«We'll Call It Wangxian»

By Nico-00

97.8K 7.2K 1.6K

Fake tears were shed, a fake funeral was orchestrated. Fake investigations were organised, a fake name was gi... More

"she won't do anything"
"messed up big time or not that bad?"
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
"I love you~"
"To the world wei wuxian, is dead"
"Does lan gege like me?"
"He is all I have"
"Marry me"
"Mo xuanyu or wei wuxian?"
"overdramatic much"
"Stop kidding"
"I'm sorry"
"Let's Play a game"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"I'm about to cut a bitch."
"I do."
"Don't you sign some papers and fuc-!"
"It's Better to hide him away than watching him die"
"what the fuck!"
"He's coming after you"
"I would rise back from the dead to have one last dance with you."
"It's not like you tried to kill me or anything."
"But, master!"
"Why is master so grumpy?"
"she's coming for me."
"A place far away from here. Just you and I."
"you think you can escape?"
"You don't believe me? "
"You have a driver's license don't you? I don't wanna die.... yet"
"I used red when I was nine. It was the best feeling ever."
"It's not a coping mechanism. He is just sick to his mind."
"she was there the entire time."
"Burn in hell."
"death doesn't decide your fate, I do."
"In the end, is it always fine?"

"Come on, smile for mama."

1.7K 128 56
By Nico-00

TW: Mentions of past abuse and panic attacks.

The never ending throng of decorations, it looked simple yet so, lavish. That was exactly how the Lan's celebrated everything. Wei Ying knew that he had entered the lion's den when he saw a hundred different pair of eyes gawking at him keenly or with  a lot of curiosity.

"Isn't he the one? The one who is sick?", People after a few minutes Started recognising who he was and started murmuring among themselves about him.

"It has to be him. Just look how pale he is.", Wei Ying shook his head and Started to look for a way out do that he could get back home even by just catching a taxi. He walked through the crowd of guests who tried to approach him for some reason he did not understand.

"Hey, he looks pretty. They really have bagged some gold this time, the oldest with the Jiang's and the youngest with the Jin's now. They seem quite unbreakable now."

Wei Ying didn't understand a word they talked about him. Why in the hell would he want to be the main reason for these people to earn some profits. After all these years of not being seen or heard by anybody who did not concern him in any ways, wei ying felt overwhelmed at this point of his life where everybody in this room talked about him.

He felt the people looking at him and whispering among themselves about him. Some sounded too vile, some sounded too weird. Either ways it brought tears to wei ying's eyes. His skin crawled when anybody mentioned him.

"I assume that this is mo xuanyu?"

"Oh, yeah. It's him, he's the boy who wears gloves on his hands. Isn't he pretty?"

Wei Ying heard the two young ladies laugh in agreement as they passed by him. Wei Ying ripped the hair tie off his hair ruffled his hair when he felt a throbbing headache kick in as soon as the whispers and the intensity of the soft jazz music get louder. 

' Get out! Get out! Get out!', His mind screamed at him to get the hell out of the place which was no lesser than hell to him. He knew that going outside meant facing the flashes once again, he also knew that staying inside was going to put him in a lot of troubles.

Wei Ying almost fell head first to the floor if only there wasn't someone to hold him back protectively.

' Lan Zhan?', He could very well comprehend his fiance's calloused hands holding onto him. He realised that it was him when he was turned around like he weighed nothing. A gasp left his cherry red lips when he realised that it was none other than Lan Zhan who now, held onto his hands.

"I-i am sorry. I should leave.", He stuttered nervously and ripped his hands away from him to walk away without causing a scene. It came to him as a surprise when Lan Zhan didn't stop him, it was Lan xichen who stopped him from walking outside.

It was confirmed, he was dead meat.

"What's happening?", Wei Ying asked looking at Lan xichen who had a sweet fake smile on his face as they walked somewhere far from the exit of the hall.

"Everything will be explained later.", He tried reassuring and held onto wei ying's hands with exact same firmness his jiejie did just a while ago. He did not understand why things were going like this, everywhere he looked the people who knew him looked at him with pity and the ones who didnt looked at him with curiosity and certain amount of concern.

"Wangji, apologises.", Lan xichen tried to calm him down by letting him know that it wasn't his mistake. Wei Wuxian wasn't at fault anywhere, he was kept in the dark for a little too long which led him to this situation.

The lights dimmed down and Jin zixuan's mother appeared on the well decorated stage with a big smile on her face. Oh...this was definitely about him. She definitely wasn't looking at him with so much happiness that he definitely knew that all of this was about him.

"I take pride in announcing this behalf of my sister.", Some people mourned for Mo Xuanyu's mother's soul to rest in peace and gazed upon wei ying who swallowed thickly.

"We are happy to announce our long time friend Lan Qingheng Jun's son, Lan wangji's official bethroal with our son, Mo xuanyu!"

It all happened so fast, one moment wei wuxian just wanted know what was going around him and why everybody were looking at him with so much envy and the next thing he knew he was formally engaged to his fiance once again, this time in front of the whole world.

Wei Ying paled into a shade which did not exist in a sick man's dictionary and looked at Lan xichen who did not make any eye contact with him as they walked.

Lan wangji dressed in the darkest shade of black appeared on the stage, he was clad in a long coat which had a dragon like pattern traced upon it. Wei Ying started regretting this day more then anything. Of all people in this world, it was his own fiance who betrayed him.

"Smile.", Lan wangji whispered it into his ears and pulled him closer to him. Wei Ying had unconsciously let, Lan xichen walk him upto where lan Zhan stood and made him fall into a well planned trap.

The camera shutters went off and so did the several confetti launchers along with the claps and squeals. Wei Ying flinched when the confetti launcher burst open right on top of their heads.

"You promised.", Wei Ying tried to rip his hands away not realising that most of it was going to go in vain. Wei Ying was ofcourse redundant against his awful strength.

Lan wangji looked at him with his cold molten gold orbs and snaked his hands around his waist.

"There's a reason.", Lan Zhan whispered into his ears and slowly started pulling the glove off his left hand. Even after all of this, he had still somehow managed to treat like he was a fragile petal. It was Funny how he had somehow managed to show wei ying never seen side of his today.

"You promised t-to hide me.", Wei Ying said letting the man pull the original engagement off his ring finger.

"They don't know who you are.", Another ring which was with Lan Zhan all along was slipped into his ring finger smoothly. Wei Ying remained speechless how his fiance broke his promises all at once. 


Lan Zhan sternly said this time, it was almost like a warning as he was handed the other box of ring.

"Come on, smile for mama.", She forced him once again, this time she pulled the boy by his jaws and made him face the flash. Wei Ying let out a panicked cry and started shaking his head.

"You have to smile. Don't you want to meet your papa?", She asked pulling his hair harshly. Wei Ying cried out in pain all over again he was just a three year old, how was he supposed to know that the woman was lying to him the whole time.

He tried to rip his hands away from the bounds around his ankles and his wrists to escape from the unknown place.

"Smile!", She warned one last time.

"S-she will find me.", Wei Ying almost cried out if only people weren't still clicking pictures of him and talking about the big news. Lan wangji was as equally disturbed as wei ying was, they had long exchanged their new pair rings.

"She will take me away.", The younger man winced lightly when his fiance tightened his hold around his wrist. Wei Wuxian knew that it was going to leave a bruise.

Lan wangji was already having enough of the tears which left his beloved's eyes. He couldn't bare the sight of him suffering in his presence, even though it seemed to be like the only choice for him to live with his make believe identity.

"She won't do anything."

Lan Zhan spoke in a barbaric tone and made sure that wei ying wasn't going to pull anything more dangerous at the moment.

"She isn't real."


Wen xu was getting tired of waiting outside the hospital room with a very fussy wei wuxian who refused to let him push the wheelchair away for atleast a minute. They had long heard the cries of the newborn child, the babies gender was revealed fifteen minutes later. Yet, he wasn't allowed to visit zhenli so far.

"Come on, she's probably resting y'know. She just gave birth and all.", Wei Ying rolled his eyes and kicked wen xu's legs lightly and made him skip his step before he could try to wheel him away.

"I wanna meet my niece.", Wei Ying confirmed with gritted teeth. Wen xu couldn't help but roll his eyes and wait until the doctor allowed visitors. He didn't understand why they had to follow the visitors formality at all, wei wuxian practically lived in the hospital with a jailbreak of over three times over which, only one was successful.

"You just finished therapy, don't you feel tired or something?", Wen xu asked, surprised. Wei Ying wasn't able to walk after therapy that was obvious but, he had somehow managed to stay awake without feeling any pain.

That was a new record!

His question remained unanswered when the nurse opened the doors to the room letting him go inside. Wen xu immediately wheeled inside the excited youth and smiled a few seconds himself at his excitement.

"Waaah~!", Wei Ying cooed even though he hadn't seen the baby yet. He was courteous enough to greet zhenli who was wide awake and ask her how she was doing.

"Meet, A'yi. Her full name is Lian Yi.", Wei Ying smiled at the adorable name and looked at the bundle in her arms.

Zhenli hesitated slightly before she asked wei ying her question but, she did it anyways, "why are you in a wheelchair?"

The younger man laughed at her question and looked at wen xu who was left stupefied at the sight of the woman in front of him.

"I just finished my therapy, it's a blessing that I'm awake."

Zhenli was about to apologise but, before that wei ying was already booping his niece's tiny button nose which turned red.

On the other side, wen xu had never seen a woman so pretty.


Jsjsjsjsjs!! So lan wangji finally revealed what his thoughts are about the woman who haunts wei ying. Do you think he's lying or telling the truth?

Why do you think lan wangji would force wei ying to come out in the name of Mo Xuanyu in front of the whole world?

Do comment and tell me your views. If you want to see something, you can always comment!

I won't be updating my books for a week or two(sorry) I will be back with more updates!

Do check my new book named 'lethe nor nepenthe' I hope you will like it!

Here is the prologue of the book,
The corporate espionage left wei wuxian with nothing. He no longer had a roof over his head, a family, money or the one man who he loved. When his innocence was finally proven to the world who had once labelled him as a criminal and casted him out, Lan wangji wanted nothing more then to bring his fiance back home.

Wei Wuxian had long left them and gone somewhere far away unable to handle the humiliation and slander thrown upon him.

To, Lan wangji and wei wuxian's family and friends, he had just disappeared into thin air after the incident.

Years passed, new scars settled over the old ones over the time but, the pain of losing the love of his life five years ago was still very much fresh. Lan wangji continued to live in denial and slowly turned into a man he swore he'd never become.

He was in dark all these years.

Until one day, Lan wangji finally met his light once again.

"Wei Ying."

"Who is wei ying?"

"You are.", He tried.

"No, no. I am Mo xuanyu."

See ya~

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