College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]

By WandaUK

85.2K 2.2K 1.1K

Follows the story of two university students one being Lizzie Olsen. #3 - Maximoff 20/5/21 #3 - Elizabeth Ols... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 35
Book 2

Part 13

3.6K 86 47
By WandaUK

Not a lot has happened over the past few weeks. It is now the beginning of December and the next week is going to be extremely overwhelming with stuff including my 21st birthday. Me and Lizzie were both older than our friends as we had come to university after having a year off, therefore when everyone else was turning 20 we were turning 21.

Since asking Lizzie to be my girlfriend everything was running smoothly. We slept in the same bed almost every night but taking turns in who's room. Every Friday night was now date night where we would take turns each week to plan where or what we were doing, even if it was just having a movie night in one of our rooms. It was now common knowledge not to plan anything on a Friday night with either of us as everyone knew it was our date night.

It was a gloomy Monday morning on my 21st. I woke up with my face buried in Lizzie's chest which is new; normally I am the one that holds her when we sleep. I wasn't in the best of moods, I hated my birthday. I pulled out of Lizzie's chest as carefully as I could trying not to wake her up. As I succeeded I sat up slightly and gently pulled her into my chest wrapping my arms around her. She nuzzled in to my chest going back to sleep and so did I.

It didn't feel like five minutes more when Lizzie crawled on top of me planting lots of little kisses over my face. I kept my eyes closed. I hated this day so much.

'Come on birthday girl' She straddled me. I still chose to keep my eyes closed not wanting to get out of bed today. I felt Lizzie's hair tickled my neck as she began to kiss my neck. At that point I couldn't pretend to be asleep, I flipped Lizzie over making  her giggle as I kissed her back, letting my hands rom around her body, my hands slipped up my oversized shirt that she was wearing, she let out a few sighs as I grabbed on to her bare skin, pulling her on top of me.

'Come on present time' Lizzie stopped with the kissing and pulling away from the grip I had on her thighs.

'Oh so last night wasn't my present' I smirked whilst sitting up from my lying down position, I rested my head on my headboard.

'Well I mean that was one of them' she winked. She turned her back to me and rummaged around in her bag until she pulled out a beautifully wrapped box. She came back towards the bed and straddled me once again and passed me the box.

Inside was lots of little presents such as a pair of little earrings, some perfume and then at the bottom of the box was a little pink envelope with a silver bow on it. I grabbed it and looked at it confused as I had already opened my birthday card. Lizzie looked excitedly at my hands opening the envelope.

As I opened the envelope to reveal two train tickets to London for Friday morning. I could feel a grin form on my face. Lizzie looks down at my excitedly. I pull her down into a kiss.

'I'm so excited' I pulled her waist close to me.
'My sisters are there at the moment doing some fashion show and they want to take you out for dinner on Friday night if your up for it' She played with my hair still sat on my thighs.
'Yes amazing!' I replied even though the thought of meeting her famous sisters made me feel a bit nervous.

After getting changed into some clothes the two of us made our way to the kitchen. My flatmates were all sat in the living room which had been decorated a similar way to how it was on Gerry's birthday.

'Happy Birthday' The three of them cheered. I gave the best smile I could give considering I hated celebrating my birthday. I go to head to the kettle but was stopped.
'Nope, nice try but I'll make them' Lizzie pushed me towards the sofa where everyone else was sat. I got pulled into a hug one by one. Lizzie came over and sat next to me handing me a cup of tea and then putting her arm around my shoulders as the others passed me presents to unwrap.

'Thank you so much guys!' I said after opening everything. We all chatted for a bit until one by one everyone went to get ready for their lectures. Me and Lizzie decided not to go to our lectures today but instead we went for a walk along the docks and chill at my flat together.

The evening soon approached and me and Lizzie were getting ready to meet my parents for a meal. My parents had both heard all about Lizzie however tonight was the first time them meeting. I could tell as we were getting ready that Lizzie was a bit nervous and she wasn't the only one. My dad was extremely old fashioned in his ways and I hadn't seen him since I had started dating Lizzie and I didn't know how he was going to act around me. I didn't want to tell Lizzie as I felt it would make her more nervous.

'You look beautiful' I kissed her on the lips before helping her put her long coat on and then putting my own on. We linked arms as we made our way down to the foyer. We waited in the doorway a few minutes before I saw my parents' black car park up outside. Both parents jumped out the car and my mum ran over and gave both me and Lizzie I hug. My dad was a bit slower walking around from the other side of the car but that is how he always was.

'So Mum and dad this is my girlfriend Lizzie and Lizzie these are my parents Rachel and Henry' my voice was a little shaky as I was nervous for them all to meet. The three of them exchanged a little conversation before my dad suggested we jump into the car to go into the city centre.
I opened the car door for Lizzie to get in and she shuffled across so I could get in beside her. I rested my hand on the middle seat in between mine and Lizzie's seat and she rested here on top of mine as she started a conversation with my dad about his line of work. This made me feel a relief that she was making an effort and I knew my dad would appreciate that.

We arrived at the restaurant where me and Lizzie had our first date as it was my parents favourite restaurant to come to in Liverpool. The four of us engaged in conversation, Lizzie explaining this is the restaurant where I had taken her on our first date.

'My daughter knows how to treat a girl' my dad chuckled refilling mine and Lizzie's glasses with the bottle of wine we had chosen. From that comment I turned to smile at Lizzie resting my hand on her thigh.

The food soon arrived and it was even better than ever before. The conversation carried on all the way through the meal which I was relieved about as I was so nervous that it would have been awkward. When the meal was over I reached to my bag to get out my purse to cover mine and Lizzie's half of the bill however my dad stopped me by pulling out his wallet and telling me to put mine away.

When we left the restaurant the four of us had decided to walk down the main high street to look at the Christmas lights that had been turned on a couple of nights before. My dad walked ahead as he normally does leaving me Lizzie and my mum to chat. Lizzie and my mum had hit off really well, their conversation bouncing off each other. That's when I decided to catch up to my dad who I had noticed had stopped to look in a shop window.

'You've done good there Ingrid' He referenced to Lizzie.
'It means a lot to hear that from you dad. She really does make me happy' I turn to look at Lizzie who had locked arms with my mum further down the street.
'I can tell Ingrid, the way you look at each other is special' he softly smiled as he patted his hand on my shoulder before we went to meet the other two.

My parents dropped the two of us outside my flat on their way home. I hugged the two of the through the car window and then me and Lizzie stood outside my building waving until their car was out of sight.

'Thank you for that, Lizzie' I hugged her tightly.
'Why thank you Ingrid? I wanted to make a good impression on my in laws' she winked.
' and you definitely did' I smiled down at her before opening the door and the two of us made our way upstairs.

We made our way to the kitchen to see if the others were still awake. As I entered there was a small group of my friends all waiting and chatting to each other.

'Finally! Happy Birthday!' Ed cheered as he noticed me and Lizzie had walked through the door. He walks over and gives me a small hug and then hands me a gift bag. I thank him and then go to speak to the rest of the people who were gathered in the living area.

'We knew you didn't want a big deal but little gathering with few drinks is alright isn't it' Lizzie whispered in my ear. I gave her a soft nod before engaging in the conversation.

The room was filled with chilled music as Lizzie passed me over a drink before coming to sit on my lap as I was speaking to Ed about my day. I traced patterns on her back as she lent into my shoulder. A couple of drinks down, Ed suggested we play a few games, due to my alcohol intake I had agreed to play truth or dare which is the one game I normally try to keep far away from.

We started at the opposite side of the circle with Rose who chose dare and had to kiss the person she found most attractive in the room. She got up and kissed one of Ed's friends which made everyone make jokey noises to but Rose didn't show any expression of being fazed by the teasing.

Next to be asked was Jessica who picked truth. With Ed being the type of boy he is he asked her to explain how she lost her virginity in four words. Her four words were, seventeen, Shrek, crying and moving school. Which made us all laugh.

'Ingrid's would be: Fifteen, tent, cigarettes and being told to shut up' Ed pipped up laughing as I playfully hit him softly in the face. He referring to the time that a group of us had gone camping when we were younger and I had sex with my ex boyfriend for the first time. It wasn't my proudest of moments.

'Right Lizzie truth or dare' Naomi asked from across the circle.

'Truth' she replied before taking a gulp of her drink

'are you the top or the bottom?' Ed smirked as he asked the question.

'HA good one but no she's not answering that' I shook my head at Ed before pulling Lizzie closer to me.

'Fine then we will just guess' He smirked.

'I only ever hear moans of Ingrid's name' Fern drunkly slurred next to Ed, making everyone giggle including Lizzie even though she was referring to Lizzie moaning.

'That's weird we hear the opposite when they are in our flat' Rose laughed from the other side of the room. Lizzie turns and raises her eyebrows at me and I just rest my head on her chest, not believing that the discussion of mine and Lizzie's sex life was the main conversation of my 21st birthday drinks.

'Ing is deffo the top!' Naomi protested 'Like not even in the bedroom she is always treating Lizzie like a princess, always making sure Lizzie gets what she needs' Naomi winks making the last bit of her comment dirty as per usual.

'On that note, goodnight everyone' I tap Lizzie's leg so I could get up. I walk towards the door with Lizzie following.

'Something tells me they are going to figure out the answer' Ed teased as we went to walk out of the door.

'Ed get your head out of the gutter!' I gave him a jokingly disapproval look before saying goodnight to everyone.

Another chapter done.
The next couple of chapters will be in London with the Olsen twins!
See you in the next chapter

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