Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For...

By symhere

82.7K 3.3K 74

BOOK FOUR OF HARRISON SERIES. Elizabeth has been looking after her alcoholic and pathological liar mother for... More

1: Mourning For Mother's Death
2: Forgiveness Is Hard To Give
3: The Things She Left For Them
4: His Everyday Life
5: Doctors Are Not Gods
6: An Awkward Interaction
7: Her Savior
8: An Apology And A Slap
9: A Secret To Keep
10: The Pain He Is In
11: Like Mother, Like Daughter
12: Too Drunk To Think
13: The First Kiss
14: A Favor To Ask
15: The Key They Both Didn't Have
16: People Change
17: New Neighbors, Old Feelings
18: Slapped
19: Is It Too Hard To Get?
20: The Kiss They Shared Again
21: Elizabeth's Crush
22: A New Friend, Maybe?
23: The Housewarming Party
24: Just Him And Her
25: The Morning After
26: Breakfast
27: Asked On A Date
28: The Help Fay Needs
29: He Can't Resist Her
30: So Close
31: Screw The Rules
32: Can We Talk?
33: Who Is Mia?
34: I Like You.
35: Don't Be Sorry For How You Feel.
36: Mia And Elizabeth.
37: Suspicion.
38: Date Night.
39: Eliza.
40: In The Name Of Love.
41: A Bloody Night.
42: All Hell Broke Loose.
43: The One They Lost.
44: You Do.
45: Blur.
46: The Funeral.
47: An Unexpected Visitor.
48: The Truth.
50: Moving On.
51: The Complete Truth.
52: Yet You Know.
53: The News.
54: Something To Remember Me By.
55: A Unique Friendship.
56: Leo Is Here.
57: Leo Knows.
58: Drunken Leo.
59: The Cold Night.
60: Leo Meets Fred.
61: The Unexpected Guest.
62: A Surprise Visit.
63: Ice Cream.
64: Elizabeth's Visitor.
65: Tattoos and Realization.
66: Unwanted Interruption.
67: Missing You.
68: Jen's Confession.
69: Wedding Planner.
70: Elizabeth's Realization.
71: Deal.
72: The Unexpected Guest.
73: Bonding.
74: Confession.
75: Jealousy.
76: Pain of the Past.
77: Breakfast And Kisses.
78: Ruby's Gift.
79: The Last One.

49: Lost Her.

917 41 0
By symhere

There was a stunned silence in the room – where Elizabeth was confused by Leo's presence – everyone else was surprised to see him here. Owen, Maria, and Silas's eyes were on Leo and Leo's eyes were fixed on Elizabeth, who looked bewilderedly back at him. "Leo?" Maria called out her brother's name but Leo never looked at his sister – he couldn't take his eyes off Elizabeth. Even when the confusion and emptiness in Elizabeth's eyes for him were painful for him yet he couldn't look away – the last time he looked at her was when she was sounding sleeping in his arms. Silas was about to move towards Leo – he didn't think it was a good idea to tell Elizabeth about her and Leo but Owen called his son out and stopped him, "No, Silas – it is time," he told Silas, who turned around to look at his father – his eyes questioning him. Owen sighed and nodded his head, "She needs to know," he replied.

Elizabeth brought her eyebrows together, "What is it?" She asked as her eyes went from her brother to her father and then on to Leo – who stood silently in the middle of the room. Owen nodded his head as he looked at his son, "We need to give them some privacy," Owen told his son as he moved closer to Maria and helped her get her crutches from the floor. Silas stood wordlessly – still thinking of it as a bad idea. He looked at his father and then at Maria who softly bobbed her head – he agreed with Owen. The longer they will hide it from her harder it will be for her to take. Silas let out a sigh and licked his lower lip, "Fine," he mumbled. Elizabeth's eyes moved around the three people that were talking as if she wasn't in the room, "Will anyone tell me what is going on? What are you people talking about?" she asked – getting impatient. While Silas helped Maria get on her feet, Owen moved closer to Elizabeth and placed a kiss on her forehead, "Leo will tell you everything." He tells her softly.

Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows together and asked, "What?" she was confused. She looked at Leo who had looked away from her and was now staring at the floor. She looked back at his father – bewildered, "Why will he tell me anything?" she asked softly. Owen smiled softly, "Because he knows more than anyone of us," he replied – which only confused Elizabeth. Owen sighed and added, "Don't worry – you will know everything," he said and straightened up. He moist his lips and glanced at Leo before he looked back at his daughter, "Uh – you two need to talk while I will go and check up on your mother," Owen said loud enough for Leo to hear.

Leo immediately lifted his head to look at Owen before his eyes went to his sister who softly nodded his head – confirming that they didn't tell Elizabeth about Mrs. Harrison yet. Leo is not dumb – he knew why Mr. Harrison said that – he wanted him to know that he needs to keep Ruby's death a secret from Elizabeth. Leo gulped and looked at Owen – who looked back at him. "Alright, I will see you in a bit," Owen said to Elizabeth as he softly squeezed her hand before the three of them slowly walked out of the room – leaving Leo and Elizabeth alone. Leo was nervous – his fingers were cold and his lips were drying. Elizabeth had her eyes on him – wordlessly screaming questions at him. Leo knows that she couldn't take the secrecy anymore so, he moved closer to her – slowly.

Leo was scared – he could deny that. He was scared to know how Elizabeth would react when she will know about the complete truth. Where Leo was scared, nervous, and afraid of losing Elizabeth, Elizabeth was confused. She couldn't understand what possibly Maria's brother could know better than her own family? She gulped and played with her fingers as she saw him slowly moving closer to her. She cleared her throat to eliminate the moment of awkwardness they were having and smiled, "Hey," she greeted him softly – know what else to say. Leo stopped and without smiling back at her he replied, "Hey," he whispered. Elizabeth blew her cheeks out and shrugged, "What is happening? I am honestly confused." She said. Leo stepped closer and sat on the chair beside her bed when he badly wanted to hug her and kiss her and tell her how happy he was to find her okay. He wanted to let her know how much he missed her but he knows that he can't do it – not now at least.

Elizabeth waited for Leo to speak but when he didn't – she sighed and looked at him, "What is happening? How – how do we know each other? Seriously, I am so confused about everything." She asked him. Leo briefly closed his eyes – he couldn't deny the fact that it hurt to hear her ask him all these questions. He licked his lips and tried to come up with words to explain everything to her. "I will tell you everything from the start – um, after listening to me – you will decide to – well, you will have to decide what you want next." He told her softly. Elizabeth looked at Leo as he bowed his head down. She sighed, "How do we know each other well enough for you to know more than my family? The last thing I remember, you hated me and my family." She asked him.

Leo sniggered, "A lot happened since the last you remembered," He replied. Elizabeth looked confused but decided to let Leo continue. She needed to know what she missed. Leo sighed and rubbed his face as he leaned back to the chair. Elizabeth's eyes went to the bandage he had on his head – she felt like a jerk not asking him if he was feeling alright so, she did. "Um – are you okay?" She asked. Leo immediately looked at her. The way his eyes fell on her was enough to make her nervous – she gulped and pointed towards his head, "I meant, what happened to you?" She asked. Leo sighed and mashed his lips together, "You will know," he replied.

He blew his cheeks out before he spoke again, "You must be wondering how we know each other," he asked. Elizabeth didn't have to say or do anything – she knows that he knows what was in her head. She found it funny how Leo was talking to her. From what she remembered – Leo was known for a guy who had a scowl stitched to his face. She remembered him as a guy who couldn't be civil to her or her family. Elizabeth unknowingly chuckled at how differently he was behaving today. Leo lifted his gaze to look at her chuckle. As soon as her eyes met his – she tried to cover her chuckle with a cough. "I am sorry," she mumbled. It was nice to see him civil with her – she didn't want him to dislike her. "Uh – I was just – sorry, it is funny how you are being so – different." She commented with a shrug. Leo brought his eyebrows together, "Different?" he asked. She nodded her head, "Yes, from what I remember – you didn't like me." She chuckled but her chuckle soon died when she saw the look on his face – he didn't like her humor. She cleared her throat once again and apologized, "Um – I am sorry – but please, continue." She said.

Leo wasn't very sure how he was going to lay out everything for her but he had to so, slowly he started telling her everything. He started with the first time he saw her in Chicago, how annoyed he was to see her around him. Elizabeth listened to him attentively – didn't ask a single question – she just let all the word absorb in. Leo told her how she started working her but because her apartment wasn't ready, therefore, she had to stay in the hotel. He told her how confused she was when she first moved here – not to forget scared. Leo thought about all the times she was in trouble and each time Leo would be around to save her – a small smile stretched on his face, "You loved getting in trouble," he told her. Elizabeth smiled back – as softly as him, "And each time when you would get in trouble – I would be around – unknowingly that you will be around – waiting for me to help you out. It wasn't your fault – you were trying to figure the city out," he said. Leo chuckled, "I remember, there was a time when I would go out – I would look around just to see if you were around somewhere – getting in trouble," he said – causing Elizabeth to chuckle as well.

"We started like hot oil and water – didn't go well with each other but yet there was something that would pull us closer," The smile on Elizabeth's face disappeared when she heard him saying that. She brought her eyebrows together as her eyes widened. She gasped and placed her hand to her mouth – completely shocked by what she had gotten, "We?" She didn't have to ask him more. He gulped and looked down as he bobbed his head – he couldn't see the shock on her face – he couldn't take it. It was hurting him so he looked away. Elizabeth couldn't believe it. She and Leo – they were – but did they? Her eyes started to water as her eyes went to his head and another realization struck her. With wobbly lips – she dared to ask, "Were – we – were we together when –?" Leo didn't have to look at her nor wanted her to complete her sentence – he knows what she was asking.

Leo couldn't answer her without looking at her. He wasn't ashamed of being with her. He looked at her and let out a shaky breath as he slowly nodded his head, "Yes, we were." He whispered. Elizabeth's eyes widened again – her heart started to race. She couldn't believe it. How could this be true? She and Leo? No, this wasn't true. She waited – she desperately waited to wake up and be done with whatever she was having. Leo couldn't see the look on her face anymore – it was exactly what he was afraid of – she couldn't accept the fact that they were together. Honestly, if Leo was in her position – he might have done the same – maybe worse.

He gulped and nodded his head, "Yes, we – ended up together," he told her slowly. "We kept it a secret from everyone but we had this spark between us that we couldn't ignore. No matter what we did – everything would pull us closer to each other." He told her. Elizabeth was stunned to hear that – it was so hard for her to accept that they were a thing. Leo didn't stop there – he told her what she needed to know. He told her everything about them – every little detail – desperately hoping for a miracle. He wanted her to remember everything – he wanted her Elizabeth back but the doctor in him knows that it wasn't possible by simply telling her everything but still – the man that loved Elizabeth desperately wanted that. Leo told her about her job, friends she made – about her apartment – and then again about them, while Elizabeth listened in complete bewilderment.

She couldn't grasp what Leo was telling her – she couldn't believe it. How could she be involved with Leo Wayne when she was so much in love with Freddie? How could she move on so quickly from Fred to Leo, from all the people? She knows for a fact that she didn't like Leo's attitude and he wasn't a fan of her and her family then how could they get so close so soon? She gulped as he told her the details of their lives together. Leo stopped as Elizabeth let out a shaky breath. Her eyes filled with tears. Leo looked at her and his heart dropped. "I – I am so sorry, Elizabeth." He said as he got on his feet. She lifted her head to look at him as a tear fell from her eye, "I didn't – mean to make you cry." He added. Elizabeth shook her head, "No, it is just – I couldn't – how – I mean – I don't remember – I am so – I don't know," she didn't know what to say. She was beyond confused.

Leo pressed his lips together, "I am sorry – I shouldn't have gone into too much detail – I apologize to you. I am so sorry," Leo apologized again – he couldn't see the look in her eyes anymore – the pain she was going through accepting the fact that she loved Leo was unbearable for him. Elizabeth snuffled as she looked at Leo, "Don't be – I am just – when I saw you coming in the room – I didn't accept to hear this from you." She told him as she wiped the tears off her face. Leo wordlessly nodded his head – he was not going to tell her more – he didn't want her to suffer more. "I get it," he replied after a small pause.

For a few minutes, there was complete silence and no one dared to fill it in. Elizabeth brought her hand to her eyes and softly rubbed them. A couple of hours ago she thought everything was normal and now this – she didn't like how uncomfortable she was making Leo. She looked at him and sighed, "I am sorry, Leo – I didn't mean to react like this," She told him. He looked at her and nodded his head, "Don't worry about it – I might have done the same if I were you," he told her. She gulped and asked, "Really?" Leo heaved and bobbed his head as he slowly sat back down on the chair. "Yes," He replied. "I know it is hard for you to take. You have been through a lot and I am sorry about freaking you out but this is the truth," he told her.

Elizabeth sniffled and nodded her head, "I know. I am just – I didn't know I was missing so much," she told him softly. Leo nodded, "It all happened too quickly. I still sometimes don't believe that we – we got together." He told her. Elizabeth kept looking in Leo's eyes – trying to feel the pull – the spark he was talking about but she felt miserable when she couldn't find it. All she could think while peering into his eyes was that she looking into Leo Wayne's eyes – she was looking at Maria's brother's eyes – the brother that hated her family – that holds a grudge against them – not that she fails to believe why he felt that way for her and her family but still – the spark Leo was talking about – Elizabeth lost them along with her memory. Leo didn't need the words to know what was going on in her head – he could see the void in her eyes. Leo had lost her – she was there well and alive – she was conscious and in her sense but still he had lost her. Elizabeth's lower lip wobbled "Leo, um – listen –" she started to say the hardest part and Leo sensed it. At that moment Leo learned what heartbreak feels like – it was too painful. He sniggered and looked away from her – trying to cover up his pain, "I get it," he replied to her unspoken words – she didn't have to speak – her eyes communicated better than words. Leo's heart was broken. He lost her. 

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