The Music Time Machine -- Jon...

By Amympr96

10K 94 31

In the year 2015, In the bustling city of central London. A young woman named Amy is working late one evening... More

Just a Thunderstorm
The Morning After
Husband and Wife
Take me to the Hospital
Mission Time Travel
Drawing board
Let's party with the band
Breakfast and Karaoke
Take me Home, Thunderstorm
Cure for a broken heart
The last stand
The Charity Ball
New Identity
New Identity part 2
I can give you everything
Me, Myself and I
Meet the family
I'd die for you
Vancouver here we come
Erotica Spice
Honey moon phase
Detroit Rock City
Make a wish
I got sunshine
Going Down the rabbit hole
A White Christmas
Our House
Studio Time
New Jersey on the road
Super power
He speaks to me
Becoming Mortal
Double Trouble
Blaze of Glory
Little Bongiovi
Star-Spangled Band
Love of my life
No more machine
The new show opener
I'd live and I'd die for you
A Rockstar's wife

Back to Normal

177 3 0
By Amympr96

31st December 1985 San Diego 

Jon's POV 

The deafening screams from the ocean of fans washed over us like a wave.  Tico was beating his drums to death, so I gave Richie the nod before we both jumped up in sync, smacking down on the stage just as Tico beat his last drum for the night. The fireworks exploded from the stage, sending the fans into a screaming frenzy. I certainly missed all this while I was in the future, playing is what I love doing. After the band pulled me from the stage, I hadn't uttered a word about what really happened, simply telling them I had passed out. One thing I couldn't stop from spilling from my lips was about Rosie. I haven't been able to stop talking about her for months and the dreams I've been having every night about her hasn't helped either. I'm sure they think I'm just making her up, seeing as they've never met her before. But the time has finally arrived, the band from the future said they met her in January and It is January tomorrow. I've been staying up every single night, barely getting a wink of sleep just in case it does happen but so far nothing out of the normal has happened which I'm finding quite disappointing. We all stood in a line, grabbing onto each others hands and raising them in the air. The fans looking like they're about to explode, which is exactly how we like to end a show. We take one last bow before trotting of the stage, feeling victorious. It's our last show of the tour, so tonight we're heading home and having a very short break before writing the new album. 

We all scurried into the shower room, immediately tearing off our sweaty clothes and turning on the shower. The hot blast of water hitting the tiles on the floor, the steam filling the air like a sauna. Closing my eyes shut as the hot water runs down my sweaty body, soaking through my fluffy lion mane. "Man that was a great fucking show" Richie exclaiming in excitement, his voice muffled through the blast of showers. "It really was.... I especially wasn't white toast tonight" Snickering as I trail off. "I'm gonna be riding this buzz for days" The excitement bursting from Dave's lips. 

After we washed our fluffy mess of hair and our sweaty bodies we ran off to our dressing room, towels draped round our waists. Seeing as we're going home, we throw on any old clothes. I usually just wear sweat pants, t-shirt and trainers when I'm not on stage or at interviews. 

Before we knew it we were on the jet, heading home and seeing as I am so tired from barely sleeping, I drifted off straight away. 

"Oh Jonny..." Rosie moaning out her words as she slides down on my cock. My hands gripping her waist like a vice, groans slipping from my lips. "Ahhh shit..." Squeezing out my words as she quickens the pace, slamming down on my length. The immense heat radiating from our bodies, causing a sheen of sweat to cover us. Our moans and gasps being the only thing filling the silence. I quickly flip her over, so I'm lying on top of her, wasting no time in thrusting my length deep inside her. Her loud moans vibrating through my mouth, sending shivers through my body. "Ahhhh.... I'm gonna cum" Yelping out her words in extreme pleasure. Before long, she was screaming out my name repeatedly which turned me on even more but something strange was starting to happen. Her voice was gradually turning more masculine, getting deeper and rougher. "Rosie.." My brows furrowing together with confusion and concern. "JONNYY" She shouted out but it wasn't her voice. My body began to shake uncontrollably "JONNYY" She shouted out again but louder this time. 

Suddenly my body jolted awake "ROSIEEE!!!" Gasping for breaths as I look around in confusion. "Jonny...." My head whips to the side to see Richie with his hands grasping my arms. "Yeah... What? .." Still feeling quite disoriented from the dream. "We're landing kidd..." Giving me a tap on the shoulder "Right.... Sure" Shaking my head in hopes that my focus will return. I started to strap myself in when he butted in again "You were dreamin about her again". A deep sigh burst from my lips "Yeah..." Not really wanting to talk about it. "What does she look like" , "Rich I really don't--" He cut me off straight away. "Jon, we've never even met this girl who's turned your head 360 degrees... All I'm asking is what does she look like", "She's got this beautiful red hair and bright emerald green eyes" Closing my eyes to conjure an image of her. "What's her body like" His question made my eyes jolt open "Is that all you think about" Smirking as I trail off. "Clearly what you think about seeing as you dream about her every night" He got me on that one, every night I've had wet, dirty dreams of her. "She's real petite.... got a sexy hourglass figure... she's about 5'4 and she's got a nice set of tits" Using my hands to help describe her. "Ahhhh mann... When did you meet her? Is she an American girl?" His eyes widening with excitement. "Yeah... I met her at a bar when we were in London" Using the excuse future Dave told me. "So when can we meet her?" I paused for a moment, unsure of what exactly I should say. "You'll meet her soon" Nodding my head as I trail off. 

1st January 1986 / New Jersey 

Early the next morning I was back at my dusty, crammed flat back home In New Jersey. Dumping my suitcase in the living room before heading straight into the kitchen, swinging the fridge door open to see my empty shelves. After aimlessly wandering round my flat I decide to jump in my car and get some food shopping in. Dragging my mom along with me, I was never real good with food shopping, I only eat junk food on the road. "So How long you home for?" Quizzing me while pushing the shopping cart round the store. "We'll be writing for the new album then straight back on the road as soon as it's recorded" Sighing as I trail off. "How did the tour go?" Smiling at me for a moment before throwing things in the cart. "Yeah it was great... we're a big hit in Japan" , "Then what's wrong son, I'm not stupid, I can see somethin is botherin ya" My eyes rolled like car wheels. My mom can literally see right through me, it was quite frustrating some times. "It's...... It's nothin Ma.... Honest" Caressing her arm gently. She looked at me intensely for what felt like an eternity, scanning my face "It's a girl isn't it? Is it that girl you met in London?". "How did you know it was her?" Throwing my arms up in the air with a groan. "I'm your mother Jonny.... Don't think you can hide things from me" Throwing some more food in the cart as she trails off. "Yeah it's the girl I met in London..." Figured I might as well just tell her seeing as she knows. "What's her name?" , " Rosie" Scratching my neck nervously as we dig deeper into this conversation. "You like her?" , "I really like her" Widening my eyes to show how serious I am. "So what's the problem then? She doesn't like you or somethin?" Her brows furrowing together with confusion. "No... Well I think she likes me... But she lives in England" , "Then just fly her out here for the weekend Jon.... You've got money" A quiet laugh burst from my lips, if only it were that easy. "Yeah.... I'll have to do that" Rolling my eyes with humour. We managed to get just enough food for me to last the two weeks before taking it back to my flat. She actually stayed for a little while and we just chatted and had a coffee until I drove her home, saying a quick hello to my dad and brothers before heading back home. I spent the rest of the day, jamming on my guitar and writing a few lyrics that popped in my head, then decided to eat some food, not because I was hungry but because I was bored. 

It's only 9.30 and I'm already lying in bed, staring at the space above the foot of my bed, hoping if I thought hard enough that I'd be able to conjure up an image of Rosie. I so desperately want to see her, want to feel her, if only she was here. I know Dave said they met her in January and it's only the 1st day but I was hoping she's already be here by now or maybe something has changed, maybe she's not coming. Suddenly a deafening crack of thunder whips across the sky followed by a flash of lightening. The thudding of the rain clashing against the window, sounding like someone is trying to break in. My memory instantly goes back to the night I disappeared. The monstrous storm continues, gradually getting worse until a bright light appears at the bottom of my bed. The faint sound of music echoing from the light, my ears pricking up when I recognise the voice to be Rosie's. I sit up in bed, my eyes drawn to the glowing light, desperately hoping this is it. Waiting patiently while biting my finger nails nervously. 

All of a sudden a shadowy figure emerges from the dimming light. My body is completely frozen in place, not able to move a single muscle. The shadow elicits a pained gasp and throws their hand to their head, gripping it. A minute later, they collapse to the floor, passing out causing me to sprint across the room to turn the light on. My eyes widening with shock and joy when I see Rosie lying there, naked on my floor. "Rosiee..." stumbling to her body and scrambling her into my arms. "Rosie..... Can you hear me??" My hands swiping her silky hair from her face to reveal her beautiful features. She's just as beautiful as the day I left, I'm still completely in awe of her. I gently lift her from the ground and lay her in my bed, draping the blanket over her cold, shivering naked body. An idea comes to my mind, so I belt out the room to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl of hot soapy water, a cloth and some drinking water before running back to the bedroom. Immediately I start dabbing the cloth in the bowl before swiping it carefully across her face, cleaning the dirt off then swiping it across her neck and collar bone. Her sweet sighs filling the silence as I continue to dab her face and neck, hoping it helps. After a while, I decide to leave her to sleep for a while, so I take the bowl back to the kitchen, emptying the dirty water out before giving the bowl a clean. I grab a hand towel on my way back to the bedroom, so I can dry her down seeing as she's slightly damp. Carefully, I slide the blanket down her body, leaving her exposed. Softly swiping the towel over her face and body, drying her smooth skin. 

My eyes were admiring each curve on her figure, her lightly toned abs, her breasts bouncing slightly as she takes in deep breaths. I found myself getting lost in a trance, her beauty holding me captive. My eyes were her willing victims, my body was hers to do with what she wanted and my heart was captured by her love. My fingers skimmed across her cheek before trailing my touch along her jawline. My lips connected with her forehead, planting a soft peck leaving her sighing under my touch. "Where am I?.." Her weak voice a mere whisper, her eyes kept tight shut. "It's okay you're safe.." Whispering softly, trying not to startle her too much. "That voice....I know that voice" Her weak, breathy voice filling the air. Her disoriented state prompts a quiet laugh from my lips, knowing I've been through the same and know exactly how it feels. "Yeah..." Interlocking my fingers with hers and lifting her hand to my lips, connecting a feather light kiss on her knuckles. "Jon?..." Her voice sounded so hopeful, her brows furrowing together "Yeah it's me honey" My hot breaths tickling the velvet skin of her hand. Her heavy lids immediately creeped open, blinking a few times in hopes her blurry vision will subside. She looked around the room in utter confusion before her gaze landed on me. She suddenly starts panting in shock before jolting up, swinging her arms around my neck. Her face hidden in the crook of my neck, her sweet sighs vibrating through my ear. My arms embracing her, taking in her sweet scent while my hands satisfy up and down her spine. "you're here" Her voice breaking slightly "Yeah... I'm here" Whispering into her ear. "I can't believe I'm touching you" Eliciting a satisfied sigh as she trails off which I'm trying so hard not to let turn me on. My breath hitches in my throat when I feel her hands creep up my vest, rubbing the skin of my back. I've been waiting so long to feel her, It's like magic, sending a tingling sensation through my body. "I can't believe I'm touching you"  Whispering into her ear while hooking her hair round her ear. Her frame shivering in my arms, instantly catching my attention "Here.... Get under the blankets.... Keep warm" Pulling away from her to pull the blankets over her. "Why don't you try and get some sleep.... Hmm?" Stroking my knuckles against her cheek. "What about you?" Her eyes full of worry "Don't worry... I'm not goin anywhere" Shaking my head as I whisper off. She reluctantly closes her eyes, falling asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. 

2nd January 1986 New Jersey 

Rosie's POV 

My weighty lids peel open, inwardly cringing as the glare of the sun attacks my sensitive eyes. Once my sight settles, I look round the room in confusion before the memories come flooding back. I'm in Jon's room, it worked, I'm finally here. We hugged and it felt so amazing, to feel him again. I know I should be resting but I'm so desperate to see him again and upon first inspection round the rather blank room, he's not here. I scramble to get the blankets off me, not taking a look at myself before swinging my feet down to the floor. My head is throbbing as I force myself up off the bed, taking a moment so my feet can adjust to the weight of my body. My hands find different surfaces to support my weight all the way to the door, quietly creaking it open, hoping he hasn't heard me sneak out of bed. My head slowly peers round the doorframe, looking down the empty hallway. Once I see the coast is clear, I take my opportunity and fumble my way down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible. Finally, I make it to the end of the hallway, creeping round the corner, the living room gradually coming into view. My vision starting to blur, the longer I'm on my feet but one thing my eyes are focused on is Jon, sitting on the sofa watching tv, giggling away to himself. The sight simply melts my heart, seeing him so happy, makes me wonder if he wanted me here, maybe he moved on? maybe he found someone? but before I came here Dave told me he loves me so which should I believe?. So far I'm doing pretty well not attracting his attention, that is until my head starts spinning. My feet stumble forward with a sharp loud gasp, instantly drawing his attention. "Rosie.." He sprints towards me "You shouldn't be up babe" Shaking his head as he trails off. Another loud gasp elicits from my mouth as I stumble into his arms. If it wasn't for him keeping me up, I would definitely be on the floor by now. "Come on.... I'll take you back to bed" Scooping me into his arms with no effort at all. 

My arms lifelessly dangling down as he carries me off back to the bedroom. "Maybe I should put some clothes on you.." His words spark a surge of embarrassment, turning my cheeks rosy red. My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I see I'm completely naked on the bed. Unconsciously, my arms scramble to cover my chest while I lift my knees up to hide my lady parts out of embarrassment. I know he's seen me naked before but it has been 6 months and It's still embarrassing. A quiet laugh slips from his lips as he looks me up and down "You don't have to be shy baby". His use of the word 'Baby' Causing my blood to boil, turning my cheeks neon pink. Another snicker slithers from his plump lips as he struts off to his wardrobe, swinging it open. He grabs a baggy t-shirt and brings it over to me. "Lift your arms" A whimper bursts from my lips at his request "You don't have to be shy around me.... It's okay" His voice soothing me the more he talks. Reluctantly I raise my arms in the air, biting my lip nervously when my breasts are once again exposed to him. He slides the t-shirt over my head and down my body, letting me poke my arms through the sleeve holes. Scrambling to pull the t-shirt down, it's quite baggy on me so it reaches my thighs. "Is that okay or do ya want some pants?" My gaze shifts between the shirt and back to his intense blue eyes "This is alright.... Thankyou" Nodding my head swiftly. Honestly I have no idea what's came over me, why am I so nervous and shy? I wasn't like this the last time I saw him. Maybe It's to do with the fact that I'm completely at his mercy, he's in control, this is his home and his time. "Umm... What.... day is it..... Or time.... How long.... Have I been asleep?" Shaking my head while my fingers rub circles in my forehead, trying to focus my mind. "It's the 2nd January 1986.... It's about midday... you've been sleeping since last night" Nodding in response, taking mental notes to remember the date. "You hungry? I can make you some lunch?" Caressing my arms with his velvet hand. "Yes please" A faint smile raising my lips "Alright.... Now try and stay put while I make it" Giving me a serious look before trotting off out the room. 

A short while later, he returned with a plate in hand, the smell of cheese wafting into my nose. He placed the plate down in front of me while he sat on the edge of the bed. "Grilled cheese... Hope that's alright" , "It's great... Thanks" Smiling up at him before digging in to my food. I'm absolutely starving but I certainly wasn't going to stuff my face like a pig right in front of him. "So What have you been up to since I left?" I totally froze in my tracks when he asked the dreaded question. What was I going to tell him? That I was miserable for 6 months and lay in bed all day, every day and ignored my phone. I was silent for what felt like an eternity, trying to think of an excuse, any excuse but nothing came to mind. "I---I.... Umm.. The band started ringing me every week... Then they all invited me to a charity ball thing yesterday to sing and I had to stay at your house.... for a week.... and... the band did as well... It wasn't just me" His brows furrowed together "Please tell me I still live in New Jersey". "yes... You still live in New Jersey.... Only your house is much bigger than this" Giggling as I trail off. "Hey.... I love this apartment" He looked so shocked, it was so hilarious. "What have you been up to.... you meet anybody?" The words rushed from my mouth so fast I couldn't stop it. His mouth fell open and I thought for sure I was going to get a mouth full "We've just finished the tour.... We're gonna start writing for the new album then go straight back on tour and how many times I gotta tell ya honey... we're all single". Inwardly I was squealing with excitement but outwardly I was smiling, that was until the realisation hit me "What am I going to do?  I have nothing... No clothes... no.... No money..... I don't even exist..." I could feel the panic rising in my throat, my breathing getting heavier. "Hey.... Hey.... It's alright... I'll take care of everything alright.. don't worry about it honey" , "But ...Jon--"  He cut me off straight away "Just tell me when your birthday is and choose a different name and I'll take care of the rest". "My birthday is June 2nd, I'll be 23 this year and Amelia Rose Walker" I don't even want to ask any questions on how he's going to do any of this so I simply tell him what he wants to know without any arguments. 

My eyes were starting to feel heavy again, prompting a loud yawn from my mouth which I tried so hard to keep back. "I'll let you get some sleep" Giving me the sweetest smile before leaving me to drift off back to sleep. I feel bad for taking his bed, I have no idea where he's sleeping or if he even has since I've gotten here. 

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