Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For...

By symhere

80.2K 3.2K 73

BOOK FOUR OF HARRISON SERIES. Elizabeth has been looking after her alcoholic and pathological liar mother for... More

1: Mourning For Mother's Death
2: Forgiveness Is Hard To Give
3: The Things She Left For Them
4: His Everyday Life
5: Doctors Are Not Gods
6: An Awkward Interaction
7: Her Savior
8: An Apology And A Slap
9: A Secret To Keep
10: The Pain He Is In
11: Like Mother, Like Daughter
12: Too Drunk To Think
13: The First Kiss
14: A Favor To Ask
15: The Key They Both Didn't Have
16: People Change
17: New Neighbors, Old Feelings
18: Slapped
19: Is It Too Hard To Get?
20: The Kiss They Shared Again
21: Elizabeth's Crush
22: A New Friend, Maybe?
23: The Housewarming Party
24: Just Him And Her
25: The Morning After
26: Breakfast
27: Asked On A Date
28: The Help Fay Needs
29: He Can't Resist Her
30: So Close
31: Screw The Rules
32: Can We Talk?
33: Who Is Mia?
34: I Like You.
35: Don't Be Sorry For How You Feel.
36: Mia And Elizabeth.
37: Suspicion.
38: Date Night.
39: Eliza.
40: In The Name Of Love.
41: A Bloody Night.
42: All Hell Broke Loose.
43: The One They Lost.
44: You Do.
45: Blur.
46: The Funeral.
47: An Unexpected Visitor.
48: The Truth.
49: Lost Her.
50: Moving On.
51: The Complete Truth.
52: Yet You Know.
54: Something To Remember Me By.
55: A Unique Friendship.
56: Leo Is Here.
57: Leo Knows.
58: Drunken Leo.
59: The Cold Night.
60: Leo Meets Fred.
61: The Unexpected Guest.
62: A Surprise Visit.
63: Ice Cream.
64: Elizabeth's Visitor.
65: Tattoos and Realization.
66: Unwanted Interruption.
67: Missing You.
68: Jen's Confession.
69: Wedding Planner.
70: Elizabeth's Realization.
71: Deal.
72: The Unexpected Guest.
73: Bonding.
74: Confession.
75: Jealousy.
76: Pain of the Past.
77: Breakfast And Kisses.
78: Ruby's Gift.
79: The Last One.

53: The News.

787 35 0
By symhere

Elizabeth wanted to know from Leo how she handled her mother's death – but they were interrupted when Silas and Maria walked into the room with Ezra in Maria's arms. This was also the first time Elizabeth saw her nephew and now she had mixed feelings – she couldn't understand what was more overwhelming – her mother's death or the fact that Maria and Silas now had a child. Her eyes went from Silas to the cute baby boy in his arms, "Elizabeth, thank God you are okay." Silas said and he reached out for her and with Ezra in one arm – he hugged Elizabeth with the other while Maria told silently behind him – looking worried and Leo – he was gone. She looked around for him – but he wasn't around – he must have had walked out of the room when Elizabeth had her eyes on Ezra. Elizabeth felt bummed when she didn't see Leo in the room – she had so many questions for him. Elizabeth's eyes watered as they went back to Silas – he sighed and after a short pause he said, "I didn't know how to tell you, Elizabeth." He spoke softly.

Leo quietly slipped out of the room and sat on the couch with his father – both of them didn't exchange words. Franklin didn't have to say anything – not every time words are needed to fill in the silence – sometimes it is more important to be silent and just be there and that is exactly what Franklin did. Leo let out a sigh as bowed his head down while resting his elbows on his knees – Franklin looked at him and placed his hand on his back – his heart ached to see his son so despaired. He wished he could do something for his son – but he couldn't. After a couple of minutes of silence Leo blew his cheeks out and stood on his feet, "I need to take a walk," He said and didn't even wait for Franklin's reply – he simply walked away from everything. Franklin wasn't going to stop him anyways – he knows his son needs a break – he has been through a lot and he just wishes for everything to go right for him.

It was very cold outside as Leo walked on the wet pavement – it had been raining but luckily it stopped. He enjoys the chilly wind and the sweet smell of wet surfaces but it would have felt more soothing if he didn't have so much on his mind. Elizabeth doesn't remember being with him, she is living in New York in a few days. Mia wants to see him, he is worried about Liam who is currently living with his grandmother, he still feels guilty for everything Elizabeth went through and for Rene's death, he is selling his apartment and looking for a new place – he couldn't continue living where all hell broke loose on him – his thoughts were tangled – he was stuck. He was wandering around when he saw a familiar face – it was Elizabeth's neighbor – Jennifer. She looked at Leo and smiled before she slowly walked towards him.

"Hey," she spoke softly – something wasn't right with her – she looked tired and she had tears in her eyes – still she tried her best to fake a smile. "How are you? Uh – sorry, do you even remember me? I am Jennifer –" She didn't have to say more – Leo nodded his head and completed her sentence, "Elizabeth's neighbor – I know," He finished her sentence. She chuckled softly and nodded, "Yes, I am." She replied. Her eyes went to the almost healed wound on his head and asked, "How are you feeling?" She asked. Leo's hand went to his wound as he softly brushed his finger over it before he nodded, "I am fine now," He replied. Jennifer who was wearing a thick coat – brought her palms together and rubbed them to get some heat. "And how is Elizabeth? When is she going to come back to her apartment? I asked her but she said she doesn't know and that she was moving out in a week or so." Leo didn't really know about her roommate – he hasn't been to her apartment for a long time – but he did know that Elizabeth wasn't going back to her apartment, "She isn't coming back to the apartment – uh – she is going back to New York to be with her family," He replied.

Jennifer brought her eyebrows together, "What?" she was surprised. "But you two –" she once again didn't have to complete her sentence as Leo shook his head and without looking at her replied, "We – are not together. She doesn't remember being with me and she needs her time so, she is flying back to New York with her family," Leo answered. He was glad he didn't choke on his own words. Jennifer brought her hand to her chest, "Oh my God, I am so sorry." She spoke softly. That is one thing Leo doesn't like – pity. He twisted his mouth and nodded his head. He wasn't really in a mood of talking to her more and was about to bid his farewell when she spoke with a humorless and pain-filled chuckle, "I guess life is not fair to the both of us," she said. Leo looked into her tear-filled eyes as she added, "Fred and I had a huge fight – he said he isn't sure if he wants to marry me anymore," a tear fell down her cheek.

Leo didn't know what to say – it is not like they both know each other but yet here she was telling him like they have known each other for a long time. Jennifer realized that she was making Leo uncomfortable and snuffled before she wiped the tears off and chuckled, "I am so sorry – I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable – I hope you don't mind it." She said but before Leo could reply she sighed and added, "It was nice seeing you after a long while – I hope I will see you around," She said before she looked down and hastily walked past him. After she walked away Leo started to feel guilty – he was going through a hard time – he should have at least said a few words to comfort her – he knows how much they mean in a hard time.

It had been two weeks since Elizabeth came to know about her mother's death and now she was slowly accepting it. It has also been two weeks since she saw Leo. She didn't ask anyone but she was wondering where he was – she might not be able to feel for him like she might have – before the incident but since she came to know about him and her being together – she couldn't stop thinking about it. How was it? Was she in love with him? How did she move on from Freddie to Leo? All these questions were messing up with her head. Maria told her the day before yesterday that Leo and Mr. Wayne had moved to a newly rented apartment. Leo had left the apartment where everything took place. Elizabeth to get to see her apartment yesterday – she didn't know she didn't remember living there or having a roommate but it was beautiful. Her roommate was moving out as well but Elizabeth asked her not to – she didn't want to make that woman uncomfortable because of her. She gets to talk to Fayette – she told her that they weren't roommates for a long time but Elizabeth had helped her by letting her stay with her but now that Fay had found her place – she was finally moving out – emptying the apartment.

Elizabeth even gets to visit where she worked – honestly after meeting her colleagues and after seeing how she was doing in Chicago all alone impressed her. She was living a pretty good life but then again – the same came to her mind – she had all this probably because she is a Harrison – daughter of a wealthy father. In her teens, she used to be proud of it – she used to get special treatments from people – she had everything she wanted but as she grew up she realized that she had the material but she wasn't entirely happy with it – she wanted to do something of her own and maybe that is why she decided to get a job of her own and came all the way to Chicago to work in a pharmaceutical company.

Currently, she was having coffee with Ethan Griffiths in his office, "So, are you planning to return after a while?" Ethan asked Elizabeth who had been lost in her thoughts for a while. She moved her gaze at him and sighed, "I don't know – I mean what I had here – that is all I dreamt of but there is so much fog in my head – I need to clear it before I come back," She replied. Ethan smiled, "So you are planning to return," This time it wasn't a question – it was more like a statement. Elizabeth smiled softly, "I don't know how long it will take," She shrugged. Ethan's smile slipped before he sighed, "Okay," he replied, "But whenever you decide to return – just know that there will be a position open for you here," He added.

Elizabeth clicked her tongue – this is exactly what she didn't like – getting special treatments. She smiled and asked Ethan, "Okay, here is a question for you – if I wasn't Owen Harrison's daughter would I get this benefit?" She asked. Ethan was silent for a few seconds before he replied, "Yes, because are best in your job. The research that you had been working on is in great progress – because of your and the team's hard work and it is very unfortunate for our company to lose such a dedicated employee like you," He answered back. Elizabeth smiled – it was good to hear that but still she believed that she was getting special treatment – she didn't say it to him. They had chat before she bid her final farewell to Ethan, Mosa, and Fay before she came back to the hotel – where her father was packing her clothes – they were leaving for New York this evening.

Leo had himself busy in the hospital – he asked for the night shift and even when it was over – he didn't go to his new place – instead he stayed in the hospital loading himself with more work – completely exhausting himself. He was doing everything he could to not go home before the fact that he knows that Elizabeth is leaving today hurts him enough. If he will go home now – he knows that he will think more about it. Amanda stood at the door of the supply storage room – rearranging everything – when it wasn't his work to do. She sighed and decided to interrupt him, "Leo?" she called out his name. He stopped and looked around to see Amanda walking in, "What are you doing?" She asked. Leo shrugged, "I am working," He replied short. She stood beside him, "This isn't your work to do and also you had a night shift – your duty is over – you need to go back home." She said to him. Leo didn't bother looking at her and shook his head, "I am fine – I need to do this." He said. Amanda knew that it was useless to ask him to stop so she just heaved and said what she was there for, "Your sister is here to see you." Leo stopped and looked at Amanda as she said it.

Maria was supposed to leave as well but this time Franklin decided to stay with his son so he wasn't going – for the past few days Maria had been living with Leo and Franklin in Leo's two-bedroom apartment with Ezra – even though the child has been in the home – Leo hasn't really been with him. He doesn't know why but he couldn't bring himself to play with Ezra – even though he was his nephew. Leo walked into the cafeteria where Maria was waiting for him – alone. Leo couldn't deny but his eyes did search for Ezra who wasn't with Maria this time. Maria lifted her and looked at him with a small smile on her face, "Hey," she greeted. Leo smiled back and kissed her on her forehead before he sat right in front of her, "Hey, how are you?" She asked. Leo nodded his head, "Fine," he lied.

Maria didn't need Leo to tell her that he wasn't alright – he was missing Elizabeth – she has seen him getting miserable each day with her. She wished she could do something for her brother. Maria mashed her lips together, "You know that I am leaving tonight, right?" She asked him. Leo sighed and nodded his head without looking at her. It was bad enough that Elizabeth was leaving and knowing that his sister will leave too was just added to his misery. Maria sighed, "Aren't you going to see me off at the airport?" Maria asked with her eyes getting teary – each time when she separates from her family – she feels like crying – she does love her brother and father and she also knows that as tough as Leo appears to be – he hates goodbyes. He gulped the lump he felt in his throat and shook his head, "No," his voice wobbled. Maria didn't push him – she only nodded her head – she knows that it was hard for him – especially when Elizabeth was coming with us.

"There was something else I wanted you to know," Maria said to Leo. Leo lifted his head to look at her. Maria had a small smile on her face with her eyes still red and glossy. "What is it?" He asked. She mashed her lips, "Silas and I – we – have decided to get married – again." She laid it out slow and carefully – knowing how much Leo disapproves of Silas. Leo's eyes widened, "Wait – what?" he asked – completely surprised. Maria bites her lower lip, "Well, we had decided this before that we will get married after we get Ezra and now that he has him – we think it is time for us to get married." Maria told him. "I know that you don't like Silas – and you haven't forgiven him but if I am giving him another chance – I think you should too," Maria added.

Leo was silent for a while before he blew out his cheeks, "I am no one to interfere in your life – if you want to marry then – you should," he said softly. He paused and sighed, "I can never forgive him for what he did to you but if you are happy with him – then I will be happy for you." He added. Maria smiled, "Wow," she chuckled – "I expected you to get upset by the news," she said. Leo chuckled and nodded but didn't say anything – he gets it. Maria didn't say it aloud but she saw the changed Leo this time – Elizabeth changed him for good. She wished that they were still together – she believes that they are perfect for each other. But she wasn't going to bring Elizabeth up to Leo – she knows that he is already upset. Maria grinned, "Well, then you should apply for at least two weeks' leave from work because I swear, you only come for the reception – I am going to end you," Maria jokingly threatened him. "Leave – now?" Leo asked as he chuckled. Maria pressed her lips together and nodded excitedly, "Yes because we have decided to get married in three months." She replied. 

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