Found (Loki Soulmate Story) {...

By DontTellAuntieTasha

393K 12.3K 4.5K

After growing up believing love could never truly exist, Y/N Stark discovers that she indeed has a soulmate... More

Prologue 1/2
Prologue 2/2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Two

9.9K 343 112
By DontTellAuntieTasha

(Your Pov)

You arrived in the training room not much later, fully prepared to start practicing. Playing with knives in the kitchen has always been fun for you, the same with blades in the workshop. But actual deadly daggers capable of mauling someone? This would be amazing.

So you arrived, as well as the rest of the team and Loki. While under their judgmental gaze, every step had to be perfectly coordinated. Too much friendliness from either of you could give them an off-cue, and too little can make them worried about hostility.

'Nervous?' Loki asked through your bond, while making light conversation in real life. You could feel his nerves as well, which did not help you in this situation. The rest of the team was watching from one of the viewing rooms, and could hear and see everything you did. Which was much different than when you were with Nat. Although both times you did cover your soulmark, just like every time you were in a gym.

'I can't wait until they're gone. I feel like I'm under a microscope.'

'I do not think you have anything to worry about, since I am the one who gets into mischief when not under supervision.'

You laughed for a second in your mind, unable to keep the tiniest smile from your lips. 'Do you think Thor got me the blades as an excuse for us to see each other more?' You had been tossing the thought around for awhile now, and it seemed -as the only person who could pull it off- he might've tried to set the two of you up.

'My brother being mischievous? Here I thought he could learn nothing from me.' Now you were extremely close to laughing out loud, having to focus very hard on anything other than Loki. Which was extremely difficult in your situation, having to face him in real life and your mind.

'Stop that. Save your jokes for after.'

'Of course. Wouldn't want you having a coughing fit anytime soon.'

'You little-' Before you could finish, he left your mind, and actually started training you.


"Did it go well?" Your dad asked when you finished, despite being there the entire time. Yeah, it really had gone well. As well as it could have with the entire team breathing down your necks. Although no one ever intervened, both you and Loki knew it was very much possible at a moments notice. 

Loki was a great teacher, and you actually learned a few combos today. Although there was no time to figure out what your ring said, as no one knew Loki gifted you it in the first place.

But you still wore it everyday nonetheless.

"Yep. Which means you don't have to watch me the entire lesson next time." You try an easy excuse to get out of supervision, which unluckily doesn't work. The topic changes again, this time your dad talking about science with Bruce. 

When all eight of you arrive in the common room no that long later, something is amiss. You weren't the only one who noticed either, a sudden tension being present among the team.

"Welcome back, Avengers." Fury's voice broke out, coming from the monitor. Ah, this was what was different. "When I couldn't find earth's defenders in their own tower, I started thinking you had abandoned your posts." His voice echoed around the semi-empty living room, the team soon within view of the monitor. His face was shown across it, and it surprised you how his signal got past the santa-hat filters.

Don't ask.

"We were kind of in the middle of something." Clint replied, taking charge. Usually he or Natasha were the ones who spoke to Fury, being the ones who knew him best. Sometimes Steve too, but the rest of you simply got on his nerves too much.

"Is there something we can do for you?" Tony insisted, probably annoyed Shield managed to hack the tower's monitors.

"Actually, I have some news."

"Good news?" Natasha continues, acting like Fury hacking the tower's live feed was not a punishable offence. With anyone besides Shield it would've been, but apparently highly classified government agencies got full reign.

"I haven't decided yet. The world security council has decided to accept Asgard's offer."

"This is great news!" Thor shouted, clapping Loki on the back. The team had been waiting for weeks to see if Shield and the government was going to agree to Asgard's terms or order Loki off the planet. And apparently, they agreed.

"Calm down Thor. What does this mean, exactly?" Steve spoke next, his 'soldier-mode' activating.

"Loki is now an honorary member of the Avengers. Which means he is now allowed on supervised missions out of the tower, and he'll be joining you on as many missions as possible." This was amazing. You could finally take Loki out of the tower! Given you're the supervision, and whichever outing the two of you choose as the 'mission'.

"He's free just like that?" Tony said, his trust issues apparently not having let up over the past few weeks.

"I wouldn't call it being free. More like an accompanied occupation."

As they continued talking out the details, you took it upon yourself to inform Loki of this wonderful news.

'Do you know what this means?' You called through the link.

'No, I am confused about this entire matter. How can I be allowed out of the tower and yet still be considered a prisoner?' You roll your eyes at his sarcastic yet completely reasonable question, trying to get him to see this as progress.

'Loki, this means we can finally get out! I can take you to starbucks! Or we can see central park, or go ice-skating when the holidays come, or-'

'You are looking forward to this very much, aren't you?' Loki interrupted, the smirk evident through his tone. He was enjoying your rambling.

'Yes. Yes I am.'

You were shaken from your conversation as a deep voice called, "What are you smirking about?"


The rest of the day passed quickly in anticipation as to how to sneak Loki out of the tower. Well, technically sneak yourself out with Loki, while still maintaining your 'barely friends' cover. Natasha and Thor could probably help you out, but that was if they approved the notion at all. Having a third-wheel would not be fun for anyone. But what other choice was there?

You were also thinking desperately of how to convince your dad to let you on missions. You always thought it'd be amazing, but the only way was to show him your suit. Which you actually had to get functioning properly. But even without it, you had been trained by the best! Surely you could manage to help your dad see reason.

What was the worst that could happen?

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