "We should have just enough fuel to make it."

Ruby: "Thanks, Miss Calavera."

She smiles and turns to walk away, but was stopped by Qrow.

Qrow: "Hey, Ruby. You did great out there today, kid. Just don't go giving me heart attacks like that."

Taking out his flask, Qrow was about to take a drink, but ultimately decides not to, Ruby hugs her uncle.

Ruby: "I love you, too."

Qrow smiles at his niece as she goes to the back to join her friends.

Maria: "You weren't half bad yourself today, Qrow."

The man smiles before letting out a sigh.

Qrow: "I feel like they did all the heavy lifting."

Maria: "But you were there to help when they asked for it, and you were there to catch them when they fell. Literally, if I recall."

Qrow: "Thanks. You know, it was pretty incredible getting to see the Grimm Reaper in action."

Maria: "Ha, you should have seen me when I was your age!"

Qrow smiles as the two of them look of of the cockpit window.

In the back of the aircraft, Weiss, Blake and Yang all sit together.

Weiss: "I'm sorry you went through that nightmare. But, I'm glad Yang and (Y/n) were there for you in time."

Blake and Yang smile, before turning to (Y/n) in the back of the airship, having bloody bandages and an open medical kit next to him with a tourniquet wrapped around his left arm, (Y/n) winches in pain from stitching his chest wound closed.

Yang: "We were there for each other."

Nora: "Took the words right out of my mouth."

Everyone then turns to look at Ruby.

Ruby: "Hey, stop it!"

Ren: "You petrified a Leviathan... after diving down the barrel of a cannon!"

Ruby:*Laughs* "Don't act like you all haven't done crazy stuff before! I mean, Oscar made a successful crash landing! He's a fourteen year old farm hand! And what about (Y/n) flipping that giant robot?!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, but I do that like literally every day, Oscar did an amazing job in keeping the ship in one piece."

Jaune: "That was seriously impressive."

Blake: "We'd have been stranded without you."

Oscar: "I... thanks, but... I've been meaning to tell you guys... I didn't land the ship on my own."

After explaining, (Y/n) lets out an exasperated sigh while everyone else has surprised looks.

Nora: "Ozpin took control?!

Oscar: "No, he guided me... And then he was gone again..."

Yang: "Does that mean he's been watching us this whole time?"

Oscar: "I don't know, but... it at least means he was looking out for us."

Everyone ponders this revelation before Qrow speaks up.

Qrow: "Hey, if you've never seen Atlas in person before, you don't wanna miss this."

Ruby and the others walk up to the cockpit and look out the window.

Ruby: "Is it weird that I'm sorta nervous?"

Yang: "No, I'll believe we've made it to Atlas when I see it."

Weiss: "Well... believe it."

The airship comes out of the clouds and the floating city of Atlas could be seen.

Nora: "Wow!"

Maria: "You know, you make the trip up to Atlas over and over, you never get used to that view."

Just then, her prosthetic eyes begin to act up again.

Maria: "Oh, come on!"

Weiss leans forward with a worried look on her face as Ruby notices.

Ruby: "Weiss, what is it?"

Everyone looks up and takes notice of the dozens of Atlas ships parked above the floating city.

Weiss: "The Atlas air fleet... I knew all our ships were called back, but..."

Qrow: "They're set up like they're expecting an attack..."

(Y/n): "You're half right..."

Walking past the others, (Y/n) stares at the fleet of ship with a cold glare.

(Y/n): "If you want peace... prepare for war."

Suddenly, the radio crackles to life and a woman speaks.

Atlas air control: "Manta 5-1, welcome home..."

(Originally I was doing to post this tomorrow, but the past two days in my life have been pretty horrible. My great grandmother and my grandfather both passed away thanks to Covid, and when I logged into Twitter today I'd seen a post that reminded me about Kiryu Coco's graduation today. So I'll be taking the next couple weeks off if that's alright with you guys.)

(Edit: I was writing a bit for the new chapter and accidentally published it. I'm sorry.)

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