Another Weasley (Draco Malfoy)

By kiwi_dino_lover

437K 8.8K 1.6K

What if a Weasley fell in love with a Malfoy? Bella Weasley, twin to Ginny Weasley, is going into her first y... More



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By kiwi_dino_lover

Bella's POV
"GRYFFINDOR WINS" the announcer screams down the mic. We all fly down on our brooms and Draco runs up to me and hugs me while spinning me around. When he puts me down, we both walk to my dorm so I can take a shower and change.  "Dray?" I shout from in the bathroom. "Yeah?"
"There's a Gryffindor party in the common room. Wanna come?" I ask٫ walking it the bathroom. "Babe, you know your the only Gryffindor I can tolerate." He replies, kisses my head. "Fine. It ends at 12:00 but I'll probably be back at 9:30.  Stay here if you want" I smile and go to walk out. "Do you have to go" he whines and pulls my arm. I go to kiss him on the nose but he moves so I end up kissing his lips. We both stay kissing for a couple seconds and he cups my face but I pull away. "I really have to go, I promised Ginny I'd be there" I say and he kisses me again. "Babe" I laugh against his lips. I'll be back before you know it."

I finally get out of his grip and quickly kiss him on the forehead. "I love you" I smile and shut the door. "I love you too" Draco's faint voice echoes.

"HeY bAbY sIs, CoMe GeT a DrInK wItH mE" Ginny slurs. "Jeez, how are you already drunk?" I laugh at the scene in front of me. She pulls me over to the table and I get some punch because I don't feel like drinking.

Everyone was celebrating Ron and Lavender was staring at him lovingly. She then pulls him down and smashes her lips onto his. He kisses back and I look at Hermione running off. Harry tries to go after her but I hold him back. "I've got this, can you go take care of Ginny?" He nods his head and I run after Hermione. I find her crying on a step and my heart shatters. I know she likes him, she's just to stubborn to admit it. I sit beside her and she leans her head on my shoulder. "I really do like him" she cries. "No shit" I mumble hoping she didn't hear but unfortunately, she did and looked at me. "Come on Mione, it's obvious. The way you look at him when his back is turned and always happy when he's around him" I softly smile. "Don't think about it too much. We don't need no man" I decided and she giggles. "Says the girl who has a boyfriend"
"Let me rephrase that. We don't need no man who eats his food quicker than I can say quidditch" I correct myself and she laughs every more. "There we go" I smile and put my arms around her. Just then Ron comes with Lavender practically attached to his hip. Ew.
"Ops, I think this rooms taken" Lavender giggle in her annoying, high pitched giggle.

I never knew Umbridge had a daughter.

Lavender leaves and Hermione stands up. "Oppugno" she says and birds start to attack Ron. He runs off and I burst out laughing, she does to. I high five her and she sits back down. Then drunk Ginny comes in. "Boys, who'd have em. A waist of space I say" she hiccups. Harry comes in and she runs up to him and hugs him. "Sorry about that. I'll take her to bed now" Harry drags Ginny out. We both look at each other and burst out laughing.

I brought Hermione to her dorm dorm and went back to mine. When I enter, I see Draco on my bed, sleeping peacefully. I slowly close the door and slip into the bathroom. I put on Draco's hoodie and walk out to the bed. I go under the covers and cuddle into him. He turns to face me and sleepily opens his eyes. "Did I wake you?" I whisper. "No" he says groggily. "Go back to sleep baby" I smile and he close his eyes. "I love you"
"Love you too, Dray"


Yet again, I only slept for two hours. Not even that, 1 and a half. I wake up and see Draco sleeping. Breathing softly, with his hair that fell in his face. I drag my finger to tuck it away from his face an tuck it back in place. I look over to she Ginny obnoxiously snoring. I get up and grab the light from my bedside light. I quietly open the door and Slip through it. The stairs creak as I go down but luckily no one wakes up.

I suddenly have a craving for pumpkin pasties.

I sneak through the painting and luckily she's asleep. I tiptoe down the hallway and get to the kitchen. The house elf's are still up, cleaning up. "Excuse me?" I bend down so I'm on there level. "Yes ma'am" he walks up to me. "Can I please have some pumpkin pasties" I smile. "Coming right up ma'am" he starts to make them. "What's your name?" I ask because I'm bored. "Master did not grant the elf a name" he replies . "Can I give you a name?" He nods his head. "Let's see...Gary" I laugh and he smiles. Gary brought me the pumpkin pasties and bid me goodnight. I walk pack to the painting luckily she was awake. "Caput Draconis" I whisper and the painting swings open.

How did I not get caught?

I tiptoe back upstairs and slip through the door. When I turn around, Draco is leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets. "Jesus Draco" I jump. "Where were you?" He
whisper-shouts. I throw him a pumpkin pastie and he Barely catches it. "I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs, then I craved for pumpkin pasties. I went to the kitchen and met a house elf, he didn't have a name so I called him Garry. Then I came back up" I say, getting into bed and taking a bite out of my pastie. He crawls into bed. "Don't scare me like that" he takes a bite. "Sowy bawbe" I say with my mouth full.

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