College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]

Da WandaUK

85.2K 2.2K 1.1K

Follows the story of two university students one being Lizzie Olsen. #3 - Maximoff 20/5/21 #3 - Elizabeth Ols... Altro

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 35
Book 2

Part 15

2.8K 77 61
Da WandaUK

'And you must be the special friend' Ashley pulled away from Lizzie with a smirk and hugged me. Mary-Kate then joined the hug making Lizzie giggle from the door. 

'Give her some air guys! I do want her to last the night' Lizzie laughed and the two girls let go giving me a big smile.

'Woah! this room is amazing!' I said as we walked into their hotel room. 

'Lizzie deffo fell for that accent!' Mary-Kate joked and then all three of them mocked how I said 'Amazing'. I felt at ease like all of the nerves had completely left my body, they were joking around with me which is always a great sign. Especially as I thought they would just want to rush out to get the meal over and done with. 

'Come sit' Ashley called as she sat down on one of the  couches that were positioned opposite each other in the middle of the room. Me and Lizzie sat together and the twins on the other. We chatted for what felt for ages, them asking how university was going for the both of us, leading to me asking how their trip to London was going, eventually the conversation just ended up being the twins complaining about the paparazzi not leaving them alone. 

'Lizzie did you give Ing a run down of dealing with the paparazzi?' Mary-Kate asked as whilst passing me a glass of something to drink. I looked over at Lizzie worriedly, I didn't think there was going to be all these protocols along with the evening, I literally thought we were just going out for dinner. 

'No I didn't, you wanted me to scare her off before she met you in person' Lizzie laughed whilst she put her arm around me. 

'Quick run down, if they ask you anything just keep walking don't take any notice of them, they like to take the simplest of things you say and make a big drama about it' Mary-Kate started. 

'We will try and be as quick as possible between building and car like from hotel to car and car to restaurant. So there will be like no opportunity for any of us to get harassed by questions'  Ashley then stated. I sat there taking every word in as the situation brought my nerves back. 

'Obviously, we are going out with Mary-Kate and Ashley, so photos will be taken. I remembered to bring these for you' Lizzie passed me some sunglasses. 

'Its the middle of December!' I said taking the glasses off her.

'Yeah yeah but honestly you don't wear these, those flashing lights are going to give you a headache baby' Lizzie explained and I replied by nodding. 

'Right then now that's over with I think we've got some birthday celebrations to continue' Mary-Kate stood up and downed the rest of her drink. We all followed suit finishing the sweet alcohol she had given us and then putting our coats on. 

We all got into a lift to get down to the ground floor of the hotel where Michael was waiting. He rushed over to the twins to ask if they were ready to leave as they said yes I saw security walking towards the door. I saw that the three Olsens had put their sunglasses on and I followed their actions putting mine on. 

'Have a good night girls' Michael called after us as we were leaving.

'Thanks Michael!' The twins called at the same time. As we edged towards the door Lizzie took my hand and guided me out. The twins were in front of us and as soon as we walked out it was like being in a nightclub with the amount of flashes, as we continued towards the car the paparazzi's were calling the Twins names but they did as they told me to do and just head to the car and not give any notice of them. 

The two oldest got to the car first but noticed that the paparazzi now started to call Lizzie's name. They stood either side of the car door making sure that Lizzie got in first and then me and then they both did. They seemed to be very protective of their sister. 

'How have you not been noticed in Liverpool yet?' Ashley questioned as Lizzie was just noticed then. 

'When I am in Liverpool I blend in. When I am with you guys I basically look like the third twin' Lizzie giggled.

'That's so true I had no idea who Lizzie was' I laughed 

'What?!? I need to hear how you found out!' Mary-Kate sounded shocked. 

As the car started to move off, I started to explain the story of the day me and Lizzie has met and that night how we were playing never have I ever in her flat, how we all knew she looked like someone famous but not knowing who and when she drank at the celebrity question and explained she was an Olsen it all made sense. 

'Ah drinking games, you a keen drinker Ing?' Ashley smirked 

'I guess I can hold my drink pretty well' I smiled. 

'Finally! someone to drink with!' She then cheered.

'Yeah yeah! whatever me and Lizzie are lightweights no need to tease we've had it all before' Mary-Kate nudged her sister whilst rolling her eyes. I loved that they were having this family banter in front of me it made me feel so comfortable. 

We soon arrived at the restaurant, I read the sign Sketch. I had never heard of it before. We managed to walk in without being spotted by any paparazzi luckily. Lizzie took my hand once again as we followed the sisters into the restaurant.  

'Miss Olsen, Miss Olsen and Miss Olsen' An excited man came gliding across the reception area. I noted that the three sisters had definitely been here before. The three of them just smiled at the man as he offered to take all of our coats off us. As we waited for him to reappear from the cloakroom, my eyes wondered the room looking at the quirky decorated room. 

'Its like this all the through' Lizzie caught my eyes as I was scanning the room. 

'Its cool isn't it?' Ashley said as she came to stand closer to you and Lizzie. Mary-Kate was lost in her own world taking photos or the flowers that decorated the roof.

'She does this every time we come' Ashley rolled her eyes. 

The man from before soon came back and the showed up to our table. It was very quite in the restaurant with only a few others in it considering it was a Friday night and we were in London. The whole  restaurant was a pale pink from the velvet seats to the walls. The all along the walls were funky colourful pieces of art work. Menus were placed in front of us all and the man asked for a drink order. 

'you already know what Ashley is going to have' Mary-Kate laughed at the man and he nodded.

'Ingrid will take one of those as well' Ashley smiled across the table at me, the man looked at me questionable and I just nodded that I will have the same as her. 

'a Mojito would be great please' Lizzie pipped up putting her menu back on the table. 

'and I will have the same' Mary-Kate said and the man walked off. 

'So, what have you order for me?' I questioned jokingly 

'You'll find out' All three of the sisters smirked at each other. I looked at Lizzie for reassurance, she placed her hand on my leg and rubbed my thigh to comfort me. 

The drinks arrived, the man placing Lizzie's and Mary-Kate's down first and then returned to the side of the table where me and Ashley were sat. He placed two shot glasses down on the table filling them with a brown liquid, then reaching in his pocket and lighting them both. Ashley then picked her flaming shot up and motioned for me to clink glasses with her . I clinked and then took the drink in one. 

'I'm impressed' Ashley smirked across the table, the other two giggled at the sister's reaction. 

'Now what do you actually want to drink' The waiter laughed, she must do that every time she comes in I thought to myself. 

'You do a black Russian?' I asked the man, thinking the milk from that cocktail may cool my throat from the burning alcohol I had just drank. 

'Yes of course' the waiter nodded

'She has good taste' Ashley looks over at Lizzie with a smirk before telling the waiter she will have the same. 

Once the drinks came we had a toast all together before then ordering the food. I had the most amazing meal I had ever had. The food was presently like it was a piece of art work and tasted even better than it looked. From this I knew why the girls kept coming back here. the conversation didn't go dry once it flowed all the way through from starter and dessert. Just after dessert the twins went to the toilet leaving me and Lizzie alone for the first time since I had met the sisters.

'It's going well right?' I quickly asked Lizzie as soon as I could tell the twins were out of hearing distance.

'More than well! No one from outside the family has ever got Ashley out of her shell that easily!' Lizzie seemed impressed. I could feel a smile plastered on my face as I knew that was definitely a good sign that they like me. I put my hand from under the table on to Lizzie's thigh gliding it up and down in a teasing way. She looked over to me in a disapproving way before giving me a kiss on the lips. The kiss didn't last long but it still gave a me butterflies in my stomach. I look my hand from her thigh and putting it around her side pulling her into me as I saw the twins walking back to the table excitedly. 

'How about coming to a party with us?' Mary-Kate squealed and Ashley grinning next to her. 

'Now?!' Lizzie looked shocked 

 'Yes! we just had a text about it when we were in the toilet!' Mary-Kate explained. Lizzie looked over at me and I gave a smile suggesting I didn't mind what we did.

'Right okay then' Lizzie giggles leaning herself into me, I gave her a kiss on the forehead. The twins covered the bill as my birthday treat which I was very grateful for, we then quickly left the restaurant straight to the car without being recognised again luckily. 

'Never been in and out of their without being caught before' Mary-Kate explained as she sat in the car seat next to me. 

'Well we will deffo be seen getting out the car at this party' Ashley replied to her twin. I mentally reminded myself of what the twins had told me about paparazzi. 

The car stopped and all four of us put sunglasses back on before leaving the car. There was a lot more paparazzi outside of here, again shouting all three Olsen's names. I took Lizzie's hand as the entrance was a bit crowded and I didn't want to loose her. Walking is was one of the most overwhelming experiences ever, the flashing lights of the camera, the shouting of names over the loud music coming from the event but having Lizzie's hand in mine made everything better. 

We got up the stairs and I think the two sisters noticed how much of a shock to the two of us that was. Firstly me who had never experienced that before and Lizzie who hadn't have to deal with it since coming to university. 

'All sorted, now lets test your drinking and dancing ability' Ashley linked arms with me and guided me towards the bar. Leaning on to the bar Ashley ordered for her and Mary-Kate before asking what me and Lizzie have been drinking in the clubs back in university and ordering them from the two of us. I paid for the drinks as a thank you for the meal even though Ashley kept denying me pay I finally won as I passed my card over to the bartender. We took two glasses each and headed back to find the other two.

'Ingrid's round' Ashley announced as she placed two glasses on the table.

'You did not let the birthday girl buy her own drinks' Mary-Kate glared at Ashley.

'I tried she wouldn't let me' Ashley held her hands up in the air defending herself. 

'Well the rest is on us three!' Mary-Kate said before taking a sip of her drink. 

'By that she means two more drinks because she will be somewhere with her head in a toilet throwing up' Ashley laughed whilst nudging her sister who did not look impressed with her comment. 

'Lets go for a dance' Lizzie said after finishing her drink. I stood up out of the booth and Lizzie slid out with her sisters following. We formed a little circle in the middle of the dancefloor casually dancing and drinking. Every so often other people would join to talk to the famous twins, I wasn't great with celebrities and names so had no idea who the majority of them were. 

'Lizzie you're not 21!' An American accent came from behind Lizzie, at first she looked confused at the voice because of the flashing lights she wasn't able to see who it was. 

'Scarlett! what are you doing here!' Lizzie exclaimed whilst hugging on to Scarlett Johannsson. I didn't even know Lizzie had met Scarlett before.

'I am in the same fashion show as your sisters' Scarlett explained, I just stood their in star struck.

'How come your in a club underaged!' Scarlett then questioned, she was the same age as Lizzie's sisters so a couple of years older than me and Lizzie.

'We are in England! I can club from age 18!' Lizzie giggled.

'Oh that's the reason you came to university here then' Scarlett laughed, the circle was all still dancing through the whole of this time. Every so often Mary-Kate would put her arm around to dance with me quiet drunkly, I tried keeping her up. 

'So who's your sisters friend' I overheard Scarlett say to Lizzie referring to me who had Mary-Kate hands within mine as we danced. 

'That's my girlfriend! we met in university' Lizzie shouted over the music in reply to her. It made me feel proud when I overheard her comment. 

'You have to introduce me!' Scarlett and Lizzie broke the circle to come to speak to me as I was trying to keep Mary-Kate upright. The two of them helped me prop the drunk twin on the barstool before Lizzie introduced us to each other. 

'You sure it wasn't the girls that made you come to a British university Lizzie?' Scarlett smirked over at her after we had been introduced, I couldn't help but giggle as Lizzie blushed. 

'SCARLETT!' A voice called from the dancefloor. 

'That's my que to leave, it was great meeting you Ingrid and I'll see you over Christmas when your home Lizzie' Scarlett gave us both a quick hug before going back to dancefloor. Lizzie signals to Ashley on the dance floor that Mary-Kate is drunk and her sister rushed over. 

'Oh MK!' Ashley sighed looking as her sister slumped. 

'Come back to ours for a bit if you like? For MK to sober up a bit before you go back to your hotel' Lizzie said and her sister nodded thankfully. I handed my long black coat over to Ashley to put over Mary-Kate's head to hid her from the paparazzi on the way to the car. 

'You always know how to overdo it' Ashley unwrapped her sister out of the coat as we had gotten in the car. Mary-Kate just sat there with a huge drunk grin on her face seeming proud of how much she had drank. 

Sooooo there are the sisters!

I really enjoyed including them in the story, let me know what you think of them!

see you in the next chapter :D

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