Aura and the Dark Side

By Jedisage

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The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be unnatural. The same can go fo... More

Darth Kiryu Apprentices
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter four
Weiss darkside look
weiss lightsaber color poll
Chapter 5
Chapter six
A/N: quick question
a/n:which one of these whould Neo's sith robe be?
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
A/n: At last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi at last we will have revenge.
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
A/n: What lightsaber style form should I have Neo learn?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/n: Weiss Lightsaber fighting style
A/n: Darth Kiryu force powers recap
Chapter 17
A/n: Force powers
Chapter 18
a/n: Quick question
A/N: Quick question
Chapter 19
A/n: Meet Vampire Squadron
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/n: Darth Kiryu apprentice's/Servants and their class roles recap
A/N: weiss final look
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

983 21 8
By Jedisage

3rd person pov

The Dragon's Fang exited hyperspace followed closely by two Gage- class transport ships over the planet Balmorra as the other Sith forces where already in battle with the Republic forces. Leading the assault was Moff Meitt onboard his ship The Darkstar.

Meitt was a foolish Moff always jumping the gun and was very full hardy and rash. During the beginning of the war he lost four key planets to the Republic near the mid rim. How he maintain his rank was beyond anyone's guess but even so failure like that would get you court martialed or killed. As the three ships got closer Kiryu stood on the bridge of his ship.

"Sir Moff Meitt has already engaged the enemy fleet but he has already lost about half his forces." Said one of the crewmen.

"Quinn what can you tell me about this Moff Meitt he sounds like a fool and a imbecile." Kiryu said.

"Yes my lord Moff Meitt one of the Empires not so brightest officers he was once tasked with holding key planets in the mid rim from Republic forces but he narrow minded that he left the planets exposed after chasing a fleet of ships. One time he was assigned to escort military supplies leaving the a imperial supply station only to lose about half the ships because he didn't chart the systems very well." Quinn said as Kiryu hand to mentally facepalm himself after what he just heard.

"How is he still a Moff after that?" Kiryu asked

"That I don't know." Quinn replied.

"Sir a incoming message from the Darkstar." Said a  helmsman .

"Patch it through." Kiryu replied as the message was being played.

"Ah finally about time you showed up I had to do all the work while you took your time getting here." Moff Meitt said.

"I suggest you watch what you say Meitt your talking to a Sith lord." Kiryu said.

"Oh but of course my Lord now if your not to busy talking to me I suggest you help me with with these republic dogs so I can take out the shipyard." Meitt said said in a rude tome of voice before cutting off the transmission.

"What shall we do my lord?" Quinn asked while Kiryu was lost in thought. He wanted to let Meitt get his ass handed to him but he had orders to assist so he order his ships to open fire on the shipyard and to send out their fighters to engage the enemy fighters. All three ships opened fire while the fighters where launched a few minutes after. the whole space around the shipyard was engulfed in battle as ships traded fire with each other. Fighters where engaged in heavy dogfights. Meitt managed to punch a hole in the defenses allowing a small group of fighters and bombers to hot key points on the station. Meanwhile Kiryu was examining the battle and felt that something was off way off.

"Private get me Moff Meitt now." Kiryu said as the private did as he was told as the image of Moff Meitt appeared.

"What is it my lord?" Meitt asked.

"Meitt I suggest you pull your forces back there's something not right here pull back now." Kiryu order but Meitt replied by saying that he will not be denied this victory before the transmission was then cut off before several heavy republic ships dropped out of hyperspace almost right on top of Meitt's ship and opened fire making The Darkstar take heavy damaged the bridge was in bad shape.

"Sir Meitt's ship is taking heavy damaged shall we help?" A private asked

"No I want to see how he gets himself out of this mess have  the rest of our forces keep firing on the shipyard  that's our key objective and if Meitt is still alive after this I would like to have a little word with him." Kiryu replied as his forces continued to fire on the shipyard while Meitt was forced to fend for himself. The attack on the shipyard went on for at least a hour or two until the shipyard was showing signs of breaking apart as Kiryu had a smile on his face as the last of the Republic forces were reduced to dust and ash as the Sith forces flew around the now destroyed shipyard.

Kiryu Pov

Just seeing the republic ships burn in space was a sight to behold. We had delivered a crushing blow to our enemy but now I have to deal with a Moff who ignored orders as the said Moff boarded my ship and was escorted to the bridge. While I was going over the reports with Quinn.

"A wonderful display of force don't you agree?" Meitt asked as before he was gasping for air while I was force chocking him my eyes glowing red sending chills down his spine.

"You disobey a direct order Meitt and nearly caused us the mission if I hadn't showed up your forces would be destroyed before the battle lasted five minutes." I said as I watched the Moff still struggling for air before I snapped his neck as his lifeless body hit the floor dead before I order some men to remove the trash from the bridge.

"I am  impressed my lord he was a disgrace to the empire." Quinn said as I suddenly felt something was off.

"I sense a disturbance in the force it's near." I said as it was getting stronger.

"Sir I'm picking up strange readings." Said the helmsmen.

"Location?" I asked just as a wormhole portal opened up right in front of the fleet drawing all ships in rage into the portal.

"All engines full reverse!" I shouted but the ship moved closer and closer to the portal. The ship buckled and shook wildly tossing the ship around like a rag doll and sending me flying into the bulkhead knocking me out as the whole fleet was sucked into the portal well most of the fleet was pulled into the portal. While I was knocked out I had another vision but this of Korriban being attacked by a force I never seen before as their ships rain upon the surface. What was going on I thought in my head and just who where these guys?

After what felt like hours I finally woke up to see Quinn looking at me with a worried look on his face,

"My lord are you okay?" Quinn asked as he helped me up.

"I'm fine captain what happened?" I asked 

"Well after we grossed into the portal along with the rest of the fleet we came across a planet with a moon that looked like it been shattered into pieces." Quinn replied making me think about the vision I had about a world with a moon that had been shattered. I waked over to the window with my eyes widen in surprise.

"Sir reports are coming in from all decks besides from minor hull breeches the ship is still intact  although we need to re-key the system before we can have full power again." Quinn said

"Very good captain in the meanwhile I will take a ship and check out this planet we have discovered. I leave the control of the bridge to you." I said making my way to the hanger where my fury class interceptor was waiting as I walked on board and fired up the engines lifting off the deck and out of the hanger bay escorted by two members of Vampire squad. The world below got bigger as I began my decent. There were buildings and tress all about. 

"I better set the ship down in the forest to best not draw attention to myself." I said putting the ship down and so did the  two fighters making my way off the ship where I was greeted by  Kelly and Anna as they saluted me.

"My lord I'm glad to see that you are okay we like to join you on your recon if you will have us." Anna said.

"Very well then let's move out." I said as the three of us headed through the tress to scout out the local area not knowing what we might find but luckily for us thanks to my enhanced abilities I can pick up more things and see even if it's far away. The scouting was going well until I raised my hand to tell the girls to hold up as they took cover behind some trees. Like a shadow I moved a bit closer to see a group of men laughing while they where punching and kicking a girl with two different set of color hair while being chained up.

"This girl looks mighty fine if you ask me." Said one of the men

"I say we have some fun with her before we kill her." Another guy said while the girl was looking ahead like she knew I was there mouthing the words for me to help her. Thinking to myself if I save her she can tell me where I was.

"Kelly Anna stay hear." I said as I jumped down from the tree line just as one of the men licked the girls cheek.

"Where gonna have so much fun with you girly." The guy said before he was clawing at his throat gasping for air as the other men where trying to figure out what was going on before they heard was a gruesome snap of their partners neck.

"I don't think so." I said with my saber ignited making the rest of the men turn to face me.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked one of the men in which I replied by blasting him with force lighting sending him flying into the tress while the others drew their weapon and tried to attack me but I took my lightsaber and cut their weapons in half before I cut them all down their bodies laid motionless with the sizzling remains from my lightsaber. I drew my attention away from the dead bodies and looked up at the girl who was scared.

"No need to be scared of me I'm not gonna hurt you." I said using the force to break the chains that kept her hung up and used my saber to cut the cuffs off her hands before turning off my lightsaber before I asked what was her name but she pointed to her mouth saying that she can't speak.

"Ah so your a mute huh? I can fixed that so don't move okay?" I said placing a hand on the side of her neck and used the force to heal her voice. It took a few seconds but it worked.

"There you go all better." I said as the girl cleared her throat and spoke which made her eyes widen as she can't believe she heard her voice in a long time.

"My lord." Anna said as she and Kelly rushed over to the both of us and asked if I was okay.

"Yes I'm fine I just saved this girl from a group that looked like bandits." I replied

"I see. I didn't get your name." I said turning my attention to the girl.

" name is Neo sir. I never seen a dragon faunus like you before." Neo said making me a little confused.

"Faunus what's that?" Kelly asked

"I like to know perhaps you can tell me more about these faunus and this place." I said to Neo in which she replied saying that she be glad to explain everything. So the three of us  took Neo back to the ship. Once onboard I offer a drink in which she took it as I sat across from her while Kelly and Anna where sitting nearby. 

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kiryu and these two are Kelly and Anna." I said 

"Nice to met you all." Neo said before she explained everything from the world we landed on called Remnant to the faunus which where like human but with animal features. I was quite surprised from the information.

"This is a lot to take in but thank you for the information now I explain myself and where I came from right down to the last detail not leaving anything out.

"Now you know about me and where I came from." I said 

"I just have one question to asked." Neo said.

"And what's that on your belt?" Neo asked as I pulled out my lightsaber.

"This is a lightsaber a weapon used by us Sith and our sworn enemy the Jedi." I replied activating the red blade as it hummed to life.

"Is it possible for me to make one of my own?" Neo asked

"With the prober training you can but it will take time." I replied turning off the saber

"Then will you teach me to be a Sith like you?" Neo asked making  me think on this for a second. If the force had lead me here thin it must been fate that I take Neo as my apprentice one of many I expect.

"Very well Neo I will teach you and perhaps you can tell me more about Remnant along the way." I said as I stood up and held out my hand to Neo as she shook my hand.

"Thank you sir." Neo said.

"Your welcome Neo now get some sleep you be staying here for tonight. Kelly, Anna head back to the fleet I can take t from here." I said.

"Yes sir." Anna and Kelly said before heading back to their ships and flew off back into space while I headed to my chambers and laid on the bed and closed my eyes. Thinking to myself this was my first step into a larger world.

Neo Pov

After Kiryu told me where he was from and how he got made me think that there was a whole different galaxy out there then this one. Also the way how he took out those bandits with ease leaving none alive. I want to learn that power that he has. I want that strength so when something is taking from me I can take it back. I was gonna become Kiryu's apprentice starting tomorrow I will learn the ways of the Sith and stand by his side. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep thinking on what the day will bring for me tomorrow.

(a/n: chapter  three is done took me a bit longer then I thought but let me know what you guys think of it and what  lightsaber form should Kiryu teach Neo?)

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