College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]

By WandaUK

88.1K 2.3K 1.1K

Follows the story of two university students one being Lizzie Olsen. #3 - Maximoff 20/5/21 #3 - Elizabeth Ols... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 35
Book 2

Part 19

2.7K 68 47
By WandaUK

The next day I woke up a dry sore throat from smoking the night before. I slid out of bed as careful as I could in need of some water to aid my aching voice. I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a glass of water and a tea for Lizzie before walking back to the bedroom. Other than my sore throat I felt a lot better than the night before. Having a plan made me feel more secure mentally. 

'I wondered where you went' Lizzie yawned as I entered the room to her stretching her arms out. I walked around her side of the bed and placed her tea on the bedside table. She thanked me as I returned to my side of the bed with my water. 

'Sore throat?' She questioned as I took a sip from my water. I nodded as I took a gulp of my water which made a stinging sensation as it went down my throat. 

'What time are we meeting your sisters?' My voice was hoarse. After I finished speaking I tried to clear my voice. 

'Around 11:30 at theirs' Lizzie replied as she took her tea and phone off the side table.

'Plenty of time then' My voice sounded better have clearing my throat, at this point is was only 9 so we were in no rush to get up. I rested my head against the headboard and closed my eyes as Lizzie put some morning tunes on the speaker. My body felt completely as ease.

'Hey baby, Sean had emailed me a bit more around the story' I opened my eyes to Lizzie's excited voice, her phone was pushed against my face. I took the slim phone from her hands and fiddled to my bedside table to reach from my glasses. I normally wear contacts but you aren't meant to wear them to see so I needed my glasses as an aid to read the tiny phone screen. 

'Martha Marcy May Marlene' I read allowed from her email, then turned to Lizzie and raised my eyebrow in interest. I then scrolled down to see a brief description of what the storyline is. 'A 22-year-old woman named Martha has been living as a member of a cult the Catskill mountains  for some time. The charismatic cult leader, Patrick, granted her the name Marcy May upon her initiation. Eventually, she decides to flee and escapes into the woods, arriving at a nearby town. In a diner, she is confronted by Watts, a cult member, who attempts to persuade her to return, but she refuses. Martha calls her sister Lucy, who picks her up and takes her to the vacation lake house in that she shares with her husband, a successful and wealthy architect named Ted. The story follows Martha through flashbacks, nightmares and paranoia after returning to her family.'

'Sounds intense Lizzie' I pass her phone back after reading the storyline. 

'Very intense as I will be playing Martha' She replied before locking her phone and putting it back on the side table and then coming to lie against my chest. 

'I am excited to have such an interesting role as my first' She turned her head so she can look at me and I let my fingers get tangled in her hair.  

'Yeah you will really get to test your skills won't you' Arching my top half over so I could kiss her head and then leant back and continued to play with her hair as I could see it was relaxing her. I didn't really have a lot of knowledge to acting so I said what I could for the remained of the conversation. 

'You familiar with any other people who will be in the film?' I questioned. 

'I have never met any of them before. I have heard of a couple she replied as she sat up to get her tea from the side. 

'Sarah Paulson is my older sister' She continued after a gulp of tea. I need a few moments before I realised who she meant as the link between famous names and faces wasn't. I nodded my head as I knew who she was on about. 

'John Hawkes is playing the cult leader' She explained but I couldn't put a name to the face.

'You know we watched that film the other night with Jennifer Lawrence in?' Lizzie tried to remember the name of the film. 

'Winter's Bone' I replied

'Yes that's the one! John was the man who played Jennifer Lawrence's uncle, the methamphetamine addict in that film' She explained further. I nodded as I finally knew who she was on about. 

'But the rest I don't know off the top of my head' Lizzie took one last big gulp of her tea before setting her mug back on the side. 

'How are you this morning?' I knew the dreaded question was going to come up eventually. I didn't want to keep talking about my feelings, it wasn't the type of person I was. 

'All good' I replied a small smile, Lizzie came and laid on top of me.

'Really?' She was unconvinced by my answer

'Honestly I am better than last night, we have a plan. I will be hard not seeing you but I will cross that bridge when I need to' I put on my most convincing voice.

'Which means your going to stress and smoke the whole  time and I will come back to someone sounding like a frog with a bad cough' She mumbled 

'I won't I promise, Its too expensive anyway' I joked and Lizzie rolled her eyes at my joke. I rolled on top of her as she giggled. I kissed her passionately knowing it will leave her wanting more. 

'So are you coming?' I parted our kiss and headed to the bathroom slipping my T-shirt from the night before off and throwing it towards her as she remained lying on the bed. With that comment Lizzie immediately looked up and raised her eyebrow with a smirk. I turned the shower on and waited for the steam to form so I knew the water was hot. As the steam started to form I looked back with Lizzie starting at me still lying on the bed where she has a view of the en-suite. Only when I was just about to get in to the shower I saw her get off the bed to join me. 

After a few seconds I felt the touch of a soft hand started at my hip and worked its way up the right side of  my body. I turned around to face Lizzie and without a word I kissed her deeply, passionately. Her hands rise to the back of my head pushing my tongue deeper into her mouth as I explore it.
I wrapped my hands around her back and slid them down to grab what was mine. I broke the kiss and Lizzie tried to pull me back, but instead I turned her body to face the wall allowing the water to fall directly on her. My right hand runs up her spine as the water from the shower head above pulses down. Kisses are placed all over her neck and back whilst my hands cup your breasts. pinching and rolling your nipples between my fingers. Lizzie let out little hums as  continued to place kisses on her sweet spot. 

'Ingrid, I am really enjoying this but-' Lizzie started as she turned back around.

'But we have plans with your sisters and haven't got time?' I stopped kissing her and cut her off as I knew exactly what she was going to say. 

'Later?' She questioned

'We will see if I have drank' I joked referring to a couple of nights before. Lizzie gave me a death glare in return before leaving the shower to dry. After a couple of moments I followed her actions and dried my body before wrapping my towel around me and heading back into the bedroom to find Lizzie had laid out an outfit for me and had began packing both of our stuff as we were leaving London today. 

After getting changed I helped Lizzie make sure that our belongings where put in our cases, we the wheeled them in to the living area so when we got back we could just collect them and leave. I reached over the couch and reach for Lizzies coat and held it do she could slide her arms in. Once her coat was on I then put mine on and held out my hand for her to hold. She took it as we left the apartment and headed towards the twins hotel. 

Lizzie had text them as we were walking towards their hotel and just as we were arriving we heard the clicking of the cameras and the two twins appear with their sunglasses on, they gave us both a quick wave before getting into a car and we followed them into the car. 

'Has it been like this the whole time' I chuckled as I did up my seatbelt. 

'Yeah' Ashley huffed, 

'Hey what's up with you two?' Lizzie asked from Ashley's short response and Mary-Kate's lack of response. Mary-Kate just looked over at Ashley and then away. I felt awkward at the situation of being in the car where the twins seemed to be annoyed at each other. 

'MK? Ashley? are you going to explain?' Lizzie asked again, she began to get frustrated with the two sisters.

'Spending too much time with each other?' Lizzie questioned trying to get a response but nothing. 

'That's one way of putting it' Mary-Kate eventually mumbled. The whole time Ashley was staring out of the window avoiding both sisters' eye contact but I could tell in the corner of my eye that she would occasionally look at me. Every time I would turn to face her she would look away and return to looking out the window. 

'What's happened? this happens nearly every time you guys go away' Lizzie sighed trying to resolve what had happened. Mary-Kate just shook her head. We eventually pulled up to where the twins had chosen to eat, the four us quickly walked in before we gain attention. 

We took a seat not too far from the window as it was quite a dark restaurant so the natural light from the window was nice. The waitress came over not fazed that three celebrities were sat around the table but at the same time we were in the middle of London she probably was used to having celebrities coming in all the time. The twins had sat as far away as each other as possible on the four sitter table. Just as we started to look at the menu, my phone went off with a message from Naomi. 

You are getting along with the sisters well aren't you! I read before picking up my phone intrigued with my housemate was on about. It soon followed by attachments of photos. One being a screenshot of Instagram from a fan account who had posted a photo of me and Ashley when we went for the late night liquor run a couple of nights previous with some caption assuming I was with Ashley. 

Ashley was sat next to me and looked over at my phone before making eye contact with me. I was just about to joke about it with her but she stood up and walked out the door. Mary-Kate looked across at me then looked at my phone, even though I knew she couldn't see what was on the screen I could sense that this is why they were annoyed at each other. Lizzie looked at me confused and I shrugged my shoulders and then noticed Ashley through the window. I excused myself from the table and walked out.

'Is this what the the situation between you and MK is about?' I asked as I watched Ashley light a cigarette. She took a big inhale before nodding.

'But why? I was literally about to joke about it when you got up' I reassured her that I wasn't bothered about it. Me and Lizzie both weren't on social media so it wasn't in the public knowledge that we were together, especially as she was never noticed back in university. 

'Because I made a stupid joke about it this morning when I saw it' She mumbled before taking another drag. 

'MK didn't find it funny?' I questioned. Ashley shook her head before lighting a second cigarette and offering me the box. I got templated by the offer and took one even though my throat had just gotten over the burning sensation of the night before.

'What did you say?' I was curious. I took a drag whilst waiting for her. 

'That I didn't mind people assuming that we were together. I meant it in a total jokey way like there are worse people I could be photographed with but MK thought it was a selfish thing for me to say and even when I had justified my joke she doesn't believe me' Ashley confessed. I took a very long drag as I thought that Mary-Kate is probably telling Lizzie now. 

We were both snapped out of our thoughts with a flash, I looked up as it caught my eye. Someone taking a photo of me and Ashley from across the street. The flash must have also caught the eye of the two sat inside as they both came out. 

'Smoking?! Seriously Ingrid! do you not remember your sore throat from this morning?!' Lizzie put on a stern voice before taking the cigarette out of my hand and stamping it on the floor. 

'This is going great for you isn't it?!' Mary-Kate had an angry tone to Ashley. 'Being photographed again?!' She continued as Ashley stood looking down. Lizzie looked from her sisters' argument to me. 

'You know what's happened right?' I mumbled and she gave a sad smile nodded.  

'I'm sorry' She said and I looked at her confused

'for what reason?' I replied, I could hear the two twins bickering beside us. 

'You being photographed, for my sister saying what she said, my other sister no finding it a joke, you then being brought into a Olsen family argument' She sighed. I took her hand and led her back into the restaurant to get away from the sisters who through the window were still bickering. 

'You know you don't have to apologise for any of those things, there just one thing' I took her hands as she took Ashley's seat so we could sit together but also so she could have a view of the window in case she had to run out to split anything up. 

'Not finishing what we started his morning' I winked, trying to lift the mood. I succeeded as she let out a little giggle. We looked out the window to finally see the two twins hug. 

'Looks like it is all sorted now' I said, whilst looking at the menu as we hadn't ordered yet. 

'They will be best friends now, until the next time one of them pisses the other off' She mumbled as they headed towards the door. 

'Pisses' I replied which a chuckle 'you've caught on to my slang, you fake brit!' I teased her choice of vocabulary earning me a nudge as the twins sat back down. 

'Sorry about that Ingrid' The twins said together before looking down at the menu. 

The rest of breakfast went well. There was no more arguing between the twins and they were back to normal asking questions and being talkative. We finished up the food and then headed back to the apartment a bit cautious of time as we needed to catch the train back to Liverpool. The car dropped us off first outside the apartment we had been staying in, the twins share a quick hug with me and Lizzie before we jumped out the car. I locked the door and ushered Lizzie to go in first out of the cold. 

We collected our bags from our room before noticing we haven't got an awful lot of time before our train. We leave the apartment with out stuff and I posted the key through the checkout box in the lobby area as Lizzie headed towards the door. We took the underground to the main station and found our platform. In a similar fashion to the outbound journey I left Lizzie with our belongings so I could run and get her coffee order and a couple of snacks. 

I returned just as the train was beginning to board and noticed a worried looking Lizzie looking around for me until she met my eyes which put her at ease. I made my way over to her and handed her the two coffee and the bag of snacks before lifting the suitcases as I followed her on to the train. 

The journey back felt longer than on the way as we didn't sleep due to it being half way through the day. The journey was spent listening to music together and planning our fake Christmas day we had decided to do. 

Here's an update 

I hope you enjoy! 

See you in the next chapter! :D

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