It Was Always You

Oleh KairaSchwengler

1.3K 40 6


Her fault not mine! (1)
Why did it have to be him? (2)
They are here. (3)
How could you? (4)
Stop interrupting me! (6)
Welcome back (7)
Finding the perfect outfit is important! (8)
Get your filthy hands off him (9)
Seriously? (10)
The harmful words (11)
My love (12)
Its really happening (13)
Epilouge (14)

He is my mate?! (5)

72 3 0
Oleh KairaSchwengler

"What?" Hunter and Ava look at me shocked as I slam the door closed.

"I didn't feel it! What could this mean? Is he dead?" I feel crushed. I didn't even get to meet him!

"Whoa Chapin slow down!" Hunter looks at me. "Tell us everything." I start at when I left the pack house, and finished with putting the dishes away and leaving.

"You heard the clock bing at seven and didn't feel it?" Ava asked confused.

"I know! Right before the clock binged I said the reason I didn't have a mate was because I didn't want one and then nothing! Do you think the moon goddess took me seriously?"

"I think you need to calm down." Hunter states. "Maybe it was a fluke!"

"What if he is dead?" My head is swirling.

"Chapin!" Hunter grabs my arms and sits me down on my bed. "I think you need to calm down."

"Maybe you just need a bath and a good book and we can figure this out more tomorrow." Ava suggests and I nod.

"Maybe your right." Ava holds out her favourite book of the moment to me.

"Good now go take a bath and read a good book." I smirk at them and walk over to take the book and then retreat to the bathroom. Before I enter I turn to look at my best friends.

"Thanks for always being there."

"You're our best friend we wouldn't have it any other way."


The bath was good and now I smell nice! It was defiantly something I need to do more often. After I finish Ava suggests that I use the memory foam bed in the spare room and I decide that I should too. What can it hurt? Hunter told me she was sleeping in my bed since the floor has been giving her aches and I said she could. I am currently in the spare room reading a book Ava gave me. It's pretty good strangely it's a werewolf book but they got a lot of things wrong and it sort of makes me laugh a little.

My phone rings as I grab it and pick it up as soon as I see the caller ID.

"ARI!!!" I shout into the phone and I can hear her melodic laugh come through the line.

"Did you hear?"

"Your coming to visit me!" I laugh and she does too.

"I'm going to train you." I pout.

"I just want to hang out and such. How long are you going to be here?"

"Your dad said just for the work week." I nod knowing that's only five days max.

"That sucks."

"Why is your dad training you again?" She asks.

"Nah, enough about me! How are you, Miss I have a fiancé!"

"I'm good and so is Logan. Having him be my mate has been the best thing that has happened to me!" She gushes.

"How did he ask you? You never told me, we were both too busy yelling and discussing details about the wedding" I sound like an excited little girl. She laughs.

"He took me to the beach. We spent the whole day together and as the sun was setting he got our friends to come and he proposed to me on the water line, Adam got the whole thing on video you have to see it." I smile. I've always liked Logan as a cousin like Adam and now that he is marring one of my best friends! It's amazing.

"So when is the wedding still in eight months?"

"He pushed it back again so he said maybe twelve months. We have been engaged for a month already and I want the wedding to happen tomorrow or as soon as possible but he keeps insisting that there is no rush." She tells me and I can hear the annoyance in her voice as I laugh. "I just want him to be my husband!"

"And you can make me an aunt!" I shout and the line is silent.

"Is that all anyone wants?"


"Beth keeps insisting that we need pups ASAP, and my mom wants grand babies, hell even Sadie said we had to get on it!" I laugh as she sighs.

"Is he that bad in bed?"

"Nope quite the opposite actually." She says more to herself.

"Is that so? Tell me more!" I gush. I don't actually want to know but I know it'll get her all flustered.

"No! Why would you- He's my mate and its something that is intimate and-"

"Chill. I get it, I was just giving you a hard time."

"I can't wait to see you again." She says and I smile.

"I miss you too."

"So I hear the infamous Shane Vega is at your house."

"Yea, he's actually quite annoying. He sorta got hot though." There is no other way to describe him now. Well I guess there is sexy, desirable, seductive, arousing- Chapin! I scold myself.

"Hot how?"

"Like no words hot." She gasps.

"Seriously!" I laugh. "Well Logan wants me to come to bed."

"Ew, too much information."

"Not like that you perv!" We laugh."I'll see you in a couple days?" I nod even though I know she can't see me.

"Until Monday." I agree.

"Bye Chapin!" I say bye as well. Ari and I are close because after Silas died shes the first one to make me feel something other than miserable. I smirk as I look at the time. It's pretty late so I decide to go to sleep.

At midnight I wake up to feel the pull. I jump in my bed. The pull feels like there is a hold on your heart, some people describe it as a string literally pulling at your heart. I feel my heart rate pick up. He's alive, I've never been more happy to feel that pull! I get out of bed since Mariah is on edge.

He's here


She's never acted like this before. She rarely talks to me so twice in the past week is a stretch. I walk out of the room and cold covers my body. I rush to my room and change as quietly as I can into some jeans and a sweater. I walk outside feeling better in my clothes. I follow Mariah's instructions. I get ot the playground when I see him standing there. Mariah is going crazy in my head.

That's him! That's my mate!

"Shane!" I shout loudly, this can't be happening. He rushes over to me as I take a couple steps back.

"It's you!"

"Are you kidding me?" I look at him shocked.

"Four years. I have waiting four years to this day for you!!" He states. He pulls me close but I push him away.

"What do you mean?"

"Today's my birthday!" He states.

"But I always felt the pull around seven."

"Seven your time. That would be midnight my time." He tells me pulling me to him. I feel the sparks and I jump back.

"What the hell?"

"That's what happens when you are true mates." He smiles at me. "Aren't you glad that your mate is me."

"Excuse me?" I look at him confused. I was hoping it would be anyone but him. Mariah glares at me in my head. I can't even think right now.

"I mean come on, I'm hot and your not that bad to look at either." I glare at him. 'Not that bad'?!


"Our parents are going to be so happy. We will make beautiful pups too, with my shape and face of course." I swear my eyes pop out of my head.

"Who says that I'm going to sleep with you?" He looks at me.

"Why wouldn't you?" My anger reaches it's peak.

"Who do you think you are?" I shout.

"Chapin-" My name rolls off his tongue like it's meant to only be said by him. My legs feel like jelly but I refused to let it show.

"Shane?" His friend Lukas is wearing pj bottoms and nothing else. I stare at his beautifully crafted body. Shane growls.

"Go change!" He grabs my by the arms. I look at him shocked. Fire shoots up my arm. I rip his hands off me and hug myself. He looks at me shocked.

"What's your problem?" I ask him.

"Come to bed with me." He demands.

"Who do you think you are?! I'm not going to bed with you!"

"But your my mate-" He states confused.

"And your going to have to work for something like that." He looks at me like I'm an alien.


"Yea, I know it's a foreign concept for you but some people have to work for another persons love."

"But your my mate-" I sigh and start walking away from him annoyed. He grabs me. "Don't walk away when I'm not finished talking to you." He growls out. I glare at him.

"I will do what I want. Because I have the freedom to chose what I can and can not do." I hiss out walking away. I can feel his gaze on me as I make my way back to the pack house. I need a beer, or five.


I wake up the next morning to feel someone watching me. I open my eyes and see Shane inside the spare bedroom. I jump away from him. "What the hell?"

"I needed to make sure you were safe." He states like it's no big deal.

"Your in my room!"

"Thanks captain obvious." I glare at him.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Five thirty am." He states.

"Have you been here all night?" I ask exasperated.

"Maybe, Rowan was going crazy." Rowan must be his wolf. Mariah wouldn't talk to me after I refused to go and sleep with Shane.

"Get the hell out!" I shout at him.

"Fine, calm down." He leaves the room but doesn't go any farther. I sigh in annoyance and then realize that I'm not in my room. I go and open the door "So when are we telling our parents?"

"No!" I shout and he looks at me confused. "My dad can't know." I state.

"Why not?"

"You don't understand, please do this for me?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes and his eyes widen.

"I um- but it's- we need to- fine." He sulks a little. I kiss him on the cheek. "You missed." He smirks at me ruining the mood. I roll my eyes and push past him to get to my room. "Where are you-" I open the door and slam it in his face. I hear him sigh as Ava looks at me rubbing her eyes.

"Chapin? What's going on?" I wake up Hunter before opening the mind link between us three.

Shane is my mate. I didn't feel the pull at seven because the time difference.

Holy crap on a cracker. Ava's eyes widen.

Really Ava?

Shut up Hunter. She sighs in annoyance.

Guys I don't know what to do. He is following me around and wont leave me alone.

"Chapin?" Shane pounds on our door confirming what I had just told them.

"Go get ready." Hunter tell me. I nod and walk over to my closet as she opens the door. "She is changing she'll be out in a minute." I close the closet door and take a minute to breath. This can not be happening. Shane, out of all the male wolves in the world it had to be Shane. I slowly get ready for the day. I change into some workout shorts and a tank top. I grab on my runners knowing my father is going to want me to train. Only one more day then Ari will be here to train me.

I step out into my room to see Ava rolling her eyes as Hunter talks to Shane.

"She is changing Shane."

"I need to make sure she's ok."

"She'll be fine for two seconds in this room with Ava and I."


"Seriously! I'm so glad your not my mate." She slams the door in his face. She sighs in annoyance and looks towards me.

Good luck with him.


"Hunter, open the door!" I walk over and open the door. He looks at me and smiles seeing me. "Chapin,-"

"I'm not a little girl I can take care of myself." I push past him and start walking down the stairs. I hear him as he follows me.

"Chapin, as your mate it my job to protec-" I turn to face him.

"Yes, but with you banging on door you'll let the whole country know. Shane I need space to figure this out."

"What is there to figure out?" He looks at me shocked. I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm first. Fireworks shoot up my arm and make it go numb. I rip my arm out of his hold. He looks down at his hand just as shocked as I am. I start walking away again and he rushes to follow me. I get down the stairs.

"Shane I need to train."

"Train for what? I'm your mate, I can protect you!"

"And if your gone? If there is on one there but me, who will protect me then?" He looks down at me. He thinks about this for a moment before answering.

"Fine, but I want to help train you."

"No need, Ari is coming to train her tomorrow." Grey steps in and looks at Shane. Shane nods and then looks towards me.

"Who is Ari?"

"Larissa Clemons." Dax says popping out of nowhere.

"Thee Larissa Clemons?" Shane looks shocked. I nod.

"She's one of our close friends." Grey puffs out his chest. I sigh in annoyance, testosterone.

"Come on lets start." I insist. My dad walks over to us.

"I think it would be a great idea if Shane helps you train, but he needs to get going soon to find his mate." I look towards Shane and his eyes meet mine. He nods and doean't say anything else. I drop the gaze and look towards Grey and Dax who are geting ready to train me.

This is going to be one long day.


So Shane is her mate! What did you think? I loved this chapter so much! Tell me your thoughts!

Next update will be a week from today!




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