College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]

By WandaUK

85.2K 2.2K 1.1K

Follows the story of two university students one being Lizzie Olsen. #3 - Maximoff 20/5/21 #3 - Elizabeth Ols... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 35
Book 2

Part 20

2.5K 73 43
By WandaUK

As the train pulled up me and Lizzie were keen to get off the train and to have a breath of fresh air. I eagerly got our bags and Lizzie got off the train. Again placing her suitcase in front of her Lizzie pulled the handle out of the case ready to pull. We walked up the hill towards where both of our flats were located, I walked Lizzie to the entrance of her building and gave her a quick kiss and hug as we were going our separate ways for a couple of hours. 

After saying my goodbye I turned back to mine, dragging may case after me, I entered the flat and called hello down the hallway to see if anyone came out of their rooms. No one did. I continued to the kitchen where Naomi was sat as if she was waiting for me to return. As soon as she saw me she turned her head towards me raising her eyebrow with a smirk. 

'I already know what you are going to say' I sighed knowing there was going to be comments made about the photos of me and Ashley she had sent me that morning. 

'Oh come on Ingrid, you have to explain how all of these assumptions have happened' Naomi sounded intrigued as if I was part of a reality tv show. The other two must have heard us talking as they both appeared in the kitchen ready to hear what I had to say. 

'I have got nothing to say, it's just a photo' I explained as I didn't see anything more to say.

'Where were you going without Lizzie? Just the two of you?' Naomi again raised her eyebrow at me. I began to think how this could seem a bit sketchy to someone who wasn't there. 

'The four of us went for a meal, where I got to know both twins better, then we went to a party that the twins had been invited to, then MK got drunk so we went back to where me and Lizzie were staying for her to sober up but me and Ashley wasn't to carry on drinking so that photo was taken when we went to get drinks' I explained.

'MK?' Fern sounded confused 

'God Fern! Mary-Kate, keep up' Gerry mumbled as she rested her chin on her hand intrigued by the story. 

'But I didn't think it would lead to assumptions that we were dating' I chuckled as I stood up to get some water. 

'So that is how Ing ended up with two of the three Olsen sisters wanting her in the bed' Naomi commented and the other two giggled.

'No one Olsen sister and the only Olsen that will end up in my bed!' I corrected as I walked back over with my water. 

'I just find it interesting that's all, has our favourite Olsen had anything to say about the photo?' Gerry questioned with her chin still supported by her hand. 

'Well yeah we had a bit of an awkward breakfast with the twins this morning after Naomi sent me the screenshot. Apparently Ashley made a joke about the photo and MK didn't find it funny so this morning was pretty awkward but Lizzie didn't really have a lot to say about it' I began to think what did Lizzie actually think. 

'The joke being?' Naomi asked

'That she didn't mind the assumptions being made that it was me and her dating' saying it out loud made me think again of what part Mary-Kate had actually told Lizzie or what Lizzie actually thought of the whole joke situation.

'Yeah I was right, definitely two out of the three sisters' Naomi giggled in her chair. I rolled my eyes in reply before looking at my watch. 

'Well what ever you think, keep your thoughts to yourself please because she's coming over soon and we haven't really spoken about it properly so please don't put your foot in it' I begged knowing Naomi had a similar characteristic as Ed and would blurt anything out at anytime. She nodded which reassured me as I walked out to unpack my stuff. 

Not long after I finished packing I lay on my bed to listen to a record I had received through the post as a late birthday present from my brother that was studying in Leeds University. It was a personal vinyl that he had picked out loads of my favourite songs. Me and my brother rarely spoke however it was appreciated that he had taken the time to make this for my birthday. I was tapping my fingers on my stomach taking in the song as I heard my phone vibrate.

Do you miss me enough for me to come over yet I read and a smile instantly formed on my face. Lizzie couldn't last a couple of hours by herself. 

Hm, not really ;) I replied

Well that's not the answer I expected, I am outside your building come let me in before I freeze to death! With that message I got off my bed and grabbed my room key on my way out. 

I walk down to the main door to see Lizzie dressed in her comfier clothes with a her little overnight bag with her. 

'is madam staying?' I questioned the bag. 

'Yes, I've invited myself over' She smirked and I shook my head as I took the bag off her shoulder and placed it on mine. We made our way back to my flat. We dropped Lizzie's bag off in my room and I got changed into a similar outfit as Lizzie before we went into the kitchen. 

'I have plans for us all!' Lizzie announced as she made her way to the living room where the rest of my flat were slumped in their chairs watching the TV. They all looked up excited at the idea of plans. 

'Me and Ing are hosting fake Christmas this Saturday!' She exclaimed and the other's faces lit up. 

'We are thinking a day of movies  and then me and Lizzie will cook a Christmas dinner for all of us and Lizzie's flat to have together here' I smiled and the others looked eager at the idea. 

'I think us five should do secret Santa' Fern suggested

'Can we make it jokey though' Naomi pitched in, Gerry was already ripping paper into small pieces writing everyone's name down on the little pieces before folding them and putting them into the middle of the table. Everyone took a name from the table of who they needed to buy for. I got Naomi which I was happy with as I was closest to her in the flat. I hid it in my pocket before sitting down with the others watching the rubbish they were watching on the TV. 

The next day, I woke up to have received an email explaining that my lecture had been cancelled due to my lecturer on strike. I was careful enough not to wake Lizzie up when reading through my emails to be scared by her phone alarm going off. I reached from the edge of the bed turning the alarm off. Lizzie woke up and I explained we now had no lecture which resulted in Lizzie falling back asleep into my side for a couple of more hours as I went through my university app to see what work needed to be done. 

'Oh I forgot to tell you last night, I need you to be my plus one' Lizzie mumbled as she woke up for the second time.

'Plus one to what?' I questioned as I knew this week was going to be a busy one. 

'Wednesday Night, I have got the drama society Christmas party and I got us tickets to both go' She became more awake the more she had woken up. 

'Is it really formal?' I asked not really wanting to go to a dressy event

'Sit down meal and then the fun people are going into town after' The sit down meal part was not what I wanted to hear but I agreed to go to satisfy my girlfriend. 

'So what are our plans for today?' Lizzie asked as all of our lectures had been cancelled.

'How about we go get some stuff for our Christmas' I suggested now knowing we were both going to be busy this week. 

'Sounds like a plan' Lizzie kissed my cheek before rolling over me to get off the bed. We both got wrapped up warm ready to leave to get our Christmas supplies. I had been texted a list by Naomi of things she said we needed to have a flat Christmas, which was handy as she probably knew I was going to not know where to start. 

The afternoon started by going to all of the discount stores getting cheap decoration as they were only going to be up for a couple of days. Lizzie picked out tinsel and an inflatable mini Santa. As we brought the things we needed I would delete the message so I could keep on top of what we needed. A lot of the list was about Christmas dinner which I was going to get closer to the end of the week so all the ingredients would still be fresh. 

I found Naomi a 'grow your own boyfriend' toy in one of the student joke shops. I paired that with a couple of nice things as her secret Santa. Lizzie was impressed with my present buying skills as she hadn't started for Fern yet however she had ideas of what she wanted to get her but just hadn't found it yet. 

Half way through our shopping afternoon, we went to our favourite coffee shop. It was the same coffee shop that we nearly shared a moment before getting interrupted by the balloon company letting us know that they balloons were ready to get picked up for Gerry's Birthday in October. We had come here a lot over the past few months as it did Lizzie's favourite hot chocolate. 

As we entered we followed the same routine as always where Lizzie would go and find a seat and I would wait in the line to order. Almost every time we have come in here Lizzie had managed to get the same seat as the first time, little things like that she does melts my heart. The familiar barista behind the counter gave me a soft smile as she continued to serve the customer ahead of me. Once finished serving the lady in front the familiar face turned to me.

'Lizzie's hot chocolate and what are you going for today?' The barista gave a welcoming smile. 

'What's new?' I asked as I always went for something different unlike Lizzie. 

'We do a Christmas hot chocolate?' She pointed at the sign, I nodded at the suggestion. 

'Is it a muffin day today?' She asked as sometimes we had and other times we don't. 

'You better make it two today, we have had a busy day' I laughed to the lady. She began to prepare our drinks. I looked over at Lizzie who was watching me patiently, I have her a little wink from across the room as I turned back to pay for the drinks. The lady placed them on a tray and I took them over to our table where Lizzie looked excited for her drink. 

'Wow two muffins?! we really are going all out' She joked as normally I just buy one for her and take a little piece of it. 

'What have you gone for?' She asked as I was taking everything off the tray on to the table.

'Well it depends what one you prefer' I slid both cups over to her. Lizzie was a hot chocolate critic at heart, so I let her try both her normal and the new one to see which she enjoyed more before I took which ever she didn't want. 

'Oooo that's really good but the original is better' She pushed the mug back towards me. 

Once finished in true Lizzie tradition she had hot chocolate around her mouth. I reached over as routine and wipe it with my thumb as my hand rests on the side of her face. Another thing that makes my heart melt. She has the same look on her face every time it happens. We share a quick kiss as it was also part of the silent routine, then got out things together. Lizzie held the bags as I took the tray back to the counter for the lady. 

'Have a good Christmas' I said as I placed the tray down and she returned the greeting to us both as we left. 

'Right beautiful' I turned to Lizzie as we left the cafe. 

'I am gonna have to do a few things by myself' I said as I took so of the bags from Lizzie's hands. 

'But you don't have to' She pouted as she tilted my head, I would always give in to this normally, however I managed to resist as I needed to get Lizzie's present. 

'But I do' I pouted back copying her child like actions. 

'Fine but remember outfit for Wednesday night' Lizzie was stern as she knew she wasn't going to get her own way about us splitting apart to do some shopping alone. 

'How dressy do I have to go' I sighed

'Not massively, similar to the jumpsuit you wore on the weekend' She explained and I nodded, My plan was to fine another jumpsuit but in a different colour then. 

'Right then I will see you tonight then' I kissed her cheek and went my own way. 

My shopping went relatively well. It didn't take me long to find a jumpsuit in a similar style to the one I wore the previous weekend but this time in a dark forest green. I knew I had accessories and everything to go with it already so I was sorted with that part. It was then down to my main task of Lizzie's present which I had already planned after speaking to my mum. 

There was a brand of jewellery that specialised in British gold. It had its own shop in the city centre and after looking for ages over the internet me and my mum found the perfect necklace that was made with white gold and had the tiniest bit of rose gold on the heart pendent. It was a simple design however had deep meaning especially as it was made out British gold, which isn't extremely common. Because I knew what that main gift was, all I had to do was go pick it up. 

After finishing off in town I phoned my mum to let her know I was able to get the necklace, when she told me she was on her way to my accommodation with a surprise. Just as I reached my accommodation with all my bags my mum's black car pulled up with her waving excitedly through the window. 

'What are you doing here' I giggled as I walked over to the car where she had put the window down. 

'Oh it's just a quick stop in, I needed to collect paperwork in Manchester' I looked down to see a pile of files in the front seat. We engaged in a quick conversation about London and what else I had been up to, I kept inviting her to come in for a coffee but she kept saying she was only quickly stopping. Even though we were talking for over an hour. 

'Anyway open the boot' My mum said excitedly. I walked around the back of the car and opened the boot door to find two christmas stockings full of little presents. I walked back around to the door with the window up giggling. 

'What are they for' i laughed

'One for you and One for Lizzie, but don't get too excited there's just a few little Christmassy things for you both to open on your fake Christmas morning' She explained, I just gave her a massive smile especially to the fact she had made one for Lizzie.  

'Thanks mum!' I walked to her side of the car to give her a hug through the door. 

'Will you be able to wait here two seconds so I can run these up to my room, then I will come down for the stockings' My mum nodded as I quickly ran to drop everything off in my flat before running back down to her car. 

When I returned to find Lizzie talking to my mum, her arms leaning on the open window. She looked deep in conversation until I got closer to them both and she stood up and away from the window so I could join in the conversation. I grabbed the two sack like bags from the book and placed them by my feet as I continued to talk to my mum and Lizzie by the car. 

'Right, I better be off before Henry wonders where I am' My mum referred to my dad. Me and Lizzie took a step back and waved as she drove off. 

'Mums got you some Christmas bits to open on Saturday' I told Lizzie as I pointed to the sacks on the floor. We took one each and walked up to my room. 


Few fluffy chapters are planned 

sorry not much happens but I just do this to kill time on days I am not rammed with uni work. so not a lot of thought goes into it. 

I hope you are all having a great day

See you in the next chapter 


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