Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.4K 224 198

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol


673 26 11
By LinoIsHeree_

As Luna woke up, another day in exile, she put on one of her binders from underneath her bed then put on her t-shirt and jeans before walking out of her little house in the camp she had built and down the path to the beach. She watched as the sun rose from beneath the sea. *Try and enjoy this whilst you can* she thought. It felt nice, the slight breeze she felt as the water would come close to touching her but would flow back out.

The peace soon came to an end as Dream appeared behind her, pushing her a bit before speaking. "Hey Luna" he said as he dug a hole in the ground behind her. She sighed before standing up and turning around to face him. "Hi Dream" she said, sounding happy. "Go on" he said as he pointed at the hole, signalling for her to drop her stuff into the hole. "Can't you just let me off this one time" Luna said whilst backing up a bit. "No! Do it now or someone will get hurt" Dream smirked as he took his axe out. She sighed as she dropped her stuff into the hole.

Luna then took a couple of steps back before the TNT was shot and exploded. She felt tears starting to fill her eyes as she tried to blink them away. "Are you really about to cry, how pathetic" Dream laughed as he turned around and left.

Luna sighed before walking back up the path. She stopped once she saw someone coming from the little woods that was next to the camp. It was Ranboo. "Hi Luna!" He said happily. She hated that name, it made her feel sick, she didn't want to be Luna. "Hey" she said as she slowly began to break down on the path. "Come here" Ranboo quickly said as he hugged her tightly. "You'll get out of here soon I promise" he said calmly whilst rubbing her back. "I hope so" she sniffled before hugging Ranboo back.

"Anything I can do to cheer you up?" Ranboo asked whilst looking at her face. "No" she sighed as she hid her face back into his shoulder. "Alright" Ranboo replied as he hugged her tightly.

They hugged for hours until they got hungry. They both walked into the little house, Luna sat on the bed whilst Ranboo looked in the tiny fridge. "There's nothing in here?" He said confusedly. "Mhm" Luna replied whilst looking at the ground. "What have you been eating?" He asked her. Luna stopped as her eyes widened "I- erm, f-fish! Yes, fish" she answered with a smile.

"How did you catch them, you don't have a fishing rod?" Ranboo asked. "Erm, Dream let me use his" she quickly responded. "Ok then, I can go and run to Technos, get food and run back" he said as he went to leave. "Ok" Luna responded before lying down on her bed.

"Got it!" Ranboo said as he soon came bursting into the room, making Luna jump. "Oh, nice" she said nervously. *What am I gonna do, if I eat it I'll throw up and he'll know* she thought. "Here" Ranboo said with a smile whilst handing her the food. "T-thanks" Luna stuttered whilst already feeling sick. Ranboo started eating whilst she pretended to put something in her mouth as he looked away and it worked.

"Did you lie about that fish thing" Ranboo asked whilst looking at her. "W-what?". "Did you lie about eating the fish" he asked again. "N-no" Luna stuttered, not looking at him. "Look at me" he said. Luna slowly looked at him. "Are you lying to me" Ranboo asked her.
Luna didn't answer, she instead started crying quietly. "Come here, it's ok I'm not mad" he said as he pulled her into a hug. "We're gonna do this slowly now ok" he said as he picked up a chip and gave it to her. Luna took it and slowly took a bite, instantly feeling sick. She made a disgusted face before putting it back.

"You ok" Ranboo asked her. "Mhm" she answered. Ranboo was there for quite a while before Dream came back and kicked him out. "Now that he's gone, what is this" Dream yelled as he picked up the food and threw them away. "You don't need this!" He yelled before he stopped, he was staring at something but what? Luna looked down at what he was looking at, seeing that one of her binders was sticking out from underneath her bed. "Shit" she swore under her breath.

He picked it up and examined it. "What is this?" He yelled before digging out the others whilst Luna broke down quietly. "You won't be needing these" he said as he walked out the camp with Luna following him. "W-what are you doing?" She said through sobs. "YOU'RE A GIRL" he yelled before throwing them into a fire he had created with a flint and steal. "NO" she yelled before falling to the ground.

"YOU ARE A GIRL DO YOU HEAR ME" Dream yelled before kicking her, he then picked her up by her shirt. "YOU ARE A GIRL AND YOUR NAME IS LUNA, NOTHING MORE" he yelled once more before throwing her on the ground and kicking her stomach hard.

"Please" Luna said quietly as black dots started to cloud her vision, until she saw nothing.


918 words

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