๐๐‘๐„๐˜ | ๐’‰. ๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’…๐’๐’–

By Aenjalshy0

468K 20.9K 30.5K

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13.3K 635 413
By Aenjalshy0

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"So, you like tonkatsu..."

You pursed your lips as the two guys sit lazily on the booth seating. The braided hair looks at you intently so the guy you met at the river.

"Do you know each other?" The braided hair guy asked then he snickered. Why the hell is this delinquent here? Both of them are pretty tall and they look a little bit the same, both of them have lavender eyes and of course a droopy one.

They're must be siblings...

"What a lame question," The braided haired guy wryly said because no one answer his question.

You licked your lower lip and continued to eat and didn't bother to talk to them. You pick the meat and dip it in the thick sauce and carefully put it in your mouth. The two just stared at you as you eat the meat.

"Tch. The fuck," The guy you met grunted a little.

"Let's eat," The braided hair said and then starts to dig in. You can feel that every time you put your food inside your mouth, the four-eyed would stare at you as he put his food into his mouth as well. You puckered and feel bothered by his stares. You hate it when someone's watching you eat.

You look at the four-eyed, and both of your eyes meet. He just gave you a cold gaze. You rose your brow. He picks up his glass and drinks from it. You clench your jaw and drink your water as well.

It would be better if I leave already. These two are kinda ruining my appetite.

Without any hesitation, you raised your hand so that the waitress will notice you. You took out your wallet inside your pocket.

"Miss, won't you try our dessert??" You look at the waitress. You give her a subtle smile and shook your head.

"I'm already full," You said.

"Really?? You didn't even try to taste our miso soup and the rice," She said. You glance at your unfinished food. You would love to finish those but with these two?? Ugh!

"Sorry for that, but here..." You give her your payment.

"Okay...I'll just go get your change."

"I'll come," You said and stood up. The waitress appears to be curious and glanced at the two guys and felt the weird tension, but she just walk and let it be. After a few seconds of waiting, the waitress already handed you your money. Without further ado, you have already left the place. The cold breeze covered your legs as it blew past you. You put your hands inside your pockets and proceed to go back home already.

You walk silently then you turn into a corner. As you turn into the corner, a thick smoke covered your face coming behind you. You quickly closed your eyes and coughed when you inhaled the cigarette's smoke. You lift your hands near your face and you quickly shake off the smoke. You step a little, and as you did it, a hand grabs your wrist tightly making your body drag with a strong force.

"What the fuck!" You hissed as you recovered from the smoke. You look in front of you, you're still being dragged. You puckered and greeted your teeth when you recognized who puffed the smoke at your face. Your face heated up in anger, even though his steps were large, you use your strength to lessen his steps further by putting all your weight on your feet. You grabbed your wrist aggressively even though his grip was tighter than before.

"Who the fuck are you to just dragged me from nowhere!" You blurted aggressively. He grab you again by chance but you stopped it by pulling your wrist away from him.

He chuckled and tighten his grip on you making your lips part.

"Did you forget? That when I see you I'll pulp you to death," He bumptiously said. You clenched your jaw. He fiercely looks at you while you're glaring at him to death.

"You think you'd scare my shits? Ohh, fuck off!"  Your voice was raspy when you said those words. He smirks and steps forward. He leans over your ears.

"Yeah... and you'll regret not getting scared of me," He softly said sending shivers down to your spine as his hot breath touched your skin, but it fades in just seconds.

He drags you again and you can't do anything about it, you can also feel that your wrist is getting numb. You are about to use the technique that you have learned but this man is a freak that he won't let himself get beaten up by a girl.

You notice where the both of you are heading. This route is heading to the riverside where both of you met in a bad way. You have bitten your mouth many times.

"Don't drag me. My wrist is getting numbed already," You coldly said. He didn't look at you or respond. You glared at his back.

"Hey! If you want to fight me, le--"

"Shut up. Don't care 'bout yer shit," He impudently announced.

Fucking bastard!!

Both of you arrived at the place where the both of you first met.

"What took you so long, Rindou?" A cold and baritone voice welcomes the both of you.

"She's not easy to deal with..." You glance at the braided haired guy, he's leaning on his motorbike and his hands in his pockets. He looked at you then he wave his hands lazily.

"So both of you know each other..." he nonchalantly said. Though it seems that the braided haired guy is playing to be dumb that he didn't know that his brother and you know each other.

Particularly, both of you don't know each other. Both are strangers in perspective. It just so happen that you two got pissed at first sight.

"So what are you going to do with her now, Rindou??"

Rindou looks over his shoulder to look at you.

"You'll see about that," Rindou uttered. He step down on the grass as you were dragged by him.

"Enough already will you!! You can now fucking let go of my wrist! God damn it!" You hissed. Your feet it getting tired because of being dragged and walking with large steps.

"I told you to shut up!" He grabbed your wrist the reason why you get closer to him. As you get closer to him he pushed you down and let go of your wrist the reason why you get out of balance and you rolled over down on the grass. Your back and butt hurt as you fall on the flat part of the ground.

Rindou chuckled seeing you struggle. Your face heated up, and you felt like your blood is boiling in anger. Never in your life have you gotten bullied or treated like this. What he did isn't forgivable. He ruined your appetite but you set it aside, he puff the smoke to you but you let it slide until this happened.

The string of your patience is getting thinner and thinner until he did push you to your limit. You stood up facing the river and shook off the grass on your hoodie. You greeted your teeth and face Rindou. A smirk plastered on his face and staring at you without shame.

"This is where we started," He uttered and he walked down slowly. You watched him walk down while your hands is already forming into fists.

"You were laying on the ground and I was standing behind you."

He is now 6 feet away from you. You coldly stared at him.

"Then why don't we get started to end your stupid hunting game," You coldly declared. Rindou sucked his teeth controlling himself not to smirk because of your reaction. You were like about to kill him anytime soon.

"Don't ge s--" You cut him by starting to attack. You can't hit him easily cause he is also good at martial arts. You throw your leg to hit his face but he's too fast to cover his face by making his arms his shield but what he did was part of your plan. You're mad that you really wanted to beat him and saw him growl in pain.

He uses both arms to shield himself. You quickly put down your leg and land it on the ground and you used your other one bending it quickly. You hold onto his shoulder, before he realizes what you're up to, you didn't hesitate to hit his balls with your knee.

A loud groan escaped from his mouth. He falls to the ground and crawls his body, suffering from the pain you gave to him. His specs fall on the grass as he continued to groan and crawl. Ran was there watching all the time. He was amazed that you know how to fight. He didn't think that his younger brother would be beaten just like that. He laugh shortly as he saw Rindou suffer from pain. Ran absolutely knew that getting a girl mad isn't a good idea, cause they always attack the where-hurts-the-most.

"Scary lady," He mumbled and watch you get near his brother.

"It ended up that you're now laying on the ground and I'm now behind you..." You coldly said looking at him. He glances at you giving you a death glare.

"Ugh!! This... this will...never end here.. ugh!!" He grunted.

You smirk."Did you forget? That don't fight a girl who also knows to fight back..." you nonchalantly said. Rindou keeps groaning and muttering many curses.

"I'll kill you!!" He screams. You step back and massage your bruised wrist. As you turn back, you saw his brother's puffing a cigarette while looking at you. He smirked.

"You're pretty scary... before you leave, why don't you let us know your name?" You pursed your lips and glared at him. He chuckled and raised his both arms.

"Easy... I'm not going to fight you...I'm Ran Haitani and his Rindou Haitani," He softly said but a little bit raspy.

"Y/n..." you shortly said and proceed to leave.

Before you go Rindou said something.

"Heh... see you again!" He impudently said. Sounds like never giving up. What a tough one.

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