Her Silenced Voice (Ouran Hig...

By colorlesssky9001

57.2K 1.7K 170

Her name is Evelyn Oshiro. She loves to play the guitar and sing. Her loving brother, Ace, supports her fully... More

Her Silenced Voice (OHSHC)
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 2*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 3*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 5*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 6*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 7*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 8*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 9*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 10*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 11*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 12*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 13*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 14*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 15*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 16*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 17*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 18*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 19*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 20*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 21*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 22*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 23*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 24*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 25*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 26*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 27*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 28*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 29*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 30*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 31*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 32*

Her Silenced Voice *ch. 4*

2.5K 87 3
By colorlesssky9001

~Evelyn's POV~

I sighed, stupid depression.

If I wasn't so depressed I would have watched what I wore.

If I watched what I wore, I wouldn't have to be stuck in this mess.

If I wasn't stuck in this mess, I'd be so much more happy. If I was so much more happy I wouldn't be depressed.

"That's it!" I said exhausted. I was to watch what I was going to wear tomorrow. I paused for a moment and realized, I'd be wearing a horrible blue-purple uniform tomorrow.

I mentally stomped all over myself. If I had only....argh! I composed myself and sighed, trying to pull myself together.

I didn't plan this. My brother didn't plan this. Kyoya better did not plan this or I'd kick his ass. No one planed this but the person who tried to shoot me. I pulled my hair back and blew out a lungful of air.

I had to chill; cool down, Ace would be in his coma, he's not dead yet. If he were here, he'd would tell me to chill and enjoy myself, I could depress myself as much as I want when he........

No he won't lose to this, he surely wouldn't just give up. "Do a good job, Ace," I said, not sure if I was talking to me or Ace.


After changing into a pair of black skinny jeans with a black tank top, an oversized graphic t-shirt slumped on one shoulder over it, a pair of black ankle boots which were in my bag, I was literally on the verge of kicking myself.

If I had remwmbered the god forsaken clothes in my bag.....!!!! Ugggghhh!!!

And having the marvelous feeling of yelling at myself came with a sudden realization.

I remembered I didn't have a uniform. The one the Host club gave me was stained, and I needed one for tomorrow.

Slowly I began to dig in my bag to change into my other outfit but I realized I didn't have the time to change back.

Cursing my luck, scratch that.

Cursing depression, I zipped up my bag and left the room.

I obtained many stares from the guys with open mouths.....and a lot of glares from the girls. I finally got to 'Music Room 3'. Knocking slowly, I prayed that my luck didn't shrivel and die yet, hoping someone was there.

I opened the door not bothering for an answer and I came into the room. "Hello, um, I was wondering-"

"Whoa! Ace-chan's sister really does look like a girl!" I heard two voices say in unison. I was suddenly overran by Hikaru and Karou. I was studied as if I was an experiment and I pushed past Hikaru as he said, "You guys look so alike,"

I moved to Kyoya and said, "Hey, before I leave, I need to have a spare uniform with me so I don't have to come dressed as a guy tomorrow,"

He looked up and noticed I had changed. Turning away he said, "I believe we should have a spare...." I sighed and saw Haruhi. "Hey, Haruhi, do you always hang out with these people?"

She nodded, "Sadly, yes, I do," I nodded having nothing else to say, leaving us in awkward silence.

"Here you go," I was handed a uniform in a bag and I put it in my bag/book bag. "Thanks, so, I'll be leaving now, again," I said, my chest being weighed down by something. Looking back up I said, in a much more cheerful sounding voice,

"Well, can't wait until tomorrow now can I?" I smiled and said, "I'll be going now, Kyoya, if you need me, I'll be seeing Ace,"

When I opened the door a couple boys fell out and I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

Being in the false happiness mood, sort of helped. "Um," I heard Karou say questionably, "Why are these guys here?" Hikaru finished.

"Well," I said, in a much better mood than just 10 seconds ago, "I'll be going now, try not to fall through any thing else now," I could see their faces grow crimson before I left.


I went to Ace's bedside only to see that Jake and Kai had beaten me to it. "How was school?" Kai asked, his heart not into it, weighed down by an invisible force like my own.

"I was forced in a host club," I said, not really bothering to explain. "Hmm, remarkable, anything else?" Jake asked looking distastefully at the needles in Ace's wrists.

"I'm suppose to act like a boy," I said going by the bed and taking Ace's hand in mine. "Well, I'm glad you made friends," Kai said, half asleep.

After a moments pause I said, "How did Ace act around you?" suddenly as if I had said something wrong they all sat up as if realizing my presence.

"They forced you into what?!" Kai said. Jake had his hands on the handle of the bed, "Dress like a boy?" He said through gritted teeth.

I sat in a chair and said, "I asked a question guys," Kai stood up and said, "So did we. Who forced you into a host club?" I gestured for him to calm down and sit back down, "It's fine, they used the opportunity as wisely as Ace would,"

Jake though, didn't seem as appeased with the answer as Kai so he said, "Making you dress as a guy!" I shook my head, "I'm suppose to work as a host so I can pay off Ace's medical bills so he wouldn't have to pay for anything when he comes out.

They both looked at each other and exchanged glances. "We'll just use the band money," Jake said. I shook my head, "It's fine, I want to get to know them, being in the same host club with them won't hurt,"

"At least be a hostess!" Jake said.

"Jake!" Kai and I both exclaimed at the same time.

"What?!" he said, defiant on defending himself, "If your forced to be a host at least make her your hostess,"

"Jake!" we both say again. He puts his hands up in mock defeat, "Hey, this is Evelyn we're talking about, she could make dudes swoon and line up if she wanted,"

I scoff and said, "How come the two of you aren't begging at my feet?"

Smiling, he came over and put me in a headlock, rubbing his knuckles against my head, "because, we grew up with you,"

I bit his arm and he said, "Hey! No cannibalism in the hospital!"

I giggled and sighed, "I'm not going to bring it up, you can just go there yourself and ask for me to be a hostess, see how hard it is,"

"Just don't hurt yourself," Kai said, coming over and kissing the top of my head.


"Ace-chan!!!" I heard Hunny call out. I was tackled in a hug and I laughed, "Nice to see you too Hunny-senpai,"

Mori moved him off of me and I went to my seat, yawning, "Didn't get any sleep at all!"

I groaned as I reclined on the chair. Closing my eyes I said, "Haruhi, I wonder, what time do you usually get up to come to this wretched school,"

I heard her laugh somewhere in the room and she said, "Oh so you don't like this school either,"

I sighed and said, "Not that I don't like it but the fact that we have an actual host club,"

"Mother! Ace is making mean comments about my school! Make her stop!" I smiled and sat up, "Who's the mom?"

I saw a finger pointed at Kyoya and I started laughing, "Of course," I said, "Of course,"

Sitting back down I said, "I'm bored what do I do?"


Giggles were heard and I turned around, "Wha-" I realized, I was surrounded by girls. "Aw, hush hush! I think he heard us!" I heard someone say.

I realized Kyoya only made me carry boxes for the girls.

"Kyoya!" I said surprised. "Aw!" some girls said, "Don't be angry! We asked Kyoya to keep you working!" I looked back at them with amusement on my face, "Well, I just didn't want to be of bad manners to the ladies," I said.

"You look so adorable when your so in thought," another girl said. I laughed and said, "Well, I'm sure your face is a lot more adorable than mine when I'm thinking," she blushed and I said,

"well, I wonder, my little sister's birthday is coming up and I'd love to get her a gift but I don't know what she likes so...I was wondering..."

They all swooned and all of them volunteered to help me find 'Evelyn' a birthday present.

By the end of the session I had many girls I found as amazingly awesome.

Some thought about a new guitar, some thought about taking her on a vacation to the beach, one of them was a villa but they don't know that we're not that rich.

I became good friends with some of them and some of them, I just loved. Guess they aren't all bad. "How was your day?" the twins asked.

I was left with a smile on my face as I said, "I had fun, the girls aren't that bad to mingle with,"

I noticed Souh in the corner that was shadowed obviously he looked unhappy. "What's wrong with him?" I asked.

Haruhi came by next to me and said, "It's nothing, you'll see it once in a while, he'll get over whatever is wrong with him,"

I lightly laughed and said, "I guess he will," Mori and Hunny came around, Hunny on Mori's shoulder.

"Don't worry Evie-chan, Tamaki's just upset you took some of his girls," Hunny said reassuringly.

"It's nothing big, don't worry, it was a first thing, they'll realize I'm not their type and it'll lessen," I said.

"It's no fair! She's Ace's sister! I have someone else to compete with now?!" I heard Souh complain behind me.

I turned around and said, "Wait, so you competed with my brother?" he stood up and said, "Not just me!"

I tilted my head, not understanding him until my eyes trailed to Kyoya...

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms, "Care to explain?"

When neither of them answered, Hunny spoke up, "Its known widely around the school!" I looked over my shoulder back to him. "What?" I said, stunned.

"Souh's family is a big part of the school so when Tamaki-chan competes, it's a big deal," he explained.

"but what are they competing for exactly, is what I'm asking?" I asked.

"They both have the same looks, the same grades but what they like to compete against is popularity," The twins chimed in unison.

"What about Kyoya," I said fully turned around to look at them.

"Two men, both alike in business," the twins said again in harmony.

"You see," Haruhi said, "Both your brother and Kyoya were the top students who were good in business, so it was a great surprise when we found out Ace had no founding company and only a scholarship student,"

I nodded and looked at Tamaki who sat in his dark corner again at the mention of the competition. Lightly laughing I opened my mouth to say something.

Suddenly the doors to the third music room opened and Jake and Kai came walking in as if they owned the place.

The picture was just so absurd I started laughing all together. "There you are!" I heard Kai say.

I shrieked in the middle of my laughter as Jake picked me up and hugged me.

"Hey, what are you so happy about?!" I asked, cooling down from my laughter.

Jake smiled and said, "I'm here to fulfill the promise I gave you yesterday!"

"Promise....." I pondered for a silent moment. Hostess.

"You didn't promise!" I said frantically. "Who's in charge around here?" Jake said, not putting me down, "I'm prepared to offer you a hostess!"

I looked at the host club and said, "Don't listen to him!"

"Hostess?" Kyoya said, actually thinking about it, "Don't listen to him, it's foolish!"

"Yes, I demand that you make her a-" I covered Jake's mouth. "Kai, help me from his grip,"

Smiling, Kai stuck to the spot he was in, amused at my actions, "it would be nice to see you as a hostess instead of a host, just pains my head to see you dresses as on of the male specimen,"

"Stop talking like a know it all," I said.

"Alright, we'll try it out," Kyoya said.

I punched Jake in the shoulder and he let me down with a groan. "Ow, what was that for?!" he asked.

I scoffed as I brushed my hands off together and said, "What was that for?! It was for not telling me you weren't joking,"

"Who are they? By any chance, do you know?" I heard Hikaru ask. I turned around to see everyone looking at me.

"I'm sorry, they're my friends, the people who work with me in my band," I pointed at Jake and he said, "Hello, Jake McCarthy, I play the bass,"

Then to Kai, "Hi, Kai Serino, the piano and drums," he lifted up his hands.

"So your thinking about making Evelyn a hostess," Kyoya said.

Kai walked up behind me and pulled my hair out from underneath my uniform and he said, "Just look at our beauty, a wise man once said that she could have dudes swoon and line up,"

I moved away, my soft hair fly out of his hands and tumble down my shoulders and back. "That 'side's man you're talking about is the failure next to you," I laughed out.

"What?!" Jake said, "I have not failed once in my life!" mock denying everything. I folded my arms and said, "Look, he can't even fabricate a believable lie to the extent a child couldn't see through,"

"Whoa, using big words now," Jake said copying my movements and I laughed again along with Kai. "I see what you mean,"

Hearing someone clear their throat, we all turned and saw Kyoya looking on his computer and he said,

"I agree having a hostess would most likely double our income so I'll allow Evelyn to become a hostess,"

"What?!" I said as Kai and Jake started cheering behind me. I looked at Haruhi and said, "But Haruhi can become a hostess with me right?"

Kyoya pushed up hos glasses and said, "Its far too late for her to change into a hostess, besides-"

"If Haruhi becomes a Hostess Daddy's little girl will be taken from him!!!" Tamaki said, and true enough, he was revived from his emo state of sadness.

"Daddy?" I heard Kai whisper to Jake.

"I don't know... maybe there's something going on..." Jake whispered back.

"Souh just likes to be called Haruhi's daddy, don't read into it," I said. They both nodded in unison getting that this group wasn't normal.

"Well..." I said, desperate for anything else I could grab onto, a loophole. "I'm not wearing a uniform then," I said thinking of something else.

"Great then case closed, your a hostess," Souh said.


"Evie-chan," I heard as Hunny jumped on me. I giggled and flipped him on a chair and said, "Yes, Hunny-Senpai?"

"How come you don't act like that around us?" he asked.

"Like what?" I said as I looked around, realizing everyone was listening for the answer.

"Like when your around Jake-chan and Kai-chan?" He asked.

I looked around and realized they really wanted to know, "Its because I'm really good friends with them, Hunny, we're always there for each other while you all are here for benefit,"

"And how would you know?" Kyoya said as he came from behind me.

Standing upright, I said, "Well you see I don't think Haruhi's here because she wants to,"

She smiled and said, "Thank you," and I continued,

"I also doubt that anyone here is making actual money since of course a host club must get money. They must've joined at a price so that they are at their own personal advantages,"

"Very observant, Miss Evelyn," Kyoya said, sounding a bit bitter.

Still miffed that I would be serving as a hostess today I said, "Oh, it was nothing, only the basics in doing business," and turned around, leaving him at that.

Today, since I didn't bother to wear uniform, I wore a pair of dark wash straight jeans with a golden high-lo shirt and a pair of black ankle boots.

"I love your outfit Evelyn," Karou said. I smiled and said, "Thank you Karou, I didn't know what to wear today so I chose this out for my first day as a hostess,"

He was silent for a moment and I looked up. Too silent.

"Something wrong?" I asked, concerned. Shaking his head he said, "Oh, no just that you knew I was-"

"Hikaru!" We both heard. We both turned around and saw Hikaru running towards us and I creased my eyebrows. Pointing a finger I said, "Um...you are Karou right?"

He looked defiant now with his brother. "I know what we can do now!" they both said. I looked between them and said, "Tells again, truthfully, which one is Karou and which one is Hikaru,"

I was confident I knew which one was Hikaru and which one was Karou but I wanted to see if they'd lie,"

"I'm Karou," said Hikaru and Karou said, " and I'm Hikaru!"

I chuckled and said, "Okay, if you say so..." I left them knowing I wasn't tricked.

"Get in your spots the girls are coming!"I heard. They all came in and some said, "Where's Ace today?" clearly disappointed.

"Ladies!" Tamaki said, "There's always me!"

Kyoya came around and said, "Ace has been sent away for some time, he won't be back for quite some while,"

Someone cleared their throat and I turned around to see a 3rd year. "Hello," I said.

"Hello," he said timidly, "I'm your next customer,"

I smiled and said, "Actually sir, your my first, care to sit?"


By the time three hours passed, I was already tired. I had 6 special requirements and 12 new customers.

When I got up I noticed them shooing girls out and I said, "Hey, what are you doing that for? Isn't this a host club? I don't think they like to be kicked out,"

"They wanted to pay off your debt," Kyoya said.

I smiled and said, "That's nice but do they know it continues until Ace wakes up?"

"Exactly," Hunny said as he hopped over to me.

"How much did I make?" I asked.

"About as much as Tamaki makes on a daily average," Kyoya said in distaste.

I nodded and said, "Why do you always compare me to Tamaki?"

"My apologies, it's out of habit," he said.

Say no more I understood what he meant, he was used to comparing Ace to Tamaki...it just happens out of nature.

I looked out the window and said, "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Tamaki's thinking about a pirate themed host club tomorrow,"

Creasing my eyebrows together I said, "pirate themed?"

He nodded, "yes, it will take some funding but he is the one to decide the themes,"

"If you come early you can help Hunny set up and make the room look like a ship!" Hunny said, speaking in third person.

I smiled and said, "pirate themed, huh? What can go wrong?"

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